Posted this in Gamezine but might as well make a Fred out of it.
I won this today from a competition on Scan where you just had to retweet stuff, sign up for newsletters, blah blah blah.
It actually looks like a nifty bit of kit and I don't have anything for streaming on my telly but I think I'll sell it and it can go in the PC upgrade budget.
I think the last thing I won was Boglins, if you remember those, which I won from a competition in the Beezer comic, if you remember that. Even better I insisted on entering from abroad (presumably with much eye-rolling from my parents given we were in a relatively small Turkish city where he was working) that we didn't even think my entry would get there. I remember it was months later and my mum came to pick me up from school and told me I had a parcel, and she was as suspicious as I was. I didn't get post at the age of ten so I had no idea why I'd be getting a parcel.
Anyway, tell us some stuff you've won.