Quote Originally Posted by Kikó View Post
No but I've seen it before and considered it.

@Alex Well done - a pb is always welcome. I ran a 10 mile this morning at Richmond Park and managed to hit my target of sub 1:30. 1:26:21 -longest distance I've run and it was pretty comfortable.

Manchester 10k next Sunday to close off my month of running.
Absolutely. Thanks mate, that was my thinking too.

I ended up in a bit of a weird spot where I was absolutely knackered and sure that I had blown it, and then looked at my watch with about .15 of a mile to go and realised than if I picked it up up I could break the PB. Which resulted in the most uncomfortable, minute long sprint of my life. I felt like I wanted to pass out at the finish line.

That's a great time for a first 10 mile run, by the way. A good minute and a bit faster than I've ever run it!

Quote Originally Posted by Baz View Post
Anyone here done Race At Your Pace? You pick a target for the month (eg 25 Miles) pay £10 and then send proof (Runkeeper etc screenshot) and they send you a snazzy medal.
Yes! I did it in January. Somebody started a "January Running Challenge" group on WhatsApp amongst our friends, and everyone signed up on there for what they thought they could get to. There were loads of us, it was really fun.