As per Foe tradition - it's time to reflect on the year you've had.

2015 information can be found here: Here

2015 +ves
1. I got a promotion, and with it a pay increase which sees me really quite well paid for my age.
2. I enjoy having my flat (not the mortgage) and knowing that I control the destiny of my living arrangements.
3. I'm definitely a lot stronger than I was previously. I've been training with guys who take the gym pretty seriously and as such have pushed me to embrace new exercise and find my limits.
4. I feel more competent at work. People seem to respect my input and don't see me as a shite engineer - which is definitely a positive.
5. The new car I've picked up is actually very pleasant.
6. I've really enjoyed watching a lot of american football, tv series and films. It's a fairly shite hobby, but it's what I enjoy doing and I do it often.
7. I've got euro 2016 tickets to a couple of decent games which means I have the option of an enjoyable summer.

1. My metabolism is terrible, and as such I'm now carrying more fat than I have in a long time.
2. The hairline fell apart and I've had to embrace a shaved head look. It's not ideal.
3. It's been a rough time family wise. One of my cats died quite suddenly and my nan has deteriorated rapidly with alzheimers. I'll hopefully get to see her over christmas but she's in a home now and definitely losing grip of reality so it might be the last time I see her when she knows who I am or indeed the last time I ever see her.
4. 2015 has been a year of unease at work due to the low oil price. Redundancy was a concern earlier in the year and the lack of improvement has meant it's a known concern rolling into 2016. Given the way things are going there's a real risk there's some significant changes coming and with that it's feasible I won't have a job come June. Right now I'd probably rate my odds at 50/50. I'm in a better position than some for sure, but I do fear things could go drastically wrong. If nothing else it means the office will be a morbid environment in Q1/Q2.
5. Still no girlfriend, and it's been a year of poor progression. On the plus side, I'm quite happy by myself but it's concerning that many of my friends are settling down whilst I'm stagnating.
6. I live in a boring and cold place and do think that there's a much better standard of living to be had somewhere warmer. I've no interest upping sticks to the middle east, but I'd relish the opportunity to move to the states. If things go badly in the new year I'm not going to rule out a move across the pond.
1. I still have a job and I'm pretty comfortable financially because of it.
2. I'm still happy with my flat and car - I've managed to make significant inroads into my mortgage which should set me up better in the next 5 - 10 years.
3. My mum retired and is much happier.
4. I had a bloody good couple of holidays at the Euros and then back over in America. I live a very simple life, but it was nice to spend time on holiday doing something I'm interested in rather than just fannying about on some island for the sake of some sun.
5. I feel respected and valuable at work, particularly to one asset who now repeatedly try to claw me back from my existing role. Also a negative...
6. My sister got a kitten and I got to look after it for a while which was great fun.

1. My nana is getting worse, she's just a complete shadow of a person now I think and it's really taking a toll on my mum and her relationship with her sister. I think we're heading down over xmas to see her but I'm scared what that will show - in some respects I really don't want to ruin the memory I have of her. But it's not for me, it's for her and my mum so I'll have to just get on with it.
2. My gran's health is also deteriorating.
3. Work has been horrific this year. The company went through a massive re-organisation and the industry is on it's arse in the region. I've noticed it much more in my job too.
4. Health and fitness: I'm really not sure what the whole point of the day to day grind is. I don't really get what the end result is that we're all working towards. I kind of was stuck in a 'what's the fucking point' mode for about 6 months which means I neglected the gym and started eating terribly. Also seem to be getting more regular health 'kicks' so I really need to put my mind at ease and go see a GP in 2016.
5. I'm still alone. Although I did very little in attempts to resolve that it's something I have little desire to attempt. Unfortunately, I'm beginning to think that settling down with someone I'll need to look to try and do.
6. This year at work has been a bag of shite. I spent 2 months doing a monotonous, soul destroying task. I spent 3 months covering for an asset which came with significant stress and made me aware that I have no desire to progress down that career path. Since that point and the company re-organisation I seem to have become a middle man between a functional organisation and an asset. I've got no idea who I've been working for the last 3 months. Ultimately, I'm an engineer but I really don't have much of a desire to do it long term at all. At some point I think I'm going to need to make a clean break and just leave if the company can't give me an opportunity in an area I'm interested in.

All in all a pretty fucking shit year.

How about you gents?