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Thread: Rate Your Year 2018

  1. #51
    Senior Member Spikey M's Avatar
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    Don't go to New York next September.

  2. #52
    I used to be funny.
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    Actually, do. But stop it from happening.

  3. #53
    ram it up your shitpipe Giggles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shindig View Post
    Actually, do.

  4. #54
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    +++ Got married on May 26, and I would be surprised if the day's pure joy is ever bested.
    ++ Got accepted into the most prestigious Master of Architecture program in Canada. I finally have career traction in my life again.
    + Moved to Vancouver and am currently living in Yaletown, which is the downtown trendy neighbourhood.
    + I have a fantastic family, both on my side and my wife's, and my friends are all doing well.

    - First semester did not go well, which is why I am to get a referral to a psychiatrist in early January as well as attend counselling. I keep getting caught in obsessive-compulsive loops where I just continually redo the same thing (e.g. a facade) instead of finishing a project.
    - My wife is tackling her ongoing health issues, but they keep rearing their ugly heads.
    - Money is tight since I am a student again, and her health problems affect her ability to bill as many hours as she could.
    - Our dog is an anxious, overreactive mess
    on leash whenever she sees or hears a dog. Clomocalm has had a small impact, but we're going to try Prozac in the near future. It has further cemented our desires to not have children.

  5. #55
    Bookie Sir Andy Mahowry's Avatar
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    TTH even has a depressed dog now.

  6. #56
    Senior Member Spikey M's Avatar
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    What the fuck has a dog got to be depressed about?

  7. #57
    Won the Old Board Lewis's Avatar
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  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spikey M View Post
    What the fuck has a dog got to be depressed about?
    Dogs have brains. Brains are weird. Sometimes dogs have OCD or anxiety.

  9. #59
    Senior Member -james-'s Avatar
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    + I'm the fittest I've ever been since I first went on the internet. Playing football twice a week and I've discovered indoor climbing which is incredibly addictive.
    + People closest to me are largely doing a lot better than in past years.
    + Been teaching myself Python and I'm using it every day now. I'm still beginner/indermediate but I've been able to automate most of the boring stuff I need to do. I have a big list of things to work towards with it next year, the fact that I put the stuff I write to practical use means I find it pretty enjoyable.
    + Started hanging out with a new circle of friends from football/climbing.
    + Enjoying Glasgow a lot more than in the previous few years, partially as a result of the previous point. I've moaned about it a lot in past years, but I'm a lot happier here now. It's a great city fuk da h8rs.
    + Our cat is cute as fuck.

    - Worst year's betting to date. Barely made a penny of profit between last autumn and this summer. Had a good last three months of the year though so don't feel too miserable about it now. Being a year older and the pot being no bigger than it was this time last year is a bummer though.
    - Still find it very hard to switch my brain off and I can be a bit of an anxious mess.
    - It's shit living 6+ hours away from my parents.
    - Still don't/can't have a dog.
    - Got a bad haircut the other week.

  10. #60
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    + Work wise things are pretty good. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone to go for a new role at work and didn't get it, but in hindsight that may have been a blessing in disguise. Plus it made me think a bit more seriously about what my next step might be (if there is one, even). I feel as though I'm fairly well regarded as a teacher and I started mentoring trainees this year which was a really interesting experience.

    + Think my marriage is pretty strong (although remain wary of becoming complacent over this)

    + Daughter is 2 now, healthy, happy and blossoming. It's just a joy to behold. Son arrives late January so that's pretty decent (even if the idea of a baby and toddler is rather frightful)

    + Have developed a bit of splinter group in our friendship group - we hardly ever see each other as a group now, the only ones who seem to bother now are the new dads, so that's our group. It's great to have a support network from the parenting perspective, but also recently we've started actually talking about mental health rather than just 'lad' stuff.

    + House is coming along, slowly. Put in a new loft hatch myself, stripped back all the walls in the main bedroom, put in a cast iron fireplace (purely decorative) which looks amazing and in the next couple of weeks I'll get it decorated. Hopefully be in there before the baby arrives. Then move on to sorting out daughter's bedroom.

    - Money. We've sunk so much into this house (that we hadn't planned to) that it's just got out of hand. In an IVA now which has made life much more manageable. Still waiting on compensation for wife's car accident 2 1/2 years ago which would help.

    - Health. I mean I'm not ill or anything but am still a lazy bastard who eats too much. Would like to lose a little more around the gut, but am still in a better shape than 2 years ago.

    That's it I think. I'd say 8.5/10.

  11. #61
    Senior Member Manc's Avatar
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    + Left my job with the bank after three years. Complete lack of opportunity and direction. Shite.

    + Reconnected with old friends and family. Social life.

    - Moved to Yorkshire with the Mrs. Woeful.

    - Started a new job. Still in banking. Toss.

  12. #62
    Senior Member Boydy's Avatar
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    Feel like I need to make some drastic changes in 2019 but then maybe it's just this time of year when everything slows down and you have time to ruminate. Pretty sure I feel like this every year.

  13. #63
    Senior Member Pepe's Avatar
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    + Finished my PhD in five years, despite being a massive slacker. Lol at people who work every weekend.
    + Got myself a job. Exactly the job I wanted, to be precise.
    + Having a decent salary is nice.
    + We managed to get my wife a job in the same place. Not only a job, exactly the job she wanted.
    + Bought myself two cars.
    + Did something like 15 track days this year.
    + Scored a goal the other day.
    + Haven't seen my evaluations, but I think I beasted my first semester of teaching. It really isn't that hard, not being a mong and having a bit of banter suffices. Wore jeans/t-shirt half of the time too.

    +- Had to move to a small town for my new job. It is shit in principle, but it turns out that I do the exact same stuff whether I live in Small Shithole or The Big City, so it doesn't bother me. It does bother my wife a bit. The food is shit though, so there's that.

    - Abandoned the pedalbiking and now I can't seem to be able to get myself back into it.
    - Spent a small fortune on car related stuff.
    - Turns out that academics (especially the humanities ones) are every bit as lame as I already knew they were.
    - I have done fuck all research-wise since the start of the summer. Thanks World Cup.
    - Still have three articles that I need to finish from my grad school days.
    - Didn't end in the best terms with my former advisor (see above point.)
    - I can't be arsed doing the research needed to reach tenure. I'll stumble my way through it just as I did through grad school, but still, what a drag.
    - My football team is complete shite. Will need to look for a transfer in the next window.

    In the balance, I'd say it's been a pretty good year.

  14. #64
    Senior Member Pepe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Byron View Post
    Where do you suppose Hammer has been all this time?
    Quote Originally Posted by Bam View Post
    No wonder Jimmy was so into African football.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lewis View Post
    He's far too boring to be bent. He shaved his head.

  15. #65
    Isn't he banned? Baz's Avatar
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    I've never done one of these and can't really be arsed now. 2018 has been incredible though because I got a new job in September and went from feeling like Magic to feeling like Luca in the space of a day.

    Liverpool being incredible for almost all of 2018 is all that kept me going in those first nine months, I reckon. Oh, had a few really good trips to the pub too.
    I'm a twit

  16. #66
    Webly Ian's Avatar
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    I suppose my year has been decent. I got a promotion at my old job and then got my new job which is a much better environment, comes with more money and I guess it's nice that I've got it based purely on the work I'd done previously / what I've learned, etc. and feel in a much better position to more proactive about my, ugh, 'career' going forward. And compared to my social life or lack thereof prior to joining that job a few years ago I probably have more close friends now than I've had at any point previously. And I had two holidays, which is two more than I normally have.

    On the "meh" side my finances are are a bit lol but hopefully the improved wage will help with that.

    On the "ugh" side I got lazy when I knackered my wrist at the start of the year and have basically undone all the work I'd done shifting some flab in the months prior to that and really need to get back to exercising this year because I am a blimp again, my parents are increasingly not keeping very well which is a bit of a low-level concern (partly because they now live really close, partly because neither has anything majorly wrong with them) but one that's always there and this year I probably need to actually make some sort of effort to stop being perenially single. Not because it's worrying me or that I'm lonely or anything but because I'm vaguely aware that I probably don't want to die alone and I'm not the sort of person who just stumbles into relationships so an actually effort is going to be required.

  17. #67
    Senior Member Pepe's Avatar
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    Now that you're an Engineer the ladies will flock to your flabby body.

  18. #68
    Senior Member mugbull's Avatar
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    I would say being fat is fine as long as you’re not an engineer

  19. #69
    Senior Member Pepe's Avatar
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    It is true that most of us are so good looking that it is hard to compete without rock-hard abs and golden tans.

  20. #70
    Webly Ian's Avatar
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  21. #71
    Senior Member Vercetti's Avatar
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    I hope The Donald hires Pepe's firm to build that wall.

  22. #72
    Senior Member Boydy's Avatar
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    @dino, what all do you use python for?

  23. #73
    Senior Member -james-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boydy View Post
    @dino, what all do you use python for?
    A few different things.

    I've got a few scripts that scrape line-ups and cross reference them with season stats. Output like this

    The thing that most of my effort goes into is the "model" that outputs what it thinks the right prices for the game week in question. There's a lot of feeling around in the dark and my maths knowledge that's holding me back more than the python side.

  24. #74
    Senior Member ScousePig's Avatar
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    My 2018 was pretty uneventful really.
    Work wise I'm still in the same school and teaching the same year. Nice school, shit class this time around.
    Relationship wise I'm still with my partner. There's been absolutely zero progress or regression in the past year.
    Fitness wise I'm more or less as fit as I've been. I started doing parkrun in May and have done them most weeks since. PB of 19:46 and I'm always around the 20 minute mark. My fastest race was the Leeds Abbey Dash 10k which was 41 minutes. I'm still playing football twice a week.
    No holidays which was annoying.
    Last edited by ScousePig; 02-01-2019 at 11:25 PM.

  25. #75
    Romulus Augustulus ItalAussie's Avatar
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    + My professional life is going fantastically. I got a massive grant, and should be getting a promotion to go with it.
    + My friends put up with the fact that I'm a bit of a workaholic, and were still happy enough to see me on weekends.
    - I got pretty unfit, but I sorted out a regime and steadied the ship in the last couple of months, so that should take care of itself now. Diet and exercise, kids.
    - Juventus losing to Madrid was a bit rubbish.

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