What's that one about Northern Irish reprobates? The Young Offenders? That's always seemed alright when I've seen it. This Country before it I guess in a similar vein. It's essentially just BBC3 keeping the show on the road.
What's that one about Northern Irish reprobates? The Young Offenders? That's always seemed alright when I've seen it. This Country before it I guess in a similar vein. It's essentially just BBC3 keeping the show on the road.
Yeah overly cautious TV commissioners is a big reason why there's not much good British comedy being made - woke stuff is definitely part of it, but also it's cus they can piss out identikit panel shows for a fraction of the cost of a scripted sitcom, and people will lap it up because they're retarded.
I read somewhere that panel shows are on the way out too - I can't remember why, but probably too expensive to hire the studio and labour etc.
The real 'value' (i.e. cheap) is to re-run old programmes endlessly, so they're moving towards that.
Assume you're referring to this:
If so, it's disingenuous crap that deliberately conflates having a go at the trans movement, with having a go at vulnerable trans people.
Gervais isn't taking some bold stand against the trans movement, he's just being an edgelord, which is all he does these days.
Clearly too challenging for Yev.
Oh don't get me wrong, his trans stuff is mostly utter shit and of course he's not taking a stand, but neither is he picking on a vulnerable trans people which people like Acaster (and Stuart Lee for that matter, who is clearly miles ahead of JA) would have you believe.
As for tv being ruined by a woke approach, it absolutely has. Well, I wouldn't say ruined, but it's certainly contributed towards a significant dip in quality. When your start point is shoe horning in things that fit your World view first and building a narrative around that second, then there's no way it couldn't over a sustained period of doing it - which is what we've had.
Thankfully the money men appear to be waking up to this (no idea how it's taken this long given they've traditionally run everything), and we might soon be shot of it.
Panto has also been ruined.
The production of Oor Wullie was about an English Pakistani. Beyond woke shite.
I'm not sure the distinction you're making here is really that important. I'm pretty sure the main point acaster is making is that Gervais and his ilk are stupid twats, and that it's ludicrous that they frame this stuff as bravely telling the truth that could have them SILENCED.
The fact that trans people are a hugely vulnerable group (and they clearly fucking are), and these brave edgy comedians are having a go at them just accentuates the ridiculousness of it , which is what acaster is saying in this material. It's not primarily trans activism ffs
Haven't enjoyed anything as much as Shrinking in a long while.
Watching the celebrity Gladiators episode; the men's is good but the women gladiators have clearly been told they aren't allowed to bash them. Powerball was laughable.
Fuckin hell, the Eliminator![]()
Rinsed through Black Doves. Top stuff. Keira Knightly gets underlooked but she's truly great in everything she does.
I'm not sure there's a more absurd show than Gangs of London. You get 10 minutes of shoddy Boardwalk Empire followed by 25 minutes of Rambo First blood and then 5 minutes more of Shawoddy Walk Empire to set you up for the plot of the next episode. It's great.
Ludwig is great fun.
I struggled to suspend the required level of disbelief. It was too daft for me (although I did watch the whole series).
I felt the same after the first episode but persisted through the second, then gave up.
Barely made it through the first episode and that was that, it just didn't grab me at all.
Watching squid game for the first time. Only 1 episode in, it's bat shit crazy.
Not sure if I enjoyed it because it's good, or more rather for the novelty of show. (And it's actually not that good)
Started watching Slow Horses. Cracking show
I finished S1 over the weekend. Top-tier tele.
Bluey is unironically spectacular television.
Yeah, Bluey is very good.
Which is the one with I vow to thee my country in it? Sensational stuff.
A few weeks ago we went to a kids birthday party with no gifts inbetween the layers of the pass the parcel.![]()
Squid Game season 2 is good but not a patch on the first and it's let down massively by the finale.
Real debrid has stopped taking Amazon pay.![]()
I'm just annoyed it came so late. All those years suffering Bing and Peppa Pig.
Ben and Holly is another banger.
The Pig isn't bad, although B&H is the superior offering.
Bing is just dreadful. I assume it is some sort of European.
I used to like the lingo show but it probably turned out to be massively racist or something. I assume Mr Tumble is still bowling around in his many guises. Some of that was alright. Gigglebiz?
I caught my daughter watching a YouTube version of Peppa pig which was clearly a weirdo knock off. The few seconds I watched had Peppa's dad lying on a sofa with a bottle of Jack Daniels next to him.
When TV shows grow up along with their audience![]()
I don't mind Peppa Pig, but the only parenting advice I'm willing to give anyone is to avoid Bing at all costs. If you're already deprived of sleep the last thing you want is that moaning little prick.
Yeah Bing is a cunt. Proper entitled moaning little twat.
Fortunately my daughter has little interest in it. Same with the pig.
Topsy and Tim was another horror show.
The mum was quite fit though.
Going to give this new Jerry Springer documentary on Netflix ago tonight. What a show that was back in the day.
I see Harlan Coben has another Netflix adaptation out? Usual (somehow still enjoyable) shluck?
I couldn’t watch it. Missis seems to love it, take from that what you will.
The last season of What We Do In The Shadows is a real let-down.
Watching Squid Game. A curious thing. Once I'd got over the PTSD triggered by the cadence of the Korean language, I had 20 minutes thinking it was quite interesting, then suddenly realised it is in fact a horrifying example of the thing it seeks to criticise. 6/10 but in a culture as constrained and on the nose as theirs that was all they were ever going to get.
I forget who recommend The Bureau (French espionage thriller) in here but I finished the first season/started the second last night and it's great. Good shout, that.
You're welcome.