Even if true (which I don't think it is) I literally couldn't give less of a shit. The entire economic balance of life is fucked due to the rich repeatedly stealing from everyone else. That's the issue with the world.
Even if true (which I don't think it is) I literally couldn't give less of a shit. The entire economic balance of life is fucked due to the rich repeatedly stealing from everyone else. That's the issue with the world.
Which the left also failed miserably at dealing with given the whole show was a questioning cavalcade of his abhorrent opinions (which anyone still supporting him by that point was obviously fine with, therefore pointless), rather than exposing him for the awful politician he was.
I agree. The best trick the devil ever did was to pretend that the biggest divides are caused by race or sex, when it's clearly classs/wealth you're born into rather than your skin colour etc. So we all spend 10 years arguing about that, get absolutely nowhere with it and all the time the rich get richer, no doubt while fuelling up the roflcopter.
The pardoning stuff is mental, especially when cops died on the back of that and the people trying to break in were packing those restraints so absolutely no doubt what was going to happen if they had succeeded. I do wonder what happens with them all now, reportedly in Russia criminals who volunteered to fight in Ukraine are back in Russia committing crimes and acting untouchable because they are 'war heroes', could see similar with these people.
Trump has also 4D chessed Biden into setting a precedent regarding pre-emptively pardoning family and key government figures so the way has been paved for full corruption and crime with no consequences.
Biden set a precedent? Didn't Trump pardon about 300 of his closest family, friends and attorneys on the way out the door last time?
Whilst this may or may not be the case [I don't think it is but I understand the sentiment] is it not also a bit bonkers that for the duration of that same period and longer we have had governments with fairly overtly anti-immigration/anti-foreigner rhetoric and simultaneously pro-immigration policies? How were they not cancelled sooner by one side or the other? 14 years of hard work trying to get net migration into the tens of thousands has yielded what? How are Nige and co in their now not racist zeitgeist going to make the difference when they get in in five years? Look over here hand waving?
There is no spoon.
No my argument boils down to having hateful positions that are shouted on public platforms can impact your employment. No one forces Laurence Fox or me or you to post your opinions online. That can have an impact on potential employment if the person hiring you thinks you're detrimental to the company being hired for.
Well, we could use being labelled as racist for voting Brexit if that sits better with you as an example of this madness.
But to answer your question, my suspicion is that it was in everyone's interest whether they were in government or might be to try and mask the zero underlying growth (or actually significant decline) in GDP per capita by just chucking more people at it to get overall GDP up. No one, including this government seems to have a plan as to how to do it otherwise.
Other aspect is that mass immigration benefits business, business circles that politicians move in and who doesn't want to do a favour for a mate?
Yes, Brexit is a much better example of the extremely poor read of the country that infects a large portion of the progressive establishment, but even that isn't localised to that wing of thought. Giggles, for example, is a full adherent to the Little Englander theory, and he's a reactionary bigot who wants to set fire to brown people apparently. That said, if Little Englander is taken to mean just not liking the EU on base level it is probably a quite good/accurate read of British public opinion c.1975-2015.
This brewing row over Mandelson could be quite interesting.
Can you not have an ambassador? Doubt the UK would have the balls for it, or the US 'deep state' would allow it, but it would be an interesting look for them to accept ambassadors from enemy states but not a closest ally.
He's a prick (and he's surrounded by far more dangerous cunts) but he is funny.
Yeah, the saving grace is that there really is no one like him. Unless The Rock suddenly starts calling for Mexican cartel heads, none of the supporting cast will be able to continue his legacy.
The US really has a cultural stronghold of the world, doesn't it?
These pardons for the January 6th rioters are genuine Banana republic level insanity. Someone serving 22 years for inciting and organising insurrection just walking free. 1600 people. It's utterly, utterly mental.
Those people who died were just faking it for political purposes, get over it.
Don't worry though he won't actually do anything crazy, it's all talk, it was fine last time, stop being ridiculous.
It is all talk. It just so happens crazy people act on it.
Wasn't it like four rioters and one cop? Not minimizing the cop's death, but it was not a massacre or something.
The pardons are pretty wild, I'll give you that. That it is even an option is mental. Still don't see how it affects you on the other side of the world.
The pardons are wild until you see that Biden used the last hours of his presidency to pardon all of his family members against crimes they may or may not have committed up to that point, and then you realise that the presidential pardon is a proper banana republic / medieval king weapon and the founding fathers were making quite a lot of assumptions with it.
I mean, it can't happen here because we don't have a president and thanks to Oliver Cromwell our king doesn't have pardoning powers. But I'm sure 'the stage is set' nonetheless.
Didn't that already get tested over here in the summer? We just don't pull off shit like the Capitol riot.
The whole pardoning thing is fucking mental in itself.
I wasn't referring specifically to pardoning people, merely leaders being emboldened to wield their powers way beyond the boundaries of what's previously been attempted to their own ends.
"Yeah but nobody is ever actually going to do that" is very much a tenet being tested.
I have no idea what the legalities of that would even be. But, I mean in a wider context, anyway. We tend to follow America's lead on many things, and people are concerned because as funny as it is watching the freakshow, we don't want our own British version of one in 4 years time.
None. He's pre-emptively pardoned them to prevent Trump coming up with something to go after them for - as Trump did last time and found no criminal wrongdoing. They haven't actually been accused of anything.
The pardon of Hunter previously was related to gun and tax charges i.e. nothing vioent.
I wonder what would have happened if the riot had been January 6th 1821?
I'm assuming attempts to pull that shit over here in the past would have been met with the whole hung, drawn and quartered business, although maybe not in the 1800s. 1600s yes.
Cromwell is properly underrated [the Irish despise him don't they?], how did the yanks end up such a bunch of retards after it was his sort that started up their country?
Last edited by niko_cee; 21-01-2025 at 07:14 PM.
The American Constitution is quite good as far as books of laws go. This pardon thing a shit outlier that a proper Congress could take care of, but the current lot could never pass a constitutional reform, no matter how obviously good.
Unwritten constitutions![]()
Not sure we can complain about politically-motivated pardons in light of certain approaches to certain crimes that have been in the news recently.
Team Quiggles has got to be a new low for intelligence when it comes to TTH double acts.
Barely a step up from inanimate objects.