Obligatory trailer:

I'm guessing the board are not Battlefield fans as the last few haven't really had threads but here we go anyway.

The Open Beta should now be available to all after we've just had the early access portion.

I'm not quite sure what build we're at with what we've been given to play, but it's a bit buggy. Otherwise, I like it. It looks exactly like you'd expect a modern Battlefield title to look but with extra polish. Looks very pretty to me.
My gameplay experience has been a bit more mixed. I'm obviously rusty with FPS games. The last one I played properly was Black Ops 2. I've not really played a Battlefield title since 4.

This one seems a lot of chaos, mostly good. For me, there's too much vehicle madness. If your team doesn't have capable people in the sky, you're getting blown up a lot by strafing choppers.
The big rocket taking off set piece is amazing the first time you see it. It doesn't seem to do too much other than fill the place with smoke for a bit though.

You don't tend to get revived too many times either. Perhaps the medics need a buff.