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  1. #6101
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    Any franchise that popular will never be free from the 'games as a service' money grubbing bullshit.

  2. #6102
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    I see there's now some crossover between Game Pass and EA, so I'll be able to give Squadrons a go on that which is nice.

    Plus the GOTY edition of Dragon Age Inquisition which is handy as I was considering replaying it ahead of the new one coming out, whenever that's going to be, but didn't have any of the DLCs on Steam.

  3. #6103
    Isn't he banned? Baz's Avatar
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    If PES 22 uses Unreal engine 5 (rather than 4), FIFA should be left for dust.
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  4. #6104
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    A new Shadow Tactics standalone expansion thing coming late this year, on top of Mimimi still working on their new one.

  5. #6105
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    Resumed Days Gone after a few months of inactivity and upgrading consoles and the framerate on PS5 is smoother than my eyes can process. I'm not sure how far into it I am but I'm in a militia and if I go to a certain part of the map mutant crows start attacking which genuinely shits me right up and I have to switch it off and do something else.

  6. #6106
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    I'm tempted to pick up Train Sim World 2 whilst it's cheap-ish. I wouldn't mind something meditative and it's the closest I'll get to international travel right now.

  7. #6107
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    My hacked Switch has arrived. Time to spend hours loading it up with ROMs, for it to sit on my shelf and never get played.
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  8. #6108
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    Those Play at Home games have dropped on the PS Store. A third copy of Rez

  9. #6109
    Webly Ian's Avatar
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    Finished Yes, Your Grace. Good fun though I feel like they aimed it at replayability but I don't see that there'd be much point because playing it once and getting a bad ending would make it pretty clear how to get a better ending next time, I'd say. Maybe it changes more than I'm giving it credit for. It's a good game though and does a good job of helping you relate to the characters so when I got a good ending (I'm guessing not the best though) I did a little air-punch because I thought I'd fucked it.

    Installed Dragon Age: Inquisition through Game Pass so I'll probably play that alongside Phoenix Point, which I'm still not entirely sure how I feel about.

  10. #6110
    Senior Member Vercetti's Avatar
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    Finished the main story (and a lot of side stuff) on AC: Origins, now.

    I think I preferred Odyssey, but that might be because I played that first. Not much in it, though. Climbing the pyramids and that lighthouse

    The fact that you could still reasonably expect to actually assassinate targets in Origins is a win, but I preferred the actual fisticuffs in Odyssey, mostly because I was better at it.

    The map not levelling up with you is better, too, so another win for Origins, there. And Bayek is the superior lead, but I played Odyssey as Alexios, which everything I've read seems to suggest was the wrong call.

    Maybe I preferred Origins...

  11. #6111
    Webly Ian's Avatar
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    I thought Bayek was pretty meh but yeah, I played Odyssey as Kassandra who is excellent.

    I'm redoing Dragon Age Inquisition. Still a good game but the regions you travel to still feel a bit MMOey and I think I'd rather each area was roughly the same level rather than having to travel back and forth between different places. It's good though and I like how it handles you controlling the Inquisition, etc. Also credit where it's due for keeping on the Dragon Age-y thing of not being able to be BFFs with all your companions if you're actually playing a consistent character.

  12. #6112
    Senior Member Disco's Avatar
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    I'm shamelessly copying you Webly, after playing Andromeda I had a hankering for more open world stuff (that wasn't Andromeda) and I never got out of the tutorial of Inquisition on the first attempt. Hopefully the control scheme and general layout will appear less hateful this time around.

  13. #6113
    Webly Ian's Avatar
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    I'll say this: it might not be a very high bar but I don't think I'd appreciated just how much better than Andromeda it is. As I said the world / missions feel a bit MMOey (or maybe Ubi-esque with a map full of icons to clear) but the story, world building, etc. are much better. Builds on the previous games, much more coherent and I am again enjoying some of the extra dialogue that comes with playing as a Qunari.

    It gives me more hope for the next Dragon Age game than I could currently bring myself to have for new Mass Effect.

  14. #6114
    Isn't he banned? Baz's Avatar
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    Some cunts robbed £21 of my Steam balance buying some 12p gun.
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  15. #6115
    Bookie Sir Andy Mahowry's Avatar
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    What dodgy website did you give your Steam login details?

  16. #6116
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    Probably Amazon.

  17. #6117
    DEATH TO THE WEIRD Raoul Duke's Avatar
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    This looks kinda interesting:

    Some decent Walking Dead/Day Z vibes. Main issue here is they've got people demoing games who apparently have just picked up a controller for a first time

  18. #6118
    DEATH TO THE WEIRD Raoul Duke's Avatar
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    Continuing the zombie theme:

    Looks like The Walking Dead crossed with Mirrors Edge/Dishonoured

  19. #6119
    Webly Ian's Avatar
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    I couldn't get into the first one but I'll keep an eye on that.

  20. #6120
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    This isn't a thought I remember having the first time but I reckon Dragon Age Inquisition might do the best "that bit at [whatever your base is] where you catch up with all your party members" from any party based RPGs I've played once you get to Skyhold. The party itself isn't as strong as Mass Effect 2 because obviously what is? But it's still good, plus you're in a big castle which has some cosmetic stuff you can change, all your crafting in the one place, merchants, your characters move about sometimes so it feels like they have a little agency of their own plus the occasional other characters turning up, being able to send agents on missions, the bits where you make a judgement over some wrong'un the Inquisition has arrested, etc. It's great.

    The actual stuff out in the world is still definitely too MMOey and while I'm able and happy to just switch my brain off and relax for those bits as I run about crossing icons off a list it'd probably be worth suggesting to anybody playing it for the first time to just ignore some of those altogether. But yeah, I'm enjoy it again and it's making me both a little more hyped and a little more optimistic for Dragon Age 4 than I was.

  21. #6121
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    I've made a start on Detroit: Become Human. Possibly David Cage's worst work. I'm a few scenes in and have some issues with what he's going for.

    - Androids = Second class citizens. Except they're not. They're Androids.
    - They're literally at the back of the bus.
    - Most of them are white.
    - Androids are responsible for a 37% unemployment rate. Remind me why I should care for Robot Rosa Parks?
    - Despite the unemployment, any protests are small scale. There's one token homeless guy in each town.
    - Androids, despite being sophisticated machinery and cutting edge technology, can be acquired by deadbeat people.
    - Cops hate them even though they hire them to do cool shit like hostage negotiation. It's like pissing on the bomb disposal robots.
    - You remember how Ethan in Heavy Rain downscaled to a three-bedroom house and was considered poor? That house turns up again. David Cage has never seen poverty but he can depict it by just making the house a bit grey.
    - Single dads are shit and can't handle simple conversations.
    - Just to be clear, everybody hates Androids in this universe. A universe where it's so prevalent everybody has one.
    - Poor people will hire robots to do the most basic of things whilst they sit around unemployed and bored. This extends to their kids who can't even tidy their own room.
    - "Should we have robot Quarterbacks in the NFL?" - No. They'll be expensive to fix.
    - Y'know, for a country with such big unemployment, there's no breadlines or food banks.
    - There's fancy future cars everywhere but the cop Lieutenant has to drive a Buick. Probably because he hates robots.
    - I think David Cage is implying there's a drug problem in this town but that's only manifesting in a behind closed doors manner. No crackheads out on the street but no-good sons will have a tiny amount stashed away.
    - David Cage can't write convincing bad people. He has to have them prone to MASSIVE BOUTS OF ANGER just to show how bad they are.
    - Are the government bothered by over a third of the working population not being in ... work? Do the Androids pay tax?
    - Detroit's really turned itself around in 15 years. Eat a dick, San Francisco.

    Now, I sort of know how the rest of this goes and I can't go with it. Androids are clearly bad for this world. It's not a civil rights movement, it's something that has actually ruined society. You're not good at this, David Cage.

  22. #6122
    Senior Member Disco's Avatar
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    But it's not an allegory for racism, you can tell because he said so.

  23. #6123
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    Yeah, I've found an interview where he's more, "No, it's about AI. I've read Kurzweil. Here's a banger:

    GamesBeat: How plausible did you think it was that the onset of AI would cause this 30 to 40 percent unemployment?

    Cage: That’s something I studied for Detroit as well, the social impact of technology. In my research I discovered that the same discussions happened when the first steam engines appeared. Everybody said, “Wait a second, but workers will be unemployed. It’s going to be a disaster.” We know now that this isn’t what happened, because we needed more people to design machines and maintain machines and build other machines. The people who were doing these old low-paid jobs shifted to something else in different positions. But there was no massive unemployment.

    I tend to think that this is also what will happen with AI. We’ll see a new breadth of jobs. They’ll be different, but machines will just replace us in the most common jobs that we won’t need to do anymore.
    Erm ... so ... there probably wouldn't be mass unemployment but you did it anyway?

    Cage: In the game I was interested in raising that point. I thought, “Let’s play with this idea.” It’s also a plausible scenario, honestly. No one can be sure. But I imagined the opposite scenario, where there would be unemployment, and I was interested in the social impact of this, where rich people would have a job, but also have androids serving them, while poor people would have lost their jobs and couldn’t afford androids.
    Second scene of the game, a poor unemployed man buys a replacement Android to do all his cleaning. Billboards for androids are everywhere. Androids are everywhere. You've not created a barrier to entry, David.

  24. #6124
    Webly Ian's Avatar
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    I, meanwhile, have been very much enjoying the Inquisition story/writing and had forgotten how solid it is. The game itself is still bad at the stage I'm at for wasting your time but at least the later regions you go to are a bit slicker rather than the massive sprawling one you first visit and you kinda get into the rhythm of knowing what stuff to clear off and when to make it easier in yourself. Could really do with a filter for the map though to turn certain markers off.

    But anyway, the writing. It carries on the mages and templars stuff well from previous games and unlike the David Cage stuff you've mentioned there it's not just a really naff allegory for something else. Mages are clearly dangerous and are responsible for a lot of the bad shit, but then you set Templars to watch them and basically turn them into addicts to help give them the abilities to fight/hunt mages and that causes all sorts of problems of it's own. On top of which that whole set up is governed by the church so you've got an interesting thing going on with different characters discussing where the issue lies here, are all three parts of it to blame or one of them? Or none? You've got a character who is a former Templar and basically trying to go cold turkey, there's a trans side character who I think is handled quite well (but I acknowledge my own ignorance on this), an interesting thing with a spirit who's accidentally become a person and is learning to deal with that and almost all the characters have at least some interesting twist to their basic outlook when you start digging into it.

    All this on top of the more standard 'evil wizard wants to take over the world' thing, and I just did a main story mission which is mostly you trying to do an investigation into an assassination plot while keeping up appearances at a fancy ball. The game is definitely strongest with the more story-focused stuff. I hope the actual stuff you're doing for your average sidequest gets a bit of a rework in DA4.

  25. #6125
    Senior Member SincereTheRebel's Avatar
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    Gran Turismo will be part of a few virtual sports at the Olympics

  26. #6126
    Senior Member Disco's Avatar
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    'David Cage is bad at writing' must be the definition of pushing at an open door, he has garnered a reputation for being crap at every aspect of it within the realm of videogames. That is akin to being the smelliest tramp or having the worst heart disease in Scotland, quite impressive really.

  27. #6127
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    But he keeps trying. And people pay him to keep trying. He's not even bad in a Kojima way. Hideo at least dives deep on a few wikipedia articles whilst Cage looks at a book's back cover and says, "Yeah, I've read that." He clearly loves his sci-fi but has the most high-school takes. Telltale died whilst this still rolls on.

    More problems in Detroit's erm ... Detroit:

    - Pollenating bees are extinct so the solution is to either find some other bees or make robot bees.
    - In a world where Androids are killing people at an alarming rate, robot animals populate zoos.
    - Canada is Android free because David Cage lives there.
    - Androids can remove the only distinctive marks that single them out from humans.
    - Androids appear to be built from interchangeable parts but we have to dump all of the defective ones in a landfill rather than recycle said parts. FUCK.
    - The cop station has Androids manning reception. A reminder that cops hate Androids.
    - The human population is booming and living longer despite the mass unemployment and poverty.
    - There is a robot Jesus.
    - Nobody manufacturing these androids has ever heard of a product recall. Seems like a concern when they're like .... murdering and rebelling against their masters.
    - I've not seen my cop buddy do any cop work. I'm doing all the cop stuff like a really shit Robocop.

    I think I prefer Two Souls with the weird purgatory ghost family twist.

  28. #6128
    Pretty Much Amazing Mike's Avatar
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    I started playing UFC3 on GamePass and laughed a little too much cos it had my 2017 moustached FIFA Face in the Game face for download.

  29. #6129
    Isn't he banned? Baz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    I started playing UFC3 on GamePass and laughed a little too much cos it had my 2017 moustached FIFA Face in the Game face for download.
    Let’s see him.
    I'm a twit

  30. #6130
    Administrator Kikó's Avatar
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    I've enjoyed Shindig's posts on this page.

  31. #6131
    Webly Ian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shindig View Post
    - Canada is Android free because David Cage lives there.
    This reads like an entry from a list of David Cage Facts (in the style of Chuck Norris facts) written by David Cage himself.

  32. #6132
    Senior Member Disco's Avatar
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    Have you got to the patented David Cage Plot Twist™ in Detroit yet Shinners?

  33. #6133
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    I think what you're referring to is ANDROID CHILDREN. That's been telegraphed so Alice is definitely a BLUE BLOOD. Also, all these Androids need to do to live as undercover humans is rip the light off the side of their head yet none of the Robot Underground Railroad do it. They don't feel pain and it leaves no identifying marks. There is absolutely nothing stopping them from doing it. They aren't even tracked because, conveniently, rampancy makes the tracking chip stop working.

    For that reason, I'm making Markus' Android revolution the most violent waste of time I can imagine. Oh, and apparently Androids are a dying species despite the clear fact Androids sell well in shops and permeate all facets of society.


  34. #6134
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    Bought F1 20 in the PS Store sale (6 months of having a PS5, still not bought a proper PS5 game yet) and really enjoying it. I think the last one I tried may have been 16 or 17 and I found it way too tricky and light to handle whereas it feels like there's more weight to this. The career option where you can be driver-owner of a new team is a great addition, although Mick Schumacher should crack on with joining me in the top 10 if he wants a contract for another year. If he thinks his name alone will do it he can forget it when Jean Alesi's kid is waiting in the wings.

  35. #6135
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    It's the first one of them I feel confident on without TCS and ABS. The weight just makes the car stick nicely.

  36. #6136
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    EA coming to Gamepass means that I've confirmed, Burnout Paradise is still the best racing game of the millenium and its 15 years old.

  37. #6137
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  38. #6138
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    Yeah, this kid's definitely an android. She hasn't eaten anything in 3 days and spends most of her time freezing but doesn't complain. This is the Scott Shelby twist. And I bet 'android free' Canada is an android haven.

  39. #6139
    Senior Member Disco's Avatar
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    I thought it was less ridiculous than the Heavy Rain twist but managed to actually make less internal sense, which is an achievement in itself.

  40. #6140
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    It makes Todd's cartoonish abuse not a factor and actually understandable. How none of the others cotton on to it is laughable, though. "Hold my hand Alice" <data transfer>. The TV station section was rough as well. It shouldn't be that easy to convert people to terrorism. Didn't like the speech either because giving Androids property rights and jobs exacerbates the human unemployment. And overpopulation. It's a bollocks future.

  41. #6141
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    Obligatory 'don't know how far through you are' but yeah, Todd gets a fucking rough deal once that is taken in account. Conner and his buddy cop bromance (if played a particular way) is the only decent bit of the game.

  42. #6142
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    I've just freed up the Androids from the CyberLife store. Kara, Green Mile and Alice are setting off for Canada. Connor and Cop are two steps behind Jesus and Mary Magdalenebot. I'm going pacifist on the revolution because, at the end of the day, the Androids are a superior species that require less shit to function.

    EDIT: And now Connor's ruined. Full human boy after a meeting with a cunt God.
    Last edited by Shindig; 25-04-2021 at 06:30 PM.

  43. #6143
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    Christ, that ending was retarded. Connor and Hank were buddies til the end, though. Managed to avoid Kara getting sent to Auschwitz and she somehow got to Canada despite all her components failing in the scene prior.

    After this and Vanquish, I've determined Hilary Clinton would've been a shit President. And the whole civil unrest dies on it's arse once you realise the woke Robots don't want to continue doing work. Sorts out unemployment, stops World War 3 but they still have to murder all the other robots because HUMANS BAD. When Alice got revealed as an android, they decided, rather than pick the countless other obvious clues, to give you one from earlier in the game to drop the curtain. For a game with really good flow-charts that lead into divergent paths, this seems a shite way to do that.

    But not as shite as how you resolve the protest. Fucking hell. Apparently the other endings make more sense but I went big on pacifism.
    Last edited by Shindig; 27-04-2021 at 06:50 PM.

  44. #6144
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vercetti View Post
    Finished the main story (and a lot of side stuff) on AC: Origins, now.

    I think I preferred Odyssey, but that might be because I played that first. Not much in it, though. Climbing the pyramids and that lighthouse

    The fact that you could still reasonably expect to actually assassinate targets in Origins is a win, but I preferred the actual fisticuffs in Odyssey, mostly because I was better at it.

    The map not levelling up with you is better, too, so another win for Origins, there. And Bayek is the superior lead, but I played Odyssey as Alexios, which everything I've read seems to suggest was the wrong call.

    Maybe I preferred Origins...

    I got a bit stuck. As in, haven't been playing for about a week or two. Need to get back into it, think I'm about 2/3rds into the main story (of Odyssey that is).

    Quote Originally Posted by Ian View Post
    a load of inquisition stuff

    You better be snuggling up with my darling Josephine.

  45. #6145
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    I sure am. She was my romance option the first time round too and I considered mixing it up but playing as a wimmin Josephine is definitely the best option I'd say. I mean as a Qunari I could've gone Iron Bull but I wouldn't have the heart to keep him and Dorian apart.

    Though I have enjoyed Sera as a character generally more often this time. I'd put this game pretty high up the the rankings for Bioware companion sets. Like it doesn't have one absolute stand-out like HK-47, Mordin, Garrus, Shale or whatever but I don't think there's a duffer among them and they're all quite well written and have good arcs, etc.

    I'm gonna be starting some of the DLC next I think. I know Trespasser you have to do last but I gather some of the gear you get from Jaws of Hakkon and The Descent is pretty swish so I wanna get that before I finish up the story. Not that I'm really struggling. Other than spamming potions when I fight dragons I don't really struggle with fights thanks to loads of AOE mage goodness.

    I have mixed feelings about some of the areas though. On the one hand I do really like how they have multiple levels (vertically, not in terms of instances) which not a lot of games with massive open areas I've played do that, so you'll have little winding canyons below you and cliffs spanned by walkways and whatnot but this does sometimes make the regions not fun to traverse if you're trying to get to somewhere that looks close on the map as there isn't climbing or any magic-y means of getting about. And even mounted you just don't move that fast, and the game is still a bit bad for having you criss-cross the same areas of the map if you're not careful but I'm kind of in the rhythm of it now so I know to just ignore some stuff and usually try and unlock all the camps first as by then you'll have a decent amount of your map icons added for you to sweep up.

    Still enjoying it though and I'm looking forward to the DLCs as I never did any of them first time around and I know Trespasser has big implications for DA4. I mean I already know what those are but still, it'll be cool to see how it plays out.

  46. #6146
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    Not sure if I mentioned it but I did install Inquisition and immediately unisntalled it because I couldn't remember all my choices and I couldn't face making them up so it was play all of them over again or uninstall. I took the easier option.

  47. #6147
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    Think I had to do that going into Inquisition and between Dragon Age Keep and a Wiki it didn't take me long to work out what I'd gone for and enter it but then there were only a few things I didn't really remember once I'd see the options.

    That said: if you don't care enough to remember your decisions anyway then what does it matter?
    Last edited by Ian; 28-04-2021 at 01:01 PM.

  48. #6148
    Senior Member Mazuuurk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian View Post
    I sure am. She was my romance option the first time round too and I considered mixing it up but playing as a wimmin Josephine is definitely the best option I'd say. I mean as a Qunari I could've gone Iron Bull but I wouldn't have the heart to keep him and Dorian apart.

    Though I have enjoyed Sera as a character generally more often this time. I'd put this game pretty high up the the rankings for Bioware companion sets. Like it doesn't have one absolute stand-out like HK-47, Mordin, Garrus, Shale or whatever but I don't think there's a duffer among them and they're all quite well written and have good arcs, etc.

    I'm gonna be starting some of the DLC next I think. I know Trespasser you have to do last but I gather some of the gear you get from Jaws of Hakkon and The Descent is pretty swish so I wanna get that before I finish up the story. Not that I'm really struggling. Other than spamming potions when I fight dragons I don't really struggle with fights thanks to loads of AOE mage goodness.

    I have mixed feelings about some of the areas though. On the one hand I do really like how they have multiple levels (vertically, not in terms of instances) which not a lot of games with massive open areas I've played do that, so you'll have little winding canyons below you and cliffs spanned by walkways and whatnot but this does sometimes make the regions not fun to traverse if you're trying to get to somewhere that looks close on the map as there isn't climbing or any magic-y means of getting about. And even mounted you just don't move that fast, and the game is still a bit bad for having you criss-cross the same areas of the map if you're not careful but I'm kind of in the rhythm of it now so I know to just ignore some stuff and usually try and unlock all the camps first as by then you'll have a decent amount of your map icons added for you to sweep up.

    Still enjoying it though and I'm looking forward to the DLCs as I never did any of them first time around and I know Trespasser has big implications for DA4. I mean I already know what those are but still, it'll be cool to see how it plays out.

    (Potential) Trespasser spoiler depending on choices (I think), if you haven't played that:

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  49. #6149
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian View Post
    Think I had to do that going into Inquisition and between Dragon Age Keep and a Wiki it didn't take me long to work out what I'd gone for and enter it but then there were only a few things I didn't really remember once I'd see the options.

    That said: if you don't care enough to remember your decisions anyway then what does it matter?
    I didn't say it was the logical decision.

  50. #6150
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    Fair enough. How much did you enjoy the previous two?

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