Just don't go to Texas.
This is so good. Their wording makes absolutely zero biological sense whatsoever.
Moments like this make you realise a forum meet-up is impossible.![]()
I bet we'd all get on fine in real life.
That is quality.
The stony face of the sword's owner and then the other one getting his ready in case Melania wants to join in makes it.
It's going to be one hell of a ride. Unless he dies tomorrow.
Melania actually looks happy for once.
lol he stripped John Bolton of his security detail. Priorities for the new Golden Age.
That little dance of his is top quality stuff.
So he pardoned Ross Ulbricht aka Dread Pirate Roberts who was convicted of murder for hire, and the pastor who was giving it big licks at the inauguration has launched his own crypto coin![]()
Either way, such an egregiously selective use of science.
Science wouldn't be top of the list for someone who probably thinks the number of genders is in double digits.
I couldn't really give a shit about the law change, but using it as a backdoor to ban abortion when these people don't give a single fuck about the child once it's born, is pretty scummy, if that is the intent here. You're definitely going to need a better counter argument than "they're not a boy until 6 weeks" though. Most people - if they're not actively trying to get pregnant - don't know they're pregnant until after then anyway, for starters.
Last edited by Spikey M; 22-01-2025 at 08:08 AM.
I can't wait to hear from Ross Ulbricht. Rare Donny W.
The main problem is it being in black and white. If the law isn't technically correct, the law is useless in court.
No it isn't. There are far more people around than you realise with disorders of sexual differentiation. If you are writing laws, they need to actually be applicable to all people.
As I also said, their basic premise of defining sex by which reproductive cells they produce also makes no sense "at the point of conception" and for some people never will. What about people do don't produce any reproductive cells?
As Shindig says. Technically and biologically the way that law is worded is nonsense so it won't hold up.
Last edited by randomlegend; 22-01-2025 at 08:48 AM.
Wording aside what, exactly, is the law?
Now that is the kind of law I can get behind. Someone should convince him that the US should build gigantic statues surpassing the Chinese ones. Show them who is the boss.I hereby direct the Administrator of the General Services Administration, in consultation with the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy and the heads of departments and agencies of the United States where necessary, to submit to me within 60 days recommendations to advance the policy that Federal public buildings should be visually identifiable as civic buildings and respect regional, traditional, and classical architectural heritage in order to uplift and beautify public spaces and ennoble the United States and our system of self-government.
I'm trying to imagine what would have to happen before such a law or even sentiment were passed over here. It would probably involve the mass murder of thousands of civil servants.
The only thing that would happen would be a significant transitory shift in the supply/demand price dynamic for hanging baskets.
I was wondering who the nutter on Newsnight was yesterday and I see he was the QAnon Shaman. Madness peaked when he suddenly lurched into a Matthew McConaughey style southern drawl in an attempt to end the interview. Absolute batshit.
Also interesting on the pardoning front that the guy who 'bear sprayed' [wtf?] the cop who died got let out early, having been sentenced to 80 months. Why months? Who knows, it's like they are allergic to sensible use of numbers. Thirty-two hundred. Anyway, that seems like quite a light sentence for seriously assaulting an officer in the execution of their duties, particularly in the light of the fact that they then died.
I can see how the lunatic fringe might accept these sorts of things, but presumably, given the MASSIVE MANDATE DT has, not all of his supporters can think this sort of shit is acceptable, or is it just *shrug* and move on?
How does the above square with:
Are they just going to spend the next 4 years litigating the fallout from all these executive orders?The order promises that Trump’s attorney general will seek capital punishment for “all crimes of a severity demanding its use”, specifying that the US will seek the death penalty in every case involving murder of law enforcement and a capital crime committed by an undocumented person, “regardless of other factors”. Trump has also pledged to pursue the overruling of longstanding US supreme court precedents that limit the scope of capital punishment.
Last edited by niko_cee; 22-01-2025 at 01:56 PM.
I think that the cop is considered to have died from 'natural causes', which probably explains the light sentence.
Courts will spend the next few months/years saying lol can't do that, yes
At least those courts have got their heads screwed on.
With the third term shenanigans already underway, are we ready for Trump v Obama in 2028? TLC deathmatch.
Although I see the amendment precludes that as you can only have another term if you haven't had two consecutively already.
I mean, these people.
Poor Musk and his autism making him be all awkward and accidentally speak at a German far right rally.
There's too much going on to keep track.
Yeah, can we atleast post links?
Much like Obama's disastrous attempt to intervene in the Brexit referendum, it will have the opposite effect to what he hopes. No one in Europe takes kindly to being lectured by self-satisfied yanks.
He basically is.
He's more yank than the yanks.