Azerbaijan Airlines passenger plane heading from Baku to Grozny has crashed in Kazakhstan due to fog. Reported 105 on board.
Merry Christmas.
Azerbaijan Airlines passenger plane heading from Baku to Grozny has crashed in Kazakhstan due to fog. Reported 105 on board.
Merry Christmas.
Better that than arriving in Grozny tbh.
What a strange thing to post first thing on Christmas morning.![]()
I'm a twit
The place it went down is quite strange considering where it was going from and to, no?
It had to divert due to fog.
Last edited by John Arne; 25-12-2024 at 12:03 PM.
It's the Kazakhstan YouTube channel үлкен реактивті теледидар.
I'm getting on a plane in a couple of hours. Really makes you think.
Huh. It's been MH17'ed.
Sounds like the Russians have confused a commercial airliner for a Ukrainian drone.
All part of the plan.
Putin must resign.
Wait, people survived the crash? I need their seat numbers
I assume they were all in the rear as the tail section was largely intact.
They said the pilots survived though. Mental.
I mean, he (and arms manufacturers) are the only winners in this so far right? The West is spunking billions up the wall, Ukrainians are still dying, parts of the country are a literal war zone, hes shooting passenger planes down with complete impunity (again) and were, what, 3 years into this now and theres no sign of it stopping.
Still, moral high ground. WINNING.
If that's the logic then surely American arms manufacturers are also making out like bandits as well, which is why I've never understood the contrary/Donald Trump position. This is strategically great for the yanks. Advanced weapons testing, isolate and degrade a major strategic rival, ability to get rid of old inventory and all on someone else's coin in all likelihood, no body bags to ruin the optics, BlackRock BlackRock BlackRock!
Also, even if this is air defence gone wrong, it is still an accident.
Yep. Plus Putin lost an ally in Syria over the course of this. God knows how many North Koreans have been minced.
The only strategic rival the Americans are degrading with this is Europe, and they are more than happy to do so.
Even better then in DT's zero sum view of the world.
Lewis' posts are going to hit different when his lass eventually gets done for spying.
Does she work with you @Lewis?
She is one of our imported NHS heroes. My work actually prohibits me from going to Iran except under very exceptional circumstances (which I doubt anyone has ever tested), which is a bit of a result for not meeting a thousand relatives.
Attending family events is the worst part of going to France, so you got quite the deal there.
Tell her I thank her for her service.
I believe we would currently be arrested for cutting about publicly as an unmarried couple (unless we could blag being related, which we couldn't), so family events might have to do.![]()
I think as a non-Muslim I would also be executed if somebody caught us at it lol.
Could you claim to own her?
Maybe if I was a Muslim. Anything seems to go then.
Putin has kinda of apologised for this. Makes a fucking change.
Lewis, how do you - of all people - get into a relationship with a NHS working, Muslim immigrant?
I could be seriously out of whack on this one but my guess would be that, like most men, his dick overrules his brain.
Especially if the news kills his mother off before she can amend the will.
The Persians have 2500 years of esoteric racism and anti-Indian sentiment running through their culture. For a sophisticated man of the world like me every day is a school day.
I wish Taz was still here for this.
Lewis has been converted, Hull has fallen.
Another one.
Jeju, S.Korea. Looks like a landing gear failure.
Just about to board a flight to Austria. Was nice knowing you guys.
This is because they didn't clap when it landed, isn't it.