Quote Originally Posted by Boydy View Post
I thought I'd just be miserable and lonely if I lived alone tbh.

We got on well last year. We still do get on well. She's just there all the time and doesn't shut up much. I suppose last year there were other people for her to talk to but now I have to take the entire brunt of it. When we moved in (on a weekend), I took a couple of days off at the end of the next week to just settle in and get some shit done around the house. She skipped class (is a student) on the Thursday and then took Friday off work as well. I just wanted to be alone for a couple of days and have peace and quiet. But how do you tell someone who's perfectly nice to fuck off as you can't be arsed listening to them for a while?

Had today off too and woke up around nine. Purposefully hadn't told her I was off in case she decided to take it off too. Heard her rumbling around the house and thought 'that's weird, maybe shes just running late'. Went back to sleep and woke up an hour later. She was still there. Went down and she's off today too. I JUST WANTED THE PLACE TO MYSELF FOR A DAY. I also wanted to go to Ikea to get a couple of things but knew if I went today she'd tag along (she doesn't have a car) and we'd be there all fucking day. Also I went to the shop in the afternoon (like five mins away) and when I said I was going, she was all 'Hang on! I'll come with you.' Just leave me alone for five minutes ffs.
She's dying for the bone.

Also, why are you telling her you're going places? Just go.