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Thread: Wdytoe 2018

  1. #1
    Senior Member Pleb's Avatar
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    Wdytoe 2018

    Last one was 2016 you nutcases. All of you are awesome by the way

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    Last edited by Pleb; 05-01-2019 at 10:52 PM.

  2. #2
    Isn't he banned? Baz's Avatar
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    I’ll do a list.
    I'm a twit

  3. #3
    Man(c) of the People igor_balis's Avatar
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    I might

  4. #4
    Senior Member randomlegend's Avatar
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    It really should be a rule that the person posting the thread has to post a list along with it.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Pepe's Avatar
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    Senior Member Pepe's Avatar
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    That's my list, btw.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Pleb's Avatar
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    Bookie Sir Andy Mahowry's Avatar
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    I have feelings.

  10. #10
    ram it up your shitpipe Giggles's Avatar
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  11. #11
    Isn't he banned? Baz's Avatar
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    Who does everyone want to do a list?

    Like "oh man it'd be great if _________ did a list!"

    Probably Mahow, Yev and mokbull, igor, niko_cee, ah sod it everyone should do one.
    I'm a twit

  12. #12
    ram it up your shitpipe Giggles's Avatar
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    I hope nobody does one.

  13. #13
    Senior Member Pepe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baz View Post
    Like "oh man it'd be great if _________ did a list!"

  14. #14
    Senior Member randomlegend's Avatar
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  15. #15
    Senior Member Pleb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by randomlegend View Post
    It really should be a rule that the person posting the thread has to post a list along with it.
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  16. #16
    Senior Member -james-'s Avatar
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    I won't do a list.

  17. #17
    Bookie Sir Andy Mahowry's Avatar
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    I'm not doing a list either.

    When I did my last (3/4 years ago I think) I said I'd never do one again.

  18. #18
    More successful than most Magic's Avatar
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    Me neither. We all know what's what.

  19. #19
    Senior Member Disco's Avatar
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    Kiko always does the best list, he'll have it up soon I'm sure.

  20. #20
    I used to be funny.
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    My opinion barely changes of you lot, to be honest. C'mere. :hugs:

  21. #21
    Senior Member Pleb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disco View Post
    Kiko always does the best list, he'll have it up soon I'm sure.
    I might do it this time.

  23. #23
    Custom User Title phonics's Avatar
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    I pledge allegiance to the flag
    Of the United States of America
    I'll stand and place my hand upon my heart
    Every time her anthem plays
    When I see somebody on TV
    Take their stand on bended knee
    Whether it's on astroturf or grass
    I think of those whose freedom was not free
    And I say, "Make a list, my ass!"

    I'll stand up for the flag
    Take off my hat for Old Glory
    Thank God I live in the home of the brave
    And the land of the free
    I'll honor the ones who gave it all
    So we're all free to go play ball
    If only for their sake
    I won't make a list

    From Valley Forge to Vietnam
    9/11 to Afghanistan
    That star-spangled banner does yet wave
    I won't forget I owe a debt of gratitude
    I never can repay
    Arm and arm and side by side
    American heroes fought and died
    Is showing some respect too much to ask?
    I speak for those whose freedom was not free
    And I say, "make a list, my ass!"

    I'll stand up for the flag
    Take off my hat for Old Glory
    Thank God I live in the home of the brave
    And the land of the free
    I'll honor the ones who gave it all
    So we're all free to go play ball
    If only for their sake
    I won't make a list
    O say can you see?
    If only for their sake
    I won't make a list

  24. #24
    Senior Member Pleb's Avatar
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    The first WDYTOE where everyone doesn't make a list?

  25. #25
    Senior Member Mazuuurk's Avatar
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    DS - Da best. Cute as shit as well. xoxo

  26. #26
    Senior Member niko_cee's Avatar
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    Sorry if the formatting on this is shite.

    7om – doesn’t seem to be about, always seemed alright if unspectacular
    AD – does he still use this username? I’m sure there was an AyDee and I assumed that was him. Didn’t really register so I assume he has moved on into professional life. Bon Chance.
    Adamski – he is a Scottish person. Note I didn’t say Scotch so that means I at least don’t dislike you.
    AE – I don’t really have much opinion of him and am fairly sure he no longer exists in this (micro)universe.
    Alan Shearer The 2nd – he likes cars, like, a lot, which must mean we are at least more interesting than most, if not all motor enthusiast websites, so thanks for the compliment man, you’re alright.
    Alex – the name is familiar, but then, it is a familiar name. Unsure.
    Amigo – I think I missed much of his rise/evolution. Is the Icelandic football team a good analogy? They seem to be shit now, so, there you go.
    Andrew – I thought this was RL, but seeing as he’s on the list I have no idea. Sorry Mr Cole.
    Andy – in and out, but always appears if anyone mentions DIY or building in an uncannily speedy fashion. A solid citizen. Hopefully Ralf can rekindle his interest in football.
    Sir Andy Mahowry – he’s obviously been on a journey (I mean more on here than to the Ukraine) and now is part of the furniture, and probably has been for ages. Try not to die in an unfortunate inheritance related accident? You’d be missed.
    Angelsaint – Really? Come on. How many years has it been now? He was entertaining, but I reckon that’s just the mind erasing all the shit.
    Baz – is good, always has been good. TTH’s original wheeler dealer for the modern age and now successful family man. Have some of that Henry.
    Bernanke – yeah, good, maybe an apposite username, seeing as the Ben variety was, from what I can tell, a steady eddy, and this one is the same. Wait, is that you?
    Bob Sacamano – seems like this is a top, top name, and I do occasionally notice it, but I can’t say much more than that. If you’re going to have a cool sounding name you probably need to put more effort in to living up to it.
    Boydy – it’s nice to see his life heading in a good direction. Seems less miserable, which is probably detrimental to his posting.
    Browning – name always reminds me of Brownian Motion and maybe my opinion randomly fluctuates but overall good and I suppose the username did used to be worse and people in glass houses and all that.
    bruhnaldo – I like bruh, despite his epitomising so many ostensibly bad things (Floridian United Fan). I’m glad he came back after that spaz out he had. Don’t ask me which one. Steady now.
    Byron – I once went to Byron burger and, despite what many people say, I thought it was thoroughly decent. There you go. Judged on a burger chain. I only use that as a comparison as it has the right outcome though. I’d have no idea what to say if you were called Five Guys, and even if I did I think that might be a more volatile comparison. One of the good hammers.
    Charlie – no idea. Does he still come here or has he been entombed in the foundations of a new tower block in Taiwan?
    Chrissy – now that he’s micro famous (is he?) probably has to keep his distance (Lewis association is probably cancer in the modern media zeitgeist). Or has topped himself. Hopefully not.
    CJay – I want to say yes, but I always mix this person up with apples. Both of them were good, I think this one was better, so there you are. Reasonable Irish Liverpool fan (follow up to Ordinary Decent Criminal).
    Clunge - nope
    Cord – a legend, but more in the “a very old story or set of stories from ancient times, or the stories, not always true, that people tell about a famous event or person” sense than the other definition, sadly.
    Dan – insert Partridge joke here. Pompey or was/is that Dantastic?
    Danny – I reckon he’s doing alright, not bad on here either.
    Dark Soldier – another person I reckon I’ve missed in time somewhat. Seems a quality person and poster (albeit I have little interest in what appear to be his main areas of interest these days) and it’s good news story to see his life on a track where he can be both acceptable to wider society, and still eat those red kebab meat things.
    Davgooner – occasionally surfaces, but never does much to change my long-standing opinion of him. What is that you say?
    Demerit – I think he’s gone. If not, drop me a PM sometime before the end of 2019 fella.
    dino – yeah, he’s good, although couldn’t organise a fantasy draft league in an online platform designed to facilitate such things. Lucky for him that's never going to catch on as a phrase.
    Disco – is good. I like the idea of him as some west-country crank sardonically sabotaging everyday life one hard-hat requiring task at a time. I have no idea, but in my mind he’s in a wooly-jumper, a high vis jacket and a hardhat over an unruly mass of long hair, standing by a fence telling people what to do.
    Dquincy – seems like a bit of a div in the Bamster mould but I’ve always given him the benefit of the doubt that maybe he’s just a bit retarded (is a Livepool fan after all amirite?). Not overly offensive but still somewhere on that whiffy spectrum.
    elth – a fairytale
    five time – no strong opinion
    Foe – a stalwart of this place, perhaps not a bastion but a long serving an valued member. Less of that sniggering please. I can see that being his ‘irl’ epitaph after toiling forever in his job, hopefully not after some untimely helicopter disaster.
    Giggles – I enjoy his most miserable man on the planet shtick, but do sometimes worry it isn’t an act. Despite our apparent animosity I think we’d probably get on well enough in the real world. He seems to like normal things, well apart from a fixation with dodgy compo claims, a desire to build his house entirely out of flatscreen technology and hating children, although none of those things are all that bad.
    Gray Fox – is a Liverpool fan (?) who changed his username (?) and so I never really know how to connect the dots and form a proper opinion of him. Non-descript. That’s probably harsh.
    GS – what is it they say? Never mind the quality feel the width? I’m not sure I particularly miss hi other than as a voluminous commentator on all things. Actually, I probably appreciate the lack of ten page multi-quote abominations if I’m being honest. Still, come back etc.
    Hammer – gone, always seemed a bit of a mental, although in an intriguing way. I assume some terrible fate has befallen him (death, normal life, something like that).
    Henry – he’s not about as much but when he does bother he still manages to remind us all what a plant pot he can be. I’m glad he's found happiness in long distance running as it seems to keep him away from us.
    hfswjyr – 15.50/20
    Ian – yeah, Ian’s mega. Has just the right amount of everything. I’d be tempted to put him in the pillar community but I was reserving the last one for the rest of us, so he has to just hunker in with the crowd. That probably only makes sense if you read the rest of this as I now realise I’ve been writing these randomly.
    igor_balis – I enjoy the random window he provides into his life with his various tragicomic escapades, so, in a way, don’t sort yourself out too much, but, in another, good luck.
    ItalAussie – our very own scientific constant. Like Einstein’s but less famous, for now.
    Jeet – appreciably less bad but is that because he has left or just got better?
    Jimmy Floyd – one of the three pillars of TTH. It’s funny to think of someone growing up on here, but given his, what, 16 years on here (?) it does feel like that in some ways. A really excellent contributor in most fields.
    John – I’m not going to say my opinion of John has changed as much as my opinion of Tyson Fury did, but he’s in that sort of territory. Was never a fan previously but I’ve warmed to him over the passage of many years. Can be triumphantly snidey and seems to rub people up just the wrong way at times, which is laudable.
    John Arne - it must be somewhat of an uphill battle to persuade people he isn’t a deviant as a white man living in South East Asia (unaided by the likes of Charlie) but he seems a thoroughly decent chap so he’s winning that battle. Not so much the battle to persuade people to care about the Asian Games and the like.
    Josh – sorry, hopefully you’re the Widdicombe one so this lack of a comment is offset by your other life.
    Kikó – I feel we’ve diverged over time but can’t really put my finger on why or how. Half a life on the internet and there should be more than that, shouldn’t there? I’m sure he’s a good man.
    Lee – what happened to Lee? Is that a known thing? Seemed he was getting better and better and then superova’d without the life-giving destructive spectacle. A wise man once said, listen to Pato Banton. Or was that don’t?
    leedsrevolution – are we allowed to have an opinion after his quest to be deleted? Seemed a right wrong ‘un (like the sort of person who might eat a child) but was always, if not good, then some sort of value for idiotic drunken interactions. I don’t think he’ll be missed
    Lewis – what to say that hasn’t probably been said better elsewhere? He’s like that type of striker Jimmy’s goal fetish requires, but instead of football and goals, it’s withering put-downs and pithy expositions of major issues. I’m sure the Inzaghi comparisons are not appreciated as he probably sees himself as more of a Ronaldo. Second Pillar (well, in alphabetical order).
    Luca – has left the building
    Luke Emia – just a sanguine, non-maniacal Liverpool fan. It’s amazing what time does to us all. That sounds like you used to be a nutter, so sorry about that. I don’t think you are or were.
    Magic – has always seemed a bit of a human disaster zone and that doesn’t appear to have changed much of late. Still you know, I’m sure you’ll get through it (unless Waffles leads to your demise) and on the upside how about those, erm, google says ‘Peacocks’! Keep on trying, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
    Manc – another name changer (?) and it does my nut. Seems decent enough. Sorry if you’re a contemporary and I’ve massively offended you.
    Max Power – a name you want to touch, but you mustn’t touch. I think he’s poorer for the loss of his Leicester double act partner, but still good nonetheless.
    Mazuuurk – I admire his sticktoitiveness. Takes some effort to stick with us, in a foreign language, with a family as well, so well done for that. Puts others to shame.
    Mellberg - shit, nearly missed you. Well, what to say? Infrequent visitor, another of the medium old-guard, always good for some sort of comment. I'm going to put him in the no-nonsense bracket.
    Mert – it’s a shame Mert is off slaying bitches and living the high life that 150 hour weeks in big American Law firms allow for, as he was always quite entertaining. He’ll probably end up one of those folk who sue their university 10 years down the line because they were unable to effectively function in society. Or, you know, go into politics.
    Mike – everything Mike posts on here exudes goodness. He must be a really nice guy. Like painfully nice.
    mikem – I don’t know if he posts anything other than American politics, but he’s obviously well into that. Too much so for an outside observer to really interact with so he just seems to exist in a vacuum in my mind. It’s not bad, but maybe it’s a bit intense.
    mo – I know what he does, and who he supports (which is probably more than I can say about some people I actually know) but other than that I don’t know much. He seems a good guy, in the Mike-style. Maybe it’s a working in a school thing.
    mokbull – probably emblematic of the demise of western society but worth having around.
    niko_cee – I reckon I’m the Anthony Le Tallec of TTH. God I loved that guy, in theory at least. Shame he was/is shit.
    Offshore Toon – always seemed ok (well, after a while) but doesn’t seem to post all that much anymore.
    Panda Bear – if you want the other perspective on anything, look no further. Problematically contrary, well, that’s how it seems, but still an interesting person.
    Pen – another Maz-style person who is a major contributor considering all the potential obstacles/distractions. Good stuff. That said, is he still about?
    Pepe – I never really spotted Pepe’s potential, where others did, and now I’m in that classic Arsenal fan position of having to reconcile the fact that all those great players passed through the trial network (or whatever you want to call it). That all happened right? Anyway, a really excellent contributor.
    phonics – saviour of the board. Right? Well, well done on that. Likes to think of himself as an enigma (a bit of a way to go yet) but maybe he’s just more an infuriating oik. Not dislikeable though. In fact quite the opposite. I enjoy his tales of an unlikely (well, probably not that unlikely) rise to affluence and life in an abandoned Swiss mansion.
    Pleb – made the effort to make a rubbish list and then didn’t do one, so, yeah, says it all. Pleb.
    P_3 – sounds like some sort of insulation solution
    Queenslander – a most excellent bloke.
    randomlegend – seems a bit of a petulant shit at times (this is not necessarily a bad thing), but then he’s followed through on buying all those knives which takes a conviction that you have to respect. Going to have to go some to be our man on the inside (a la Lee) but you can do it! You’ve made it in the building, which is good going.
    Raoul Duke – we’re not in Bob whatshisname territory here, because Raoul is a good poster, but when you’re going big on a name like that isn’t there an onus on you to live up to it? At least you’re still around, I guess, which is more than would have been the case with your namesake so please disregard and well done.
    Reg – has someone checked on Reg? What’s happened to him? I’m going to the game tomorrow mate, see you there?
    Sam – if this isn’t the same person as one below then I have no idea.
    Samadini – another largely absent friend
    ScousePig – have you changed your name? You and Martin (Dave?) are prime candidates in my mind for this. If not, sorry, and maybe post some more.
    Serj – dunno, but should re-emerge should the unthinkable happen, I’d have thought.
    Shindig – I’ve noticed a recent change in Shinners which I both like, and find troubling. A darker side. Once the irreverent but perhaps desperate youth, then the downtrodden, then the route into life and now the occasional ‘wtf’ acerbic comment. Can’t say it’s a bad thing, just, you know, interesting. Stick with it.
    simon – has simon gone? He was alright, if a bit a bit of a tart at times.
    SincereTheRebel – what can you say about a man who judges a date on her car’s wheels? That’s it, isn’t it? It’s total madness, but then, is it? Yeah, it is. His trivia efforts shouldn’t be (and I’m sure aren’t) overlooked. Someone I wouldn't have picked to stay the course, but I'm glad he has.
    Smiffy – a madman, but our madman. KUTGW
    Spikey M – another sleeper who’s developed into a full blown twin towers scale legend of a poster. Never picked it but I accept I’m shit at this now.
    Spoonsky – probably going to enter the difficult mokbull years, but doesn’t seem to be around to bother us with them, which is a small mercy. Or maybe just a normal person, another one with an appointment here in a few months time.
    SvN – good, often slightly confused with Raoul in my mind (or maybe a historic mass of other United fans Eric Le Roi to mention but one) – not bad company. All good.
    TG09 – 09 would have been a good time to jack it as a gooner. Pretty sure that’s what the wife did.
    The Bruce – the less divvy spokesman.
    The Merse – don’t see about all that much, although maybe I don’t go into the tattoo/life crisis sub-forums enough. On the phonics level of alrightedness.
    thommo – Australian?
    Trancemeister – good work, keep going.
    Vim – another of the foreign legion I do so respect for their ongoing effort, but I haven’t seen him in a while
    Waffdon – another child of TTH growing into a proper person. Doubleplusgood.
    Weaver – this is Weaver, there are many like him, but this Weaver is ours, so don’t give up before Newcastle do something of note.
    wullie – is life catching up with you or am I just less observant? One of the best posters when on form. Top tier stuff.
    Yevrah – we’re both in twilight of career territory. He’s probably off in the MLS whereas I’m still having to graft in the lower leagues. Occasional flittances aren’t enough man.

  27. #27
    Senior Member randomlegend's Avatar
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    Thanks I think?

    I'm staggered we've got a list.

  28. #28
    ram it up your shitpipe Giggles's Avatar
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    And an impressive one and all.

  29. #29
    Man(c) of the People igor_balis's Avatar
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    Aye, good work.

  30. #30
    Senior Member randomlegend's Avatar
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    The thing that stops me doing one isn't the effort it would take, but the fact I still don't know who 95% of people are.

    It's probably a byproduct of having such good facial recognition that without faces to recognise people by I can't remember them at all.

  31. #31
    Senior Member mugbull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by randomlegend View Post
    The thing that stops me doing one isn't the effort it would take, but the fact I still don't know who 95% of people are.

    It's probably a byproduct of having such good facial recognition that without faces to recognise people by I can't remember them at all.
    Mate no one can remember names, it probably has nothing to do with your X ray vision

  32. #32
    Man(c) of the People igor_balis's Avatar
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    I think without avatars I'd struggle but I think I have a decent idea of most people, especially considering I turned up 10 years after everyone else.

  33. #33
    Senior Member mugbull's Avatar
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    That's also wild to me, I had always assumed you'd been on here forever until you told me. Yung Part of the Furniture

  34. #34
    Senior Member Pepe's Avatar
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    Shiiiiii, we got a list.

    Had completely forgotten about this, too. Might have to do one myself.

  35. #35
    heavy like led Dark Soldier's Avatar
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    Just admit I'm the GOAT and be done with it.

    Also, love you too Maz x

  36. #36
    Man(c) of the People igor_balis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mugbull View Post
    That's also wild to me, I had always assumed you'd been on here forever until you told me. Yung Part of the Furniture
    I signed up in 2007 and had managed about 20 posts by 2012. I've already posted more on here than the old place.

  37. #37
    Senior Member randomlegend's Avatar
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    QUOTE=mugbull;310433]Mate no one can remember names, it probably has nothing to do with your X ray vision[/QUOTE]

    I dno man there's prolly 5 posters I could make a legitimate list entry on and I've been here about 12 years.

  38. #38
    Won the Old Board Lewis's Avatar
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    Was that niko announcing his divorce?

  39. #39
    Senior Member mugbull's Avatar
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    Im glad I've gotten back into TTH these past 12 months or so. Still haven't figured out what it does for me or what i do for it, but at least it's still full of completely insane people

  40. #40
    Man(c) of the People igor_balis's Avatar
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    WDYTOES were when I first really appreciated the greatness of Jimmy and Lewis. They somehow knew who everyone was, and their analysis was always spot-on. Jimmy on Mert was high art tbfh.

  41. #41
    Senior Member Bam's Avatar
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    Not even on the poxy list.

  42. #42
    Senior Member Dan's Avatar
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    Quite frankly I’m amazed anyone outside of the NFL threads knows who I am. Fair play @niko_cee And yeah, I’m both Pompey and Dantastic.

  43. #43
    Custom User Title phonics's Avatar
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    He called Quincy a ‘retard on bamster levels’ so you kind of did.

  44. #44
    Senior Member Offshore Toon's Avatar
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    It really isn't hard to keep track of who is who. Remembering every life event in detail is impressive, but surely everybody can remember a few things per poster?

  45. #45
    Senior Member Jimmy Floyd's Avatar
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    Lewis has a freakish memory. I have an extremely good memory, but he can remember individual posts I made ten years ago and had forgotten about by that teatime.

    I quite want to do a list (especially the 14 paragraphs I have prepared on randomlegend) but doing all the names you don't care about one way or the other is what puts me off these days.

  46. #46
    Senior Member Vercetti's Avatar
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    Mine would be based on six/seven year old opinions. Or I could just rate everyone as classic wrestlers, I suppose.

    I won't, though.

  47. #47
    Man(c) of the People igor_balis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Floyd View Post
    Lewis has a freakish memory. I have an extremely good memory, but he can remember individual posts I made ten years ago and had forgotten about by that teatime.

    I quite want to do a list (especially the 14 paragraphs I have prepared on randomlegend) but doing all the names you don't care about one way or the other is what puts me off these days.
    I think it's alright to just do the people you have something worth saying about and ignoring the rest. Your lists are always great so please do one, even if I don't get an entry or get a horrendous roasting.

  48. #48
    Won the Old Board Lewis's Avatar
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    The Toppest Lads We Need Back:

    1. GS

  49. #49
    Won the Old Board Lewis's Avatar
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    Remember when GS suddenly started being all arrogant and dismissive, and he initiated that seriously lol one-sided feud with 'Tobias' (who, to be fair, probably did secretly seethe over it, the kettle-headed wank)? That awards he hosted was the best one ever.

  50. #50
    Senior Member Offshore Toon's Avatar
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    Yeah, he went from some alright noob that I used to thrash at Pro Evo to the most autistic spreadsheethead around.

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