BTW, can you tell me about the current situation in UK? I heard the usual media bla bla about the new mutated corona version, but has it REAL impact? I am not speaking about the bullshits spoken on TV but if you know somebody from your surrounding who died on muttated corona flu or suffered very much or so...
because franly speaking, Here in Slovakia we didn`t even know anybody with corona experience untill November when the mandatory mass testing of all people in Slovakia aged 18-65 too place. There we have been infected and since then I know dozens of people who had corona. Most of them did not even knw they have it because did not notice anything unusual, anything unusual comparing with any other flu they experienced in the times before corona already.
I know personally 2 people who had more complicated recovery from corona but all other people I was speaking with told me it was not different to normal flu. Some of those people were tested possitive but did not have any symptoms. Felt absolutely heathy. Those official sttatistics are total lies. Practically almost nobody here trusts to the media and is watching TV news anymore. They are saying how we are heavy impacted by corona and have thousands of deaths, but NOBODY knows anyone who really died on corona, neither anybody who would have really complicated recovery from the corona infection.
So I am curious if the new mutated corona flu suddenly discovered in southern UK before X-mas (why exactly there and how did it come there to the isolated island NOW when traveling across the world is stopped? :-)) is some real infection with more serious impact on patients or it is just the same HOAX spread by official media as the "original" "old" corona version from March?
I am considerably more scared from uprising fascism covered up by corona hygienical restrictions than from corona itself. BTW, here in SLovakia the former highets chief of all policemen Milan Lucansky nominated by the previous pre-corona govt was fired by the new corona government (elected in March 2020) in AUgust 2020 and was taken into invetsigative prison oOn December 3rd 2020 when he was occused from corruption. He came there being convinced he is innocent and will proove it. On December 13th he has according to the official report accidentally inured himself when he was doing his exercise in the jail fitness gym. By this self-accident he has broken bone on his head and has lost one eye. On December 30th he was found dead in his jail cell. Officially committed suicide, but even if there are still people whose still believe corona is really dangerous for society and all these fascistic measures are adequate, but absolutely nobody believes the former highest boss of all cops in SLovakia has ripped his eye off when buy doing bench press neither commited suicide. It is clear political murder exactly like during the reign of Hitler, Stalin or Pinochete... And there is total silence about this case. Outside of Slovakia nobody even mentioned this happened here.. Totall media embargo. Neither in neighbouring Czech Republic or in Orban`s Hungary which is together with Poland officially "against" the main stream of Bruxelles. Not a single word.
On friday Lucansky has funeral and our government has forbidden to all people v to visit cemetaries. Not more than 6 people are allowed to be at the cemetery at the sam etime now. It`s all only because of the funeral when thosuands of people wanted to come to express their sorrow after very good and publicly respected police chief and also express their antipathy against the current government..
Pure fascism hidden behind the corona cover up is being spread through the world.
Fucking bad times are comming... :-(
God save FootballGlory, one of the few bright things from the pre-corona times we have not been robber for yet..
I only expect online gaming will be forbidden too in order to stop spreading the corona virus across the borders :-)