I think the healthcare costs would be 15% cheaper if it was ran like the NHS.
Someone calculated that.
Edit: no that's not right. It was a quarter of what it costs now.
I think the healthcare costs would be 15% cheaper if it was ran like the NHS.
Someone calculated that.
Edit: no that's not right. It was a quarter of what it costs now.
The government supercomputer being held up in the planning process for ten years, only for the electricity bills to mean they can only run it for three hours a day, ought to act as a handy demonstrator of where our real problems lie. Unless it really is the lack of California sunshine.
I see Reeves has got the old vote of confidence, after some equivocation.
Was this written by a bot?Originally Posted by "Sir kA.I.r Starmer
There's those words again. Give it a proof read, Keir.Sir Keir said AI "will drive incredible change" in the country and "has the potential to transform the lives of working people".
Reform now 1 point behind Labour.![]()
They need to get the phrase 'working people' out of the lexicon, it's absolutely embarrassing. 'The British people' please.
Strivers and scroungers, Jim.
The scroungers would be shown up more if they were continually forcibly associated to the mother nation from which they are scrounging, as opposed to rhetorically divided from the mug workers.
It's particularly stupid when more than half of working people also claim benefits, because we prefer to subsidise flat wages, rather than focus on increasing them.
All of the FTSE100 C-suite individually earned more than the average worker annually by this point in the year.
I know that doesn't make sense but I'm tired and you get the point.
It was little commented upon really, but that time a couple of years back when the governor of the Bank of England (underrated villains in all this) issued a statement saying that people should not be asking for payrises was the most outrageous moment of recent times and in a less neutered nation would have had thousands out in the streets.
Dr. Bing (I should stop using Microsoft Edge) pointed me to a government report dated 2023 for the benefit numbers. Some AI thing returned the employment number.
13 million pensioners is still a problem as well though. When the State Pension was bought in the average life expectancy in the UK was low 70's people collected their pension for 6/7 years on average. Now it's 82. That's a lot of money which is being pissed away annually. Plus the very vast majority of the time those in receipt of that income really don't need it because they have received big inheritances and tended to be of an age whereby they got much more generous workplace pensions.
It will never happen but the State Pension age needs to be increased much more dramatically than it currently is being and it probably needs to be means tested much more than it currently is as well.
All plasters.
The real problem is the ultra rich have got even richer and elite. THAT is where the money is. Everything else is merely small fry and won't fix anything.
A problem that will only get worse with people having less children/future tax payers.
The country desperately needs a proper leader and sharpish. Sadly, I can't see it coming. We've 4 and a half years left of this, then - it seems increasingly likely - Farage / Reform, which I can't see delivering anything much better.
Last edited by Spikey M; 14-01-2025 at 11:08 AM.
I can't think of a single major person in any sector with patriotic vision. Farage doesn't have vision, he just moans about others.
The big figures are all after American, Arab or Chinese money rather than pushing this country forward.
Aye, we need to rethink pensions and working in old age in general. I've worked with two 70+ women who are still capable and don't really show signs of packing in. Meanwhile the blokes driving the local buses look to be pushing past retirement age. Then there's Jimmy's lot.
Just had a look to see what a full state pension is at the moment. £11k a year. A lifeline if that's all you've got and too big for the well off to say no to.
I spotted an absolute classic of this country is fucking useless today.
The small road I go down to park my car in the morning has a part that is sinking. There’s been a sign up for the past few weeks saying the road is going to be closed today I assumed that would be because they were going to bit that is sinking. No turns out that they have fixed up another part of the road which is nowhere near as bad and completely left the sinking part of the road even though it was literally 10 yards away.
I can one up you there....
The sort of shit that wouldn't look out of place in a Banana Republic, sans the brown envelopes (which probably just haven't been found yet).
I'd love to know by what measure 24% of people think this is going well.
Not sure if it's political, or football, but I see today that Sven managed to pop his clogs whilst owing HMRC £7.25m. Elsewhere Ugo Monye's being taken to the bankruptcy court by the taxman over unpaid tax debts. Is there any cunt in the celebrity industrial complex who doesn't owe a fortune in unpaid taxes? Get Gary Stevenson on the case.
Paying to give Diego Garcia away whilst putting a bunch of twats on a 'soft power' working group is like a parody of hateful and useless government on autopilot.
I hold my hands up, I genuinely didn't think this lot would so instantly be as useless as the last lot. Fair play. Sorry Rishi, you were doing a great job.
The wanking around doesn't surprise me, but the complete lack of political skill really does.
I guess we can put a line through "atleast they're not corrupt".
Well, that's that then. More of the same until Farage 2029. Yay.
Perhaps it shouldn't be surprising, but a Labour minister being 'unaware of the circumstances in which a central London flat came into their ownership' is a bit beyond parody.
On another topic, can someone explain to me why Labour are falling over themselves to give away the Chagos Islands on terrible terms? It just makes no sense on any level.
Because it's the right thing to do?
If Iraq had a taken over the islands and literally chucked out all the people living there, the West would rightfully shit the bed.
Weren't we told by the United Nations to give it back in 2021 anyway?
Far be it from me to question the motives of the Marxist stats people, but 30% of people wanting him to resign before he was even PM does make you wonder who on earth is answering these questions and what, if anything, is motivating those answers.
Pretty sure they do a test question on this where they ask if the fictional cabinet minister Simon Perkins (or whatever) should resign, and the answer's always 10% say he should.
Inflation down. Where's all the haters now?
My current policy agenda is majoring on jail for anyone who buys from the Chinese drop shippers, but I might be able to slip in something about torture for those advocating regression of British interests abroad for the sake of it.
Lock up everyone under 30? I guess it sort of solves the housing crisis.
Along with everyone over 60, ideally.
I'm deadly serious about that one. The fact that they are legal is insane. Undercuts every small business in the country.
Does she solo this stuff or is there a team of people with their head in their hands behind it?
Liz Truss still being relevant might well be one of the great mysteries of the modern World.
I think she's only relevant in the sense that she is desperate for money so constantly pimping herself out to US outlets.
That's an excellent picture.![]()
Yeah she’s not relevant she just comes across as desperate.