For those that don't know, a Woman went missing on 27th January, established timeline below:

08:43 - Ms Bulley walked along the path by the River Wyre, having dropped her children off at school
08:47 - A dog walker who knows Ms Bulley saw her walking along the lower field.
08:53 - Ms Bulley sent an email to her boss
09:01 - She logged into a Teams call
About 09:10 - A witness who knows Ms Bulley saw her on the upper field walking with her dog Willow
09:20 - Police inquiries suggest her phone was on the bench
09:30 - The Teams call ended but she stayed logged on
About 09:35 - Ms Bulley's mobile phone and Willow were found at a riverside bench
Interestingly perhaps, the family are now publicly disagreeing with the police assertion that she may have fallen into the river, with the sister coming out and saying there's no evidence that happened.

Know it's been discussed in the news thread, but feel like it's time for this one to get its own shit, for two reasons. Firstly, it's gathering pace and depending on the outcome, another round of culture wars may well be around the corner at which point everyone will be talking about it for at least two weeks. But secondly, and perhaps most importantly, we've achieved many things on the two decades plus of this forum (beating the stock market, launching a word into the English language), but to the best of my knowledge we've never solved a missing person/murder.

Over to you.