So I finally got that new computer I've always threatened to get, and I decided to pick up Hollow Knight, being as I like Metroidvanias.

I've been absolutely blown away. I'm about 20 hours in, and I think I've explored most of the map/beaten almost all of the non-story bosses. I've been putting off the main plot in favour of exploration (as I tend to do in Metroidvanias). I'm going to do a final sweep of the map to avoid leaving things behind, and then I'm going to start pushing the plot forwards in earnest.

It's an absolutely gorgeous game. It started kind of slow - the smartest thing to do is track down the dash and the wall jump as quickly as possible, which opens up a huge section of the map. The double jump comes later, but it's more of a convenience than anything else. I really like the charm system, which seems super-customizable. Overall, it's a 9/10 at least.

What's funny is that I remember the dumb flash game that the character originally appeared in (Hungry Knight). The fact that it was the same character initially put me off, but that was stupid and I was stupid.