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Thread: The Ultimate WWE Thread

  1. #15851

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    Here's my Night 1 review. Night 2 I'll get round to when I stop laughing at Shane.

    WWE United States Title Match
    Austin Theory (c) vs. John Cena
    The champion coming out first always annoys me. Lol that ramp is massive. Theory looks amazing and reminds me of a young Orton. But even old man Cena dwarfs him in star quality still. And this Make-a-Wish entrance is even more reason to have him come out before Theory. Oh he’s very bald now. But nice touch to put over the US title in the introductions. Starting out with very basic psychology of veteran babyface versus cocky young heel. That’s fine as with a long card you don’t always want to go hard early on and kill the crowd for the main event(s). Theory is pretty good at getting crowd heat which makes a simple suplex from Cena a good pop. Theory doesn’t sell very well but that should come with time. Not sure why they needed to do the false finish for Cena because this is all about elevating Theory and the crowd got hyped by the comeback leading to it anyway so, yeah, unnecessary. This was alright and did its job. It’s getting hate online it seems but this card is four hours so if they were all epics I’d be burned out half way through.

    Fatal Four Way Tag Team Match
    Braun Strowman & Ricochet vs. The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) vs. The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford) vs. Alpha Academy (Chad Gable & Otis)
    The ramp is so long they cut the music half way down and move on to the next team. Four way tags are just as ridiculous as four way singles as we start with a few pins which the other competitors have no interest in breaking up and then they just decide to disregard the rules to do face offs and overly cooperative spots. I’m not hanging around for this. I wait for Titus O’Neil to bury Otis on commentary then I’m out of there.

    Singles Match
    Seth Rollins vs. Logan Paul
    I stop the fast forwarding during the video package and literally the first thing I hear is Seth cackling. FFS. Logan Paul is such a heat machine and it’s fucking great. The mic’ed up entrance is good shit but the bottle of Prime is not. Rollins is pretty much only a babyface at this point because of his entrance music. The crowd can WOAH to Cody’s music instead now so there’s no excuse to fuck off this gimmick and go heel. Paul has no business being this good. Admittedly he’s still a bit clunky and Rollins does a good job of leading him through the match early on but already he’s got better wrestling basics than half the guys in another promotion. Kevin Dunn lets me know someone notable is in that Prime bottle and will get involved. Rollins just lacks that sharpness and snappiness to his offence these days. The storytelling and call backs were pretty good for essentially a celebrity match and Paul sells better than full time guys. So it’s KSI in the Prime outfit. OK. Mistimed spot through the table. Surely there’s a countout or DQ in there somewhere too. The G2S looked a bit bad but the camera covered for it well and then Paul got a bit lost before remembering the splash off the top was next. The same hesitancy for coast to coast and his greenness is a bit more obvious here now than in the past. The finish was a bit out of nowhere too. Considering Paul is not a wrestler, it was great, but if you measure on the same scale as everyone else then it was just alright. The pacing was off.

    Six Man Tag Team Match
    Becky Lynch, Lita & Trish Stratus vs. Damage CTRL (Bayley, Dakota Kai & IYO SKY)
    I’ll be surprised if I get through all of this. The booking of this feud has been terrible. It starts OK with Becky as the babyface in peril. Damage CTRL would be very good if they were booked correctly. The heat segment is good; decent teamwork from the heels and Becky sells well and is in the right places. Hot tag to Lita is ice cold, damn. And she does not look very good. Quite a long segment before Trish gets in and she’s actually OK; the heels have fed well for the part timers. That hurricanrana spot in the outside is everything I hate about cooperative “stand around like a dumbass waiting to catch your flying opponent” wrestling. Then back in the ring and a scruffy sequence that culminates in the ref seeing the interference he wasn’t meant to see. Then another group hug on the outside to catch the moonsault. This has fell apart now and I’ve had enough but I feel it’s almost done so I’ll carry on. All six dive back in on the count of nine in another bit of nonsense. Then some homage to AEW with complete disregard for the rules as they all jump in for a brawl as the ref stands around looking like a bottle of milk. Finally the finish sequence which was clunky to put it nicely with Bayley eating a pin for no good reason because the finish was so cold. The match started well then got progressively worse.

    Singles Match
    Rey Mysterio vs. Dominik Mysterio
    The video packages pre-match should sell anyone on this. WWE video packages are unrivalled in any form of entertainment. Also the entrance for Dom is absolutely brilliant. Cool nod to his dad and Eddie’s match at Halloween Havoc with the ring gear too. Rey comes out to Eddie’s music and with a Muta tribute mask too so straight away this is awesome. Cinnamon Toast Crunch sponsoring such a grudge match is weird though. The opening exchange is a bit odd though as they start out like a regular wrestling match rather than a father vs. son feud. Dad then spanks the naughty boy’s arse with his belt and this would probably benefit from a no-DQ stipulation now I think about it. I’m not feeling this so far; Dom should be heeling up big time with stalling and backing off like Flair but this is all a bit standard wrestling match with a bit of bad mouthing the family in between. Balor and Priest at ringside now and then a shot of Bad Bunny on comms straight after so we know where this is going. Three Amigos attempt from Dom which is the kind of shit he should have been doing since the start. And here’s the LWO for shenanigans. 619 and Frog Splash from Dom should have been the finish, imagine the heat. But Rey hit it himself to win. Ehhh, I dunno. WrestleMania is all about the babyfaces triumphing, I get it, but they could have got more legs out of this one with a Dominik win. But they’ve got a Bad Bunny match at Backlash to hype…

    WWE SmackDown Women's Title Match
    Charlotte Flair (c) vs. Rhea Ripley
    Ripley is looking like even more of a star than usual here. This has to be a title change surely. Charlotte is looking great too but she is just the worst babyface. We start with a bit of fight in the collar and elbow which is a great touch and often overlooked, it sets the tone for a big time match, something that Rey and Dom could have done. Decent psychology to begin with the powerhouse heel and they’re working pretty stiff so it looks good. I’ve always been harsh on Charlotte but she’s selling well here and is feeding for Rhea really nicely. The crowd are ready for Rhea to be the champion, popping big for any camera close up of her. Charlotte finally regains the upper hand but she’s going with vicious leg attacks and crowd posing. Double turn? Rhea sells a DDT like death. They’re definitely working reverse roles now but I don’t know if it’s by accident or they’re reacting to the crowd being 100% behind Rhea. Holy fuck that German off the top, great stuff. Well done to Corey calling the delay in Rhea getting the pin was why it wasn’t the finish, protecting the big time moves. Now Rhea has the upper hand again she’s working heel. They should have just gone with heel vs. heel for this one, they’re both in their element that way; Charlotte is not a babyface you want to get behind. And a German from the mat results in a face plant haha, Charlotte jumped more back than up. In a way it’s a shame there wasn’t more claret there, it would have helped her get support as the babyface. The moonsault off the top looks great but it’s just dumb as anyone who doesn’t want 150lbs on their head just moves out the way. Riptide, kickout. Fair enough as it was a bit out of nowhere. This crowd will go nuts for the win. Charlotte makes the Prism Lock look great as well. More good selling from Rhea for the spear and big boot then using the ropes to protect the effectiveness of Charlotte’s submissions. Riptide off the top for the win. Nice touch from Charlotte smiling at Ripley at the end in a clear passing the torch moment. These two are brilliant workers. I wish Charlotte was motivated more often. Tremendous match. Considering there wasn’t really a babyface, I don’t know how that could have been better.

    Singles Match
    Pat McAfee vs. The Miz
    You know what, I like The Miz. He knows his role and he does it well. Corey fuming Pat is here lol. Pat dressed like he’s about to settle down on the sofa. Snoop Dogg is hilarious. Bit of random Kittle. Ahh whatever this was what it was, the crowd need a break after the last match.

    WWE RAW Tag Team Title / WWE SmackDown Tag Team Title Match
    The Usos (Jey Uso & Jimmy Uso) (c) vs. Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn
    More outstanding video packages. The Usos in the main event of WrestleMania by right tells you everything about just how good this storyline has been. KO being so over the top and dramatic in his “emoting” is why I think I’ve never truly got behind him. Sami and Jey start the match which I think was a wrong move, they should have left the crowd waiting for them. And now a test of strength a week after the Jey betrayal? Nah come on, Sami should be wanting to rip his head off. Anyway, it’s better now we are into the heat segment and Sami is a great seller but he needs to be the hero of this match but the way it’s set up so far is KO as the hot tag. The crowd would have popped huge for Sami being the hot tag there. Best friends or not, he’s still a bit of a third wheel in this. Long KO segment versus both Usos and it’s a bit big move spam, especially as we are not near the end yet. Sami finally reappears for a brainbuster ON THE HARDEST PART OF THE RING MAGGLE then an Uso splash for another two count. More moves and I’m struggling to see the story they’re trying to tell, it's all a bit indie-riffic. Michael Cole is actually doing really well on commentary to try to reason what’s going on. The segment with both Usos double teaming Sami is better as it’s good tag team tactics and puts Sami in peril before he inevitably overcomes. I normally dislike table spots but disposing of KO is good stuff if it means he’s out for the duration. The crowd respond now to the kickout as they recognise the big hill to climb for Sami. Jimmy is a load of nothing but Jey is a great heel. Oh fuck KO is back to clean house. He seems like the bigger deal in the team which is just bizarre. All the kickouts are getting a bit egregious now. Floor cam gets a nice close up of KO and Jey calling the next spot lol. Sami is finally in for the hot tag to end it with Jey. They got there in the end but there was a whole load of confusing and unnecessary shit before they got there. The women should have main evented and this should have been a 15 minute all out brawl.

    Yeah, I’m not feeling this as much as most other people. Match of the night is obvious and other than that, it was all a bit middling despite WWE’s incredible video packages getting me hyped pre-match.

  2. #15852
    Bookie Sir Andy Mahowry's Avatar
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    RIP Hunter.

  3. #15853
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    I don’t think this affects Haitch, to be honest.

  4. #15854

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    Is that UFC?

  5. #15855
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  6. #15856
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    Lesnar v Omos - omg guys did you see that bit where the man lifted the tall man up? Literally shat my kidneys out in excitement. What a Wrestlemania moment!

    Womens tag - Didn't watch, obviously. I'll care when the bookers do.

    IC title - This is the good shit. The sort of triple threat pacing you'd expect but instead of spamming big spots they just spammed beating the piss out of each other. Lots of fun.

    Belair v Asuka - Good match. I wonder if they're going to unite the womens titles and have Rhea vs. Belair? Or if they just don't know who they want to have Belair drop the belts too but they're going a bit overboard with some of the long reigns now. Hampered by the garbage build but bell to bell I really enjoyed it.

    More Miz shit - Lol at Shane, and lol at Snoop's people's elbow.

    Edge v Balor - I thought this was alright. Not amazing but at least it was under 20 minutes and less tedious than most Edge matches.

    Reigns v Rhodes - Really enjoyed the match, was really caught out by the ending. I refused to rule out a Reigns win but did think ultimately Cody was gonna take it. Especially when he'd basically survived everything (Solo, Usos, spear, guillotine.) Honestly not sure how I feel about it. I guess it'll all be vindicated if WWE find a solution that the crowds are as into as they'd have been for Zayn then Cody but if people start to turn on the whole thing then they'll only have themselves to blame.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Andy Mahowry View Post

    RIP Hunter.
    Bloodline story to end with Brock vs. Roman then. Great.

  7. #15857

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    I'm sure the hardcore MMA fans will love the inevitable crossovers.

  8. #15858
    Webly Ian's Avatar
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    They should put Vince in charge of UFC.

    Omos vs. Great Khali for their heavyweight belt.

  9. #15859
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    I'd be there for WALTER chopping the dickhead Jon Jones to death.

  10. #15860
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    I don't even know.

  11. #15861
    Isn't he banned? Baz's Avatar
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    He’s so brash. What a man.
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  12. #15862
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    Bold move to start looking like a rapist in the wake of all those sexual assault claims.

  13. #15863
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    They were so good as GYV.

  14. #15864
    Webly Ian's Avatar
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    Yeah they can do a lot better than whatever the fuck Schism is.

  15. #15865
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    What a stunning chant that was when during his singles run too. The whole fucking crowd would always get right behind it.

    I'm stunned they never won the tag titles in NXT.

  16. #15866
    Isn't he banned? Baz's Avatar
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    No point going to AEW unless they have a third member.
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  17. #15867
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    I can't get over how mad Vince McMahon looks.

  18. #15868

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    Be nice to see Zack Gibson with a mic again.

  19. #15869
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    Bob Sapp's going to Suplex City.

  20. #15870

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    Oh boy, Vince is back. Raw sounds like the biggest shambles ever.

  21. #15871
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    The "Raw after Mania" isn't really a thing any more, is it? Did I miss something or is Riddle's return (I like Riddle, but with Orton injured WWE sure don't) the only return/callup/debut we had?

    Also I'm assuming Lesnar / Cody is so the latter can win and WWE reassure people that's not him in the bin after losing to Reigns.

    EDIT: Oh I see Vince was back and rewriting the show on the fly.

    RIP WWE being competently booked.

  22. #15872

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian View Post
    Also I'm assuming Lesnar / Cody is so the latter can win and WWE reassure people that's not him in the bin after losing to Reigns.
    Exactly my thoughts. But it will be a good match I think, Lesnar is brilliant when he wants to sell for someone.

  23. #15873
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    I like how when a show is good HHH definitely booked it and when it’s bad it was obviously Vince.

  24. #15874
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    Yeah good point that's what's happening here.

  25. #15875
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    I wasn’t necessarily talking about this one show and the reaction on here. Just seems to be what everyone in the wrestling community has been doing for months.

  26. #15876

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    PWInsider are saying it's all Vince again now. Which was to be expected, so I suppose well done to him for letting Triple H finish up through WrestleMania. Maybe Triple H personally wanted Cody to go over after all?

  27. #15877
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    I've heard that Triple H made the Reigns call.

    Although who knows if he was leaned on by Vince.

  28. #15878
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    The Dirty Sheets all say it was all Trips on that one.

    He's obviously not forgotten the throne smashing.

  29. #15879
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    Quote Originally Posted by Browning View Post
    I wasn’t necessarily talking about this one show and the reaction on here. Just seems to be what everyone in the wrestling community has been doing for months.
    Well sure, internet's gonna internet.

    But the "wrestling community " also had a sizeable population of weirdos who thought Raw was a 4/5 out of show more often than not even before HHH dragged the mean Raw quality up to "okay."-

    Sounds like last night was bedlam though. And if anything shrieks Vince it's leaving an Omos squash on the show while cutting two women's triple threats.

    I wonder how long until his rape 'tache makes it to TV.

  30. #15880

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gray Fox View Post
    The Dirty Sheets all say it was all Trips on that one.

    He's obviously not forgotten the throne smashing.
    I had!

    100% that's why.

  31. #15881

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    I’ll be interested to see how WWE ticket sales do moving forward. The product was the hottest it’s been in years but I can’t help but feel that between the main event on Sunday and future plans indicated on Raw, they’ve massively fumbled the ball on what was seemingly a cannot miss. Was it hot because of Cody, or was he irrelevant to it? This seems like a classic WWE storyline of going back to the well one too many times and by Summerslam when they’re probably planning the switch (will Reigns be beyond 1000 days by then?) they might have missed the boat and Cody has gone all Lex Luger on them.

    WrestleMania seems to have come at the wrong time for them in this whole Bloodline story arc but to me it was now or never.

  32. #15882
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    Cody will never be as over as he was at Mania and it's hard to see them building up someone that over again for some time.

    There was your big babyface champ.

    Also, reports are that Jay White is now not going to sign for WWE.

  33. #15883
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    Still not seen night 2 but apparently the commentary asked how many championships Dusty won with the Figure 4?

    I mean he was before my time but I've got a pretty confident guess....

  34. #15884

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    Where the fuck was LA Knight by the way?

  35. #15885
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    I was critical of them pausing the match to fix him up quickly but now I'm stunned he managed to finish the match. That's some head wound.

  36. #15886
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    Apparently the pause is because LA has a strict no blood in fighting policy, or you need an extra license or something.

  37. #15887
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    Yeah, that was a concerning Raw episode. If that’s what old man Vince is serving up on the Raw after Mania in LA, then god help us when we’re building to C-level PPVs in Omaha, Nebraska.

  38. #15888
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    Someone sitting behind production saw that they received 3 new rundowns mid show. AEW is back baby.

  39. #15889
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    Good news for Omos' chance of being world champion, bad news for people with first names.

  40. #15890
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    Quote Originally Posted by phonics View Post
    Someone sitting behind production saw that they received 3 new rundowns mid show. AEW is back baby.
    It also seems that Seth was told to change his segment just before it too:

    Probably why he left without saying anything.
    Last edited by Sir Andy Mahowry; 04-04-2023 at 10:34 PM.

  41. #15891
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    Fucking hell.

  42. #15892

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    @Baz Tony has a very special announcement on Dynamite tonight (doesn’t he always the week after a shit rating?) but rumours abound is that he’s going to announce a show in England.

  43. #15893
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    It would be quality if he did and it was down South.

    Baz would be SEETHING.

  44. #15894

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    Baz wants to go to Craven Cottage so it’s safe to say he will be going wherever it is. I’d consider it but I can see it being a proper UK indy crowd that just wants to get itself over. PROGRESS was horrible for that.

  45. #15895
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    Fingers crossed he's going to come out with a pencil moustache and announce they've merged with Bellator.

  46. #15896
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  47. #15897
    Isn't he banned? Baz's Avatar
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    Take my money, Tony!

    I won’t be able to watch Dynamite in full for a few days but please post in here if that is the case and point me in the direction of where to buy front-row facing-the-camera seats. A lad I used to work with who I’ve been to a few ICW shows with said he’ll come with me (even though we’ve not seen each other for about 8 years lol) if it’s in Manchester or Liverpool. But I reckon if I offer him a free ticket to a show in London, he’ll be up for it.
    I'm a twit

  48. #15898
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    Big Nigel

    That's a shrewd move. He was a brilliant commentator for WWE.

  49. #15899
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Andy Mahowry View Post

    Fucking hell.

    I don't even...

  50. #15900
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    Jesus. Can Tony make an angle out of this?

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