You were calling for asylum seekers to be burned to death a few months ago Giggs. I may not agree with Kiko on much here, but you certainly aren't the centre.
You were calling for asylum seekers to be burned to death a few months ago Giggs. I may not agree with Kiko on much here, but you certainly aren't the centre.
I'd still light that fire, but it's the ones that enable the immigration scam would be going on it.
You do you, just understand that that is indeed a far right opinion.
Wonder what Harold is up to these days. He'd by quite moderate now looking back few pages on this thread.
The burning people part, yes. You can oppose mass migration from the centre right, just put the matches down.
Some top quality stuff in here this morning.
Whilst I understand the sentiment here, how do you fight the outright lies which largely propagate the contrary position? That may sound judgmental, but it is not meant to be. The hate is fueled by lies, we know the scapegoats aren't really the issue, but quiet competence can't fight sensational outrage, not least because it probably won't 'work' as it isn't addressing any of the actual problems.
I was thinking the other day that when there are problems with historical physical infrastructure they are evident to all. We can see that we still rely too heavily on the stuff the Victorians built and that a lot of our other physical stuff is woefully below the standards of modern life, as it was simply designed and built a long time ago. The same is true of a lot of the administrative systems of the state. Whilst things like the NHS, the tax system, even the political system evolve they were built for a different time and in many ways they just don't work now, but how do you go about that sort of root and branch reform when even the much simpler physical problems are out of reach in terms of being fixed? All the while the 'other side' are saying it would all be fine if there were simply fewer Indians.
Last edited by niko_cee; 21-01-2025 at 09:10 AM.
Another thing I haven't heard enough from the right is a bunch of hideous people shrieking that they have been cancelled while their life continues on completely normally with zero reprecussions. Another word the right has abused into meaningless alongside 'woke'. At this point all it means is 'people are calling me a knob'
By having debate and evidencing statements. It worked quite well pre-2008, which is where the cultural shift into silencing started creeping in. There's no straightforward answer, you will always get charlatans and hatred, it's just better to have them out in the open, where they can be challenged. Rather than hidden away in an echo chamber, radicalising.
If we are looking at a changing zeitgeist here, we will see this stuff shift the other way and soon it will be the left being silenced.
Nigel Farage really does feel inevitable at the moment. Christ.
Really? I mean, I have no sympathy for the man, but I haven't seen Laurence Fox's surprisingly normal sized Penis in many films recently.
I think Lawrence Fox being an actual nutjob might be as big a hindrance to him not being able to get work as his political views but I'm not sure what that has to do with my position that a huge amount of these people cry wolf because they think it's unfair to be called things for being racist. I thought that's what you wanted. Dialogue.
Poor Lawrence Fox. Being woke means words might have consequences on people wanting to work with you.
No one wants to have a debate and I'm not sure hate has really been silenced, if anything it has been cultivated at record rates in the cancellation era, but even that, in itself is a distraction. Prescription loaves for transexuals, better NHS access for people in prison than ORDINARY WORKING FAMILIES [and by extension better access for illegal boat people because they get detained], more potholes because the green economy wants you to drive less, all the shit that winds up and motivates people is trivial. People don't want engagement and sensible proposals, they want miracle fix solutions in the form of 30 second tik tok videos, so yes, we're on the road to Nigelrillo and a generally worse society. All because some fucking blue haired twats invented some alternative pronouns. Fucking communists.
All I'm hearing is that you're ok with it because you disagree with his thoughts. I disagree. He has bad opinions, but that shouldn't be a barrier to work. Just as, if we are starting to move to the right, I wouldn't want to be unable to work for my views. Nor, I assume, would you two.
People can have different opinions on things. It's ok for that to be a thing.
Laurence Fox once auditioned for the role of his actual father's on screen son and didn't get it, suggesting deeper reasons his career is on the skids.
Stupid shit like the government going nuclear over the details about Stabber McGee in Southport and then it all coming out afterwards that a lot of what was suggested and condemned at the time is going to see them pay at the polls.
Yeah, I'm sure he can find people who want to employ him who agrees with his opinions? He did that My son Hunter film recently so I'm sure there are some directors that want him to play roles.
I'm sure if a potential employer found out I was a big racist they would have second thoughts on employing me.
lol if you think the two things are not one and the same in the eyes of the film industry.
Hard to recognise intolerance if it's you doing it.
Say what you want about Trump but the board's on fire this morning.
Make TTH Great Again, already achieved.
You can mock, but right wing parties are in the ascendancy and it may well be our views that are seen as outrageous in the future. I don't think you'll be so comfortable with people losing their jobs for their personal beliefs then. But you can't see that, and it's this superiority complex that's ushering in this change. You don't have to like the right, but you should try to understand it.
Someone send Henry the signal.
Why is everyone losing their mind? He's a cunt, he probably never should be president first time around but at the end of the day enough Americans(bearing in mind none of you actually live there) voted for him. Twice! We can't change that and four years will fly by somethings will get worse, some things might even get slightly better but at the end of it all the rich will all still be rich and we will all still be on here tossing one off about how Arsenal are massive bottlers and how shit United are.
Would I vote for him? No. But, I also wouldn't/didn't vote for the last four massively incompetent Tory leaders and voted Labour in the most recent election thinking things wouldn't get any worse and they are doing a pretty good job of trying to fuck that up. Unless you are in a dictatorship all politicians are basically trying to make the next 3/4 years marginally less shit so you vote them back in. Any big decisions can then be kicked down the road for the poor tossers who get in afterwards.
I’d say the left understands the right a lot more than any on the right understand the left. They’ve been running the world since I’ve been born. The biggest complaint you can find is a coke head actor can’t be racist. Meanwhile I can just gesture at the state of the place.
The whole left/right political divide illusion is another of the things that can be put in the no longer fit for purpose pile.
It does if you want it to, comrade. The identity politics lot can fuck off. Fucking liberals.
The naive let's all be friends era (in the west, at least) of 1990-2008 is historically atypical, not typical. Trump is the norm.
50 years of broadly rising living standards as enjoyed in the post-war period also atypical both in terms of the broad sweep of human existence and the geographic specificity of it largely only being in western countries.
Do we accept a return to subsistence existence?
And we're back to where we can all agree (Apart from Yev). It's all the Boomers fault.
Yes, but what’s controversial also changes with the times.
The left’s and your entire argument seems to boil down to “well I don’t like those views so I agree with the current consequences of them being aired”, which is remarkably short sighted.
I’d also mind less if it was outright hatred that was being silenced but we’ve just lived through years of being told that even questioning immigration policies, for example, is racist, which absolutely bonkers.
And there we had it, the once in a hundred years chance to make a big dent into the elderly, an impulsive buffoon in charge who wanted to 'let it rip' and yet we still failed to grasp the utilitarian nettle. Fuck the grown ups in the room.
We moved well past this point ages ago. I'll concede that at the beginning of this awful near 10 year journey accusations of being cancelled were thrown out like confetti when there wasn't much of it happening, but actual examples have been racked up left, right and centre since.