I have Saint-Maximin up front with Martial in MM for my Prem side and he's immense. Well worth picking up if you like dribblers. I'm about 1/3 of the way through Neves now. Can guarantee I'll end up getting the wins done and then have to play a bunch more games trying to score a cross

Currently sitting on 1.2m coins after selling Odegaard and Neymar but not sure where/how to improve my first team. Currently it's this. Usually play 4-2-3-1 or 4-4-2 in-game.

I'm tempted to bring in TOTY Davies (really want to try him and I have Boateng) or Roberto Carlos. Defence is the weakest area, obviously. I'm not crazy about Desailly (think he makes a better CB than CDM) but I need him there for links. Ronaldo, Messi, Desailly and Mbappe are tradeable.