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Thread: Making a Murderer (Massive Spoilers Within)

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    Making a Murderer (Massive Spoilers Within)

    All finished and....

    <Massive gap to protect the below from the main page highlighted thread preview>

    ....I'm now morbidly depressed.

    Nothing compared to what those two poor bastards are more than likely undeservedly going through obviously, but you absolutely can't call a documentary spanning 30 years Making a Murderer when it ends like that.

    The thing builds to a peak in the verdict and then after that it's just pure misery, with the only respite occurring when Chief Lutz is outed as a sex pest - which I'd clocked from fairly early on, but is hardly any sort of consolation.

    It's also absolutely trashed any remaining faith I had in the Jury system.

    Fuck me, what a shit start to 2016. I'm going to bed.

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    This man needs his own show.

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    The thing that bothers me the most about the entire thing, beyond the police corruption and the planting of evidence, is the fact that Brendan was so clearly failed by the system.

    He is forced, by his own legal team, to draw pictures - not of what happened, but instead that represented the scenes the private investigator was describing - and they are then used against him in court. His first lawyer was essentially responsible for the drawings and the phone call to his mother where he was told to tell her he'd done it.

    It was clear in the first, taped confession, that he had no idea what he was getting into. Saying he needed to get back to class because he had a project due, and asking "For the day?" when being told he was being taken into custody. Shit, he asked his mum to tape Wrestlemania for him for fuck sake.

    I don't understand how it was allowed to happen

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    I wanted to punch the screen every time this cunt came squirming onto screen with his shiteating grin.

    Press conference before even MEETING your client. Yeah, nice one mate. He has cancer now, so there is some justice.

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    Yep, while it may be the case that Avery did indeed kill Halbach (although unlikely in the manner that the prosecution described), I'd be absolutely staggered if Brendan had anything to do with it. The poor bastard was only dragged into it by cops trying to make a story fit and was clearly coerced by that snivelling smug shithouse of a cop/man who then had the Chutzpah to testify in court that his primary duty is to protect (all of) the public.

    When the investigator first gets involved and you see the tapes of it, I could barely believe what I was watching. This is the defence, really? Although I guess that goes to show the difference between having $240k to play with to defend yourself as opposed to having to make do with a court sanctioned freebie.

    As for Avery, I guess Strang summed it up best when he said that he's reached the stage where he hopes he's guilty, as dealing with the reality he faces if he's not is too much to take.

    On the other side of the coin, I really feel for the family members of the victims in cases like these, particularly the brother, who was so vocal in putting his faith in the police (and I suspect also the lord) to make sure that justice was done. Having been so adamant about Avery's guilt it'll probably finish him off if it's ever established that the actual murderer was A.N.OTHER.

    I see (as you say) that Reddit and Anonymous are on the case, which will be a good test of the power of the internet.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SvN View Post
    I wanted to punch the screen every time this cunt came squirming onto screen with his shiteating grin.

    Press conference before even MEETING your client. Yeah, nice one mate. He has cancer now, so there is some justice.
    Cancer, I did wonder - he looked ill as fuck when the show jumped a few years.

    By the end of the thing there were so many people I wanted to punch. Even some of the 'good guys' were monstrous twats. The young lawyer working for Innocent Kids (or whatever it was) that kept bleating on about constitutional rights being violated (no shit, sherlock) and the sycophant that introduced the case to that organisation in the first place - what use is a body like that that can't achieve any more than the square root of fuck all when up against a man literally dying on screen and a Bible bashing private dick who kept crying over a bow?

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    Where does this faith in 'the internet' come from? I remember the surety some people had in the Boston aftermath and we know how well that went.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Disco View Post
    Where does this faith in 'the internet' come from? I remember the surety some people had in the Boston aftermath and we know how well that went.
    If you're referring to me, it doesn't. Sarcasm, sir.

    There's nothing they (or anyone else for that matter) will be able to do and Avery will die in prison.

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    On a lighter note, some of the totty hanging round the courtroom and the press hall was pretty spesh - I bet Chief Lutz and his $350k house/6 figure salary had goosed a few of those.

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    Did you find it odd that Avery didn't testify SvN?

  11. #11
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    I didn't actually - I assume (very speculatively) that his legal team looked at it as a risk based on him not being the most articulate of chaps.

    The startling things for me is that the two appeared to prosecuted based on disparate stories given that Dassey's version (loosely put obviously, given that it was clearly coerced) of events was thrown out in one trial and then used to prosecute the other. As in the video above, it's fucking ridiculous to have two separate trials for the same crime, particularly when in these particular circumstances. Actually uncovering the truth simply wasn't a part of either trial as far as I can see.

    It's just so unsettling from start to finish for so many reasons.

  12. #12
    ram it up your shitpipe Giggles's Avatar
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    Small town Murica, thats what you get. Never had a doubt they were going down.

    Good show though, enjoyed it.

  13. #13
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    Ok I'm done with it. I'll post more later, but the first thing I wonder is just how biased the documentary might be. Obviously they can't show the whole trial, but I wonder just how cherry-picked it was to show Steve as innocent. Still, enough shit in there for anyone to doubt.

    Steven's trial was sketchy to say the least, but Brendan's is beyond a joke. Not a single piece of evidence yet he gets life despite obviously inconsistent 'confessions.' Absolutely atrocious. The whole thing makes me want to pack my bags and gtfo.

    That reporter though.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Merse View Post
    The startling things for me is that the two appeared to prosecuted based on disparate stories given that Dassey's version (loosely put obviously, given that it was clearly coerced) of events was thrown out in one trial and then used to prosecute the other.
    I agree that is one of the biggest issues. In the first trial they decide that the murder happened not at all as Brendan described (although no one did a rundown of how it supposedly occurred, which was an issue for me. Also, no one ever addressed intent and motive, another issue for me) yet they still decide Brendan is guilty because why the fuck not.

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    The Brendan stuff is deeply troubling and probably the worst aspect of it for me.

    If we go with the prosecution, all along he's painted as someone who was controlled by Avery, but somehow he finds himself facing charges that carry a 41 year sentence before the possibility of parole for crimes against a woman he probably didn't even meet.

    And one of the worst things is that for the first few episodes I was thinking "who's driving the boat here" only to be hit with the horribly reality that it's no one person, just an absolutely fucked up system, full of a lot of cunts.

    Fuck, it makes me angry just typing about it.

  16. #16
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    Imagine the amount of poor sods stuck in jail for shit they never did. Avery was lucky (if you could say that, considering) that rock solid evidence was found in his first case and that he had money for competent lawyers in the second one (not that it was much help in the end.) Most people are stuck with a public defendant or a buck an hour lawyer who will be incompetent and overworked at best if not actively working against you as that cunt 'representing' Dassey clearly was. The lawyer had it spot on at the end when he said that you can claim you will never commit a crime but you can't guarantee that you will never be accused of one, at which point you are fucked.

    I've always thought 'a jury of peers' deciding in these cases is complete bullshit, this certainly didn't make me change my mind.

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    Some evidence that wasn't shown in the show.

    One of the points he raises definitely was, but there we go.

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    Just finished watching it the other day, poor two. Lots of stuff I don't think was taken in to account. Blood splatter was not there, I don't think they actually found out if the bones was that woman. They never looked in to the facts there could of been another person that killed here. Her Ex or flatmate. Too many unknowns, so they shouldnt of jailed them both.

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    — The documentary said that part of Avery’s criminal past included animal cruelty. To my recollection, it didn’t specify exactly what that animal cruelty was. I know that for some of our readers, knowing is enough to want to see Avery get the death sentence regardless of whether he murdered Halbach: He doused a cat in oil and threw it on a bonfire (this is not relevant to the murder trial, but it certainly diminishes the sympathy some of us felt for him).

    — Past criminal activity also included threatening a female relative at gunpoint.
    Those two were mentioned. It also points towards something that REALLY fucks me off: using judge of character, rather than reasonable analysis of evidence, to make a judgement.

    — In the months leading up to Halbach’s disappearance, Avery had called Auto Trader several times and always specifically requested Halbach to come out and take the photos.

    — Halbach had complained to her boss that she didn’t want to go out to Avery’s trailer anymore, because once when she came out, Avery was waiting for her wearing only a towel (this was excluded for being too inflammatory). Avery clearly had an obsession with Halbach.

    — On the day that Halbach went missing, Avery had called her three times, twice from a *67 number to hide his identity.
    Those I think should have been mentioned, but I don't think they are relevant to the trial at all since they are not enough to show any kind of intent. Still, in the show it seemed like he had never seen the woman before. The bolded part is just the writer of that article making shit up. 'Clearly' my arse.

    — The bullet with Halbach’s DNA on it came from Avery’s gun, which always hung above his bed.
    While not mentioned it is kind of obvious, isn't it? The doubt on the DNA tests remains.

    — Avery had purchased handcuffs and leg irons like the ones Dassey described holding Halbach only three weeks before (Avery said he’s purchased them for use with his girlfriend, Jodi, with whom he’d had a tumultuous relationship — at one point, he was ordered by police to stay away from her for three days).
    Dassey described fuck all, he just said yes to everything.

    — Here’s the piece of evidence that was presented at trial but not in the series that I find most convincing: In Dassey’s illegally obtained statement, Dassey stated that he helped Avery moved the RAV4 into the junkyard and that Avery had lifted the hood and removed the battery cable. Even if you believe that the blood in Halbach’s car was planted by the cops (as I do), there was also non-blood DNA evidence on the hood latch. I don’t believe the police would plant — or know to plant — that evidence.
    The statement is worth nothing as all his other statements. If there was other DNA evidence which was also tested and indeed belonged to Avery, then that is a bad omission from the documentary.

    Shit in the update
    The transcript does show more detail than in the show (time constraints force this of course.) It is still nothing but testimony and without evidence not enough for a conviction I feel (I'm clearly wrong since Dassey was convicted only from a testimony, so there you have it.)

    Yet, it was, and to any jury seeing it — and the specificity of the details — you might see why they believed Avery and Dassey committed the crime.
    Sure, I can see that. I believed they could have done it just after watching the documentary and still do. Beyond reasonable evidence though? I think you need a lot more for that.

  20. #20
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    I was surprised that he didn't testify. Dean Strang (his lawyer - the shorter one) has said that it was Steven's decision, but couldn't go into why because of attorney-client privilege. It's only speculation, but I think he may have been worried about his words being twisted on the stand and taken out of context. He's not the sharpest tool, and I think he's well aware of that.

    I've seen that article that Yev posted 2 posts up linked a lot, and also seen the points within it repeated quite a lot over the last few days. Stealing a bit from Reddit in places, here's what I'd say...

    The documentary said that part of Avery’s criminal past included animal cruelty. To my recollection, it didn’t specify exactly what that animal cruelty was. I know that for some of our readers, knowing is enough to want to see Avery get the death sentence regardless of whether he murdered Halbach: He doused a cat in oil and threw it on a bonfire (this is not relevant to the murder trial, but it certainly diminishes the sympathy some of us felt for him).
    They did allude to him throwing a cat on a fire. They didn't say he doused it in oil first. But still, obviously that's a fucking awful thing to do, but it means nothing at all in context of the case.

    Past criminal activity also included threatening a female relative at gunpoint.
    Eh? They went over this in great depth, and even interviewed the female relative.

    In the months leading up to Halbach’s disappearance, Avery had called Auto Trader several times and always specifically requested Halbach to come out and take the photos.
    She was a freelance photographer, so it's not at all outrageous to suggest that she may have asked him to do this, as it's extra paid work for her. Or perhaps he just thought she did a good job on the jobs she'd done for him previously? It's no different to using the same plumber every time your boiler goes to shit.

    Halbach had complained to her boss that she didn’t want to go out to Avery’s trailer anymore, because once when she came out, Avery was waiting for her wearing only a towel (this was excluded for being too inflammatory). Avery clearly had an obsession with Halbach
    From what I can gather, this is bullshit. She mentioned to a receptionist that he answered the door wearing a towel and then said "Ew" and laughed. She didn't report this to her boss, nor did she say she didn't want to go there again. This was excluded as the receptionist didn't know when this conversation took place - nothing to do with being too inflammatory. Not sure how a hillbilly answering the door in a towel means there's "clearly an obsession". I mean, fucking hell.

    On the day that Halbach went missing, Avery had called her three times, twice from a *67 number to hide his identity.
    Dean Strang has said that Avery used *67 regularly because he valued his privacy. Other than that, so what? She was doing work for him that day, so what if he called her 3 times. She knew who he was because a) she'd taken photos of his cars several times before (I've seen the number 11 mentioned in this regard, but can't verify that) and b) the Avery property is so distinctive, there's no way she didn't know where she was going.

    The bullet with Halbach’s DNA on it came from Avery’s gun, which always hung above his bed.
    The gun above his head belonged to the owner of his trailer. As for the bullet being shot by that gun, I'm curious as to how true this fact is, as I've seen it disputed in some reddit threads. I've seen some people claiming it was simply the same caliber, and others claiming it matched using ballistic fingerprinting. I'd really like to know the answer to this one.

    Avery had purchased handcuffs and leg irons like the ones Dassey described holding Halbach only three weeks before (Avery said he’s purchased them for use with his girlfriend, Jodi, with whom he’d had a tumultuous relationship — at one point, he was ordered by police to stay away from her for three days).
    Dassey said he used ropes and chains, not handcuffs and leg irons.

    Here’s the piece of evidence that was presented at trial but not in the series that I find most convincing: In Dassey’s illegally obtained statement, Dassey stated that he helped Avery moved the RAV4 into the junkyard and that Avery had lifted the hood and removed the battery cable. Even if you believe that the blood in Halbach’s car was planted by the cops (as I do), there was also non-blood DNA evidence on the hood latch. I don’t believe the police would plant — or know to plant — that evidence.
    This one is definitely more concrete. I think we can disregard everything from Dassey's confessions, as we have no idea whether he was the first to state it, or he was simply regurgitating it. We know that there were at least 2 interviews with Dassey where the recording equipment "malfunctioned", so it wouldn't surprise me at all if there were other unrecorded sessions. However, the DNA being there is definitely an arrow to the knee of the "Steve is innocent" brigade. It's definitely not impossible to plant - they had all of his belongings at their disposal, so it would've been trivial to rub a sock on the hood or something - but it would be an odd thing to plant, given they already had his blood in there.

    I'm of the opinion that Steve probably did it. Perhaps 60/40 - it varies, to be honest. But he absolutely did not receive a fair trial, and I'm as close to being certain as one can be that evidence was planted to incriminate him. And there is, without question, reasonable doubt, in my opinion.

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    An interesting little note via Reddit.

    I'm of the opinion of SVN. I have lot's of doubts, but can see it likely that Steven Avery was guilty, but that there is a great deal of doubt and that both prosecutions were botched to the extent of being entirely unsafe.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by SvN View Post
    I was surprised that he didn't testify. Dean Strang (his lawyer - the shorter one) has said that it was Steven's decision, but couldn't go into why because of attorney-client privilege. It's only speculation, but I think he may have been worried about his words being twisted on the stand and taken out of context. He's not the sharpest tool, and I think he's well aware of that.
    I am not sure what he could have gained from testifying. I mean, what could he say apart from 'I didn't do it' and 'I wasn't there?' I don't think the prosecutors could gain much from it either, beyond things like asking him whether he regrets what he did or not and such which, while obviously complete nonsense, do tend to sway a lot of people because of their stupid Christian belief. Again, judging character instead of facts. So yes, I can see why he wouldn't testify. then again, idiots will also go for the 'if he had nothing to hide then he would testify.' Can't win against preconceived ideas really.

    As for whether he did it or not, the only thing that matters is whether you can be 100% sure that he did it or not. If you are 95% sure he did it, then you should vote not guilty. That is the principle of the law, in practice it is never that way of course and in fact more often than not the burden of proof to the degree of certainty seems to fall on the accused rather than on the prosecution.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SvN View Post
    This one is definitely more concrete. I think we can disregard everything from Dassey's confessions, as we have no idea whether he was the first to state it, or he was simply regurgitating it. We know that there were at least 2 interviews with Dassey where the recording equipment "malfunctioned", so it wouldn't surprise me at all if there were other unrecorded sessions. However, the DNA being there is definitely an arrow to the knee of the "Steve is innocent" brigade. It's definitely not impossible to plant - they had all of his belongings at their disposal, so it would've been trivial to rub a sock on the hood or something - but it would be an odd thing to plant, given they already had his blood in there.
    Page 78 of this document is where Brendan reveals the detail of Steve popping the hood:

    FASSBENDER: OK, what else did he do, he did somethin' else, you need to tell us what he did, after the car is parked there. It's extremely important. (pause) Before you guys leave that car.

    BRENDAN: That he left the gun in the car.

    FASSBENDER: That's not what I'm thinkin' about. He did something to that car. He took the plates and he, I believe he did something else in that car. (pause).

    BRENDAN: I don't know.

    FASSBENDER:OK. Did he, did he, did he go and look at the engine, did he raise the hood at all or anything like that? To do something to that car?

    BRENDAN: Yeah.

    FASSBENDER: What was that? (pause)

    WEIGERT: What did he do, Brendan?

    WEIGERT: It's OK, what did he do?

    FASSBENDER: What did he do under the hood, if what's what he did? (pause)

    BRENDAN: I don't know what he did, but I know he went under.

    FASSBENDER: He did raise the hood? (Brendan nods "yes") You remember that?

    BRENDAN: Yeah.
    As you'll see, it wasn't unprompted at all, but fed to him like most of the other detail in the confession.

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    ram it up your shitpipe Giggles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pepe View Post

    That reporter though.

    Dat chin

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    Regarding Avery not testifying, I don't understand the argument that he'd have cracked under examination. While that's always possible, he spoke eloquently enough in court when addressing the judge directly, particularly after being found guilty and I'd say any risk of cracking was far outweighed by the loss of categorically stating to the court that he didn't do it. I know it shouldn't work this way, but jury members are clearly influenced by that sort of stuff.

    Obviously said with the benefit of hindsight and I'm no legal expert (etc.) but it just struck me as an odd tactic.

    I'd also love to know which members of the originally picked jury Strang decided were better to remove than the father of a local law enforcement official.

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    Just finished it. Epic.

    Steve I think is 60/40 guilty... I really can't make my mind up. He definately didn't kill her in the manner suggested - but there is something strange afoot.

    Brendan, it is clear that there is not one iota of evidence linking him to the crime scene.... It's absolutely astonishing that he is currently locked away. Staggering.

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    Quote Originally Posted by John Arne View Post

    Steve I think is 60/40 guilty... I really can't make my mind up. He definately didn't kill her in the manner suggested - but there is something strange afoot.
    Isn't this the sort of approach that jurors who've misunderstood what they're meant to be doing take?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Yevrah View Post
    Regarding Avery not testifying, I don't understand the argument that he'd have cracked under examination. While that's always possible, he spoke eloquently enough in court when addressing the judge directly, particularly after being found guilty and I'd say any risk of cracking was far outweighed by the loss of categorically stating to the court that he didn't do it. I know it shouldn't work this way, but jury members are clearly influenced by that sort of stuff.

    Obviously said with the benefit of hindsight and I'm no legal expert (etc.) but it just struck me as an odd tactic.

    I'd also love to know which members of the originally picked jury Strang decided were better to remove than the father of a local law enforcement official.
    What got me is that the Jury was made up of local people from the town, who hate the Avery family anyway apparently. Sure all Jury members should be from out of town/city?

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    Quote Originally Posted by TG09 View Post
    What got me is that the Jury was made up of local people from the town, who hate the Avery family anyway apparently. Sure all Jury members should be from out of town/city?
    They probably should have been, but after the press conference which the whole state would have seen there wasn't really anywhere left they could take it to get a fair trial and/or Strang and the other chap didn't have the experience or influence to do so.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Yevrah View Post
    Isn't this the sort of approach that jurors who've misunderstood what they're meant to be doing take?
    Indeed. He should have been acquitted. The State clearly didn't prove anything beyond all reasonable doubt.

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    Quote Originally Posted by John Arne View Post
    Indeed. He should have been acquitted. The State clearly didn't prove anything beyond all reasonable doubt.
    That is the biggest thing I took away, there was no hard evidence that he did it. If they can not prove beyond all reasonable doubt, then he has to be found not guilty.

  32. #32
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    Finished this. Fucking hell. Neither of them should be in prison.

    Earlier on I really thought it was going to turn out that the ex-boyfriend did it. He seemed well shifty. But he kind of just disappeared from the narrative after a while.

    That brother was a dick as well.

    Paul Dano was very good as Brendan though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Boydy View Post
    Earlier on I really thought it was going to turn out that the ex-boyfriend did it. He seemed well shifty. But he kind of just disappeared from the narrative after a while.
    I thought so too. It's not that relevant I don't suppose as it wouldn't have helped to get Avery off (because they weren't allowed to pursue it to the ultimate end game) but that whole part of the trial where they explained 'hacking' into Holbach's mobile account online stank to high heaven.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Yevrah View Post
    I thought so too. It's not that relevant I don't suppose as it wouldn't have helped to get Avery off (because they weren't allowed to pursue it to the ultimate end game) but that whole part of the trial where they explained 'hacking' into Holbach's mobile account online stank to high heaven.
    Yeah, that sounded really dodgy. That and the deleted voicemails. I sort of thought the brother might have been involved at that point as well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Boydy View Post
    Yeah, that sounded really dodgy. That and the deleted voicemails. I sort of thought the brother might have been involved at that point as well.
    Same at with the brother or the ex. Deleting them voicemails didnt go anywhere from what we saw. I would of looked in to that a bit, I also thought it was strange that at the start of the episode it was her video that was shown and she talked about if she died? Who does a video talking about if they die?

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    Quote Originally Posted by TG09 View Post
    Same at with the brother or the ex. Deleting them voicemails didnt go anywhere from what we saw. I would of looked in to that a bit, I also thought it was strange that at the start of the episode it was her video that was shown and she talked about if she died? Who does a video talking about if they die?
    That was all a bit Twin Peaks.

    In respect of why Strang and Buting couldn't follow the voicemail line any further, the brother and weirdo ex simply weren't on trial. The police would/should have covered that in their investigations had they been doing their jobs properly. That they hadn't meant that while Strang and Buting were free to ask about it, they had absolutely no capacity to perform any sort of interrogation on either witness at the trial.

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    Indeed. The prosecution questioning him further at that point would've just strengthened the defence case that they didn't investigate thoroughly.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SvN View Post
    Indeed. The prosecution questioning him further at that point would've just strengthened the defence case that they didn't investigate thoroughly.
    Eh? It was Strang questioning him about accessing the voicemails and there's a tangible moment when you know he'd love to go further but the judge had already laid down the rules of engagement about no other individual(s) based theories being allowed.

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    I thought TG09 meant he thought the prosecution should've looked into it more.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SvN View Post
    I thought TG09 meant he thought the prosecution should've looked into it more.
    Ah, I thought he meant the defence should have given how dodgy the whole thing sounded in court.

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    Yep I think I got the wrong end of the stick in fairness.

    I'd love to know a geniune opinion from the Halbach's about the documentary. I wonder if they feel betrayed at all, or just blindly believe what Krantz and the prosecution told them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SvN View Post
    I thought TG09 meant he thought the prosecution should've looked into it more.
    No sorry the defense.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SvN View Post
    Yep I think I got the wrong end of the stick in fairness.

    I'd love to know a geniune opinion from the Halbach's about the documentary. I wonder if they feel betrayed at all, or just blindly believe what Krantz and the prosecution told them.
    I guess you've already seen it, but I think the only thing they've said so far is "I wish people would stop profiting from the death of our family member", which is a reasonably fair enough comment.

    I could sort of understand the brother's stance on Avery as he had history and there was evidence (if you blindly believe what the police tell you), but when he spoke in the documentary about being disappointed at Dassey not confessing on the stand it was like he was watching a different trial. Either way, he was clearly a lost cause at that stage as someone who a) absolutely blindly believes 100% of what the police tell you or b) knew who actually did it and was covering up for them.

    I don't think a Netflix documentary will change that perspective.

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    How does Steven Avery have so many relationships as well? That baffled me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Boydy View Post
    How does Steven Avery have so many relationships as well? That baffled me.
    Because he's a human and humans like getting it on with each other.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SvN View Post
    Ryan Hillegas, if you're reading this, what I want you to know is that from now on I'm going to do my best to eliminate you as a suspect.

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    No humans want to get it on with me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Boydy View Post
    No humans want to get it on with me.
    Get yourself out there then. You might not want to get it on with them, but there's bound to be people who do with you and eventually (depending on how picky you are) you'll find one/some you want.

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    I wish these blog fuckers knew how to use paragraphs. Despite clearly being penned by a nutter, the link to the blog SvN posted is quite an interesting read, but a fucking headache to digest at the same time.

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