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Thread: 2015: What Happened?

  1. #1
    More successful than most Magic's Avatar
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    2015: What Happened?

    I remember watching Yearly Wipe and Charlie Brooker ending it on how shit 2014 was (TERROR, FEAR, DEATH etc) and hoping 2015 was better.

    Then on the 3rd of January Boko Haram stamped their name in Western papers with the village massacres killing nearly 2000 people. Shortly after on the 7th, Charlie Hebdo.

    What a start!

    Fuck all really happened in February (that I can find, maybe some local shit did). The leader of the opposition in Russia was assassinated but that's about it?

    March was a bit better, ISIL started focusing on destroying heritage sites and artifacts because the press didn't really care about their rape/slave/murder campaigns. Boko Haram was also annexed by ISIS at this point. They'd proven their worth earlier in the year. The first attack happened in Tunisia where 20 people were killed at a museum. Nobody knew at the time but there was worse to come. Islamic State also took the opportunity to stoke the fire in Yemen after the Houthi rebels dissolved the government in February.

    We also saw the Germanwings plane deliberately crashed with 150 people on board, in what was later revealed as a murder/suicide bid by the psychotic co-pilot.

    April began with another act of supreme cuntery when Al-Shabaab shot up a college in Kenya, killing 148 students. It was not indiscriminate as Muslims were let go whilst non-Muslims were targeted. This was determined by questioning.

    The presidents of Cuba and America have an official meeting for the first time in 50 years (much to the OUTRAGE of middle America). We also had that giant fuck off earthquake in Nepal which killed nearly 10,000 people.

    Wahey, May is actually a good month in the world. Ireland votes in gay marriage, a princess was born, and David Cameron destroys polling predictions and wins a Tory majority (). Cuba is taken off the STATE-SPONSORED TERRORISM list that America keeps, again this is met with seethe.

    June began with Blatter announcing his resignation in the face of corruption allegations. Unfortunately that was the highlight as ISIS went on a round the world killing spree, most notably in Tunisia again where gunmen killed nearly 40 people on a beach at a popular tourist resort, most of them British. I say most notably because it was in the press, but they'd also massacred over 200 people in Kobane too. Operation Stack was implemented frequently during this month as the plight of the MIGRANTS #Bish became increasingly desperate. This could have been the start of the MIGRANT/REFUGEE CRISIS.

    In July Greece missed that massive payment to the IMF which resulted in that referendum to vote on the budget cuts/austerity. Cuba and America also opened local embassies. There was also that suicide attack by ISIL in Turkey which killed 33 people at a pro-Kurd rally. Turkey responds by...bombing the PKK. Good one, you fucking mongs.

    August was quite a quiet month, finally debris was found on an island near Madagascar is confirmed to be from MH370, much to the disappointment of Harvey Yevrah and other tin hat specialists on here. We also had the Bangkok bombing in a tourist area killing 25. After the massive surge in migrants towards Europe some of the Balkan countries shut the routes traveled by them. Violence and hate towards them intensifies.

    If you owned a Volkswagen company car, September was a bad month. They were found out to be fiddling emissions tests so their cars appealed more to eco wankers and lower tax bands. The Hajj stampede also happened in this month, killing 2,200 people. I still think the death toll for this one is rising as there was so many missing. Russia also began it's veiled campaign against ISIL, whilst primarily targeting American-backed rebel fighters.

    October was a pretty atrocious month, beginning with the Ankara bombing again at a peace rally killing over 100 people. The Israeli/Palestinian violence erupted bringing the worst violence to the region in years. Hurriacane Patricia became the most powerful hurricane on record in the Western hemisphere (but became a damp squib over land) and we round off with the Russian Airbus 321 being brought down by an on board bomb in the Sinai province.

    November was infamous for the Paris attacks. No more needs to be said there, really. Turkey also shot down a Russian bomber with two of it's F-16s. Climate talks begin (historic this time, though!).

    And here we are, in December. Nothing has really happened here apart from the above climate talks being REVOLUTIONARY. Let's hope nothing else shit happens until January!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Mazuuurk's Avatar
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    I keep wondering if the world has always been this bad (by always I mean the last 15 years), but media just didn't report as vividly about it?

    I'm starting to get genuinely concerned about the long-term future for everyone. I feel like if/when WW3 happens, we will look back (hopefully) at some event in the mould of Turkey and Russias squabbling the same way we look at the Sarajevo assassination in 1914. It'll either be that, or (maybe more likely) some huge fucking natural disaster sending like 50 million people fleeing.

  3. #3
    More successful than most Magic's Avatar
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    By the way feel free to chip in with stuff you remember from 2015, no matter how inane it is. I was shocked to see the Germanwings flight being in March, when it seems much more recently than that.

    I guess the great board migration/wipe/migration was one notable occasion.

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    July Billy Sharp returns to Sheffield United for an undisclosed fee.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Boydy's Avatar
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    Top effort, Magic. It was interesting reading through that. I thought the Germanwings crash seemed more recent too.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Mazuuurk's Avatar
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    Wasn't the US gay marriage this year as well? Or was that last year?

  7. #7
    Senior Member Davgooner's Avatar
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    June/July this year. We've had to endure Kim Davis that long.

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    Works oddly well.

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  10. #10
    More successful than most Magic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TimmSmiff View Post
    As twisted as it sounds I truly believe the only way to reboot is for a major natural disaster to occur which wipes out half the population.
    Why wait? Fire up the gas chambers!

  11. #11
    Senior Member Bernanke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magic View Post
    Why wait? Fire up the gas chambers!

  12. #12
    Senior Member Weaver's Avatar
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    Migration was high up on the agenda for 2015... Around 150 people moved from a wasteland ruled by a cruel Dutch dictator to a new city, which may or may not have been in Mali for a short time.

    I'm glad to report everyone survived.

  13. #13
    More successful than most Magic's Avatar
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    Can't wait to do 2016.

    2015 was a pretty quiet year!

  14. #14
    Won the Old Board Lewis's Avatar
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    In December, Magic took to Facebook to announce that he was 'Looking forward to a great Christmas. ', tagging several family members into the status. Nobody has heard from him since Boxing Day.

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