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Thread: Crusader Kings 3

  1. #1
    Webly Ian's Avatar
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    Crusader Kings 3

    Right, I've started this so let's get a proper fred on the go and share our misfortunes. I know Phonics is playing a bit and I'd be surprised if Disco doesn't. We may even lure Cord back to regale us with tales of tunnel wenches he's impregnated.

    Anyway, as the classic starter point in the last game was Ireland I've decided to go as far away from that as possible. Myanmar it is!

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    The light white-highlighted bit on the left is my starting point, the Duchy of Pagan, playing as this excellently-hatted gentleman:
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    He is fickle, gregarious and gluttonous so I find him very relatable.

    And the goal? Well let's do a possibly-realistic one and a I'm-probably-too-shit-to-make-this-happen one. First off is trying to reunite the Pagan Kingdom (, the less likely one? The entire Bengal Empire....
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    So I began, as all good CK saves should, by trying to fabricate some claims. Well, what I actually did was sort out my council and whatnot, but after all the admin was done I THEN started trying to fabricate some claims on my neighbour to the North who has just the two counties. A good starting point, I feel. The first year or so were very quiet. I found a new wife, had a daughter, got my existing son/heir some education and life was peaceful but boring. Then I realised that with my super high diplomacy stat.... well, could I just ask this guy if he wants to be my vassal? If he likes me enough then maybe and I'm going to be getting diplomacy perks so maybe there's a chance I don't have to use these claims. I'd need to hire soldiers to do it as our realms have similar military strength.

    I begin a scheme to get this lad to like me more and then by chance (ish, I think it's because I'm a diplomacy wank) I get the chance to invite a neighbouring ruler for a court visit. And who should one of the options be but Count Maha Thanbawa, the man whose land I'm determined to take by hook or by crook? Excellent, let's bring him over.

    What's that, game? He's immediately turned up and tried to Indecent Proposal me???
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    Alright maybe I don't feel so bad about my own schemes for this guy. The missus won't be chuffed if I say yes to this and the multi-event court visit had gone well so far so I said no and hoped he wouldn't flounce off. I didn't have the intrigue skills to try and listen in so I just rebuffed him and we got on with the rest of the visit which went really well. I paid him empty compliments and showed him the gardens and whatnot and everybody had a lovely time and his opinion of me went up a good whack and while he won't accept vassalage YET he's less against the idea now.

    Only catch is that I took ill during this visit, so I had my court send for a physician and.... well....
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    So as you can see, one of my options is a man wearing only a leaf, who the game identifies as a treacherous villain and when I click onto him he also has the traits Arbitrary and Sadist. Who the fuck suggested this guy?

    Obviously I took the other one and was initially wondering whether I'd have been better entrusting my future wellbeing to the sadist when she suggested treating me by putting a toad on my chest. But it worked! I AM HEALTHY AND INVINCIBLE. So I am continuing my efforts to steal this fellow's lands or make him my subject and bring his lands with him and because I'm such a smooth-talking, sweet-hatted motherfucker it's going well so far. I can't wait to become best friends just so I can ask if he fancies me as his ruler. I'm sure that won't hurt his feelings at all.

    I also seem to have ended up with a half-decent heir, in no small part because the wife I chose seemed to end up being an excellent tutor for him for reasons I don't understand and it wasn't intentional. He's also come of age and immediately looks like he's readying himself for war, which given my track record in these games is probably wise:

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  2. #2
    I used to be funny.
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    He has his Dad's pigtails. That's all you needed in those days. Fuck a DNA test.

  3. #3
    Webly Ian's Avatar
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    Oh no I'm safe on that front, he was the heir I had when I started the game. He's not the offspring of that twat who was lusting after my other half.

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    Senior Member Pepe's Avatar
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    Tempted to try, but I know I will drop it within two hours.

  5. #5
    DEATH TO THE WEIRD Raoul Duke's Avatar
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    Great opener, and excited to watch the trials, tribulations and ultimately gore-laden failure unfold

  6. #6
    Custom User Title phonics's Avatar
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    It's on Gamepass which at this point is such a good deal it would be pointless not to have it. I would never buy the game on it's own.

    Rumours we will be having a 3-4 player MP game tonight among a group of friends who only picked up the game this week so I'll try share some tales.

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    I also feel like I should keep a count of how many of the classic Welby Murderspirals I've tried to instigate.

    Currently 0.

  8. #8
    Custom User Title phonics's Avatar
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    That's a point, can you help me out on that. When should I be murdering people?

    My entire playstyle is just 'fabricate claim, invade, repeat'. So I need to expand.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by phonics View Post
    That's a point, can you help me out on that. When should I be murdering people?

    My entire playstyle is just 'fabricate claim, invade, repeat'. So I need to expand.
    I mean, given my previous in this game I can tell you how to do it badly. The obvious one is if you've got somebody set to inherit something from you outside your dynasty that'll revert to somebody in your dynasty if you bump them off, or if you've got a claimant on your land or whatever.

  10. #10
    Custom User Title phonics's Avatar
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    How do I set up having family that will inherit something though? How can I tell? Surely none of my wives will inherit anything cause they're women.

  11. #11
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    You can get matrilineal stuff (it's rare) and stuff where male and female heirs can both inherit, etc.

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    So, quick update as I start a new session.

    Main thing of course is my expansion plans. So to the north of me I have this fella:
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    Now... I have claims on both of his counties, which he's not very impressed with and I can press that whenever I choose so long as I don't die first. However I've also been befriending him and have my spymaster helping me improve his opinion of me so I still think there's a chance that I can just get him to agree to be my vassal. He's also the fella who tried to Indecent Proposal me and the missus at my own banquet so he's clearly a shady bastard and I will revel in trying to take his land from him one way or the other. However, I was looking at the notifications it gave me and it told me there's another Northern neighbour I can declare war on, because of this:
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    Interesting. He also doesn't hate the idea of me becoming his boss so I might just try to diplomacy my way to that one as well. Not least given he hasn't once asked me if he can go for a "private meeting" with my wife, so I already like him more than the other fucker and feel less inclined to ruin his life. While checking all this I learned something else of us, which is that because I have the most counties I am actually the head of the Burmese culture which means I can choose the direction we try to progress in and whatnot. But one innovation we already have and I am very excited about is....
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    So yeah, plan for this session is to try and progress toward northern expansion, get my son ready to take over when something dreadful inevitably happens to me and try not to let the VD-riddled northern neighbour bonk

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    Okay so.... some updates. Firstly, just a cool mechanic. So the Ari religion leans partly into astrology so every so often I am allowed to divine the stars to see what I think the future holds.

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    So in this case the stars think a great battle is coming so my guy starts thinking more about martial stuff and gains boosts to that for a decade but loses a bit of Learning, which is an interesting way to implement the astrology stuff.

    I'm also SUPER close to getting this fella to just agree to being my vassal.
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    The -2 points can't just be overcome by getting him to a 100 opinion of me because that's not 1:1 (it looks like it's roughly a third) so I decide to invest in some men at arms (not elephants, too pricey ) to see if I can increase his opinion of my military strength enough and honestly my diplomacy is so high I think there are another vassal or two I could sway given time and maybe start to get myself a second duchy or maybe work towards getting this kingd-....

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    Well. Shit. Okay. So this is who I am now and honestly I've been lumbered with waaaaaay worse:
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    He's patient, just, a low-key all-rounder and a brilliant strategist so I may just be able to turn him into a bit of a beast on the military front to help me try and gain new lands. I really feel like if I'd been quicker off the mark in learning stuff I could have achieved some cool stuff with diplomacy with the dad but whatever, now I've got a Holy Warrior in charge. First on the agenda is getting him a second wife because I didn't realise I'd married him off to somebody 20-odd years older than him and I need some babies otherwise my heir is my idiot half-brother.

    But apparently my marital advice is coming directly from Pornhub because one of the options for a new wife is my newly-widowed stepmother....

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    Senior Member Disco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phonics View Post
    How do I set up having family that will inherit something though? How can I tell? Surely none of my wives will inherit anything cause they're women.
    Inheriting much via clever marriages was always a bit beyond me (I got Norway once but don't ask me exactly how) but in general you want to marry your children to the sons and daughters of other rulers, the more powerful the better. The higher up the line of succession they are the greater likelihood they have of inheriting a title themselves or getting a claim on said title (which you can push or which they may pass onto their, ie your, children and heirs which can then be pushed at a later date). The results may not always be an expansion of your own territory but if it's anything like CK2 then the game is looking for how well your dynasty does rather than how much of the map you've painted.

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    So, some things have occurred. Almost none of them good, other than me now having a daughter (nearly) called He-Man, as suggested by the game as a "Good Burmese name."
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    The military training was going well, I had my councillor looking to fabricate some claims and I was in the process of gaining some allies by marrying off daughters. Then my shitbag of a religious leader, who already didn't like me and refused to endorse me, accusers me of being a cousin-shagger:
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    There's no evidence of this in the game and I managed to argue him down but he hates me even more for proving him wrong. There was only once answer for this....
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    Good riddance, fucker. My character is Just so he did stress out a little over this but I went on a hunt and killed a great big boar so he feels a bit better now. His martial prowess didn't help him, however, when trying to apprehend some deserters and one of his own champions left him with a wound that turned infected. Sent for a physician and just hoped the naked fella who answered the call for my father wouldn't reappear, and was instead given the options of a drunk or a deviant. The drunk seemed more learned so I took the risk. She did.... something....
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    .... with a hot iron, but whatever dubious thing it was (I am not heartened by her name nearly being 'Bottom'), it worked! Just as the chest-toad saved my dad, something dreadful being done with an iron has saved me. I even briefly had a badass scar but sadly that has now fully healed.

    However, disaster has since struck. My Bengali ally called me to help him in a war, and the fucking moment my levies left my land my northern neighbours ganged up and declared war on me. With my Bengali allies having troubles of their own and my other allies having to take the time to pass a mountain range to get to me it was too late. I got rinsed in one battled and surrendered in the second because I was just going to get curb-stomped. Their forces were too many and even my promising your martial character wouldn't turn the tide. I'm now the county of Sagaing down.
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    So, new plan. Keep fabricating claims, use my gold to build up men-at-arms and improve holdings to be able to get a bigger army long-term, but it's not looking promising. I really wish I'd cottoned onto the diplomacy of my previous character sooner. If this all goes pear-shaped and I don't think there's much I can realistically do in a short enough time to make it a fun game I may restart with the same character and see if I can do a better job but we'll see. For now, it's the slow build to giving these twats a punch in the mouth in future.

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    I had a quick browse on how to get a handle on murder and Castile seemed set up well as no-one has any kids at the start date. I murdered my brother to become the Duchy of Andalucia and then found that I was one murder away from being King of Spain so that was the end of my uncle. I formed the Kingdom of Spain and was dubbed ‘Father of Spain’ or as I prefer ‘Big Daddy Spain’.

    That’s when it might have got to my head slightly. My sister who had helped me off uncle King of Spain was pregnant and I was 2nd in line so I had no choice but to murder her.

    And then I found out Spain has split succession so all titles are split between my children equally. So I murdered all my children but one and my wife just in case she got pregnant again.

    I’ve killed 7-9 people in less than a decade. All of them my relatives. No one suspects a thing.

  17. #17
    Webly Ian's Avatar
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    That's a classic Welby Murderspiral right there.

    Well, almost, THE classic one saw almost every murder found out and my Queen of England named "Catherine the Devil."

  18. #18
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    I won some wars.

    In a turn of events that is a DREADFUL SHAME INDEED the fella who invaded me found himself bereft of allies so I called my mates and went and biffed him in and got my county back. Sadly I'm not advanced enough on various fronts to press all claims at once but he shall be mine eventually. However then another dickhead tried to invade me for some of my land from the south. Hired mercs, kicked his cunt in, won the war, ransomed off my prisoners, happy days. The wars were fairly uninteresting so I won't get into more detail.

    Much more interestingly is that it told me I have a lawful right to imprison one of my vassals who is also my half-brother. First thing I noticed is that, well, he dresses like this now:
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    He's maimed, disfigured and I can imprison him lawfully because he has unlawfully executed my half sister. As far as I can tell the Bengali fella I married her off to (because she's an ambitious sadist and I had no interest in her hanging about) died in battle round my way (not sure if it was one of the above two wars or the other one I spotted happening round my southern border that I didn't take an interest in) so she's ended up back in his county at which point he's then done her in. Without knowing the reasons (if there's a way to find out the specifics I don't know it) it's not worth the risk as I only have a 19% chance of imprisoning him without causing a war, so fuck it.

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    Meet Gorm. Gorm is an arsehole.

    I am the Duke of York and am quite happy owning pretty much all the North of England. But what's this I see, Chester has somehow become independent of Wessex and just happens to be De Jure part of my lands. Lovely stuff. They only have the one ally, I have eight. I am a mensch. This'll be easy.

    The one ally in question is Gorm here. Despite the fact my army numbers 4000 and his is about 600, he has thus far ripped the head off two of my sons, and killed my spymaster as well. And I'm being quite literal when I say 'ripped the head off' the sons. He's properly actually ripped their heads off. The man is a terminator. He has saved the independence of Chester single handed (well, him and my idiot brother getting me embroiled in literally every war going). Every time I kill his army he comes back and takes a son.

    It's now my mission to hunt him down and kill him. By which I mean I'll poison his soup and run away like a big girl.
    Last edited by Cord; 12-09-2020 at 09:16 PM.

  20. #20
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    My suggestion would be finding a home on a different continent to Gorm, and even that sounds like it might not be enough

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    Gorm is dead

    I had nothing to do with it. Rubbish story really, but there is clearly an even more terrifying Gorm-murdering maniac lurking somewhere in the Swedish interior. I ain't going there to find out who.

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    I assume Jormungandr and Fenris teamed up.and jumped him in his sleep.

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    Not much to report, I gained a county and learned that my daughter and son-in-law apparently live naked all the time but the most notable thing is that my character, who is a bit of a wet blanket who gets stressed out when nasty things happen outside of the battlefield, LOST stress when my nutjob half-brother died:

  25. #25
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    So here is where I need help.

    My realm is secure and I'll inherit everything at this point. What CAN I do from here? What are the possibilities to do? (apart from obviously just reacting to what happens to me)

    I have loads of prestige but no idea what to do with it. Do I upgrade buildings with my gold? I know I can start a Holy War but I need to build up piety for the big chunks so I'm waiting.

    edit: And who are these two people fighting inside my country when I'm not at war?

    edit2: Followup

    Does this mean I need to fight a 126 man army to get all that green stuff?

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    Please ignore the previous post. I made the mistake of making plans.

  27. #27
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    People fighting inside your lands are likely your vassals fighting each other.

  28. #28
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    I just keep getting Jihaded in a Holy War and losing. I think I'm just going to give up some random land I have.

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    Alas, alas the King (well, Duke) is dead.

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    A good long reign and honestly he's done really well for me.

    A bigger domain than he started with by 3 counties. If we can make inroads to taking the Duchy of Thumondari then we maybe won't be a million miles away from recreating the Kingdom of Pagan.
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    The ol' fella also gave us our first Dynasty Legacy, so I opted for one that should help me get better characters in future.
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    And here's the new lad, named for his granddad and more of an administrator but he's already made good progress in stewardship so hopefully I can rake in the moolah. Also pulling a people's eyebrow there which I reckon has to be a good sign.
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    I won't post it here but all the nude characters is weird, especially when it showed me my dead daughter who'd been maimed before dying in battle (to another naked woman. What sort of wars are they having on the subcontinent?)

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    Today I discovered that you can be a womaniser all your life, sire ten children with your wife and hareem of concubines but all it takes is a bout of stress brought on by one dead brother to send you absolutely mad for the cock.

    I also played a bit of Crusader Kings 3 lol.

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    The People's Eyebrow lad is dead. he survived 20 odd years and was a beast of a steward but I spent most of his reign on max speed as I didn't get into many wars, mostly using his skillz to build stuff, improve the military, etc.

    I think with the new kid, who's also pretty decent, it should be possible to make some progress towards being a king.

    Also disappointed at a lack of Gorm in that Cord post. I know he's dead but I also feel like Gorm wouldn't be too hindered by a little detail like that.

  32. #32
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    Gorm probably killed Cord and is now posing as him.

    Please don't kill me, Gorm.

  33. #33
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    Yeah once I became King I had no idea what was going on anymore. My country kept changing size with no wars going on.

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    My guess is that CK3 isn't as good as CK2 sort-of was at warning you if land in your realm has an heir outwith your realm but I've not had it happen to me yet to try and dig into what's gone on.

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    Yeah but it also got bigger. I had half of North Africa for 10 years randomly.

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    Hm, yeah. That's odd.

    Hard to even guess without being able to dig into it.

  37. #37
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    Probably a vassal inheriting or doing a Holy War of their own, if crown laws still work the same way then vassals will have quite a lot of freedom early on.

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    The crown authority broadly seems the same, yeah.

    I need to look into the inheritance laws again because I thought what I had was basically gavelkind renamed but it turns out it's different because my cultural "fascination" became Gavelkind so I knocked that shit on the head pronto.

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    I'll keep this update short as it's only interesting at such point as it goes horribly wrong.

    New lad in his sweet hat:
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    To make this kingdom a thing....
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    .... I need:
    - 750g (500 for the kingdom, 250 for the duchy I need to create first.) I'm a predominantly a steward so this shouldn't be too tricky if I can avoid getting caught up in all the war. IF.
    - 2 duchys of this kingdom. I have 1 but I only need one specific county to make it to.
    - 12 counties. I have 10, but once I take the 11th I should hopefully be able to sweep up the 12th as there's be one county I don't have but is de jure mine.

    The two main obstacles to this are:
    - An untimely death.
    - Me fatally misunderstanding my situation.

    LET'S GO.

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    Well I'm now king exactly as planned and it's all been really uneventful.

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    Senior Member Pepe's Avatar
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    Go murder someone.

  42. #42
    Custom User Title phonics's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian View Post
    Well I'm now king exactly as planned and it's all been really uneventful.
    See this is my problem. Once I succeed the next goal is so out of reach that I lose my way and restart.

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    To be fair I have short-term goals to be getting on with by way of getting the de Jure duchies all into my kingdom and then I can see how realistic the Bengali Empire is.

    I would broadly agree though that a good small-scale save is usually more fun than actual success.

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    I forgot to mention that I got CUCKED, as if I were part of a Vince McMahon storyline. One of my counts came and told me that my wife had been at it with some mayor and that my heir may not be mine. No proof of the latter but he's a handsome devil (I've managed to make beauty into one of my recurring traits apparently as the kids all have it ) and he's got some other traits that make him similar to me, so whatever. I imprisoned the man who was slipping her one and took all his money which helped me found the kingdom and replaced the slag with a younger model and despite the number of kids we (? ) have churned out it was long since confirmed to be a loveless relationship so no stress gained for my lad. #yolo

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    Gave this a go last night.

    Started as the ruler of Bretagne. Got married, had a kid to complement the bastard kid that the game already gave me.

    Decided to fabricate a claim on a neighboring town with the aim of taking it over. Once that was done and I was preparing to WAR over it, that region of the map suddenly turned red. Those bloody bastards got to it first. Oh well.

    Some random woman asked me to have a shag with her before she leaves to go somewhere. I perused my options and none of them came with negative consequences, so I chose the one that had a ~70% chance of revealing a secret and got right down to it. Once we were done she told me how much she enjoyed it, but no secret. Guess that's that.

    Until some months later, when she came back telling me that I now had a(nother) bastard child. The option of having them both live in my court would raise my stress, so instead I told them to fuck off, which apparently relaxed me greatly.

    In the meantime, my claim fabrication on another chunk of land came to fruition. Before embarking on war, I decided to seduce the daughter of the man who's land I was about to take, because why not? (my character being a great seductor, apparently) With a chance of success in the high 60s, I was pretty confident this would work, and somehow help my non-existent long term plans. The bitch was not seduced.

    Undeterred by my romantic failure, I embarked in a war to claim what was (un)rightfully mine. After clicking the GO TO WAR button, I realized that that meant going to war against the entirety of France and its "vastly superior" army. Come on lads, I have nothing against you, I just want this small chunk of land. I decided that the smart thing was to abort this plan (and by abort I mean click save, go to war, lose decisively, and click load after).

    So now, as I wondered what to do from here, I got news that some other cunt was fabricating claims on my land. I was not going to let such shenanigans happen, so I started a plot to assassinate the bastard. I also tried to seduce his daughter.

    Before the lad was murdered, or the daughter seduced, he declared war on me. I rallied my troops, tried to hire some men-at-arms with my non-existent money, and went to war to defend my people. A few months later, my army was running towards the sea and Nantes was now part of France. Some advisor or other also told me that my capital (is it a capital?) was out of control. With that, I decided to call it a night.

    Good game.

  46. #46
    Webly Ian's Avatar
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    I love that whereas my CK2 plan for basically everything was "I'd better do a murder" yours for CK3 is "I'd better fuck this dude's daughter."

    Also I'm getting strong Martin Prince / Nelson Muntz in Shelbyville vibes from you picking on some small backwater and France suddenly looming up behind them.

    "Spring forth, burly protector, and save me!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Pepe View Post
    Until some months later, when she came back telling me that I now had a(nother) bastard child. The option of having them both live in my court would raise my stress, so instead I told them to fuck off, which apparently relaxed me greatly.
    I love these bits in the game. The 2nd character in my save was mid-40s when I took him over and he came with a ready-made nemesis and he was fucking delighted when she died.

  47. #47
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    The stress system is complete bonkers.

    I will give it another go today or tomorrow. Might try Bretagne again, but focus on maintaining my independence for as long as possible. I will have to figure out how to build up my cities and armies this time (in between the daughter seducing, of course).

    Is it just me, or is this one more accessible than the previous one? I vaguely remember opening up the old one, spending an hour or two mostly staring at the screen and clicking at random menus without zero clue of what was I supposed to do, and then just calling it quits. Maybe it is just the realization that there is nothing that you are supposed to do and just treating it like The Sims: Medieval edition that did the trick.

  48. #48
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    This is definitely more accessible and shows you more information and prods you in the direction of stuff you need to know better.

    But yes, after my initial "what the fuck is going on here?" with CK2 realising that there isn't an objective other than what you've set for yourself is quite freeing. One of my favourite CK2 saves I was a big fat fella called Adalbert who was a count in the very middle of the Holy Roman Empire. The plan was to become a Duke and then maybe see if I could at least be one of the people in the vote for Emperor but so much stuff kept happening I could barely hold onto my Duchy but it was great fun. Some of it is stuff where you kinda fill in the gaps to make up for non-obvious game logic too. Like in that one my liege demanded I come and help with some minor civil war / rebellion he was putting down but by the time I'd marched my army across Europe it all stopped, however I still got the trait of "War Hero" or whatever it was which made everybody like me more so I just like to imagine he got back there and lied.

    Maybe you should try and find Gorm and play as him, I'm considering it for my next save.

    I keep talking about my next save because I'm sure this one is due to go horribly, horribly wrong very soon.
    Last edited by Ian; 16-09-2020 at 11:54 AM.

  49. #49
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    I think it should almost skip the dynasty thing. Like you can't move onto your heir, you get given a random new character somehwere else in the world.

  50. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian View Post
    Maybe you should try and find Gorm and play as him, I'm considering it for my next save.
    Now, that is a plan. Game objective: kill Cord.

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