So now that I've convinced myself it's going to be a good night for Rollins I'm quite looking forward to Night of Champions.
Going to be devastated when he loses both titles clean and gets thrust into a few with El Torito.
Yes, Ian.
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The Wrestling thread such have a much better wrestling based name.
"Wrestling: It's still real to me" or something better.
It doesn't matter what it's name is.
I've been watching regularly for the past few months, and it's nowhere near as bad as this place or /r/squaredcircle makes out. It's not perfect by any means, but it's still entertaining.
As long as Sheamus doesn't walk out champion, I'm fine with the outcome, as long as it's a good match.
Yep, I went through that stage. Started watching again in 2012 and for the first year or so I loved it. I watched every Raw and Smackdown religiously and couldn't understand when Browning came in here and shat all over it. I reckon it was the novelty factor.
Once you watch for an extended period of time the lack of creativity and downright stupidity really comes to the fore.
I think that's the only reason I can tolerate PPVs, even when they're bad... because I don't watch any of the other stuff at all.
Watching a bit of Judgment Day '05. Unless there's an obvious one I'm forgetting Angle/Booker might be my favourite Booker T match.
If it wasn't for work tomorrow I'd actually be thinking about sitting up for this tonight. The Divas match is the only one I genuinely have zero interest in.
I won't get to watch it until Wednesday![]()
I think they have every WCW and ECW PPV and a some Nitros. Once I'm doing going through all the WWE PPVs I'm going to get cracking on some WCW ones. I've a long way to go though, as you can see. ECW One Night Stand up next, followed by Vengeance '05 (which looks shit. Can't see Batista vs. HHH in a cell being much cop.)
They have all the Nitros through the best times now (96-99) and I've been working my way through. Just hope they get Thunder and WCW Saturday Night up as well.
It also made me realize just how good Tony Schiavone was. I remember he got a bit of stick before but Christ he made every moment feel important unlike today's morons.
"RKO! Outta nowhere! For the win!"
Until you realise the greatest night in the history of our sport happened every other week.
I'm a twit
Think The Dudleys will win, maybe DQ or grab the belts as New Day beating them on SD always means one thing with a PPV up next.
edit: AH man, Dudleys went from 2.62 yesterday to 1.10......
Also WWE not gonna really shit on Sting and have Sheamoose beat him straight after are they?
Is this a 'rumour'/ reveal that you're spoiling here or is that a theory you have/have read that you hope is bullshit? In fact, don't answer that because you're probably spoiling shit again and I'd rather not know.
Having the Dudleys come back, squash a few and immediately win the titles would be pants but exactly the sort of thing WWE would do. I'd like to see New Day keep them by hook or by crook this time and then the Dudleys get them in a table match or whatever. Spin it out a bit.
Posting odds should be spoilered, especially when they're that low.
It was more the Sheamus bit that had me thinking you'd done your favourite trick.
As shit as the booking is sometimes I'd be a bit miffed if they gave Sting the title just to take it right off him.
Have you lot watched that round table thing that was on the network, the members of New Day just having a chat over dinner? It was great, no 'kayfabe' or anything.
I was just wondering as Sheamoose is not on the card?
What if he adds himself in the Cena match as a 3-way, does that become a winner takes all (US and WWE title)match then?
Probably depends on who's making up the rules that day whether that can happen or not. I'd have thought it would either have to be a new WWE title match demanded on the spot or adding himself into an ongoing one but I don't know for sure. I suppose logically you're right, because he can't just cancel out Cena's US title shot, can he? If he rocks up during that with the briefcase they wouldn't just be going "Sorry John, your match is over."
I reckon Seamus will turn up but not cash in again.
Hopefully noone saw me making a twat of myself.
Stop with the 'Sheamoose' you complete bellend.
Got a feeling you're right about the tag titles, Ian. Wouldn't be surprised to see New Day retain just to keep it going a bit longer and just because they only just won them back recently. The Rollins matches are tough to call, though.
My gut reaction would've been that I can't see WWE taking the title off tv again with a part timer but they had no problem with it this time last year. my guess is that he retains the U.S. and loses the World Heavyweight.
I did.
Deleting it rather than just leaving it there and admitting you gimped up for all to see is the coward's way out, though.
Joking aside, I don't think WWE can be arsed with working out how it'd work if Sheamus claimed his shot during the US title match. He might turn up and lurk about but it won't happen, I don't think.
Just watching the 1992 Rumble. The British Bulldog is in such ridiculous shape. He bodypresses Flair with such ease. Also amazing to see a fucking piledriver in the middle of the rumble.
This was the first wrestling show I ever watched - I was about 5 or 6 at the time. I fucking loved it.
It's a bit strange now seeing piledrivers on old shows.
It's especially weird that the piledriver is banned but Taker comes back every year and does it. Not sure what type of message that's supposed to send.
Is it not a simple issue of them trusting him to not botch it/do it if he's not certain it'll be safe? Plus he's big enough that if the recipient scissors his head they're covered.
That said, all it takes is for him to fuck it up once...
So Rollins' matches are back to back, with the US title match first. Very surprising.
Yep, I did a double take when Sheamus said that. Rollins could be in the ring for close to an hour tonight.
Holy shit, Taker v Brock at HIAC. That came out of nowhere.
Brock off the top of the cell?![]()
That Divas match was alright but the non stop squealing from all the wankers at ringside was unbearable.
This contributes fuck all to the discussion but I met him in a dog park about 6 years ago. He was living in St Augustine with his missus at the time and just happened to be at the same place my mate took his dog. We had no idea who he was until we got talking to him.
My roommate at the time was from Dublin and after talking to him for a bit he offered to get us tickets. We never took him up on them but I was soundly impressed by how nice of a bloke he was.
That final corner powerbomb fucked Sting good and proper. It was very uncomfortable at the end when Rollins was having to call those desperate spots so loudly and he collapsed when ducking the clothesline.
Just a pity that WWE has had to rely on a 56 year old to main event and setup the next feud with a 48 year old Kane. And lol at the idea we're supposed to take him seriously now he has his wig-mask back on. Geezer has been jobbing non-stop for as long as I can remember.
Makes me wonder if someone had plans for Sting back in the day and, now they have him, they want to implement them. You just can't get away with that.
Oh dear Sting. Shame.
NXT referee Drake Wuertz, formerly Drake Younger in CZW was the fan??? Got to be bull right?
They're just two bald blokes.
It was Serena from CM Punk's group, Jeet.
How good must Don Cena be to have beaten Seth Rollin[g]s fresh when Sting (Sting the ICON) couldn't even beat him knackered?
It's nice to see Kane back in the main event picture as well. God knows he deserves the push.
Sorry I lol'd at this.
- Owens and Ryback was probably about as decent as could be expected. Correct result too. The eye-rake thing in the ending just made me think of a quote I saw from JR where he was saying things like that are basically meaningless now because while we're aware they're 'against the rules' you never see anybody get pulled up for them by refs.
- Oh good, just what Ziggler and Rusev needed, a bullshit ending thanks to another bullshit 'twist.' Great.
- Dudleys and New Day was better than I expected. It also had the correct result, though I think it would have been better if the New Day had actually smashed the pair of them through some tables. The Dudleys are going to get the titles anyway sooner or later, why not let TND have a proper victory over them?
- While the music/countdown coming on was good what is going to be the point of that Jericho appearance? Are him and his saggy tits going to stick about? And why was Orton not there? Is THE VIPER scared of a sort of headlock thing?
- I'd missed that Rollins' matches were going to be back to back. It was sort of weird actually, the booking felt much more like how you'd book a face and two heels as opponents, especially with Cena AA-ing him between the matches. Their match was really good. No idea who Cena will be up against next for the US title. What heels at that level could do with a boost? Anyway, the main event was about as good as Rollins was able to make it. Sting was doing alright until the table spot where it went downhill and then it went completely pear-shaped after the powerbomb against the turnbuckle. But then he is a thousand years old so this isn't exactly surprising. During that ugly-looking sharpshooter I was really worried for a moment that the old fucker was actually going to win while being apparenly unable to bend at the knees. Mini-cheer when Rollins got the win.
- Sheamus is quite lucky he only lets the world's slowest referees try and cash in for him. I did do a mini cheer when Kane came out even though he's been made to look like a shit arsehole since I've been watching again and they had him in his shittest attire. So he'll get a month of Rollins. They're not actually going to give him the title again, are they, as some sort of mental last hurrah?
Not a bad show, anyway. Some good matches, some iffy endings. About par for the course really.
Has he got the mask back?
Surprisingly, I didn't think much of last night. It wasn't awful, but it just wasn't good. The only good moment was Jericho's music hitting, but then he jobbed to big Eugene and ruined everything.
They really should have had Sheamus cash in during Cena/Rollins and then Don Cena pin Sheamus to win both titles and beat Flair's record, before smashing Sting at well.
Kane's return was shit. No one is taking him seriously just because he put a mask on, and it makes no sense that he waits til the exact moment when assaulting Rollins would save his ass to do it.