Quote Originally Posted by Yevrah View Post
Yeah, think this will be the best grind if you're solely focusing on getting a TOTY:

Mixed League SBC's
Premium League SBC's
2 Player Gold Updgrade Pack/League Upgrade
Premium League SBC

Do the 82 x 20, 85 x3 and 80+ gold player picks until they're all gone (86+ as well if you want but it's horrific value unless it's been juiced). 81s to 85s into the TOTW pack if you need in forms and 85s and higher into the exchange.

EDIT: That's what I'll be doing tonight and saving the bigger packs I have until tomorrow now when hopefully the icons come, if they don't I'm cracking them anyway.
Thanks. Ill do this method. When you mention bigger packs. What are those? On the web app, it seems to list the packs in a particular order. I have two Ultimate Packs and I have to scroll all the way to the bottom to open them and then the Small Prime Gold Players Pack. Do they show in the web app from worst to best?