Ended up going from 9-1 to 14-4.

Those 8 games featured 5 against a 5 at the back formation and christ it's annoying. I couldn't get a clear few goals ahead and as such each game was won or lost by 1 goal.
I did have 2 pieces of good fortune in that run though. I matched up against a full bronze team, who let me score and immediately quit. Then the match after I faced a guy who got the quickest FUT red card I've ever seen. I started with the ball and played it up to Ronaldo. Saw the defender coming with pressure so hit L2 to shield just as he launched a slide tackle. It ended up going through the back of him and he was down to 10 men, 2 mins in.

I'll get cracking on a last objectives push tonight to see if I can get near level 30(I don't think I'll get there).