What are you going to do with your lives next year then fellas?
What are you going to do with your lives next year then fellas?
Get a job and a lady (not an Eastern European cam whore) hopefully.
Applying to grad school, so getting into a good one would make my year there
Maybe don't call them 'ladies' for starters, Mahow.
Basic stuff, mostly (health and career). I've been learning to DJ recently, but tbh it's not as fun as I thought it'd be. You can't enjoy a party whilst DJing, and it's difficult to even enjoy your own set. I want to produce but I can't afford a new laptop atm which is holding me back, and that takes us back to the new job thing.
I will visit Vienna, and I need some new trainers.
Drum and bass usually, but just because that's what most of my friends prefer. I just prefer being in the crowd not having to worry about what to play next, how to mix it and whether people are enjoying it. I'm sure it'll get easier, though. I want to become a don with techno, dubstep and grime over this year.
Producing and DJ’ing go hand in hand obviously, you should def try your hand at the former and you don’t need a god computer for that either
Tbf, getting a copy of Ableton or whatever + 1 synth will cost the same as a laptop decent enough to run it, so you might as well double your get-stuck-in price. It mustve cost a bit for the DJ stuff too though no?
Learn python, learn a language (Spanish, Italian or Portuguese), get promoted.
I've got Ableton and there are decent synths on the market for not much. The DJ stuff is my mate's, but they'll be at mine for the foreseeable future. When he moves and wants them back I'll make a decision whether to get my own. If I had a decent laptop I could just get a controller, though, but that'd be a bit of a backwards step.
I'd also like to start coding.
I have achieved my goals for now and am genuinely happy as I am. No more kids, just raising the ones I have. Starting a new job the day after tomorrow. We will see where we go from here. It's quite relaxing to have no plans.
Get a Raspberry Pi and go nuts.
I'm gonna book that trip to New York before I decide to chicken out. I'd like to travel just a bit before my passport expires. Oh, and should probably make some effort into finding someone to settle down with. Other than that, I've nailed life.
My aim for 2019 is to just grow up, essentially.
After faffing around after uni I got a temp job in an office on Ł10/hour, and living at home rent free I managed to save up Ł5,000 in 9 months.
Moved to Edinburgh and after another 9 months I'd come back home with my tail between my legs, slightly deranged, quite fat and Ł5k savings had turned into Ł3.5k of credit card debt, lol.
It's two and a half years since I moved back and I'm still on pretty much exactly Ł-3,500, despite living at home rent free on a solid wage the whole time. I've had a pretty fun time, and made genuine progress in a lot of areas - best shape i've been in since I was a teenager, gained more confidence with the opposite sex, and have a great network of mates. Don't think I have any genuinely impressive skills but I'm fucking quality at making and maintaining friendships. But I'm drinking (and the other stuff) too much, stuck in the same shit town and the same dead-end job. It was alright when I was 23 and it was like a post-university bonus level, but I'm fucking 27 and l'm a bit bored of it.
Also, whilst I sort of play up to being a bit of a div on here, I'm like...not an idiot. I was always the smart kid at primary school and basically smashed GCSEs, A-Levels and my degree without doing any fucking work (i imagine a lot on here are like that). I took pride in pissing it and lolled at losers getting their boring jobs and boring lives and trying, and this year I finally realised it's me that's the cunt and not them. I err, basically want to stop that stuff.
To be more specific I have a basic plan to keep my head down and be really fucking boring all year. Mostly knock drinking and drugs and all the other impulsive shit on the head, eat healthily, exercise, pay off my debts and save up some money. Then late 2019/early 2020 transfer within my current shit job to somewhere with more stuff going on and then find a "proper" job.
Think I'm ready for a serious relationship as well, but I'd take an increase in casual sex.
I saw in 2019 writing THAT. ffs
Dying painlessly.
I feel like asking what age Igor is at. If it's beyond 24, he's a fucking toilet.
Twenty-seven. That shitty beard adds ten years.
Correction, Ł5k I had, Ł3.5k that I didn't. I don't even know how I managed it, I didn't even do drugs. The shit excuse I'm going with is that before my dad took me back to my mum's house every weekend as a kid he'd give me like Ł20 and literally say "don't spend it sensibly".
You're chasing shags and then moaning when they don't lead anywhere like a teenage girl / gay man. Either you're desperate to find 'the one' like your body clock is wired to explode or you're just a massive preening tease that wants to masquerade every shag as a potential relationship.
Settle the fuck down.
"massive preening tease"
He's posted pictures of himself.
Cheapness. And they did pitch that thing as an option to get schoolkids into programming.
You know you can code on any computer, right?
Aye but can you?
I think code academy is a decent starting point.
And bottled it on occasions when it's there on a plate. "URMIGAWD, THIS ITALIAN LASS IS INTO MEE!!!!!!!!" <nothing happens>
I don't think the consistent fuck up is bottling it though, it's getting some vague interest from a woman then getting massively carried away. Italian girl for example was fucking 18 years old, it was ridiculous but she was alright looking and I was flattered. I mean you've got a point in that I've probably over-analysed my way out of a few shags but I've definitely not bottled on anything even remotely approaching a proper relationship.
It's more that we're hearing about it every time it happens.
Don't listen to Shinners, I want more stories Igor.
I want to get better at everything. Better at living, better at working, better at cricket, better at telling other people how to play cricket, better at accumulating money and spending it on things from which I benefit, better at talking to people, better at being healthy, better at not being afraid of things, better at dealing with the llama in the basement, better at coming up with relatable euphemisms.
Better at golf, too, but I like to stick to realistic aims and goals.
Tell more re llama.