Do think Jey’s odds are obscene. Can’t see a way he doesn’t win. Nobody else is being built up for it and only way he’d lose is being screwed over but I don’t think anyone is doing that.
Unless he’s feuding with the Wyatt’s. His interview after Raw was actually hilarious but not sure if he was planting seeds or was pished again
Jey Uso ffs![]()
Main Event Jey Uso.
Joe Hendry appearing in NXT![]()
Just seen on twitter all of the chat about Dynamite’s rating this week. 500k viewers, which is apparently a historic low.
Is the product bad? I haven’t watched it.
They’ve been averaging about 650k recently which is way down year-on-year anyway. Then another 150k fuck off in just a week. It could easily be an anomaly but even so, they’re still trending downwards heavily. The hardcores are rating it 10/10 on Cagematch, which just shows the type of bubble they’re living in. Nobody normal evidently wants to see Tony’s random heatless tournaments and his EVPs.
I’ve still got two unsold tickets for All In.![]()
I'm a twit
Apparently for years they’ve had reruns of Big Bang Theory as the lead-in, so obviously that was retaining a lot of viewers. Wednesday was the first week where that isn’t the case anymore, and the lead-in was some random show that doesn’t get a lot of eyeballs. So it seems they’ve ran off the casuals and this is the core audience.
That smackdown was very good
Stratton and Cargill in the same qualifying match. Uh oh
Are they triple threats at this point? Easy way to eliminate the one who isn’t winning the tournament without eating a pin. And tease a future title match while they’re at it.
Jacob Fatu looked instantly more impressive than Solo in just 5 mins.
They really shouldn’t be wasting Rhodes on Solo at Summerslam. Wouldn’t be shocked if they gave him the belt either
I am liking the Bloodline stuff but it'd be much better if they hadn't just jobbed Solo out since the Cena win.
Jacob Fatu questions:
- Is he any good?
- Does his previous characterisation live up to Graves and Wade shitting their pants like Leatherface just turned up or is that just the character they're giving him?
I know I'm about 2 years behind, but I always quite like meltzer, despite him being a weird autist, but...yeah, he really has lost the plot hasn't he? I've seen a few clips of Alvarez giving really fair and obvious criticisms of AEW and daddy dave is just NOT having it.
I don't think he's on the payroll like some people claim, but it does feel like he's inordinately invested in saying it's good. Weird. I honestly see Bryan fucking off with his buddies, or at least Bryan becoming less and less involved with the WO side of the FW4/WO partnership. Maybe Dave will do all the observer radio shows with some other mope and Bryan will just do the pissing about with Craig, Vince and Lance etc.
Problem for Dave is that he is the target audience.
Even with the lower viewership AEW is fine. It does the right job as the alternative show and Tony is never going to fuck a guy over and cut them like you'd get on the other side. He's also never likely to pull his money out unless something drastic happens. His issue is he needs someone to book the show that isn't him.
I suppose if the viewership does just keep falling, you'll see what he tries to do about it.
Getting Fatu will hopefully help the Bloodline a little bit, because I think they’ve looked lost since WM. The whole point of them is that they’re family, so why did Solo recruit two Tongans. We haven’t really had an explanation why that’s happened. We’ve then also been denied where Jimmy would have fitted into all of this.
And like Ian said, Solo becoming the leader would have been a lot more impactful if he hadn’t been an afterthought for the six months up to Mania. The situation probably also isn’t helped by a relatively weak Smackdown roster. Outside of Cody, AJ and Orton it doesn’t have much star power at all.
Shane officially out of contact with WWE and he apparently wants to join AEW![]()
Maybe Omega can finally have a good match. If he can keep up with Shane O's lethal strike game.
Fucking hell.
He really should just retire at this point.
We’re back
Moxley is pathetic.
I’ll take a Shield reunion
I was hoping for it when they teased it at whatever wwe ppv I watched when it was just Seth Rollins lying down instead.
I'm a twit
I was with him when he left WWE and went scorched earth on interviews about his experience there. He was right. “The lunatic fringe” was fucking shite.
But whatever he’s become now is just foreign to me. Wasn’t there a match last year where he had chopsticks, or something, stuck into the top of his head? Maybe I just lean too close to sports entertainment because I don’t need to see guys giving themself brain damage or bleeding everywhere.
I was under the impression Moxley has always been that guy. From the indies to the big time, he just wants to cut himself.
Yeah he was a CZW nut before WWE got hold of him. He's just living out his dream. But at this point he's so obviously brain damaged that it's outright neglect on the part of AEW and NJPW just by accommodating him.
His ultraviolence stuff doesn't really stack up when he throws the kind of punch I would do.
He's just a terrible worker all round. He doesn't sell at all. He thinks blading is all the selling he needs to do but if you watch him in a regular match, he just no sells for a bit then drops and rolls away. Makes his opponent look really bad.
Good worker when it matters though with him banging Renee
Got to say I don't think 'Dominick immediately sharing Liv Morgans nudes' is an angle WWE should be walking down.
The Bo Dallas promo cutting a little close to the bone there. Even if he is talking to himself.
This was amazing. I was thoroughly sports entertained.
Another guy who has really impressed me recently is Karrion Kross. Got a great look, can talk and has a fit wife. Push the man.
Karrion Kross is thoroughly boring in my opinion. But his wife is tremendous, so I'm willing to endure him.
He’s been pushed multiple times and is the most boring man alive. He must have something on HHH for him to be kept around
Mrs Kross probably.
Kross is the wrestling equivalent of watching England play TOURNAMENT FOOTBALL.
Good that you’ve all outed yourselves now. Get ready for his push.
He’s been getting pushed and had about 5 different gimmicks in last few years
I'm guessing he's a Paul Levesque gym buddy or something. I find him nothing but dull tbf. The built his video packages up very well the last time I remember him having a run, but he's dull in the ring too.
When he first joined NXT I was really excited watching his entrance (and missus ofc) but they wore thin quickly (more so the entrance than Scarlett, she still does it for me) and you were just left with absolute turd.
He's fucking atrocious. Bobby Fish levels of heat. Pull a Mark Mero/Sable and give his wife to someone good.
Does a good Jesse Ventura impression, mind.
Thought you meant Ace for a moment.
I've never noticed before how clear the little err ... 'quips' from the crowd come through.
Assuming we follow long term booking here and Punk now returns the favour stops Drew winning the briefcase, there really isn't a good winner in that match is there?
Andrade is shit, Mello it isnt the right time. Gable is too busy with Otis and Wyatts and that just leaves LA Knight, who they missed the boat on I think. Then the man who is going to call it a Yeetcase when he wins.
If we could just have Drew win it before Punk comes out it'd be nice, but I reckon you'll see Drew go up the ladder to win only for the briefcase to be pulled up into the rafters by Punk or something similar. They still dont seem to have medically cleared him yet, which seems to be taking a bit longer than expected.
I would like Carmelo to win although I do feel it's too early.
The closer it gets the more I think it's going to the Yeet twat.
Of course it will be him. Never in any doubt