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Thread: The Pokemon Thread

  1. #1751
    Bookie P_3's Avatar
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    I put that mission on hold until I find an Alpha. There's enough to be getting on with.

  2. #1752
    Man(c) of the People igor_balis's Avatar
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    just started a platinum nuzlocke this morning, just got the 2nd badge then had my entire team swept by a random grunt's kadabra

  3. #1753
    Isn't he banned? Baz's Avatar
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    If anyone's still playing Shield: Pokémon Shield Shiny Zacian


    Expires today.

    I can get Sword too if anyone wants one?
    I'm a twit

  4. #1754
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    New game just announced, starters are floating around already.

  5. #1755
    Bookie Sir Andy Mahowry's Avatar
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    Pokemon Purple

    Annoyingly the water starter looks the best but I'm a fire boy.

  6. #1756
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    It's a Duck. With a hat on.

    What more does a man want?!

  7. #1757
    Bookie Sir Andy Mahowry's Avatar
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    A fire duck with a hat on.

  8. #1758
    Bookie P_3's Avatar
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    Looks good. Seems like they took the open world elements of Legends Arceus and put towns in. Will be interesting to see what else they bring across.

    Whilst I enjoyed the majority of my time with Legends Arceus, by the end of my playthrough I was bored of the catching to increase the pokedex loop. Got myself to Star Member Level 10 and got the shiny charm, then had enough.

  9. #1759
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    I only got to Arcanine in legends before I got bored. Just not a lot of substance really.

  10. #1760
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    I've just discovered Squirdle (Pokemon Wordle) and yea.... RIP my free time.

  11. #1761
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    Decided to potentially try a Genlocke (Nuzlocking each game in order and any members of your winning league team get carried over to the new game as eggs) as I've been so bored lately after not getting on with Elden Ring at all. Was working through Fire Red slowly (about 1 gym per day) and finished it off tonight. It was.... eventful. The highlights:

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    Edit- Sadly, this has probably died after just the 1 game, so I guess it's just a Fire Red Nuzlocke for now. I just for the life of me can't figure out how to edit in eggs to a game. I downloaded "PKHex" which everyone recommends but it won't even open my HeartGold save data as the file is "too big" and when I tried to edit eggs into Fire Red as a test they were always illegal no matter how much I edited them because it kept saying you can't receive an egg at that location.... for every location. I can't figure out how to add the eggs and editing the encounters on a route doesn't seem to be any easier. RIP.

    I could use actual hardware but I'm not even convinced they still have online trading support for HGSS, and if they do, I don't know if i'd find anyone who can breed what I need and trade them.
    Last edited by Browning; 23-03-2022 at 11:43 AM.

  12. #1762
    Bookie P_3's Avatar
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    I've never bothered with anything beside traditional Nuzlockes, as it tends to be complicated and impractical. You could maybe try the opposite to Genlocke, not using Pokemon that have died/you used in previous games. That is much easier to administer.

  13. #1763
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    I actually managed to get it working last night, somehow. So I was able to start Heart Gold with eggs of Charmander, Smoochum, Magikarp and Voltorb while the RNG gave me Chikorita. I was told by someone I discussed this challenge with that while starting with multiple mons sounds easy it isn't... and I didn't believe him, but after last night I see what he meant. While Faulkner was a piece of piss, the grinding needed to get a full team to the level cap was insane and very scary as they were all so frail. I haven't even bothered with Magikarp yet and I won't until the Level Cap is high enough for him to evolve. Charmeleon seems pretty broken though as he's just learned Dragon Rage.... so RIP my opponents for a while I guess.

  14. #1764
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    Glad you've got it working. Its not like you have to use them all though, Voltorb can probably go and Chikorita is terrible against pretty much all the Gyms. Build around Charizard, Gyarados and Jynx and you're set.

  15. #1765
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    Yea, that is true. That said I would feel bad binning off one of my Gen 1 Champions unless he dies at some point. We'll see what I encounter I guess. In hindsight it would have been better if Gengar/Machamp had made it in his place, but as I said it was a relatively new mon to me, and he did put in some decent work. That speed stat is incredibly useful.

    But I agree on Chikorita, once the babies can all fight for themselves reliably I'm not sure it has a role. I need to refresh my memory on what the E4 are packing and plan around them I guess.

  16. #1766
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    The original Blaze Black/Volt White are top tier Tom hacks, so updates should be in the Radical Red tier of amazing.

  17. #1767
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    Whitney is, as always, a massive cunt.

    I didn't get a Drowzee to trade for Machop which wasn't ideal so I decided to train up both Onix and Geodude to resist her. I also taught Charmeleon protect in case he had to switch in while she had built up Rollouts, but I hoped it wouldn't come to that. I lead with Geodude purely because I'm bored of using them so if I lost him to a freak Metronome/Razor Leaf or something I wouldn't care as much. He was able to Rock Smash his way through Clefairy with no issue and then the Miltank came in. Rock Smash was doing enough combined with Defense drops that even after her Super Potion Geodude was on course to win but she Stomped him enough times that she got him into crit range. I could have risked it but with Onix in the back I figured it wasn't worth it so I switched in Onix to "finish" Miltank off, but between Attract immobilising him and Stomp flinches, plus a crit at the wrong moment, she dropped Onix to 1HP after he had attacked her once in 8 or 9 turns (1 more attack would have KOed for sure as she was on 1HP). I wasn't willing to lose Onix so I switched in Nidorino who I just got and he survived 2 stomps.... but of course he flinched on the 2nd one and still couldn't deliver the final blow. I then sent in Bayleef and she finally used RollOut.... which ended the match because she was locked in and therefore couldn't use Attract/Flinch BS. We finished it off, with no deaths, but fuck me she got as much luck as I've ever seen.

    The reality is we were only ever going to lose 1 Pokemon maximum as if she had killed anyone I could have sent in Charmeleon, used protect to break RollOut if it was built up and then KOed with Dragon Rage.... which maybe should have just been Plan A... but oh well. It worked, but it was more stress than it should have been.

    The team I used for Whitney was- Bayleef, Charmeleon, Onix, Geodude, Nidorino and Voltorb, but with Smoochum/Magikarp in the box both of those probably come in for Geodude and someone else.

  18. #1768
    Isn't he banned? Baz's Avatar
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    I’m enjoying the concept and admire how quickly you smash through games.

    Voltorb still going strong is fun.
    I'm a twit

  19. #1769
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    Fuck me the Rival Fight before Gym 4 was nearly a disaster.

    With Gym 4 being Ghost type and my team not having a real answer I made several changes at once, dropping Nidorino, Onix and Geodude from the above team to bring in Magikarp, Rattata and Zubat. The downside was of course that a ridiculous amount of grinding was needed to get them up to par as they were all Level 5. I focused on Karp and got him to 20 and then got bored so decided to carry on even though Rattata and Zubat were only level 14 and 15. I wasn't going to use them in the Rival Fight so it would be fine..... right? Well I underestimated his fucking Gastly, sending in Zubat to steal some EXP and then switching to Gyarados. He landed Confuse Ray on Gyarados and I hit myself in confusion twice while he used Mean Look and then cursed me and then hit lick and paralysed me. Thankfully I snapped out of confusion and one shot him with Bite just as the Curse dropped my returning champion to 7HP.... that was a real heart in mouth moment and I should have just one shot the cunt instead of trying to get EXP on the Bat...

    Still.... there would be no issues now..... surely? In came his Magnemite and I switch to Voltorb and he hit Sonic Boom on the switch. No big deal, I have 45HP and it does 20 every time.... but next turn my Sonic Boom left him just under half and then he paralysed me with T-Wave. I then couldn't move 2 turns in a row but luckily the idiot used Supersonic which my ability blocks. He then hit me with another Sonic Boom as I did the same and KOed him. That one wasn't as scary as I was fairly sure nothing he could do could actually KO me... but still, that meant I survived the opening 2 exchanges on 7HP and then 5HP...

    Charmeleon, who I could have used all along, then came in and ruined Quilava with Dig and Zubat with Dragon Rage. What a mon he is.

    That grinding session has slowed progress a lot, but hopefully we can pick up again from here. The good news is that while Raticate can fuck off after this gym, Crobat and Gyarados should be worth it for the long haul.

    Still need to work Smoochum back into the team... the gyms so far have just been too big of a risk for her.

  20. #1770
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    2 more Gyms down but with a handful of casualties....

    Firstly the Zubat I was grinding to take on the Ghost Gym died before we got there to a trainer's Fearow that used Pursuit when I tried to switch. It was my fault as the previous Spearow had also used the move, but I didn't think Zubat could take out Fearow anyway so I think he was lost at that point. It didn't end up mattering for the Ghost Gym as Raticate who was my Plan A 1 shot all of his Pokemon apart from Gengar who needed 2 hits from Crunch. Easy win.

    We then started planning for the Fighting gym and it was a fucking train wreck. I focused my training on Smoochum, Bayleef and Gyarados. The plan was to use Bayleef holding a berry that made Natural Gift Flying type. This would hit the Primeape hard on turn 1 and then if he set up Double Team, which was my fear, we had Magical Leaf to guarantee we hit him. I thought Bayleef would then be able to solo the Poliwrath as he didn't really have much to hit us with, but I would have Gyarados (with intimidate/dragon rage) and Jynx in the back if required. I also bought along a useless Koffing just in case we needed to let something die to get a safe switch....

    The plan didn't work. Primeape outsped Bayleef and Double Teamed first turn so our Flying Type Natural Gift missed, but this still consumed the berry. Bayleef was able to dispose of the Primeape easily enough though as it kept using Double Team (which wouldn't effect Magical Leaf) or Focus Punch which we kept breaking. When it did some damage with 2 Rock Slides I could use synthesis and go into the Poliwrath on a decent amount of health. The problem was Magical Leaf didn't really hurt Poliwrath and then he put us to sleep with Hypnosis. I should have then sacked off Koffing but I figured Gyarados was a safe switch thanks to Intimidate.... but he went for Focus Punch and the got a crit. Gyarados tanked it, but just barely. I switched to Koffing at that point and let him die to get Jynx in safely and Jynx would easily have solo'ed him with Confusion if not for his Hyper Potions. Eventually Jynx was put to sleep by Hypnosis as well so I switched to Voltorb hoping he could live one shot and outspeed the next turn... but of course he couldn't as Focus Punch came out again and ruined him. The Poliwrath was confused at that point too which was the main reason I had hope he could live.... but it wasn't to be. If I had bought 2 mons to sack.... we could have avoided this, but I had too much faith in Bayleef I think. Gyarados then came back in and finished him with Dragon Rage.

    So Voltorb becomes our first champion to fall and while it did hurt to lose him, the RNG God's decided to bless me with a replacement electric type in the form of Chinchou. I don't think I've ever really used one before so that will be interesting. It's not ideal carrying 2 water types, but for at least the next gym (the Ice gym) he will be valuable.

    Currently rocking with Bayleef, Charmeleon (who is under levelled now due to how much grinding I did against water types), Jynx, Gyarados and then the other 2 slots are kind of a rotating team. Main options include Chinchou who I just caught, Machop, Geodude and Raticate. Most likely Geodude and Raticate will be used to see off that bloke who fancies Suicune and then Chinchou/Machop will be bought in for the Ice Gym. The level caps are a bit of a bitch at this point of the game as you can't really train much between the gyms.

    Fucking Bayleef.... not even being able to handle a Poliwrath.
    Last edited by Browning; 29-03-2022 at 11:20 PM.

  21. #1771
    Bookie P_3's Avatar
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    How is it going @Browning? Don't tell me Clair has got the better of your team. She was always a tough cookie to crack for me.

  22. #1772
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    Nothing like that, just been a bit busy so not had much time to play it. Had a lot of grinding to do to catch various team members up, but being able to get the EXP Share made that a lot easier. Hopefully will make progress on it soon. That Kingdra is always a worry though.

    The level cap is a bit of a bitch for the next 2 gyms though- 34 and then 35. If it was even one level higher I could get Charizard for the Steel Gym but no such luck.

    Oh and you were totally right about Chikorita... what a useless piece of shit it is for pretty much all of Johto.

  23. #1773
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    If only Chikorita learned Leech Seed, then it would have been amazing. Screens, Leech Seed and Body Slam, even Kingdra would die to that easily.

  24. #1774
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    Yea, it's going to be a tough decision when I get there as to whether I include it in my final team. Logically, I wouldn't, but my concern is going into Hoenn and then RNG giving me Torchic which could make a rock gym super annoying. Chikorita almost seems more useful for that fight then it does for the whole of Johto.

  25. #1775
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    Finally got back to this tonight, going to aim for 1 Gym per day again I think as the amount of grinding I need to do to get my teams in order for each fight seems pretty high and Gen 2 games are really, really bad for grinding spots. That still means we should be done in like 3 days though if I get to play every day.

    Today's gym was Pryce and it was.... relatively routine. My Lanturn had ruined all the Seels and Dewgongs in the gym previously so I lead with him to 1 shot the Seel. He then went straight to his ace Piloswine which wasn't ideal but I should have seen it coming. I didn't know if he would waste a turn setting up Hail (for Snow Cloak) or if he would go for a Super Effective STAB Ground move.... in the end I couldn't risk it and swapped to Gyarados as he set up hail. I then misclicked and hit a tame Dragon Rage and he crit me with Blizzard to drop me to 44HP. I wasn't risking anything so I swapped to Spinarak who I bought to sack off and then into Jynx who finished him off with 2 of her own Blizzards after I bought the TM specifically to counter his Snow Cloak if Gyarados couldn't handle it. With that threat down it was easy to switch back to Lanturn and take out Dewgong.

    Jasmine is next.... and doesn't look particularly easy. The Magnemite's aren't really a problem but I don't have a great answer to Steelix. I have my own Steelix and a potential Nidoking but no way to get a good move on them. I do also have Machamp so I could try and brute force it.... and Gyarados might be able to surf it down/get intimidate off on it... but there's nothing that feels fool proof.

  26. #1776
    Man(c) of the People igor_balis's Avatar
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    anyone wanna kick my ass on pokemon showdown? any random formats work for me

  27. #1777
    Bookie P_3's Avatar
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    Doing well Browning, shame about the Ariados. I would have thought Lanturn could survive an Earthquake from Piloswine and do a hefty amount with Surf. But I guess I'm not counting for Critical Hits.

    As for Steelix, I can't see Gyarados struggling against it. Intimidate plus resistances to Steel and Ground, half the battle is won.

  28. #1778
    Bookie P_3's Avatar
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    I'm going to be joining you on your cross generation Nuzlocking. Fired up Fire Red and going to go with same rules as you bar the bringing over your E4 winning team to the next gen game, instead I'll retire all Pokemon caught in the previous gen and give myself one free retry on a route if one of them appears.

    Started with Bulbasaur, caught Mankey on the route west of Viridian, caught Pidgey on route 2, amazingly picked up a Pikachu in the forest, Nidoran Male on route 3 and a Zubat in Mt. Moon. With Bulbasaur, Brock was a doddle but unfortunately Gary's level 17 Pidgeotto was too much for the level 12 Pikachu, who got hit with a crit from a Quick Attack. Ah well, can always get myself a Voltorb later.

  29. #1779
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    Very nice.

    My game has stalled for a bit but I fully intend on returning to it shortly. Gen 2 has always been my least favourite so I’m not surprised I’m finding it dull but I will see it through having come this far.

    Pikachu is a big loss but at least with dupes clause you have a decent shot at a Magnemite, so far the RNG Gods have denied my one at every turn.

  30. #1780
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    Yeah Gen 2 is a slog, so much so I'm going to call it done after the Elite 4. Like heck am I doing Kanto afterwards.

  31. #1781
    Man(c) of the People igor_balis's Avatar
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    @P_3 @Browning @Baz can I not tempt any of you cunts with a quick game on pokemon showdown? If you've never played before, it's dead simple, you just play in browser. Just a random battle so you don't need to faff around making teams etc. You can pick the gen, cus I'm equally shit at all of them.

  32. #1782
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    I've reactivated my Showdown account, so if you still fancy this, let me know. The name is P_3 on there too.

  33. #1783
    Man(c) of the People igor_balis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by P_3 View Post
    I've reactivated my Showdown account, so if you still fancy this, let me know. The name is P_3 on there too.

  34. #1784
    Bookie Sir Andy Mahowry's Avatar
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    Going on holiday on Thursday and I'm thinking of doing my first ever nuzlocke on Pokemon Sword.

    Not entirely sure what rules to do. I'm thinking no overworld Pokemon and only being able to get 1 random grass/fish/surf etc encounter per section of the wild area.

    Going to limit the level of my Pokemon too (not sure what the restrictions will be) and I'll restrict the size of my party.

  35. #1785
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Andy Mahowry View Post
    Going on holiday on Thursday and I'm thinking of doing my first ever nuzlocke on Pokemon Sword.

    Not entirely sure what rules to do. I'm thinking no overworld Pokemon and only being able to get 1 random grass/fish/surf etc encounter per section of the wild area.

    Going to limit the level of my Pokemon too (not sure what the restrictions will be) and I'll restrict the size of my party.
    Sounds good.

    My recommendations as it's your first time would be to consider the following:

    - Set Battle Style.
    - No Items/Heavy restrictions on items

    Honestly not doing any of the above kind of kills so much of the challenge. Being able to switch to whatever beats your opponent without losing any momentum is broken and is the first thing that kills my interest if I'm watching a Nuzlocke on YouTube because it's just obvious they're going to breeze through. Items not being restricted in some way or banned also makes it miles too easy. All you need then is something that can tank 2-3 shots while you heal everyone else up.... it's insanely broken.

    Capping your party numbers isn't really that essential but might add something to the challenge, especially in the early gyms when they only use 2-3 pokemon.

    How I handled Sword/Shield encounters was to close my eyes until I found something, but for the most part you can also use the exclamation mark encounters if you want to. The only issue is they don't appear in caves IIRC, so you probably need to close your eyes or something for them.

    Sword and Shield are pretty fun to Nuzlocke though and not a massive challenge for a first try, so you should be ok.

  36. #1786
    Man(c) of the People igor_balis's Avatar
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    also @Sir Andy Mahowry watch some pokemon challenges / flygon hg videos on youtube lol

  37. #1787
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    Quote Originally Posted by igor_balis View Post
    also @Sir Andy Mahowry watch some pokemon challenges / flygon hg videos on youtube lol
    I watch SmallAnt (and sometimes CJYA) for Pokemon Challenges.

    The Nuzlocke has been shelved for now as I realised that I had never done Isle of Armor (now finished) or Frozen Tundra. Plus I want to finish at least the main Pokedex.

    I'll probably leave the Nuzlocke until just before Violet comes out.

  38. #1788
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    Decided a while ago to go back and play some older gen stuff that I had never done.

    Started with Platinum and I almost gave up because I've obviously recently played Brilliant Diamond and the story was too similar. I'm glad I stuck with it though because the Distortion World was awesome, it's a shame I never played it as a kid.

    On to Black which I started years ago but never finished.

  39. #1789
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    And Black is done, that was fun.

    Some really cool stuff added in that game.

  40. #1790
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    Black/White is my favourite game in the series, to be honest. The Blaze Black/Volt White rom hacks are awesome too, and they've recently released Blaze Black 2 Redux, which I need to get around to playing.

    Also, new info on Scarlet/Violet from the Pokemon Presents yesterday:

    Maybe I'll bother to buying a Switch at some point & work my way through the last few games.

  41. #1791
    Man(c) of the People igor_balis's Avatar
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    Pokémon challenges is amazing. Love Jan.

  42. #1792
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    Anyone looking forward to Pokémon Scarlet/Violet? It’s already “out” on the high seas.
    I'm a twit

  43. #1793
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    I didn't care much for Sword/Shield (too easy) so I will probably skip this one.

  44. #1794
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    I've got it (Violet because purple is the best colour) on pre-order.

  45. #1795
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    Pre-ordered Scarlet (because red innit).

  46. #1796
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan View Post
    Maybe I'll bother to buying a Switch at some point & work my way through the last few games.
    It happened. Just ordered a Switch OLED & Scarlet bundle, so that’ll be my weekend sorted.

    Who have people chosen as their starter?

  47. #1797
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    Scarlet? Nonce.

    Fuecoco for me as I'm a fire boy for life.

  48. #1798
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    I've had some weird teleportation glitches already.

    When fighting a pokemon at the start after the battle it put me on a nearby cliff ledge (thankfully it let me just walk down) and just now I started walking away from my friend and it teleported me into a cave and then dropped me into water.

  49. #1799
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Andy Mahowry View Post
    Scarlet? Nonce.

    Fuecoco for me as I'm a fire boy for life.
    It was cheaper than the Violet bundle, which was enough to settle the issue of which one to get.

    I think I’ll be going Quaxly as I know people who have each of the other two, but I think Fuecoco might still end up being my favourite of the three.

  50. #1800
    Isn't he banned? Baz's Avatar
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    This is getting some bad press. Seems a game made only for the Switch is actually too resource intensive for the Switch to handle.
    I'm a twit

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