What actually happens to those who are in jail because of social media posts? (lol btw)
Like this guy: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c5y3gre3y9yo.amp
What actually happens to those who are in jail because of social media posts? (lol btw)
Like this guy: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c5y3gre3y9yo.amp
I'm a twit
He didn't go to jail because he said he was a Muslim.
It's in the article.
"The 35-year-old, of Salix Approach, Lincoln, admitted publishing written material online to stir up racial hatred between 28 July and 8 August."
Sounds like he went to jail for saying he was a Muslim then. Or am I missing something?
The only way I can read that as incitement is if you take the heads must roll comment literally. Which I think is highly unlikely, he almost certainly meant people should lose their jobs for trying to cover it up. A sentiment that Jimmy has echoed. I hope we aren't waiting for PC Plod to rock up at his door.
Freedom of speech is a key principle of democracy and that includes the likes of Mr Sickofit. I'm almost certain he is a deeply unpleasant person and there will be alot of shite on his twitter feed (or was, before it was likely deleted) but stupidity and being an arsehole should not carry prison sentences.
People supporting this are being very short sighted and I don't want to hear from them in 8 years when Lord Tice and Sir Farage are locking them up under this precedent for calling them racist on Twitter.
He pleaded guilty mate. Ask him why he did.
I don't think prosecutors would've focused entirely around those two tweets, either. The dates imply other tweets that would've been seen as evidence.
And the wife of an MP went to jail. www.bbc.com/news/articles/cp3wkzgpjxvo.amp
True. Will have rubbish legal representation then.
This is pretty alarming stuff, given that cigarettes literally and quite obviously kill you. I always said that the cohort behind me (so now aged 28-32ish) were pretty sensible, but the cohort behind them appear to be irredeemable morons.
lolwutAddison Rae smoking not one but two at the same time in her music video
I'm a twit
The severed head in Edinburgh story is wild.
Some blokes picking it up thinking it's a Halloween decoration.
Ran over by a bus, apparently.
Tbf, it is a Halloween decoration, just very fucking intense
Just a heads up ( ), the video is very available on Twitter.
Seen it. The second fella jumping up and down for joy is probably on a watchlist.
I see Panorama have got to the bottom of the whole Chris Kaba thing. IOPC investigation headed up by the smarmiest Scotch 'Person of Colour' imaginable. Case closed quicker than it even took the jury in the trial.
Nicole Kidman has absolutely ruined her face.
Without wanting to go full
I've never really understood the attraction to her anyway.
As far as plastic surgery goes, I've seen much worse. She's 57.
Kidman was peak in Practical Magic but I'd still probably go for Sandra Bullock.
The legend never dies
Obviously in the context and thought free world of modern social media outcomes are sub-optimal.
It's another one of these: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cg4l3yz76neo
Well guess what, he did it anyway, deal with it."There is no space in Australian publishing (or elsewhere) for our stories to be told through a colonial lens, by authors who have little if any connection to the people and place they are writing about," Dr Anita Heiss, a Wiradyuri author and publisher told the Guardian Australia.
I love the fact that Jamie Oliver can somehow bang out a 400 page book about an Aborignal girl with magical powers who is at the centre of a story about abduction and at no point in that process did someone think to step in and say maybe it wasn't the best idea in the world.
Still available in hardback on Amazon. Quite tempted to get it.
Oh, looking at the cover it appears to be about fairies, is the second in a series and has probably never been near Mr Oliver.
Last edited by niko_cee; 11-11-2024 at 11:31 AM.
They really need to stop celebs writing kids' books.
Jamie Oliver needs stopping all together. Complete failure at whatever he turns his hand to.
Also quite good at cooking.
Have to say I find his recipes pretty wank, Nigel and Nigella are the king and queen.
Oh, yeah, I wasn't really responding to the exact topic at hand here. I'm just sick of seeing so many celebs get book deals and churning out shit when there are probably loads of lesser known and very talented kids' authors out there who are getting very little or no work.
If mugs didn't buy them...
Sounds like a coastal bestseller.
In fairness to Walliams, I'm pretty sure he properly writes them himself and some of them are pretty good, unlike a lot of the ghost written put their name to it wank.
Didn't he write a kid's book where the villain was another kid at school who was fat and sweaty?
Just Roald Dahl mashed up and spat out in the simplest format.
I have an irrational hatred of Jamie Oliver - not least because he was really nice when he came into 19 year old Spikeys work - so I'm conflicted here.
On the one hand, lol, what did you expect, you soppy fucker? On the other hand, can someone please tell these race grifting arseholes to fuck off and not just immediately buckle to their bollocks for once?
Australia and New Zealand are the home of grievance culture and have been for many decades.