A London student union officer accused of posting the phrase "kill all white men" on social media has had the charges against her dropped.
Bahar Mustafa, 28, had faced charges of allegedly sending an offensive, indecent, obscene or menacing message.
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said there was "not enough evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction".
Her lawyer said the climb down called the CPS's judgement into question.
Mike Schwarz, a partner at Bindmans LLP, said: "The decision first to prosecute and then to climb down so soon afterwards, made by the Crown Prosecution Service headquarters, calls into question their ability to make sensible judgments on delicate issues."
The CPS said one of the complainants had requested a review of its decision to discontinue the case.
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Ms Mustafa, of Edmonton, north London, is the student union welfare and diversity officer at Goldsmiths, University of London.
'Non-binary people'

She had been due to appear at Bromley Magistrates' Court on Thursday charged with sending electronic communications on Twitter and Facebook which conveyed threats for the purposes of causing distress or anxiety to the recipient.
Ms Mustafa was also charged with sending grossly offensive and menacing messages by means of public communication network.
A CPS spokesperson said: "Following the decision to discontinue this case one of the complainants has now requested a review of this decision under the Victim's Right to Review Scheme.
"It would not be appropriate to comment further on this case until this process has been completed."
It was previously reported that Ms Mustafa was alleged to have posted an event invitation on Facebook, which has since been taken down, that said: "Invite loads of BME Women and non-binary people!!
"Also, if you've been invited and you're a man and/or white PLEASE DON'T COME just cos I invited a bunch of people and hope you will be responsible enough to respect this is a BME Women and non-binary event only."
The messages were alleged to have been posted by Ms Mustafa between 10 November last year and 31 May.
Ms Mustafa was elected by union members to the student union, which is independent of Goldsmiths.

Now I'm all for not charging people for posting things on the internet, but there's no way Tommy Robinson or someone similar wouldn't have been changed if a few of the words were changed to different ethnicities. What makes this even more hilarious is that she is a 'diversity officer'. Anyway, this sums her up better than I could, I feel:

Bahar Mustafa is a rich, spoiled, butterfaced white girl who desperately clings to her self-appointed minority status so she can be a "Diversity and welfare officer" at a school she doesn't even go to anymore, despite being so pale that a TSA agent would let her through without inspection even if she was wearing a burqa and screaming "Allahu akbar!".
She recently gained unwanted e-fame after getting herself embroiled in controversy by banning the superior sex and the master race from her communist gatherings and only allowing in n*ggers, f*ggots and n*ggerf*ggots. Mustafa later doubled down when given a chance to save herself by instead giving a 7 minute speech about how she can't be racist because she isn't white. Now everyone on the Internet is trolling her and making fun of her, spamming her support hashtags and trying to get her fired and arrested for the lulz.

Update: The vote to get her fired didn't work but she was arrested in October 2015. The Entire Internet LOL'd at once.

To understand this asinine kerfuffle, you must first know who Bahar Mustafa is (besides what comes out when your cat walks across your keyboard).
Bahar is a 27 year old, privileged girl who bangs on about anarchism and communism despite living a privileged, sheltered life. She majored in women's studies gender studies (feminists insisted the name be changed to make it look less like and obvious scam) at the prestigious and expensive Goldsmiths University, which was undoubtedly paid for by her parents. She now lives in their £450,000 home while insisting she is a downtrodden minority and preaching for the downfall of society, one in which she feels she would fare quite well, despite being unable to get a job, her own flat and probably having trouble using the microwave by herself.
The combination of being a rich, 20-something, living at home, jobless college grad with a degree in feminism and an anarchism t-shirt, means Bahar couldn't be a bigger cliche if she had artificially-dyed hair, a nose ring, and daddy issues. Which, of course, she does.
To become a diversity officer, one must first run for (and win) the position of diversity officer. Bahar approached the task with autistic gusto.

Mustafa created a facebook page (archive), where she posted illegible campaign flyers of armed women made in MS paint in which the text was too bright compared to the background so you couldn't read half of it (She apparently hasn't learned how to use the "stroke" tool in photoshop to outline her letters). She also made a wordpress blog (archive) where she further elaborates on her manifestos (which she hilariously called a "WOmanfesto"), as well as lying about being poor and disabled. Finally, she created a minute long video where, with baggy eyes and an unconfident tone, she stutters her way through her election promises.

So what are Mustafa's campaign promises? Safe spaces, gender neutral toilets, fatspo awareness, "a campaign to challenge structural misogyny inherent in organisations which do not have liberation and feminist politics at its heart", fight to reject the counter-terrorism bill, continue to campaigned with Goldsmiths Palestine Society, "ZERO TOLERANCE on homophobia, queer-phobia, trans*phobia, racism, Islamaphobia, misogyny, ableism, cis-sexism, and classist behaviour" (apparently zero-tolerance means everyone but her) and making "Woman's officer" a full-time position. She also held, and will continue to hold, seminars like “Intersectionality 101” (that isn't a word), “Riot Don’t Diet: Body Image and Feminism” (as if those fatties can riot without getting winded) and “Feminism in Relationships” (read: Scissoring).
In other words, she will fight for and against a bunch of made up words while creating a safe space for arabs and terrorists as she focuses her anti-racism efforts for muslims and against jews, all the while creating a safe environment for false rape accusations by defending pretend victims and fighting to get rid of the on-campus police that should protect them but threaten to expose their hoaxes. She also wants to expand the authorities of the "Woman's officer", citing that Goldsmith's female students comprise more than 2/3 of the people who go there and are discriminated, not realizing that them being an overwhelming majority shows the school seems to actually be discriminating against the men.
Bahar was able to win the election, which some might attribute to her overzealous campaigning for this meaningless role. But this proves itself false as well as hilariously sad when you consider that she ran unopposed. She would never had won as white people and males both take up the majority.

Now I'm not going to post it all since it's long, but it's a very marvelous read.
