As per the old board. All driving related postage in here.
(Inspired by Alan Shearer the 2nd and Pepe)
As per the old board. All driving related postage in here.
(Inspired by Alan Shearer the 2nd and Pepe)
My test is booked for the end of October, but I haven't driven since my previous failure in July. Need to get back on it.
I've got to drive to Leeds on Tuesday morning, which means I get to experience the joys of the M1 again. Wonderful.
My car has been making some weird noised and the check engine light turned on. Had trouble starting it the other day too. Last time I used it, however, the check engine light was gone and the noises, while still there, seemed less loud (or maybe I'm getting used to them). I think I'll keep driving it like that until it explodes.
I think my M5 is about to rape me with a 10" dildo.
Some basic math has made me realize that my bicycle is worth more than my car now.
I still haven't gotten round to doing my licence, it looks like unless I can find a solution next summer I'll have to do it in Danish.
I've 750km to do tomorrow in my 1.4 diesel behemoth.
750km? Bloody hell.
That's rough no matter the car.
500 odd miles is the most I've done. Thankfully it was mostly if not all motorway.
The furthest I've driven is about 500km (350 miles) and while I generally enjoy driving that journey reached the stage where I was fucking sick of it.
On a single day the most I've done is around 1200kms. That turned to over 2300kms in two days.
Well it's 375 there and back with around 2 hours work in between. Should be around 4 hours each way if I leave at the right time.
Checking my odometer I put up 1037km Thursday and Friday past.
My company car is coming up for its second service in four months.
I've 30,000km or 18 months marked on mine, whichever is sooner, for the first service. I've racked up nearly 14,000 in 2 months![]()
Bloody hell mine is only 12,500m.
That is fucking nuts Giggles. What is it you do that requires that much driving?
I don't think I do that in a year.
Why are you talking in kilometres and not miles?
I'm a twit
Driving in Poland has helped me but not by much.
I still have to struggle to convert to miles.
When I used to visit from the UK I had the car with both miles and km on the dial, but I still had the 50>31, 60>48, 80>50, 100>62, 120>75 conversions in my head when I passed speed limit signs here.
Now I'm so used to km that I have to really think about the mph speed limits when I go over the border.
Buying your first car is daunting shit.
Where the fuck to begin?
Am I asking for trouble looking at used cars for under a grand, or is it possible to get something in that price range that isn't going to fall apart as soon as I touch it?
I don't see why not.
My Toyota cost exactly £1000 a few years ago and I've not had a single problem with it.
Oh and my cousin bought a car which had been written off twice (fucking moron) for £660 and he used it for a couple of years, don't think anything went wrong when he was using it.
I just saw the MOT certificate for that car![]()
Fucking hell.
Stop postboosting you cunt.
I did 2,755 miles (4,434 km) driving around Europe for 10 days. The last leg from Vichy to Birmingham was 671 miles. To say I'd had enough by then (boring drive with flat roads and little scenery, too) would be an understatement.
Turned out to only be 722km in the end, but the last hunderd or so back towards Dublin were in some of the worst rain I have ever driven in. Maybe the worst. The whole motorway was doing no more than 80km/h, couldn't even see the lines separating the lanes.
Some epic fork lightning caught on the dash camera though.
What are dash cameras for? Is it for insurance purposes or is it just to try and catch funny stuff and put it on the internet?
I'm tempted to mention it to work as they'd be right up for that sort of thing. Worried it'll catch me speeding and driving aggressively though.
I had bought mine and then mentioned it to work and they paid me for it.
Does it capture your speed? I guess the fuckers would check my tracker anyway. It's if they ask for footage randomly or footage of an accident and see some terrible driving beforehand is giving me the shits.
It only captures the speed if you buy one with the built in GPS unit. It will then show it on the screen during playback (if you choose) or in graph for for the selected journey. My work never ask to look randomly (car isn't tracked either), but one of the guys had someone cut out into him from a slip road and he was able to use his personal one to prove it as their fault for insurance.
I did load up a journey one day after the boss questioned how I got somewhere and back to quickly. But it turned out he didn't know they had opened a new motorway.
I got a notification today that my VW Golf GTE has arrived in the UK and I should have it in about 10 days time. Can't wait!
Sold my old car last Monday so have been driving my girlfriends old mk 2 golf for a week and cannot wait to get my new one. I miss power steering.
Josh who were you on TD?
What's a GTE? Is that electric?
Yeah it's the hybrid version of the gti/gtd. Looks exactly the same but with blue trim. Commute should be on electric only and can charge at work and have solar panels on the house I've just bought so basically a free commute. Add in the government grant and a bit of negotiation and I'm paying around the same a month to run this than I was to run my kia ceed I sold.
Hull to Portsmouth in four and a half hours (including stop at Leicester Forest), with the dog asleep in the back and my mother wittering all the fucking way. I am the Colossus of Roads.
Portsmouth to Hull in seven and a half hours. I was absolutely seething.