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Thread: Wdytoe 2018

  1. #201
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    I was surprised people even did lists then even more surprised that 4 of you did them and only one fucking person included me.

  2. #202
    Isn't he banned? Baz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruhnaldo View Post
    I was surprised people even did lists then even more surprised that 4 of you did them and only one fucking person included me.
    Why don’t you do one?
    I'm a twit

  3. #203
    I used to be funny.
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    Bruh comes back in, posts in four threads and moans about being forgotten. Tart. There's your fucking write-up.

  4. #204
    Bookie Sir Andy Mahowry's Avatar
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    He'll disappear in a couple of days in a cloud of seethe too.

  5. #205
    Isn't he banned? Baz's Avatar
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    AD » Now goes by AyDee since somehow locking himself out of the original account because he's a numpty. Seems to have a bit of a rollercoaster life and sadly mainly posts about the tough stuff. Hopefully he'll continue to let TTH hold his hand when needed, while posting more about the more positive things going on. I think he's been loads less active since finishing uni and, you know, actually doing stuff. How dare he.
    Adamski » Getting more and more prominent lately, or at least I'm noticing him more, which is a good thing no matter who you're saying it about. More posts and more threads is always welcomed right? I admit to knowing very little about Adamski though, beyond being Scottish and being able to presume his real name. I don't even know who he supports, which is very rare! Soz mate, I'll pay more attention for the next one.
    AE » Real estate high flyer, according to his twitter. I think he'd rather be a professional footballer, but at least he's found success. Will be forever remember on TTH.
    Alan Shearer The 2nd » Posts about cars a lot, and I do read the driving thread because when I bought my first non-company car I got way into looking at cars, but he's a proper Mike Brewer when it comes to them. Although he does seem to like massive old-man cars. He does post occasionally in other threads too, which is good but he should do it more.
    Alex » Has been my favourite poster for a long time, and I always say that when I do a list. Has excellent taste and knowledge of music and TV and if the unimaginable ever happened and we got new members, they could do a lot worse than shadowing him. I do wish Alex would post more though.
    Amigo » Definitely lurks all the time because as soon as something relevant crops up, he arrives, drops the mic and leaves. An Icelandic koala.
    Andy » I feel like I see him more on Instagram than TTH at the moment but it's nice to see he's doing well with himself. The new Southampton manager seems promising so hopefully with that his enthusiasm for football replenishes and he can be a bit more present on the forum.
    Baz » A bit of a knob with the affiliate links but thankfully they've died down a bit now. I'm glad he changed his avatar because it was hard to browse the forum without getting a semi everytime I saw his old one, plus the new one is a welcome-return of a classic.
    Bamster » Did @Bamster asked not to be included or something? Wasn't on the list. You can't get away with it that easy, pal. I absolutely bloody love Bam. He's never really changed - tough nut cockney scaffolder who takes no prisoners. He's like a really hardened version of Jack off Love Island. No doubt he's already aware of this.
    Bernanke » Really good poster; just a shame he doesn't do it more. Should definitely post more in the hip-hop thread because his taste is undeniably the best on the board. Also on another forum I read but I got banned, surprise surprise.
    Boom-Boom-18 » Aww c'mon now why isn't @Boom-Boom-18 on the list? I've added him and I hope in future he's on the proper list. He's been around longer than Waff has been wanking. If you read this, please finally answer why once upon a time you thought it was a good idea to wear two pairs of jeans at the same time when you went on a date? Posts mostly in the Excel thread asking for help (nowt wrong with that) but I reckon he reads other threads too.
    Bob Sacamano » Is this jacky? If so, should post more.
    Boydy » Appears to be feeling better nowadays than he has in the past and it's nice to see. Still not totally happy but nobody is, are they? Finally doing something he doesn't hate and seems to be working his ways towards doing something he feels is both worthwhile and in line with his abilities, which is definitely admirable. Keep at it, Boyd, you'll find happiness somewhere.
    Browning » I don't really recall him posting outside of the Pokemon and Fantasy NFL threads, but when he finds a niche he's into, he gets way into it. Not sure if his brother ever had an account, but gets mentioned a lot in the Pokemon thread. Also, I'm very grateful he doesn't call me out on being terrible at Fantasy NFL, or not having a clue about NFL in general, really.
    bruhnaldo » Top dog. Not sure what's happened re following him on Twitter (he's either stopped tweeting, blocked me, or made a new account and not told me) so I do miss looking into the window of random goings-on in his life, usually involving watching Orlando City live. I like him a lot though. I feel like we share quite a lot of the same views, what with the world being a disaster but we just get on with our lives like this is fine and survive another day. We both maintain a facade that we love life and are welcoming and friendly and don't want to set you on fire.
    Byron » Posts more regularly than he used to, I think, but I still don't know much about him other than he supports West Ham and seems relatively successful in whatever his career is. Happy enough though, and good to have around.
    Charlie » Shut up, Charlie! Show some respect, get down on one knee, she flew on a jet and came overseas! Oh, she's a spy, she's burning my eyes; look up to the sky! It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a « this is what goes through my head everytime I think of the name Charlie. My mate's kid is called Charlie so I hear his name quite a lot. My brain hates me.
    Chrissy » Fat crybaby who isn't missed. Was never ever funny during his time posting so no idea what he's thinking (drinking?) to decide to become a comedian. Probably gets more laughs when he gets laughed at.
    CJay » Sincere recently disclosed that Cjay (the way he spells his username is atrocious btw) possibly lives in a castle with a moat! Although going by the rest of his list, this is more than likely completely false. Cool if true though. He's in Ireland though, right? So it's not like anyone could ever find it anyway. Liverpool fan, so top lad regardless. I feel bad I didn't @ him in the New Invincibles thread now though, thought I got us all.
    Clunge » Funny username will always be funny. Used to be a bit of a big dog in the FM scene, I think. Still about and pops up now and then with a few posts, which makes me think he's more of a lurker, but it's good he's still here.
    Cord » Does he still post? For a spell it seemed like he was exclusively in the Gamezine folder, and then he was discussed as if people were still in touch with him, but he never posted, and I never saw him in the Discord. Maybe there's a less-publicised spinoff WhatsApp group that him, Ian, Disco and Samadini set up to discuss Vermintide. The bastards.
    Dan » I only ever see him in the Fantasy NFL thread but he puts a lot of effort in there. Would be a good candidate to run a Werewolf game, on that basis alone. Like Browning, I'm glad he doesn't make me feel excluded for not really knowing about NFL and generally being quite bad at all aspects of the game.
    Danny » Top guy, really. I think he took himself off to America to play soccer and has done relatively well out of it. If this isn't the case, I've always assumed this is what happened. Good poster and seems to post quite frequently without ever offending anyone or causing any kind of problem. A welcome piece of the furniture.
    Dark Soldier » Seems to be posting less and less but the other day he posted saying how well his real life is going, so I guess it's only good that that is taking priority at the moment. Selfishly I hope he can find a bit more of a balance because he has always been a valued poster. Hope your auld fella's alright, mate.
    Davgooner » I thought he'd "left" and @'d him in vain a few weeks back but lo and behold he returned, albeit to say very little. At least he still visits, although I wish he'd get back to posting. Especially now Wenger's gone and all his wishes seemed to be coming true. We need more Arsenal opinion beyond phonics' blinkered views.
    Demerit » Never really knew much about him so was surprised when niko_cee asked him to PM him if he's still about, as if to arrange and informal lager or something. I used to get him mixed up with Byron but now I know this is the Norwich fan who sells houses, right? I've a mate who does that and he's always on Homes Under The Hammer. Presumably Demerit is Dion Dublin (it all checks out) and since scoring the full-time presenting gig, he's too busy for TTH.
    dino » I don't understand how his career (and life) revolves so much around gambling, yet he claims last year he didn't make a profit. What are you doing?! Seems good though and always answers people when they query his bizarre antics, and whether the Latvian U11 girls team are a good bet for the cup. I do like him a lot.
    Disco » Seems like a proper nice guy most of the time and has shown to be very generous, which makes it all the more funny when he comes out with a completely scathing remark somewhat out of the blue. I bet he can be well bitchy in real life, while maintaining a false sense of a laidback demeanour. Seems to always be around too, which is definitely a positive.
    Dquincy » Is he still around? Feel like I've not seen him for ages. Hopefully he hasn't been bullied off the board because he was harmless enough and good light relief from some of the more mundane stuff in life. A longstanding member too, who is often overlooked when people list who has been here since the old old board.
    elth » Surprisingly still around. I wonder if he thinks about some of the oldboys from the original A Thread (Spoiler: Ten songs etc.) like Rage, Challenger, @nukem and Fuzzy etc, because I do. That's what I primarily associate with elth. I try to overlook the fact that he's a United fan, because otherwise I really like him. FWIW I have genuine concerns that Challenger is dead because he plays an online football management game called Football Glory and has the most manager points out of everyone who has a team (I'm 110th) but hasn't logged in since January 1st 2018. I know most people connect Challenger with those strange bear pics but I really hope he's okay.
    five time » Presumably still knocks about in the wrestling thread but I only read it when someone dies or Kenny Omega has another six star match, so I never get to see him.
    Foe » He would undoubtedly be up for introducing a Scottish neighbour in Doing Stuff A Bit, should the chance ever arise for a third episode to be commissioned. There could be a hilarious accent-related misunderstanding between Gay Chavara, Asbo and Angus McCoatup that is quickly resolved through the use of modern technology and, eventually, dismissal of said misunderstanding while the two handsome stars go back to their everyday business of watching QVC and looking out the window. We'd definitely win that BAFTA and Pavel would top himself on Facebook live. Foe is awesome.
    Giggles » I feel like he really really doesn't want to be liked, or even noticed, but you can't help but like Giggles. He doesn't even try to be entertaining or humorous but I just think nowadays, such accurate social commentary, no matter how negative it may look out of context, is just really well-received. I guess this description makes him sound like a cross between GG Allin and Peter Kay; two things I'm 100% sure he will absolutely loathe, which just makes it even better. I've never any idea what the beers he posts about are, either. Ireland seems like a different world. Not worth going to explore it either, since Giggles will never be up for a meet.
    Gray Fox » I like him. Sometimes I get confused and persuade myself GS has made an alt and locked himself out of any threads that mention politics, so is sworn to posting only about football, but then I remember a) he was on the old board and b) doesn't live that far away from me. Well, unless it's all a clever, long-standing ruse. Good contributor, anyway.
    GS » Should deffo come back.
    Hammer » I still think it's ridiculous that he got a permanent ban. So what if he bumped old threads? I do agree it's good to have some rules in place but it's not like he set out to ruin the forum and everyones experience of it. His "offences" were literally harmless. Was an interesting guy too; definitely missed on here.
    Henry » An absolute loser.
    hfswjyr » Will never get a comment that doesn't elude to his terrible username but he's probably used to that. Good poster though and another one who has been around for longer than you realise, I think. Another one who I know very, very little about though, unfortunately. I couldn't even tell you where he's from or what he's into. Sorry. Oh he is an absolute wizard on Excel though and I really can't thank him enough for the help he's offered me in the past.
    Ian » Definitely a powerhouse on here nowadays. Very few others could have his voice and post those gameplay videos and completely escape any kind of ridicule whatsoever. I think if I overheard him in a pub or somewhere I'd judge him as a posh tart, but that says more about me being a knob than him being any kind of problem. Good poster in the beer thread, which will always score you big points with me, and overall a sound and interesting person. Plus I dreamed about him, which was all kinds of bizarre.
    igor_balis » Hard to beat, really, both in terms of posting style and content. Unashamedly posts loads about his real life on here and bears the brunt of the backlash with a knowing smile. Seems more than happy to meet up with anyone and everyone off the forum and it's only a matter of time before we do, I reckon. Honestly I think he's great and would be very sad if he stopped posting, or even stopped being so open.
    ItalAussie » I do like him. Just seems like a really pleasant and harmless person. Being the entry after igor it strikes me that Ital honestly shares very little about personal life, but s/he's been around so long that everyone just knows how it is and is just happy to have him(?) around.
    Jeet » Shame he's not around because he'd kill it in the Trivia thread, although he'd probably cheat, and would breathe some life into the Betting thread. I never had a problem with him.
    Jimmy Floyd » A great poster. There's not a cat in hells chance that we'd be friends in rl but I do enjoy reading his thoughts and insights on everything on here. Was worried when he cut ties with the Koreans that his screentime would be reduced but thankfully that's not been the case. Recently broke the news that he's gay in the strangest way possible, but I dunno maybe he thought that was the best way for him to do whatever he needed to. That's whatever, I couldn't care less, I just think he's a bit of an entitled southerner, hence why we wouldn't be mates. Probably drinks bottles of lager and wears Oakley sunglasses indoors, has a dog and forces everyone to acknowledge it's name, when he went to the adventure weekend with school in year six he always insisted on having the bottom bunk as though that's the one he really wanted rather than worry about being bullied out of top bunk. Goes to games though, nice one.
    John » Ehh I don't really know what I think of John. He's an absolute disaster to have around when he wants to be but usually he just glides around in the background. I do find it very strange that he seems to have a view on absolutely everything (except what John Arne's into, see the next entry) and is more than happy to jump in and correct the most minute of detail if someone elses opinion isn't in-line with his, yet I feel like we know absolutely nothing about John. Sure he lives in Scotland and, er, and that's it. I know a little about his family, and his name of course, but what does he like? Presumably his breadth of knowledge (or instantly scouting imdb/wikipedia) is limited to some extent, whereas he must have some real solid interests/hobbies? I think he likes dance music? I'm stumped on the job front though, or what he does all day. I feel like he owes TTH more personal details in order to excuse his outlandishly rude behaviour sometimes. At least he's not the worse Scotsman we've had though; that crown belongs to Chief Skanks, yuck.
    John Arne » Understated, I'd say. His sporting interests are often too obscure for the rest of us to latch onto. Infact, his thread history is quite a good read if you've honestly nothing better to do. I'll pick out the highlights for you, in a top 5 format:
    5. Where Are They Now? was a thread he seemed to put a lot of effort in, detailing the career and apparent demise of Matt Derbyshire. The idea was others would think about players they hadn't thought about for a while and look into where they were now. Number of replies: 5
    4. Lesser-know(sic)-Football-laws was another one with a decent amount of effort (well, he embedded a video) about Karius kicking the ball into his own net an a corner being awarded, hoping to prompt the discussion of, you've guessed it, lesser known football laws. Number of replies: 3
    3. Name That Show was a thread used solely to raise a question after John Arne had simply forgotten the name of the BBC satire show, The Revolution Will Be Televised. He could have just asked in the TV thread but instead chose to make this thread. Number of replies: 3
    2. Platini admits World Cup 1998 draw was fixed was never going to be a hit when his opening line was Quelle fucking surprise. No surpise indeed, so was a thread necessary? TTH didn't think so. Number of replies: 1
    And in at number 1. Lion Air (Indonesia) Plane Crash was a clearly of no interest to anyone else on the forum; literally zero interest. Number of replies: 0
    I do really like him, and hope he continues to make threads because honestly I find it interesting, especially reading about the weird stuff he cares about since living in Vietnam.
    Kikó » I never used to have a problem with Daws but lately he seems to have had a bee in his bonnet about most things and often slips into playground namecalling wars with anyone who approaches him in a way he's not happy about. Maybe being a manc was better for his wellbeing, than being a londoner? Or maybe it's cos his football team have been shite for a good while now. (God bless José - they even have matching accents on their names). Presumably it is that so if Olé (lol) does okay he'll go back to being an inoffensive yet regular poster. At the moment, I'm really not keen. Oh plus he called me a dickhead for literally no reason, although I can't link to the post because of work internet restrictions.
    Lee » Tried to go out in a blaze of glory with that sad "Real WDYTOE" thread, which fell flat on its arse and then sauntered off to WhatsApp to discuss the perks of being ginger with ginner and Rhods. It's a shame because he was a really good poster, which was impressive considering the sheer volume of content he provided, and the forum would be better if he was back and posting. Nevermind though, eh? We've been without him for over a year now and onwards we fight.
    Lewis » What can be said about Lewis that hasn't already been said? His tagline says it all, won the old board. Winning the new board too, no doubt. People seemed to get their backs up recently when he told Jimmy off for being a poof about announcing his gayness, but it was just typical Lewis. It was as if those reacting had only just met him or something. Wasn't quite sure about that rant about Arabs, but only cos I don't know enough about what's been going on, I think. It's impossible to dislike Lewis, because he says it how it is; you don't have to worry about him slinking off to WhatsApp to lol at you - if he thinks you're a berk, he'll let you know. Thankfully that means he doesn't mind me, because he's always been sound.
    Luke Emia » I was surprised to see he's still about. Very strange he carried over that username though, considering it was given to him as a John-esque prank (although I think it was DM's doing?) and for some reason he's stuck with it. He's alright though. Not a clue where he's from, but he's a red, right? Used to think he was a Villa fan cos one of the other names he was given was Luke Moore. Oh DM you joker.
    Magic » The rise and fall has been quite spectacular, and completely expected, yet you can't help but subscribe. I used to think he was horrible and deserved the inevitable sadness but now it's happened you can't help but feel bad for him. He's posted some horrific stuff in the past, either in terms of ruthless imagery about his wife or random women he's spotted while out and about, and it always provoked a good laugh. Hopefully he doesn't let the tough period he's going through affect his sick sense of humour, and bounces back from this with a spate of grotesque sexual encounters, the type of which Hammer could only dream of. More likely that he'll mill about on his own, get his head down at work and live for the weekends with his daughter though - let's band together and encourage him to bury his pointy Scottish face in as much swollen sweaty fanny he can before his wife tries to rekindle their relationship. You can do it!
    Sir Andy Mahowry » Has been very funny lately. The other day when he called Magic for having a Beadle hand was outstanding. He's a bit like John, where he has an interest in practically everything, but he's far less of a knob about it. Has definitely grown on me other the years, and the board wouldn't be the same without him nowadays.
    Manc » Seems to dip in and out but when he's in, he sticks around for a while and posts a lot. Like he said, we'd probably get on in real life. Dunno who he was on the old board though?
    Mazuuurk » Swede with a good sense of humour. Comes across as quite immature sometimes but it seems to be to make a joke, rather than actually being so. I've never had a problem with him.
    Mellberg » Glad he's still around. Has shared a lot on here, and always seems open to go into details. Has made good posts about his job in the past too, which is always an interesting read. I can't imagine anyone believing it if on the old old board Wedge had logged in from the future and told the likes of Mellin and Kiko where they'd end up in 2019. Crazy. Glad he's doing well though.
    The Merse » Really good contributer; just a shame he doesn't do it more. Used to post a lot but I worry he got lolled off the board a bit after his posts about clothes and tattoos, but I'm sure that didn't actually happen because he seems quite thick skinned - he's Scottish for crying out loud. Hopefully he gets back to posting more frequently, rather than just popping up in the Trivia thread towards the end of one and knowning Gunnar Nielsen's favourite Bond film.
    Mert » Come back @Mert you scumfuc. I'd love to know what he's been upto.
    Mike » Mike is my brother and/or lover. He only really posts when he's watching Liverpool, or about whatever game he's decided to play fifteen minutes of now. Nobody seems to hate him though, so he's doing something right. He did rate Coors Light as a 5.0 (out of 5) on my Untappd app though so the likes of Giggles, Ian, Queenslander, niko_cee & Raoul Duke etc should all rethink their opinions.
    mikem » Haha the username you wanted was already taken, ner ner. Posts about American politics and only about American politics, as far as I'm aware. What would be really good would be if it turned out he still read every thread despite not contributing so did have good knowledge of everyone and then posted a list completely by surprise and absolutely nailed everyone.
    mo » I was a bit offended a few years ago when I went to Salisbury and he was worried I was too close to him, but I'm just about getting over it now. He posts mostly in the jobs thread and it seems like he's doing good at being a teacher, but I do wish he contributed more elsewhere.
    mokbull » Just seems like a nice lad. We interact a fair bit on Snapchat and his life seems fun, although I don't think I'd like all that travelling personally. Has received some stick on here in the past, often unwarranted, but that seems to have calmed down now and everyone seems to get on with him, and even appreciate him. Proper top tier member, in my opinion.
    niko_cee » I asked him to do a list and lo and behold a list was done. You're all welcome, repay me by PMing me next time you're thinking of buying something off I like niko. He's been around forever and has always been fairly prominent with it too. We have a few shared interests, which always helps, but you could probably say that about everyone otherwise we wouldn't all be here. I still don't know if he's from Brighton, lives in Brighton, from New Zealand or lives in New Zealand, I don't know. Probably keeping it that way on purpose so that Smiffy doesn't accuse him of anything. But yeah, very matter of fact, no-nonsense, nice guy. Similar to wullie and Disco, in my head.
    Offshore Toon » Has always been a good laugh, hopefully still the same despite spending less and less time here. Recently shared some stuff in the Rate Your Year thread, which was hopefully a sign of things to come in terms of more frequent contributions.
    Panda Bear » We have zero in common and the more he posts, the more he seems to purposely try and distance himself from the rest of the board. Strange one, because he used to be quite highly regarded, as far as I'm aware, but now he's just that annoying narrow-minded foreigner we all try to ignore.
    Pen » I feel bad cos it seems like everyone knows quite a bit about Pen and get on really well with him, but I don't know very much at all. I did PM him last Christmas though and was surprised by how helpful he was, and he does seem like a really nice guy. Please for the love of god (and my sanity) change your avatar to this though.
    Pepe » Really amuses me. Seems to have come away from the occasionally funny/worthless one-liner posts and now actually contributes really well. Seems to be smashing his profession which is always good to see. Carry on doing what your doing.
    phonics » A bit of an oddball sometimes and we really don't have many overlapping interests but weirdly I think we would get on. Obviously respected for saving the day when the old board was about to bite the dust, but beyond that he just seems like an open and genuine dude. Posts the bad stuff as well as the good, which is refreshing albeit a little bit jarring that one minute he's a layabout stoner posing as an Earthworm Jim stunt-double and next minute he's flouncing about a Swiss mansion in a smoking jacket and white moon boots. Obviously making the right moves in life, so good on him.
    Pleb » Proper lovely fella. I only really see him in the Fantasy NFL thread (seems to be the case with quite a few of you scamps) but wthe odd time he pops up elsewhere it's usually quite funny. Fought hard to keep the Discord alive but alas it seemed in peril from the off, sadly.
    P_3 » I hope he still visits. I don't recall seeing him for a while. I'll forever know him for being absolutely amazing at multiple versions of FM.
    Queenslander » Easily the best Australian on the planet. Enjoys drinking beer, watching wrestling and playing Pokemon Go; presumably all at the same time. What a man.
    randomlegend » A certain term seems to have rose to prominence in the media quite recently and whenever I hear it, I think of randomlegend. Snowflake. I don't mean to be cruel or dismissive, but he just seems a bit soft, that's all. Has done well to actually qualify as a doctor or whatever it is he's doing, but I can't see him sticking with it. Plus if you ever glance through threads at usernames you might think blimey randomlegend is possibly the least apt name going, what a soft arse - just remember he plays games as Migraine, because he gets lots of headaches. Poor boy. Oh, just remember he plays League almost on a pro level - that's pretty cool. I take it all back.
    Raoul Duke » Can be a bit airy fairy, johnny loadsa money sometimes but usually he's alright. Although saying that I remember aaaages ago he saw a photo of me and commented he had the same £8 ASOS t-shirt, so maybe it’s all a front. Or maybe this was about eight years ago, before he got loaded? He is good most of the time.
    Reg » I'm glad he's still around. Needs to pull his socks up and make some football threads though. I can't be doing with having a months worth of fixtures in one thread.
    Samadini » Posts less and less and it makes me sad. When he posts about his personal life it's really funny, or at least very entertaining. Probably grown up in a sense now and has a normal life and actual furniture and everything. Hopefully he'll make a resurgence in 2019 and become a board behemoth, posting all over the place about everything. Although even then he probably wouldn't even read John Arne's threads.
    ScousePig » I feel like I've not seen him post in ages. Either I'm overlooking them completely or he's gone.
    Serj » I didn't think he was still around but I noticed he voted in a poll the other day so definitely is. Must lurk more than he posts. Post more! He's the Austrian guy right? Yeah, he should definitely post more. Tell us about your life or something.
    Shindig » Just seems to amble through life a bit, and has done for a good number of years, but has never seemed particularly down about it. Things seem quite good with his Playstation website, even if its not hit the big time like he probably hoped it would. Still good on here, although not as funny as he used to be, sadly. Hopefully that's no part to feeling down, and just more something on my part. He's been here forever, man, we've gotta look out for him.
    SincereTheRebel » I properly love him. He's such an interesting character and I reckon he'd crack me up laughing in real life. The thread about someone spotting him in a bar and leaving a note saying TTH was outstanding. The only downside being the culprit was never outed so it'll perhaps forever be a mystery. I love his commitment to the Trivia thread though, which makes me think his job is super cushy. Met Taz once too so hopefully it's only a matter of time before igor's sleeping on his settee.
    Smiffy » I have a lot of time for Smiffy, or @Smjffy or whatever account is current. Has been annoyingly vague in the past regarding certain things but clearly intentionally because he was quite sensitive about whatever [he thought] was happening. I feel like I've known him for ages though, like a mate you've seen go off the rails and then steady themselves, then go off again, and you never quite know where they're at. Not that I've got any mates like that, my friends are all shining examples and a glowing beacon in the community, and I wish I could see more of them but they're usually busy at weekends volunteering in homeless shelters or performing emergency surgery on premature babies and injured puppies. Anyway, Smiffy's alright really, he just wants to be appreciated. Has his head screwed on most of the time but occasionally slips and certain posters can be especially toxic towards him, which certainly doesn't help. Keep your chin up, Tim, you're a good lad.
    Spikey M » Burst of the shadows, RKO'd Offshore out of nowhere and now parades around every thread like billy big bollocks. I like it. Glad he's posting more and it seems to have coincided with a new arrival in his family, so I imagine a lot of it is done in the early hours through bloodshot eyes. Glad it's going well for him though, and at least his missus had an easy labour, with the little sprout head almost falling through her flaps.
    Spoonsky » Honestly we've barely ever interacted so I don't have much of an opinion of him. Nice to see he still pops in now and then, and hopefully the lesser activity is down to smashing real life (and sloots) so is too busy for us. He better not do a mert and completely vanish though.
    SvN » If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be here today and you lucky lot wouldn't have got to read this list, so we all have a lot to thank him for. Outside of omg TTH saviour status, he does seem like just a normal and decent bloke who enjoys a drink and has a good sense of humour, despite clearly being a bit geeky. Everyone's geeky nowadays though (although not on Ian's level, still not sure how he gets away with it) and it's the new cool innit. I've a lot of time for Shrewd van Nistelrooy though.
    TG09 » Not sure if he's still around but I always had plenty time for Gunner, dating back to when I used to chat to him on MSN. His biggest footprint on this board is creating the rugby thread, so well done sir.
    thommo » I remember playing FIFA with him way back when I had my 360 in my bedroom at my mum and dads and TTH had a team. I've associated him with Thomas Gravesen ever since because he didn't alter his players appearance so was just a white bald man and often played centre mid. Rather him than Lee Carsley, I guess? Recently came into his own as a welcome addition to the Fantasy NFL league though, and the little bald cunt only went and won it, didn't he! I see he still plays FIFA too and posts in that thread, so hopefully his new years resolution is to become more prominent throughout the rest of the board, because he seems cool. I nominate him to meet igor next.
    7om » I've moved him down to the T's because I can't be doing with the seven making him top of the list. Might change my name to 13AZ to get top of the register like in school. Anyway yeah 7om is good and his avatar always raises a smile. Seems to have been hindered by the infamous Chinese firewall because he's hardly ever around nowadays. Still pops up in the wrestling thread, I think, but like I said in five time's entry, I rarely read it. Post about other stuff, damnit.
    Trancemeister » Really good! Surprisingly good, actually. Another long-standing, old old board refugee who is often overlooked. May even pre-date DS, actually. Another one I don't really know much about beyond being Swedish and liking dance music, including but presumably not limited to Ferry Corsten.
    Vim » I don't think he posts anymore? Pretty sure we follow eachother on Instagram but he never posts on that either. Hopefully he's lost a bit of weight and is too busy out slaying sloots and whatever else mert used to get up, with his intriguing mix of accents and notable appearance.
    Waffdon » Lowkey forum legend nowadays, although that could just be because I watch his Snapchat stories and get filled with envy. Seems to have a good time almost all of the time, while holding down a decent job and clearly having a good core of real life mates. All seems good for him. We all need to keep TTH going for as long as we need to, if only to see him develop into a "successful family man," as niko_cee described me.
    Weaver » Still around? With Sama and Offshore posting less and less and Weaver seemingly gone, have we only got Shinners representing Newcastle? Oh man, we need my boy Suraj aka magpie4eva back more than eva.
    wullie » Soon to be a member of the dad club. We're already both in the married and have a cat club, which is far easier to keep up with than the one he's about the join. Good luck, Oor. I'm sure the littlun will soon be sniggering at your one liners and quick-as-a-flash references, don't worry. I know I always do.
    Yevrah » Only seems to bother with the FIFA thread nowadays, which is a shame. The ditch everything for a bit and go and race cars in Germany adventure was a complete surprise, which made me wish he posted more about his life. Actually, I've thought that ever since the bat story, complete with photos. It's always fun when someone you don't expect to post their photos does, even when Giggles posts pics of his food. Maybe that's just me?
    Last edited by Baz; 04-01-2019 at 03:04 PM. Reason: Wrong date for elth's entry
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  6. #206
    Senior Member randomlegend's Avatar
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    Some of you fuckers want to try having 3 migraines a week before you call me soft. I reckon I was hard as FUCK to get into and finish med school despite it.

    If I quit medicine now it will be because I'm told my health issues aren't compatible with continuing training, not of my own accord.

  7. #207
    Won the Old Board Lewis's Avatar
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    Yeah alright soft lad.

  8. #208
    Senior Member randomlegend's Avatar
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    I'll cry mate, I'll fucking do it.

  9. #209
    Webly Ian's Avatar
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    I'm surprised by the comment of sounding posh, Baz, if only because if anybody comments on my accent at all its a more a less polite discussion about what a mess it is.

    Also I would 100% join a WhatsApp group with Sama. That would be excellent entertainment.

  10. #210
    Isn't he banned? Baz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian View Post
    I'm surprised by the comment of sounding posh, Baz, if only because if anybody comments on my accent at all its a more a less polite discussion about what a mess it is.

    Also I would 100% join a WhatsApp group with Sama. That would be excellent entertainment.
    Are you joking?

    (I've no sound at work but I presume you sound posh on these, from remembering listening to them elsewhere.)
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  11. #211
    Won the Old Board Lewis's Avatar
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  13. #213
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    Jesus I thought my accent was bad. Like drilling a hole in the head.

  14. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lewis View Post
    I'm a twit

  15. #215
    Senior Member Waffdon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baz View Post
    Are you joking?

    (I've no sound at work but I presume you sound posh on these, from remembering listening to them elsewhere.)
    That fucking accent.

  16. #216

  17. #217
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    Baz , let's start again 🤗

  18. #218
    Senior Member niko_cee's Avatar
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    I had never read Luke Emia's name that way before.

    I'm sure that's not the first name I've totally missed the point of for years as well, although the last one escapes my memory.

    Quality list.

    For the record, I'm not from, nor do I live in any of the places you mentioned.

  19. #219
    Man(c) of the People igor_balis's Avatar
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    GOOD LIST nice one

  20. #220
    Senior Member Spikey M's Avatar
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    Fair play Barry. Some quality entries.

  21. #221
    Webly Ian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lewis View Post
    To be fair if I heard my own voice that way I'd take that. Poor Stu.

    Quote Originally Posted by Waffdon View Post
    That fucking accent.
    We've established it's shit, its the poshness that's in question.

    Not that I'm not loathe to take this sort of chat from a Dundonian.

  22. #222
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    Pretend Dundonian.

  23. #223
    Webly Ian's Avatar
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    Where's he actually from?

  24. #224
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    Can't fault that assessment, @Baz. I do amble through life and I'm not down about it. I think back to what a sad, frustrated twat I was when I was on the dole and, honestly, I can't find myself ever back in that mentality.

  25. #225
    Senior Member SincereTheRebel's Avatar
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    Should have done an audio version of WDYTOE

  26. #226
    ram it up your shitpipe Giggles's Avatar
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    They must have took a woeful amount of time. I don't think I could even put in what's needed to read more than 4 or 5 of the entries.

  27. #227
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    Quote Originally Posted by SincereTheRebel View Post
    Should have done an audio version of WDYTOE
    Didn't somebody suggest or do a partial list this way, once?

  28. #228
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian View Post
    Didn't somebody suggest or do a partial list this way, once?
    I think they do. Wasn't it a girl...

  29. #229
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giggles View Post
    They must have took a woeful amount of time. I don't think I could even put in what's needed to read more than 4 or 5 of the entries.
    I was getting paid so didn’t mind.
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  30. #230
    Won the Old Board Lewis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian View Post
    Didn't somebody suggest or do a partial list this way, once?
    It was bennyboyt, the dickhead.

  31. #231
    ram it up your shitpipe Giggles's Avatar
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    I'd forgot about that Lee thread. It was a real surprise when he turned out to be the biggest cunt of the lot actually.

  32. #232
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    What did he do?

  33. #233
    Webly Ian's Avatar
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    Installed WhatsApp.

  34. #234
    ram it up your shitpipe Giggles's Avatar
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    I just wanted to see if he was still reading and would come back for a snipe. He bit once before.

  35. #235
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    @randomlegend I totally support you on the migraine front, those are absolute shit and not comparable to regular headaches at all, which people don’t understand - probably as a result of ppl using the term ‘migraine’ for literally any aching head. I’ve never had one myself, but I have mad respect for you for dealing with that and getting through it.

    You are soft on other fronts though

  36. #236
    Webly Ian's Avatar
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    Unless of course he's never had a migraine and just thinks he has because he's SOFT, Mokkers.

  37. #237
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    Yeah maybe migraines dont even exist

  38. #238
    Isn't he banned? Baz's Avatar
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    Just had a Snapchat that confirmed mokbull's "nice lad" status.

    Also I feel bad for flagging up Ian's voice now. Sorry.
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  39. #239
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian View Post
    Unless of course he's never had a migraine and just thinks he has because he's SOFT, Mokkers.

  40. #240
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baz View Post
    Just had a Snapchat that confirmed mokbull's "nice lad" status.

    Also I feel bad for flagging up Ian's voice now. Sorry.
    Why? Don't be daft, I speak to people with this voice basically every day, bless 'em.

  41. #241
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    Quote Originally Posted by mugbull View Post
    Yeah maybe migraines dont even exist
    I mean I've never had one so maybe you're right.

  42. #242
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    I've had plenty. I just take a couple of paracetamol and carry on, like a man. Or sometimes I don't even do that, and just carry on regardless.

    They're different from headaches cos there's no reason (having a cold, being hungover, etc.) for them, so they're migraines right?
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  43. #243
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    I mean an actual migraine is quite severe, and with migraine syndrome you have em fairly often. My girlfriend has post-concussive migraine disorder (she had a few concussions the past couple years and now gets migraines all the time) . she’s in her last year of school and trying to do everything at once and its really really sad watching her decline after her most recent concussion. You can barely function, and when you don’t have a migraine at the moment you live in constant fear of when you’ll get your next one

  44. #244
    Won the Old Board Lewis's Avatar
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    I never get headaches. Probably because I never turned down a second piece of fish.

  45. #245
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    Can't remember last time I got one either.

  46. #246
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    Anyone still get hiccups? Don't think i've had em since like 1st grade

  47. #247
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    I get headaches quite a lot, I think it's to do with my shit eyes and having to constantly wear glasses.

  48. #248
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    Quote Originally Posted by mugbull View Post
    Anyone still get hiccups? Don't think i've had em since like 1st grade
    I seem to get them once a month for no reason although I will almost always get them if I eat something spicy.

  49. #249
    Now in technicolor Pen's Avatar
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    Great list Baz. I don’t remember what those pm’s were about, but glad I could help.

    I remember a pm six years back when we nearly met for pints in Manchester. We never went through with it though.

  50. #250
    Isn't he banned? Baz's Avatar
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    Who knew such a good list would spark such amazing discussion as who gets headaches and migraines.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pen View Post
    Great list Baz. I don’t remember what those pm’s were about, but glad I could help.

    I remember a pm six years back when we nearly met for pints in Manchester. We never went through with it though.
    It was about a secret santa gift for someone in Finland. And oh yeah I'd forgotten all about that. I think Mike was the forerunner with that one, I was just happy to come along and drink beer with someone else.
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