1. Poison?
2. What do you mean I have to have qualifications to be a surgeon? That's discrimination!
3. Just make it part of license to practice of whatever, if such a system exists.
1. Poison?
2. What do you mean I have to have qualifications to be a surgeon? That's discrimination!
3. Just make it part of license to practice of whatever, if such a system exists.
That's not what it is though. It's "you must be vaccinated against illnesses that pose a threat to our residents". If you don't want to take the vaccine, then don't. Find a new job. Imagine if Dr Legend was an anti-masker, rocking up at work refusing to wear one and spewing a load of made up bollocks about being deprived of oxygen and his liberty. He'd get lolled out the door and rightly so.
Jobs have requirements. I imagine you are required to wear a hard hat etc. on a rig? What would happen if you refused?
You're not forcing anyone to do anything anyway, you're just saying they can't do a certain job if they don't meet a certain criteria. Like eyesight for pilots or whatever. There are obvious problems with a dictatorial approach, ie lack of staff generally, but I'm not sue there's anything particularly wrong in principle with the idea.
It isn't discrimination if you were offered the opportunity.
This groupthink
Come at us Foe.
The world is such a shithole now though that Foe is correct on what the reality will be.
Well, if there's carers refusing and they're still in the job it would appear so. Bin that mask Dr Legend. Stretch those lungs. Open the clubs.
She is actually, and id prefer they did. But ultimately would understand if they chose not to.
Wearing a hard hat, something external that is removable and has no adverse effects or risk is a very different thing.
What if the career has an adverse reaction to the vaccine and becomes ill or passes away? What do we currently know about side effects and long term effects? What if they are part of the group for which it is not recommended? Are you now saying the job they’ve been doing for however many years they cannot do any longer and must resign or be fired?
I’d be very surprised if their contracts state they must be immunised from disease X (decided on an on going basis by who?).
There’s a desired expectation and legally mandatory. The two are very different and I hope that line is not crossed for any profession.
I would have to check with occupational health to be 100% sure of the legal situation, but I was mandated to get the hep b and TB vaccinations to be allowed to work in the hospital (and that was as a student so I didn't even have any employment contract).
Today's figures:
671 Covid Deaths
38598 Covid Cases
Last Sunday's figures:
563 Covid Deaths
54940 Covid Cases
Certainly heading in the right direction.
That is a big improvement.
In other news, my friend's father - in his 60's - died recently after catching covid. He went into hospital and never came out.
He actually managed to shift the covid illness, but it left his lungs in such a state that he was unable to remove the carbon dioxide from his body and eventually died.
His wife caught it as well, but had the mildest of symptoms. Go figure.
What a shitter.
A quick Google on mandatory vaccines suggests it can be a requirement to work/continue working somewhere it is classed as a "reasonable requirement". So care homes and the like. I imagine there'll be some legal kerfuffle around where that line is for general professions and they'll have to rule on it.
That's with the testing going up as well.
Facebook group reporting people recovering their sense of smell and taste recently after a similiar infection time of Jan-March. I'm going into the summer of love able to taste every drop of gashjuice
Foe calling it poison
Tell us more about the MMR as well please.
If you've got reasonable doubts about how this new vaccine will affect you, fair enough. The ones knocking it back might have weird allergies or pregnant. Statistically, the vaccine won't knack you.
Says someone who has never ingested POISON.
I've survived my dad's cooking.
While we're talking about jabs, does anyone's BCG scar occasionally flare up all raised from their arm?
It's been a while since I last remember it happening but it does happen now and again, think it gets a bit itchy too IIRC.
Always found it odd but never actually asked anyone else.
Imagine not calling it TB.
Never happened to me.
Ah fuck, my uncle just died from it this morning. He wasn't a close uncle but my dad is gutted. They did some good stuff while alive:
Sorry to hear it Keeks. This wave seems so much closer to home for us lot.
After waiting 6 hours for an ambulance, and one of my wife's auties having to go in and guarantee herself a dose of Covid, my wife's 90 year old nan is in hospital.
Condolences, Kiko. Grandfather went in two weeks ago and didn't come out. It's a shit to lose someone at the best of times but just makes me so sad to know that no one was with him and the worse part is the limitations placed on the funeral.
It's hard to put into words especially when you see some of the idiots still being too reckless. I remember when no one seemed to no anyone who'd had it, now it seems like everyone knows someone who's had it and passed away as a result. It's heartbreaking.
Can we calm down with the personal stories, it makes me and Magic's work more difficult. Show a little compassion ffs.
Sorry to hear Smiff. Hope you're ok.
It was incredibly sudden judging by my cousin's timeline. Her mum/my aunt got it two days before and also seems in a bad way.
People talking about their relatives dying or being hospitalised is definitely the time for having a banter.
How is your daughters new dad finding her homeschooling Magic?
I feel like you've got the Kiko thing covered by responding to every post he makes or is made mentioning him.
Okay so I'm to blame for my uncle's death. Thanks.
You're really a despicable human being.
No, of course you're not directly to blame but you still won't take ownership for thinking you're above the restrictions people have had to follow. You could easily have caused the death of someone elses uncle/aunt/brother/sister/father/etc because that's how all this works. People carrying it around and passing it on when they have no need to. But then again you "didn't think you had it", grand.
A long look in the mirror needed when you're throwing out the insults. Though sadly, I don't think you're the type who'll ever see yourself as wrong or on the same level as the mongs you think should be toeing the line.
@Don divide and conquer.
Okay I think it's time you go on the blocked list.
I don't need to read your projections on things I've never said or held expectations of. Enjoy your life you horrible human being.
You can throw out all the insults that you like, it still won't make you any less wrong.
I sympathise about your relative, the same as I sympathise about any person that has died from this (rather than a few lols and s from the likes of the usuals here every time cases rise somewhere), but I've been following the restrictions asked of me too though. Self perceived status doesn't make you not spread it.
Last edited by Giggles; 18-01-2021 at 11:40 AM.