Sorry it's a day late.
Video for Giggseh:
That’s class. Love the accent 😁
I know it's not new but it is absolutely mental how good phone cameras are these days.
I'm pretty hectic with work, but that's nothing new. I'm planning a Pub Quiz for Thursday, so there's that to do, and I'll dial up some of my coding homework. May finally get around to passing the Scrum PO exam I was meant to do when I took the course in ooooh... 2017.
I’m the same. For all the time I thought I’d have I’m busier than I’ve been in ages in work and we can’t close unless absolutely necessary. Maybe under the next level of restrictions but I doubt it because of what we do. I’m doing 50% of the work of 5 office staff too (what they can’t do from home) which I normally don’t.
The head coach for my cricket club is obviously very out of work at the moment, so I spent the last hour or two knocking up a load of promotional material for his popup Caribbean meals on wheels service. Fuck knows if what he makes is even slightly edible, but helping out does make you feel like a useful human being, a rare thing indeed at least in my case.
I wonder if this sort of spirit will last beyond the plague. Probably not but we can hope.
It’s caribbean, can’t be bad.\
I’d love to help a bit more too (without guaranteed infection) but I’ve no idea what to do.
Drinking, mostly.
If any of wanting to learn to code want any help or advice, I'm happy to help where I can.
Is Access really worth doing? I don't know of any places that use it. SQL might be a more useful step onto Python?
The only time I've ever heard of Access is my EvilCorp job where they used it for the intranet. It was awful.
I need to know Access more than SQL but ideally both.
And servers and all that gubbins but I don’t think I’ll ever have a clue. We’re hopefully hiring someone soon that can take all that work off me anyway.
I bought animal crossing and it has consumed my entire existence.
Edit: oh and I have a kid so I chat to her sometimes.
Has she got your droopy eyes?
Yeah, Manc. If you're going after him it's the fat ruddy cheeks you go for.
Getting pissed off that my wife pulls her face everytime I load up WoW. Our daughters watching Moana, gimme an hour of boosting my mate through a few dungeons.
Might start making the same remarks when she picks up her Kindle. And she’s not back at work til 15th April.
I'm a twit
Me mam had a pop at me earlier because the dog nabbed her sausage roll. Apparently it was my fault for saying she should take off her dog's soaking wet harness. Turns out the dog got her roll when she stood up to get a glass of water.
Absolute dickhead.
The cracks
Went and looked at Venus by the Moon. That killed about 5 mins.
We've painted the decking and the hall so far. The hall will need a third coat, which is exciting. Literally watching fucking paint dry here.
Venus does look mad, was literally shining during daylight today. Caught the space station tonight too, mad tings.
I've noticed the bright 'star' in the west every clear night for about 2 months now. That's Venus is it? Interesting.
Atleast it seems interesting right now. Is it though? I don't know anymore.
My plan was to buy a basketball and shoot 100 3 pointers every day, noting down each day and seeing if I got better over time. I managed to order a basketball but there's not a single bike pump that they will also deliver...
I have found a basketball that can be delivered pumped up. Vince Carter retired at 42. I have 11 years to make the NBA.
Try to beat mert first.
I've got some ironing to do tonight. What a rush.
Online poker later. Should be a good way to lose my money against friends.
Ill be wading through Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged & The Fountainhead at some stage.
Brazil v France, Mexico '86
We need a Zoom session.
My ironing suddenly does feel like a treat.
To keep the balance I've downloaded an emulator and plan to tackle Pokemon at some point.
I was looking up the distance of a 3 point shot so I can start marking it out and Google provided me the answer.
Thanks Google.
Found this:
Think I should go full NBA or settle for College level fundamentals?