Quote Originally Posted by Smjffy View Post
Is it something to do with the game against Villa? I reckon he went bat shit bonkers in the dressing room and went too far. I side with the defender in any case.
There's a lot of talk that the manager never really felt like he fit the "team first, get with the programme or get out" ethos, with the Villa thing being kind of emblematic of it.

There's a video doing the rounds that I saw today of him completely mugging the chairman off when he came out to shake everyone's hand in the tunnel after a loss away at QPR earlier in the season too.

It's a shame because he was great for us, and I'm really surprised at that sort of price that none of the teams who have gone up have taken him, if only for depth at the back. Regardless, Bielsa adds a lot more value than Pontus Jannson. So he had to go. Although for what it's worth Smiff, I agree with you on the Villa point. I was with him on that. I didn't think we should have let them equalise either. It was bollocks.