Anyway, the thing I find most intriguing about THE NONSENSE is how businesses have so thoroughly embraced it. You'd have thought pure hard profit and cash would have made them somewhat impervious to it. Ensuring their ads represent properly makes solid business sense to me. Not stopping at that and ending up with this (if you're Jaguar) having seen how badly some of this stuff has landed over the last 5 or so years has me genuinely scratching my head.
I mean, what were they thinking?
Then? No. Now? Quite possibly
I lolled as much as the next person at the Jag stuff, but in a world where no publicity is bad publicity and the brand itself is a bit of a basketcase, which I find surprising as I thought their newer cars where more popular [I know nothing about cars], it sort of makes sense. I'll reserve further lolling until they roll out the Homer 3.0 in Miami soon.
Also, apparently it's JaGUar now. What is it with syntax/capitals [don't know what the word is] and these people in the rebranding world? I find it intensely annoying when organisations rebrand themselves and then insist you use their stupid no caps name in correspondence with them, for example.
Last edited by niko_cee; 25-11-2024 at 01:27 PM.
That's the marketing equivalent of calling your son Martyn. Just a life of needless frustration.
All their current models are surprisingly excellent. Their 90s stuff was, although grand, very unreliable. And then in the 2000s they went through the phase of pumping out expensive Fords. Mid 2010s onwards though they finally sorted their shit out and despite everyone's perception of them prior to the rebrand (basketcase, as you put it), they're at their best in decades. But that doesn't matter these days.
I've seen so many posts taking the piss out of that Advert on social media and I honestly didn't realise it was the car company until now. I thought it was a fashion brand that just happened to share the name.
See, this is what I thought, with their F-Types or whatever they are and the stupid SUV all seeming quite good and common on the roads, presumably a good thing in terms of selling units, so it came as a bit of a shock to read that they were doing shit and this madness was a final throw of the dice before Tata, is it them that owns them [?], pulls the plug on the whole thing and just focuses on selling twats expensive Land Rovers/Range Rovers.
They're eating the swans!
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Such a laughable statement from the police. Genuinely rolfmao stuff. These civil servants just don't have the mindset to keep up, they'll be swamped by reality in the next year or two.
Complete one-way traffic when it comes to 'disinformation'.
Is it still the Eastern Europeans like it was(n't) when the Daily Mail were pumping out headlines about them eating the Queens Swans 20 odd years ago?
I don't think they do swans so much, but Albanians in London definitely plough through geese and ducks like there's no tomorrow. All goes into the 'dark kitchens' and subsequently into your deliveroo. Now whether these specific two were doing / trying to do so I have no idea, but the tone of the statement being 'fake news you stupid racists' is only going to inflame things further.
For the same reason the local crackhead in Southend used to sell the steak he nicked from the Co-Op in the pub over the road, rather than trying to flog it to the local Miller and Carter.
Yes but surely you could get more for it even via back alley dealings than you could pretending it's whatever bottom shelf chicken they use in dodgy takeaways?
I'm with RL on this one. When subjected to any scrutiny it seems about as likely as Thai farmers using monkeys to industrially farm coconuts.
The notion that stoking the 'culture war' is exclusively a right-wing wedge issue does a decent job of explaining these election results. To take one example, every institution from the military to big business to sports leagues has been pushing the sanctity of trannyism for years, seemingly out of nowhere and to increasingly deranged heights, to the point where the only people saying 'Hang on...' were right-wing figures. Who started that 'culture war', and should they not be making the opposing case?
Perhaps some take-aways sell duck? Not sure Jimmy was suggesting it was being sold on as chicken in your deliveroos.
I mean maybe duck I guess, but fucking goose?
There ain't no Albanian Fried Goose on deliveroo.
What is goose even like? Turkey? I'm sure you could nuggetize or salt-and-pepper shred it.
Where's DS when you need him?
Googling it looks like duck when cooked, easy to pass off as a bit of canard a l'orange or whatever it is Jimmy's getting from these deliveroo dark kitchens.
No Chinese is complete without crispy duck, so yeah, easy to understand that, but yeah, not goose/swan. I've never tried goose to be fair. Maybe it tastes like chicken.
Of course Lord Dawson's had all the Game animals.
Not that I don't believe that Albanians are abducting [?] wild birds en masse, surely in this day and age there would be an outraged social media video of them doing it? How is it happening? Shooting? Poison? Glue? Massive nets? Scam phone calls? Luring them in to games of chance on the street?
I assume, as is the natural order of things, the avian revenge comes in the form of seagulls taking the young Albanians.
In other, very old, wild bird news, I wonder if Romanian Duck Gangs have made it over here.
Goose is also fattier than duck.
I really like it.
Wasnt there a widespread trading standards investigation into a high percentage of curried goat offerings containing no goat?
Only had it recently. It's the meat used to celebrate carnival / Saint Martin's in Germany.
The jocks do the same but by calling all soft drinks 'ginger'.
Some Americans call all soft drinks "coke".
"I'll have a coke"
"What sort?"
This is a good policy though the age bracket thing is a bit![]()
Gambling and the space it occupies is one of the single biggest disgraces going in modern society.
I know at least two people who used to play £50 a spin on roulette machines in the bookies.
At £50 a spin you're surely running out of money very, very quickly unless you have enough money to not care at all. You'd go through a grand in a couple of minutes, no?
Limiting to £5 a spin seems like it'll just lead to people gambling for 10x as long to lose all their money.
I wonder what is defined as a "spin." Like Lofty, I've seen people cover the table on a roulette machine in £1 chips - they must've wagered at least £50-60 in total.
Also - how the hell are they going to enforce the age bands? Scan your ID to play?
Yes roulette chip coverage is how they do it, I do wonder if they are just counting slot machine stakes per play rather than roulette. And yes, it is high risk high reward, we once saw one of the aformentioned guys in the bookies sat on £960 won, we told him to cash out and he said he would when he got to £1000. We went up to the counter to put our football slips on and by the time we had got back to him he was down to £300. The only reason the shops are open for such hours.
Also saw one guy I worked with sat in there doing roulette spins with his young lad sat in the car outside waiting, about 7pm.
Fining companies because the consumer doesn't want their product is a strange approach.EVs must make up 22% of a company's car sales and 10% of its van sales this year.
For every car sale outside of that, firms must pay a £15,000 fine.
Ed Miliband needs to be plugged into the mains himself.
Aren't EVs still in that weird space where the batteries cost a bomb and degrade rapidly so their value plummets as soon as they arent new? The wife is offered schemes through her work for Mercedes EVs that are very pretty but they aren't cheap and the humble petrol engine has a track record of decades if well maintained.
Yep. Let's take Mercedes for example. Their EQC was £70-80k new. You can pick up a 2021 reg for £20k now.
Really? That's mad.
I get the impression a lot of this net zero stuff is fairly ill thought out.
What would the value of a similarly priced 2021 Merc with a petrol engine be?
2021 C63s look like they come in a lot more than that, although I have no idea what price they would have started at.