Arkham Asylum, that one works all on it's own.
Arkham Asylum, that one works all on it's own.
Grim Fandango is the daily deal at the moment on Humble. £1.57
Don't do it!
I'm a twit
Yeah go on, do it.
Humble Store are having a sale, looks like a perfect opportunity to buy things I won't play for years!
Sir, You Are Being Hunted, a game I need to go back and play more of because it's great, for under £2 is a good deal.
I keep seeing that but I'm not sure. I just bought Sorcery 1 & 2 for a couple of quid and I'm tempted to Banner Saga for not much more.
I've bought it along with Punch Club.
Sorcery is fun, well worth it already and I've only done the first part. Any game that makes me regret not buying a bag of teeth is doing something right.
Me and Cord just did some multiplayer Sir there and it was good fun. Quite a different affair to the single-player and we did suffer a bit of a sudden difficulty spike as it suddenly started spawning harder robots before we were really ready for them but it's good. We killed two robots between us but at least one of those was mine when I bled to death soon after.
60% off Pillars of Eternity on Steam at the moment, first time it's had a decent discount that I can remember.
Hold onto wallets and/or PayPal details.
The sale has begun.
CD keys and the likes have meant Ive not bothered with the Steam sales lately. You can get the games at sale price almost all year round now.
I've no issue with giving money to developers for something I want.
CD Keys and Kinguin for me.
I got Pillars of Eternity a week after release for £4 on Kinguin, it's in the Steam sale for £13.99...
Is CD Keys dodgy or not? I've read stuff about them just being nicked codes or whatever but I dunno if that's true. What about Kinguin as well? I've never even heard of it.
Also, the sale. I was just wondering yesterday when the next one was going to be. Seemed like it had been a while.
I don't think I've ever read anybody having had an issue with the big key sites from a consumer perspective but they're obviously bent in some way or another.
Yeah, I've bought off CD Keys a couple of times with no problems but if they are just a bunch of crooks I'd rather not give them my money.
The issue with key marketplaces is that people use stolen credit cards to buy keys then sell them on these sites, obviously this means they aren't terribly scrupulous plus when the fraud is discovered the money is often dragged back from developers. If you're going to use them then try and take advantage of any 'insurance' that places like G2A employ which guarantees your purchase for a few extra pennies. If you don't (like I didn't last time) they will not give a shit if they sell you a key that's already been used.
This War of Mine gets added to the pile.
Not bought anything else so far. Considering Just Cause 3, Undertale and The Curious Expedition (only thing stopping me here is that it's Early Access.)
Ian, did you finish Pillars? Or get far enough to know if I really should get the White March as well.
My finger's twitching to buy something.
I'm toying with buying Assassin's Creed: Syndicate for Cor Blimey good times.
I need to go back to it because I decided to do the optional dungeon grind bit in one long slog rather than a level at a time and got sick of it. I've played nearly 30 hours though and it's very, very good.
Just Cause 3 was a great blast
You're a dick Ian.
I've not got a pot to piss in right now and you just keep bringing up games I want to buy :\
I'm thinking of buying Syndicate on PS4 later tonight now.
Mark the Ninja (I wish that's what it was called) on sale for under £3 is a bargain.
Firewatch and Borderlands 2: bought.
It's a sign, lads. Was about to put in payment details for Sleeping Dogs when I looked at the date and realised my council tax was due. Shame I can't fix my PS4 disc.
Transistor for £3.49, holy fuck what a deal.
Also got Freedom Planet for £5.49 as it's the best Sonic platformer since Sonic 3 and Knuckles, just ignore the absolutely bollocks 'story'.
Not much really grabbing me in this one, I bought Pillars but that's all.
I think with the loss of the daily deals and reduced stuff getting reduced even harder I'm splurging more and just looking out for ones I particularly want.
Yeah, having said that I've just seen the other Divinity games and Garrys Mod for pence so I'm having them.
It's why I keep wishlists. Same on the Ipad.
Might check my wishlist later on.
I'll only dive deep when my PS3 finally croaks, probably. Or if I ever commit to my PC as my one and only gaming platform.
Witcher 3 expansions bought.
The only shock is that it's taken me this long to cave.
Steam have a sale for QuakeCon which includes Dishonored plus the two excellent DLCs for £9.
Save £5 on a £40 spend with eCoupon TDX-WFRX
Save £10 on a £75 spend with eCoupon TDX-PKMH
Save £25 on a £150 spend with eCoupon TDX-HTNK
Enter at checkout. Offer ends 25/09/2016
I'm a twit
Worth keeping an eye on as they have deals changing daily in their 'Monstrous Fall Sale." FTL for less than $3, Braid for under $5, deals on Witcher 3 DLC, lots of stuff.
Dirt 3 is free on the Humble store at the minute.
Free on PS Plus, as well for PS3.
There's a Steam sale on again.
I'm tempted by Banished but other than that I think I've got nearly everything I want off Steam by now.
Sleeping Dogs for a fiver again. Might actually go for it, despite the sketchy controller support. Also, I'm now aware Walking Dead: Season Three is beginning in a month.
Almost all of my wishlist was on sale last weekend. Only thing I bought was Armello, a board game with cards and dice and a small RPG scale (stats, equipment, followers (party)). The RNG is similar to Blood Bowl, which is a game I absolutely love (as some might know on here). There are tactics and strategies you can think of, but with this much RNG in a game, you have to be flexible.
Simply loving it. 4 win conditions, which I all achieved albeit I had to take quite the effort for the Spirit and Rot victory. Kingslayer and Prestige are the easier ones to accomplish. I also love all the characters you can play as and while some might suit a certain victory more, they all can achieve all victories.
Quite happy with my only purchase.
That happy that I took up Blood Bowl again as well.
Edit: And did I mention that it's gorgeous? No I didn't. It's gorgeous.
First episode of Season Three will be released on December 20th, I believe.
If you're a sky subscription person keep an eye on your emails.
just got a 13.99 voucher for sky store for free which I used to buy and download finding dory.