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25-12-2023, 07:14 PM
I know but like I said in the other thread, it wasn't me driving the food choices.

29-12-2023, 06:32 PM
I'm off to the Gingerman (https://gingermanrestaurant.com/) tonight for their tasting menu.

Think the chef guy might have been on pro masterchef at some point. Had good reviews of their sister place The Flint House but thought it was a bit wank when I went so hoping for better from the flagship establishment.

29-12-2023, 11:09 PM
Menu looks nice.

Went to Restaurant22 in Cambridge with friends the other week and it was really good. Photos are a bit crap and not worth uploading unfortunately.

I think we're going to try and do The Fat Duck this year, rather than Ynyshir.

Spikey M
30-12-2023, 08:41 AM
He definitely couldn't go to work.

30-12-2023, 08:43 AM
It was good.

More of an eating menu than a tasting one, which was thumbs up from me. Didn't see anyone taking photos either. More thumbs up. :baz:

30-12-2023, 11:41 AM
He definitely couldn't go to work.

I would posit there is something of a difference between being driven to sit in a chair for a couple of hours vs driving yourself over an hour each way to spend 13 hours running round a hospital.

30-12-2023, 12:01 PM
Just borrow a wheelchair.

19-01-2024, 08:47 PM
Just had my first ever Chicken Kapitan, sensational :drool:

20-01-2024, 12:34 PM
Lads. I need a decent garlic crusher. Ive bought several over the tears and they are all shit. Preferably one, that i dont have to touch the crushed garlic in order to transfer to food

20-01-2024, 01:03 PM
Get yourself a Microplane lad.

20-01-2024, 01:24 PM
Ikea's (https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/p/koncis-garlic-press-stainless-steel-00089163/) is decent, or any one that has a hinged plunger type thing.

20-01-2024, 01:37 PM
Microplane all the way. Embrace the garlicky fingertips as a lifestyle choice.

20-01-2024, 01:57 PM
This microplane is just some long cheese grater?

Sir Andy Mahowry
20-01-2024, 01:58 PM
Microplanes are indeed amazing but watch your fingers/knuckles.

20-01-2024, 05:08 PM
Just saw one in action. Looks decent.

20-01-2024, 09:22 PM
This is what you need. It's the bee's knees.


20-01-2024, 09:24 PM
Just crush it with the edge of a knife and some coarse salt

20-01-2024, 09:25 PM
Alright, Heston.

Sir Andy Mahowry
20-01-2024, 09:27 PM
This is what you need. It's the bee's knees.


Those are wank.

20-01-2024, 09:31 PM
Those are wank.
It crushes the fucking garlic.

20-01-2024, 09:37 PM

20-01-2024, 09:58 PM
Alright, Heston.

A man famously known for eschewing gadgets in favour of simplicity.

21-01-2024, 09:02 AM
This is what you need. It's the bee's knees.



Spikey M
21-01-2024, 09:13 AM

here (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xm3YgoEiEDc)

21-01-2024, 09:53 AM
here (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xm3YgoEiEDc)


Dark Soldier
27-01-2024, 06:15 PM
Jerk chicken panini with peppers, onion and cheese, jerk gravy, fries. I fucking love this so much


27-01-2024, 06:54 PM
Those chips lacking some serious seasoning.

Spikey M
27-01-2024, 06:59 PM
We went to Aldi for our weekly shop today, off the back of one of my wifes friends saying how much better the food is than Asda/Tesco/wherever.

So tonight we had a "crunchy nacho Fajita kit" and it was less seasoned than the box DS' chips came in. Absolute shite. An affront to Pepe's ancestors.

It could be a long week.

Dark Soldier
27-01-2024, 07:00 PM
Those chips lacking some serious seasoning.

No seasoning required due to dipping

27-01-2024, 07:06 PM
We went to Aldi for our weekly shop today, off the back of one of my wives friends saying how much better the food is than Asda/Tesco/wherever.

So tonight we had a "crunchy nacho Fajita kit" and it was less seasoned that the box DS' chips came in. Absolute shite. An affront to Pepe's ancestors.

It could be a long week.

The fresh produce is dreadful as well. You’ve got to eat all that fruit and veg in a couple of days before it turns. There’s a reason it’s cheaper, although not by that much these days.

27-01-2024, 07:09 PM
Coincidentally I've just been to Aldi and the produce is absolutely brilliant as well as dirt cheap. Probably better in Germany because of Brexit.

Jimmy Floyd
27-01-2024, 07:59 PM
The only supermarket in Britain that I've been to that wasn't complete shite was Booths. We just have really low standards. Then again, I think Germany might have even lower ones based purely on my 6 odd trips there over the years.

27-01-2024, 08:04 PM
We don't have Aldi here (it's annoying because they have it down south) but Lidl is good.

27-01-2024, 08:13 PM
I know they're probably good but I can't get past what Swiss Aldi was, which was literally a random assortment of plastic palletes on the floor. It felt proper 3rd world.

27-01-2024, 08:18 PM
M&S has gone to the dogs in recent years. Produce is so limited.

Jimmy Floyd
27-01-2024, 08:30 PM
They all cut their ranges / probably took capital out of their supply chain at the start of the pandemic and haven't seen fit to expand it again since. Pretty much doubled their profits and have started to fiddle the books to make operating profits appear less than they actually are (offsetting other assets like buildings etc).

27-01-2024, 08:32 PM
The only supermarket in Britain that I've been to that wasn't complete shite was Booths. We just have really low standards. Then again, I think Germany might have even lower ones based purely on my 6 odd trips there over the years.

The thing you need to get used to here is the dominance of Schwein over every other meat resulting in chicken being pretty expensive. Also they don't do bran flakes at all but every kind of museli you can think of. The fruit and vegetables are another level compared to the UK, we get absolute shit.

27-01-2024, 09:10 PM
Jerk chicken panini with peppers, onion and cheese, jerk gravy, fries. I fucking love this so much


You've got old.

27-01-2024, 09:26 PM


It's decent.

27-01-2024, 09:28 PM
A man famously known for eschewing gadgets in favour of simplicity.

Blumenthal is regarded as a pioneer of multi-sensory cooking, food pairing and flavour encapsulation. Not gadgets.

27-01-2024, 09:29 PM
Those chips lacking some serious seasoning.

It's chips. Just chuck salt on them and away you go.

27-01-2024, 11:37 PM
Blumenthal is regarded as a pioneer of multi-sensory cooking, food pairing and flavour encapsulation. Not gadgets.


Dark Soldier
27-01-2024, 11:40 PM
You've got old.

40 now lad. Can't eat what or as much as I used to. Grease heaven still, but half the grease.

Sir Andy Mahowry
08-02-2024, 07:49 PM
Made a chicken and vegetable stew last night but forgot to put it in the fridge before I went to bed.

The two bowls I had for dinner today were nice but if I die tomorrow you all know the cause of death.

08-02-2024, 07:54 PM
You'll be fine.

08-02-2024, 07:56 PM
It would've hit by now.

17-02-2024, 10:54 PM
Done some cookin'.


Scallops, fennel...mayonnaise thing, braised fennel, broad beans, fennel dressing.


Bream, caramelised cauliflower, roasted fennel, potato and herb dumplings, orange butter. (Yes I'm aware this looks shit in the photo and I fucked the skin fuck you).


Profiteroles, demerara craquelin, with orange and malt cream filling, chocolate and grand marnier sauce.

17-02-2024, 11:01 PM
There's a disappointing lack of fennel in that last one.

Jimmy Floyd
17-02-2024, 11:21 PM
I need to eat scallops more, they're lovely. Are they hard to cook well?

17-02-2024, 11:22 PM
Not particularly but they are quite expensive. Was £11 for 6.

Jimmy Floyd
17-02-2024, 11:31 PM
I guess you have to pay for the people to go on pearl dives and excavate them. Same as with saffron where you have to pay about two grand a pop for some poor bastard to get the strands out of the flower with tiny tweezers.

18-02-2024, 01:40 AM

Went here - https://tresindstudio.com/ - last week. 20 courses. It was truly excellent.

One of the courses was a kebab scarpetta - basically the burnt/saucy bits left over after cooking a kebab, served in a pan with a candle under it so it continues to caramelize, with some buttered toast. So good.

Also went here which has been #1 on 50 Best MENA two years running: https://orfalibros.com/. Also excellent.

18-02-2024, 03:55 AM
I feel like I'd need about 5x portions of each thing RL made to get full.

18-02-2024, 08:14 AM
I guess you have to pay for the people to go on pearl dives and excavate them. Same as with saffron where you have to pay about two grand a pop for some poor bastard to get the strands out of the flower with tiny tweezers.

True story, my Nan actually finds saffron in a park near her in Manchester and dries it herself.

18-02-2024, 08:30 AM
I feel like I'd need about 5x portions of each thing RL made to get full.

Careful, they’re touchy about that.

18-02-2024, 08:32 AM
Charging for the burnt bits on the pan after serving someone else the dish prepared in it is a new grift I’d not seen before.

Spikey M
18-02-2024, 09:05 AM
Not just charging. Ripping off rich idiots with it. Beautiful.

18-02-2024, 09:57 AM
True story, my Nan actually finds saffron in a park near her in Manchester and dries it herself.

Does she have pictures of it on the mantlepiece next to the mushroom?

Sir Andy Mahowry
18-02-2024, 09:59 AM
I bet you used those Scottish walking boots to go to hers and pick up some saffron during lockdown.


Spikey M
18-02-2024, 10:36 AM
Shit. Are you OK after that Keeks? :(

Sir Andy Mahowry
18-02-2024, 10:42 AM
People died for his saffron.

18-02-2024, 11:09 AM
Does she have pictures of it on the mantlepiece next to the mushroom?

This is excellent memory.

18-02-2024, 11:45 AM

Went here - https://tresindstudio.com/ - last week. 20 courses. It was truly excellent.

One of the courses was a kebab scarpetta - basically the burnt/saucy bits left over after cooking a kebab, served in a pan with a candle under it so it continues to caramelize, with some buttered toast. So good.

Also went here which has been #1 on 50 Best MENA two years running: https://orfalibros.com/. Also excellent.

Both look amazing. :drool:

18-02-2024, 07:54 PM
Charging for the burnt bits on the pan after serving someone else the dish prepared in it is a new grift I’d not seen before.

Not just charging. Ripping off rich idiots with it. Beautiful.

I mean, it’s obviously a dish they’ve constructed to taste like the remnants (although they serve you a kebab in the course immediately prior), so it’s not some sort of leftover grift.

Nonetheless the saucy bits after you eat a kebab are amazing, so why not? :shrug:

18-02-2024, 08:03 PM
I think things might have taken an unexpected turn for the worse if "it’s obviously a dish they’ve constructed to taste like the remnants" is true.

Jimmy Floyd
18-02-2024, 09:09 PM
I know it's cynical and we should wish tasting menu enthusiasts the best in their pursuits, but whenever I see one I just think of that theory about celebrity chefs being a signal of the collapse of empires.

18-02-2024, 09:25 PM
Twenty courses sounds mental. At that point you are getting like half a bite of each.

18-02-2024, 09:30 PM
Eighty quid for pressed peanut sweepings.

18-02-2024, 09:33 PM
Eighty quid for pressed peanut sweepings.

Constructed to taste like pressed peanut sweepings.

27-02-2024, 03:54 PM
Had my first hot cross bun of the year. A Sainsbury's Taste the Difference standard [ie not exotic] effort. Absolute shite. 1/5 and it only gets that for looking more like a hot cross bun than a bread roll. As dry as the Atacama, seeing as the blurb made reference to Chilean flame raisins, whatever they are.

27-02-2024, 04:21 PM
Never managed to get on board with hot cross buns and not just for their religious connotation. Scones and crumpets cover all angles.

Jimmy Floyd
27-02-2024, 04:23 PM
I do like the contrast of the crisp toasted bun, the sweetness of the raisin and the hot melted butter, but that isn't to say I've actively bought one since Jean Tigana was sacked by Fulham.

Sir Andy Mahowry
27-02-2024, 04:25 PM
Raisins (and currants) are a disgrace.

27-02-2024, 04:27 PM
Mahow with a shocking take there. Toasted teacakes are tremendous.

27-02-2024, 04:31 PM
I do like the contrast of the crisp toasted bun, the sweetness of the raisin and the hot melted butter, but that isn't to say I've actively bought one since Jean Tigana was sacked by Fulham.

Now you've put it like this part of my brain is thinking people are probably using these things as burger buns somewhere.

I prefer non-toasted personally, although this one had to be toasted due to its brick-like qualities. Butter temperature also a bit sub-optimal for spreading at this time of year.

Raoul Duke
27-02-2024, 04:37 PM
Toasting them means your butter woes are left behind, friendo

Hot cross buns are immense. Mahow's deviant behaviour in relation to currants is well-known. Sickens me

Jimmy Floyd
27-02-2024, 04:52 PM
If you're not toasting them I can't help you. Might as well be eating sawdust bound together with spit.

27-02-2024, 06:33 PM
M&S do some decent ones that you don't need to toast, although a light toasting is never a bad thing. Does take away from the stodge factor a bit though.

27-02-2024, 08:04 PM

Went here - https://tresindstudio.com/ - last week. 20 courses. It was truly excellent.

One of the courses was a kebab scarpetta - basically the burnt/saucy bits left over after cooking a kebab, served in a pan with a candle under it so it continues to caramelize, with some buttered toast. So good.

Also went here which has been #1 on 50 Best MENA two years running: https://orfalibros.com/. Also excellent.

Booked L'enclume for November.

27-02-2024, 09:01 PM
Sainsbury salted caramel hot cross buns. Delicious and not a raisin in sight

Sir Andy Mahowry
03-03-2024, 06:03 PM
Booked to go to Kerridge's bar and grill on my birthday in 2 weeks.

03-03-2024, 07:17 PM
Never been to any of Kerridge's places but we did go to Benedict's when he did a guest chef night and it was brilliant. He did four courses and Benedict's did four courses.

Did you consider Dinner by Heston? Prices don't look far off similar. Apparently the Tipsy cake and pineapple dessert is incredible.

Edit: actually it is about 1/3 more expensive on every course to be fair.

03-03-2024, 08:24 PM
Have just booked Dinner by Heston for our anniversary off the back of that.

04-03-2024, 07:47 AM
Has anyone ever had/made Collard Greens? Thinking of attempting some in the slow cooker this week.

04-03-2024, 10:05 AM

04-03-2024, 06:39 PM
Has anyone tried vanilla ice cream with (good) soy sauce? It's pretty common amongst the forrins so I gave it a go the other night.

So fucking good.

04-03-2024, 07:06 PM
Wise up.

06-03-2024, 09:37 AM

Now that's food.

Spikey M
06-03-2024, 09:57 AM
Papa? You posho cunt. :D

06-03-2024, 09:58 AM
Papa Keeks.

06-03-2024, 10:00 AM
Happy birthday, Kiko.

Sir Andy Mahowry
06-03-2024, 10:01 AM
Happy 10th, mate.

06-03-2024, 10:01 AM
Papa? You posho cunt. :D

His wife's Portuguese, isn't she? Probably just the normal word for dad in Portuguese.

06-03-2024, 10:02 AM
Happy 10th, mate.
There's 12 candles.

06-03-2024, 10:04 AM
Correct. I'm 12.

Spikey M
06-03-2024, 10:06 AM
His wife's Portuguese, isn't she? Probably just the normal word for dad in Portuguese.

Happy Birthday, your Holiness

06-03-2024, 10:10 AM
Maybe it said Nicole on the other side.

06-03-2024, 10:12 AM
It's Italian you bastards. And it's cooler than Daddy.

06-03-2024, 10:13 AM
The cake was pretty good as well but was probably better twenty years ago.

06-03-2024, 10:21 AM
Don Papa.

07-03-2024, 02:50 PM


Sir Andy Mahowry
13-03-2024, 05:23 PM
Booked to go to Kerridge's bar and grill on my birthday in 2 weeks.

Here's what I had:


"A Moon Shaped Pool" from Great British Menu 2023 - Lobster tail with Thai Green Veloute, salty fingers, marinated cucumber and Exmoor caviar.


English Lamb Cutlet with new season morels, malt vinegar ketchup and wild garlic veloute.


"Balloon Girl" from GBM 2023 - Raspberry and rose cheesecake with chocolate raspberry torte and blackcurrant pate de fruit.

It was excellent. Also, the bread they gave at the start was amazing, especially the treacle soda loaf.

I also got to see the head chef (he was on the phone) and Jamie Carragher who was dressed up like a waiter and it took me a second to realise it was him.

13-03-2024, 06:24 PM
'Food inspired by Banksy' might be the cringiest thing I've ever heard.

Spikey M
13-03-2024, 06:41 PM
Food like this makes me unjustifiably angry.

13-03-2024, 06:41 PM
I love this shit :D

13-03-2024, 06:42 PM
The meat thing looks good. Lol at everything else.

Jimmy Floyd
13-03-2024, 06:59 PM
Pic 1 is a scene from Waterloo Station toilets at 6am on a Sunday morning. Good brand activation from Armitage Shanks.

13-03-2024, 07:02 PM
Looks like the sarlaccs gaff.

Spikey M
13-03-2024, 07:09 PM
How much did this performative display of disposable money cost you, Monghow?

Sir Andy Mahowry
13-03-2024, 07:11 PM
How much did this performative display of disposable money cost you, Monghow?

It cost me £0. It was my birthday meal so my Mum and Sister split the bill :)

13-03-2024, 07:27 PM
'Food inspired by Banksy' might be the cringiest thing I've ever heard.

It's because Great British Menu (which those dishes won) - which used to be really good - ruined itself by every series having a "brief" and the chef's getting panned for producing dishes which didn't fit "the brief".

13-03-2024, 08:45 PM
Like I've just stuck it on and the brief this year is the Olympics and Paralympics.

One of the desserts is going to have the diners wear a pair of glasses which simulate 90% blindness as a nod to the V1 class of disability in the Paralympics.

It's absolute wank, but if the chefs don't entertain this rubbish they don't win.

13-03-2024, 08:52 PM
Michael Caines seething he's not in it this year.

This Dish was cooked by a chef in the one hand category . . .

13-03-2024, 09:17 PM
Anyone been to Röski in Liverpool?

Also what kind of prices are these Michelin places?

13-03-2024, 09:44 PM
Anyone been to Röski in Liverpool?

Also what kind of prices are these Michelin places?


Meadowsweet which is a (very good) 1* near me is £135 a head for food, which is a tasting menu. This is fairly typical price.

Pea Porridge which is a 1* in Suffolk is a la carte and is around £15-20 for starters, £25-30 for a main, £10-15 for a dessert. I believe it's one of the cheapest 1* places around.

Dinner by Heston is 2* and their tasting menu is £160. Closest 2* to us is Midsummer House in Cambridge and their tasting menu is £250. Ynyshir is a 2* is Wales and is £380 I think.

Core by Clare Smyth (which is the only 3* I've been to in the UK) was £225 for the tasting menu we had I think. The Fat Duck changes the price depending on how popular the time slot is you book - ranges from £275 to £395. L'enclume is £250.

Martin Berasategui which is the 3* we went to in San Sebastian was €375 I think.

Alchemist in Copenhagen is one of the most expensive I've seen at >£550 a head but I'm sure there's pricier ones.

You can spend nothing on drinks or you can easily spend thousands. The wine pairing we did at Core was £125 I think (which is a small glass paired with each course).

13-03-2024, 09:44 PM
That ended up being a longer post than I realised.

13-03-2024, 11:41 PM
They missed a chance to put your age on the balloon.

14-03-2024, 02:10 AM
That ended up being a longer post than I realised.

And you swear you leave feeling full and like it was worth it?

14-03-2024, 02:18 AM
You don't go there to "feel full." You go there to take pictures.

14-03-2024, 07:35 AM
Did Radiohead have to provide a license for that first dish?

14-03-2024, 07:52 AM
And you swear you leave feeling full and like it was worth it?

I have never come away from one not feeling full.

It's worth it to me because I love food and the experience. I am sure not everyone would get as much out of it and it wouldn't be worth it to them. In the same way as I would not get enough out of going to an amazing Opera or Ballet for it to feel worth it to me.

Spikey M
14-03-2024, 07:53 AM
I have never come away from one not feeling full.

Of yourself?

14-03-2024, 08:02 AM
The arrogance of daring to enjoy something.

Jimmy Floyd
14-03-2024, 08:14 AM
I love literally every aspect of the poncy tasting menu. I love that people have created them, love that people enjoy them, I love the photos, also think the photos are hilarious, also enjoy lolling at it as the final stage of human decadence before civilisational collapse. It's a win-win-win. I must have extracted about 6 hours of total enjoyment from the concept in my life without ever having experienced it.

Sir Andy Mahowry
14-03-2024, 09:09 AM
They missed a chance to put your age on the balloon.
They did give me a little cake/pudding on the side which said Happy Birthday too. No age or candles like Keeks sadly.

Did Radiohead have to provide a license for that first dish?
I'm assuming so.

14-03-2024, 09:18 AM
Have done a few Michelins over the last few years in London – Texture was superb, but has now shut. The Glasshouse was good, as was Alyn Williams at The Westbury (also now shut), and we've done a couple of starred Indian places – Veeraswamy and Trishna, both great. I'm not big on tasting menus though, I much prefer going to places where we're going to get a really high standard traditional three or four-course meal. There are some really reasonably priced ones out there.

Jimmy Floyd
14-03-2024, 09:24 AM
Never been to a Michelin. Best meal I've ever had was here: https://moro.co.uk/

Absolutely outstanding quality in normal proportions at a high, but not exclusionary price. This was ten years ago now but I had something very similar to the pork that's on their menu now and have yet to top it.

14-03-2024, 09:51 AM
I don't really understand the ire for tasting menus. It's just an opportunity to try lots of different things. The "I'd still want a burger after" brigade really are just wrong in my experience. My wife was so full after Martin Berasategui that she had to go and stand outside to compose herself :D

Traditional 3-4 courses can be great too, obviously. Restaurant Nathan Outlaw was 4 courses and is in my top 3 meals ever. At Dinner we are doing 3 courses.

There's room for all such things. Suck them all and see. You might just end up liking it. Even if you don't, why care that others do?

14-03-2024, 09:57 AM
Then there's stuff like Pintxo bar hopping in San Sebastian :drool:

14-03-2024, 10:00 AM
Is Dinner the one in the mandarin oriental, if that still exists? I remember going there when it first opened and they did that pineapple spit roast type dessert and things made to look like oranges but they weren't oranges, they were duck liver parfait or something. I remember thinking it was good but not great and it probably set me on course to not liking the whole star scene and coming round the the what I once thought to be heretical views of the people who ran the Wolseley - essentially that those people where knobheads. It is very much each to their own though and I would imagine in the, probably, 15 intervening years things have probably got better albeit far more expensive.

Hands down best 'tasting menu experience' I ever had was the first, which was at Tetsuya's (https://www.tetsuyas.com/) and it was ridiculously good and, yes, very filling. Think it was probably around hundred aussie dollars a head as well at the time for the 12 courser. :|

Might try to go to Plates when it opens although that guy blitzing Great British Menu is probably going to make it quite tough to get in.

14-03-2024, 10:02 AM
That is the one, yeah.

14-03-2024, 10:11 AM
Ah yeah, menu's still the same I see. Money for old rope.

Think I went Meat Fruit - Ribeye - Tipsy Cake off the a la carte.

Which, in retrospect, were shit choices.

Oh, hang on, looks like you'll be on much the same journey on the tasting menu.

Jimmy Floyd
14-03-2024, 10:24 AM
The tapas / tasting menu hatred is something very deep in the British psyche I think. I've been out for tapas with my brother, genuinely amazing food but he was physically upset by the idea of not having a big plate with meat and potatoes on it, viscerally could not deal with the idea of many small portions adding up to the same or greater amount of food, spent the rest of the evening in a foul mood.

14-03-2024, 10:27 AM
I quite like tapas but in the sense of having them as tapas rather than as some sort of sit down clusterfuck where 55 dishes arrive simultaneously, which, in my experience is the British way of doing it.

Tasting menus are fine as long as they don't take the piss. I had one once where one course was a solitary mussel. It felt like some sort of experimental theatre.

14-03-2024, 10:33 AM
Reminds me, I'm off to San Sebastian later this year :D.

14-03-2024, 10:37 AM
Reminds me, I'm off to San Sebastian later this year :D.

It's so fucking good. We did a Devour tour on one of our first nights to get a handle on the Pintxo bars, which I thought was very worth it.

14-03-2024, 12:04 PM
Ta, that's handy to know.

14-03-2024, 12:08 PM
I quite like tapas but in the sense of having them as tapas rather than as some sort of sit down clusterfuck where 55 dishes arrive simultaneously, which, in my experience is the British way of doing it.

Tasting menus are fine as long as they don't take the piss. I had one once where one course was a solitary mussel. It felt like some sort of experimental theatre.

Cafe Anduluz is the worst for that. Sat at a tiny 2 seater table and they stick 6 plates of food down at once with no room for drinks even plates.

14-03-2024, 12:47 PM
I don't really understand the ire for tasting menus.

I'll tell you my problem with them.

I've been to plenty of Michelin places over the years. Tasting menus have always been around obviously but they weren't as widespread even a decade ago. For example, I've been to Tommy Banks' Black Swan twice; first time was about 10 years ago when he first got his Star (or just before, maybe) and the menu was fairly standard three courses or so. The skills were a cut above most top restaurants, hence the Star, but it was down-to-earth and didn't give off the snobby vibe you get from most at that level. Second time was a few years ago after his GBM fame and it was tasting menu only, £150pp for the privilege, plus all the extras and the final bill wasn't far off double the first visit. Still great food but not any better than the first time. And that's my problem, instead of seeking out the odd place here and there to get a tasting menu, they've all pivoted in that direction because it's an easy way to fleece insane prices from people who either have no concept of money or those who like to take pictures of their food as much as eating it. It's resulted in a clientele where those who actually go to sample great food for an occasion and not broadcast it to the rest of their social circle are now a tiny minority.

I'd also say the tasting menu culture has resulted in laziness from some chefs as you often see the same recycled techniques disguised by fancy character names. But that's a more subjective opinion.

14-03-2024, 01:01 PM
. It's resulted in a clientele where those who actually go to sample great food for an occasion and not broadcast it to the rest of their social circle are now a tiny minority.

People say this but it's not my experience. Where I've been the majority of people aren't taking photos. One of us usually does because I like to keep them, along with the menus. I don't have any social media to post them to. Other than here, where I mostly do it because it winds people up and because it's a bat signal to Luca to come and talk about wanky food with me.

I also haven't felt a "snobby" vibe anywhere we've been, but classic-French-style stuffy places are not what I'd be into so we've never been anywhere of that ilk.

I'd also say the tasting menu culture has resulted in laziness from some chefs as you often see the same recycled techniques disguised by fancy character names. But that's a more subjective opinion.

There is a definitely a degree of truth to this, but it's about taking the time to pick wisely where you go. Martin Berasategui and Core were both ostensibly wanky 3 Michelin star tasting menus, but the food was vastly different between them. I also think that unless you're super rich or a food critic you're unlikely to be dining in such places often enough to really be able to moan about the fatigue of sameness.

14-03-2024, 01:16 PM
I think there's also a degree of prices having massively gone up in general, but because tasting menus have become more widespread on roughly the same timescale, people assume causation.

14-03-2024, 01:33 PM
I paid that £150 pre-COVID. I just checked his website and it's "only" £175 now.

14-03-2024, 01:46 PM
That will be as much to do with his getting a star and doing well on GBM though.

If you find places that do both a la carte and tasting menus, the latter do tend to be a bit more expensive but the difference isn't drastic. Given the work that goes into doing loads of courses, I doubt they are much different as a "value" (lol) proposition.

I've seen a few people in the industry claim these places make virtually no money on the food and are kept afloat by drinks sales, but I've no idea how true that is.

14-03-2024, 07:50 PM
There was a Michelin star place in Belfast that closed recently. The owner/head chef said there wasn't the same demand for tasting menus now because of the cost of living etc and was expanding his steak place next door into the former tasting menu place. Tbf that's Belfast where there won't be as much money floating around as in the south of England.

Regular places that do "small plates" always feel like a rip off to me.

14-03-2024, 07:55 PM
How charitable those chefs, working for free. It is their love for food that keeps their Lamborghinis running.

14-03-2024, 07:59 PM
The Belfast taster, with equal amounts fish and steak on every single plate until they both taste like shit.

14-03-2024, 08:09 PM
How charitable those chefs, working for free. It is their love for food that keeps their Lamborghinis running.

What are you on about.

16-03-2024, 06:31 PM
Can someone explain different steaks to me and/or tell me what I should get from here (https://prescot.maturo.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/main-menu-maturo.pdf), including sauce.

Spikey M
16-03-2024, 06:36 PM
Rib eye and peppercorn sauce remains the king.

16-03-2024, 06:37 PM
If peppercorn is genuinely the best sauce, I’d rather go without. I swear nobody like that stuff but it’s just ground into tiny minds (no offence, I don’t mean you specifically :D) as the go-to steak sauce.

16-03-2024, 06:38 PM
Yeah I'd go ribeye.

EDI?T: no sauce

Sir Andy Mahowry
16-03-2024, 06:41 PM
Ribeye with no sauce.

A good steak doesn't need it.

16-03-2024, 06:41 PM
Ask to have the 'Maturo Platter' as your main, tip a side of chips over it, and then eat it all with your fingers.

Raoul Duke
16-03-2024, 06:42 PM
Wagyu is the daddy.

I like peppercorn sauce but a great steak doesn't necessarily need it

Sir Andy Mahowry
16-03-2024, 06:44 PM
If I do feel the need for a steak sauce I'll always go chimichurri as it will be served on the side as a dipping sauce.

Jimmy Floyd
16-03-2024, 06:48 PM
The best steak I ever had was in Montevideo with chimichurri, but the second best was in New York literally smothered in blue cheese. Either way, pepper sauce can get fucked.

16-03-2024, 07:03 PM
Yep, chimichurri rules all. And onglet for an underrated cut.

16-03-2024, 07:20 PM
I'd always go ribeye but there's surely some wanky trendy one that is the correct answer these days.

16-03-2024, 07:49 PM
Rib eye is a the king.

Picanha or something like that for the wanky cut. Chorizo, is that a Brazilian cut?

Always thought fillet is underrated whilst sirloin is overrated.

Bernaise as the sauce as it's the biggest bastard to make yourself

Raoul Duke
16-03-2024, 08:56 PM
Chorizo is a Spanish dried meat, like Salami

16-03-2024, 09:00 PM
Always thought fillet is underrated whilst sirloin is overrated.

People get really sniffy about fillet but I think it can be very nice.

Jimmy Floyd
16-03-2024, 09:09 PM
Chorizo is a Spanish dried meat, like Salami

It's also what the argies call a New York strip, or something of that ilk.

Sir Andy Mahowry
16-03-2024, 09:12 PM
People get really sniffy about fillet but I think it can be very nice.

I'm personally not a fan of fillet.

The flavour just isn't there compared to other steaks.

I've recently converted to rump for my steak of choice, seems to have the best flavour to leanness/fat ratio which is good when trying to become less of a fat bastard.

Jimmy Floyd
16-03-2024, 09:20 PM
I'm eating a lot of cheap shitty steak at the moment as part of my attempt to lose some weight for the cricket season, I couldn't believe that one medallion steak from Tesco - by no means a tiny thing - is less than 200 calories, or so the packet claims. Had that (fried dry), a bit of mustard and some spinach tonight for example and am plenty full, trying to work out what the catch is, there's always a catch.

16-03-2024, 09:20 PM

Isn't that just the Atkins diet though?

Chorizo is a Spanish dried meat, like Salami


16-03-2024, 09:25 PM
People get really sniffy about fillet but I think it can be very nice.

Fillet is amazing as part of a dish.

It's outshone by other cuts as a standalone steak.

Jimmy Floyd
16-03-2024, 09:25 PM
It was £4.50 for a packet of two of these things, so at just over two quid a pop I don't think the bailiffs are going to be here next week. And yeah, I guess that is what the Atkins diet is but I'm heading for another summer of wall to wall egg sandwiches so you have to do something.

16-03-2024, 09:25 PM
I'm eating a lot of cheap shitty steak at the moment as part of my attempt to lose some weight for the cricket season, I couldn't believe that one medallion steak from Tesco - by no means a tiny thing - is less than 200 calories, or so the packet claims. Had that (fried dry), a bit of mustard and some spinach tonight for example and am plenty full, trying to work out what the catch is, there's always a catch.

Bowel cancer.

Jimmy Floyd
16-03-2024, 09:29 PM
That is true. Guess I'll switch to fish next week and hope I don't get skin cancer.

17-03-2024, 01:07 AM
Chorizo is different things in different places.

17-03-2024, 01:08 AM
The best steak I ever had was in Montevideo with chimichurri, but the second best was in New York literally smothered in blue cheese. Either way, pepper sauce can get fucked.

Argentinians do make the best steak, imo. The Uruguayan version is the same.

24-03-2024, 05:25 PM
Just cooked a joint of beef, not sure what it was but think it would have been topside, which came with cooking instructions of 2h54m on 200/180Fan. It was just over 2kg. Seemed absolute madness to me. I don't have a functioning meat thermometer at the moment so I did it for about 1h40m and then rested it for half an hour and it came out pretty decent, but more towards medium than rare in my view. What the fuck are they doing putting those instructions on it? It'd be a husk after being roasted for the best part of three hours.

24-03-2024, 05:43 PM
Yeah, I think 2 hours was usually what my parents gave their roasts. I should remember really as I was usually turning the oven on for them whilst they were out. :D

24-03-2024, 05:46 PM
Just cooked a joint of beef, not sure what it was but think it would have been topside, which came with cooking instructions of 2h54m on 200/180Fan. It was just over 2kg. Seemed absolute madness to me. I don't have a functioning meat thermometer at the moment so I did it for about 1h40m and then rested it for half an hour and it came out pretty decent, but more towards medium than rare in my view. What the fuck are they doing putting those instructions on it? It'd be a husk after being roasted for the best part of three hours.

EDIT: dunno what happened there, I'd written out a full reply as follows:

I'd imagine it's because they have to give instructions which will get it up to whatever has been deemed the "safe" internal temperature, despite the fact it's scientifically unsound and stupid.

24-03-2024, 05:46 PM
Isn't that because official health guidance says to cook beef 'thoroughly', i.e. until it's brown and dried out all the way through? There was a restaurant in Portsmouth a few years ago that folded after the council shut it down for serving pink burgers, and the issue was that, unless you can trace your suppliers back to the cows, you can't legally cover your arse if you serve them contrary to the guidance.

24-03-2024, 06:02 PM
I was just on my way back to edit in a caveat for Lewis along the lines of yes, I know some people like their meat cooked PROPERLY.

The burgers thing is different due to the mincing. You can have rare steak, and presumably roasted meat, as the outside of it where the bad stuff can form is still heated above a required temperature, but in minced things the bacteria can have formed all the way through so pinkness is frowned upon. Or something like that. Pink burgers are also usually a bit shit.

24-03-2024, 06:08 PM
Not sure how steak tartare gets past the fun police on that logic though.

24-03-2024, 06:18 PM
They're probably supposed to cut and mince the meat just before serving.

Sir Andy Mahowry
24-03-2024, 07:30 PM
They're probably supposed to cut and mince the meat just before serving.

You can buy prepared packs of steak tartare in Polish supermarkets though.

Which is just finely minced beef which you then add raw egg yolk along with chopped onions and gherkins.

Fucking lovely on a bit of crusty bread.

24-03-2024, 07:42 PM
Germans eat raw pork mince.

24-03-2024, 07:56 PM
Remember that poster called 'Stalin' who reckoned his Polish university flatmates were scoffing raw bacon out the packet? Explains the Holocaust.

Sir Andy Mahowry
24-03-2024, 07:57 PM
Remember that poster called 'Stalin' who reckoned his Polish university flatmates were scoffing raw bacon out the packet? Explains the Holocaust.

I have seen a Pole do the same tbf, took down a whole pack of raw unsmoked back bacon.

It's because their bacon is fully cured so you can just do that.

The ones sold in English supermarkets are not though.

24-03-2024, 08:00 PM
I've said this before here but if you see an Eastern European gaff, raid the freezers for this (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salo_(food)) stuff. Like chewing on Giggles' unwashed foreskin :drool:

Spikey M
24-03-2024, 08:09 PM
Your marketing might need some work.

24-03-2024, 08:10 PM
Taz the gammon.

24-03-2024, 08:36 PM
It's salty gammon fat, I can't dress that shit up any better.

24-03-2024, 08:39 PM
I bet you chop a bit up and add it to your shepherd's pie.

24-03-2024, 08:50 PM
Slowcooked short ribs today, tremendous :drool:

25-03-2024, 01:05 PM
Made some lemon pepper wings the other day. Cant quite get the wings, fully coated in the batter once it is cooked. There is always a section, that does not quite stick

Spikey M
25-03-2024, 01:12 PM
Are you deep frying? If so, you need to use enough oil so that they don't immediately touch the bottom of the pan. Also, lower them in slowly to give the bit heading towards the bottom of the pan a chance to crisp up before coming in contact with anything.

25-03-2024, 02:49 PM
Are you deep frying? If so, you need to use enough oil so that they don't immediately touch the bottom of the pan. Also, lower them in slowly to give the bit heading towards the bottom of the pan a chance to crisp up before coming in contact with anything.

Ive been given an air fryer so ive tried them in there. Maybe that same principal applies?

Spikey M
25-03-2024, 03:02 PM
Ive been given an air fryer so ive tried them in there. Maybe that same principal applies?

I would have thought so. Your best bet is probably greaseproof paper and laying them so they aren't touching each other, but you wouldn't get many out of a batch and it might still happen anyway.

Sir Andy Mahowry
25-03-2024, 07:14 PM
Had a black paella yesterday (cuttlefish ink with pieces) and both my shits today have been jet black.

25-03-2024, 07:26 PM

Sir Andy Mahowry
28-03-2024, 02:28 PM
Hasn't stopped me getting another today:


Absolutely lovely.

Spikey M
28-03-2024, 03:14 PM

28-03-2024, 03:26 PM
There should be a little withered version of that for these occasions.

28-03-2024, 03:26 PM
I'm going for Persian tonight in honour of Taz.

28-03-2024, 04:54 PM
Pics and details to educate these savages, please.

Sir Andy Mahowry
28-03-2024, 05:15 PM
Get the camel brain swimming in chicken bile.

Jimmy Floyd
28-03-2024, 05:45 PM
I've had a right run-in with a Persian caterer recently. Quoted me a thousand quid to do a shitty event for which everyone else is quoting £300, I told him the price was no good, then he called me three times a day begging me to reconsider and that his offer was great value actually and I'd got it all wrong.

Luckily I'm well practised at confrontational discussions with Persians so managed to shake him off after about three weeks.

28-03-2024, 06:37 PM
Taz providing that valuable life experience. :drool:

28-03-2024, 06:43 PM
Something something have gammon instead something.

28-03-2024, 06:54 PM
I hope Kiko's next picture in this thread is a gammon joint.

28-03-2024, 08:04 PM
I hope that really is a shitty event because one does not simply substitute Ghormeh Sabzi and Barg with chicken nuggets and potato smileys on the basis of financial savings without risk.

28-03-2024, 08:43 PM
No pics but it was a huge lamb and chicken kebab with a ridiculous amount of rice.

13-04-2024, 11:55 AM
The food at "Dinner" was really very good.


The famous "Meat Fruit", which is chicken liver and foie gras parfait in Mandarin jelly. I almost didn't order it because it is just pate and toast at the end of the day, but I'm glad I did. It is gloriously good.


Wife's starter was crab salad on crab brioche toast with cucumber ketchup and trout roe. Very fresh dish but I really don't like cucumber so not for me.


My main was duck, duck hearts, turnips (fondant, puree, pickled) and red wine sauce. This was my favourite dish. Duck was perfect.


Wife's main; salmon, champagne jelly, caviar, seaweed butter sauce, asparagus.


My dessert: chocolate ganache, passion fruit jam, mango sorbet. Banging.


Finally wife's dessert which is their other very famous dish, the tipsy cake. It's a good dessert but overly sweet for me and not up to the hype. She absolutely loved it though. The pineapple is incredible.

The restaurant really doesn't suit the room though. They go for quite cosy and not overly formal service (which is what I prefer) but it's set in a big, grand, high-ceilinged room in a fancy hotel and it just doesn't match the space.

The bread was meh and came with "lightly salted" butter, which is an insufficient level of salting. Cocktails were great.

You can definitely see Heston Blumenthal's obsession with trying to find the best way to do things rather than the received wisdom way in the food. The sorbet - which they freeze with liquid nitrogen - was another level of smoothness, for example.

13-04-2024, 04:14 PM
I'll stick with a mixed kebab and a choc ice.

13-04-2024, 04:19 PM
"Hi, can you give me a sorbet that doesn't look like a sex toy? Thanks."

13-04-2024, 05:38 PM
"Insufficient level of salting". Have a day off.

Spikey M
13-04-2024, 05:48 PM
These meals make me want to kick people in the face. Ideally the people "designing" them.

Dark Soldier
13-04-2024, 05:52 PM
Fuccking state of those pics wheres the fucking gravy and chips dickhead

13-04-2024, 06:10 PM

13-04-2024, 07:41 PM
My pizza place has closed. Good that I am leaving this shithole in a few months.

13-04-2024, 07:53 PM
Looks class that, RL.

13-04-2024, 09:07 PM

Made this for dinner and it was banging. Looks a prime candidate for the list of quick but not tragic weeknight dinners. Bang in some noodles for heft.

Jimmy Floyd
13-04-2024, 09:25 PM
You could drag stuff out of landfill and itemise it, if you ended the list '...with lime' I would scoff it for days.

22-04-2024, 09:49 PM
Got into corned beef recently

22-04-2024, 09:56 PM
Anyone been to Röski in Liverpool?

Also what kind of prices are these Michelin places?

Did you end up going?

22-04-2024, 10:52 PM
Got into corned beef recently

Corned beef on buttered white bread is about the best sandwich going. FACT.

22-04-2024, 11:43 PM
Corned beef on buttered white bread is about the best sandwich going. FACT.

Ye it's quality. Mustard or no mustard for you?

23-04-2024, 05:03 AM
Brown sauce. :drool:

Jimmy Floyd
23-04-2024, 05:04 AM
I always liked corned beef. Not sure why it has so many detractors, as I continue my campaign against every supermarket having display after display of shit watery ham.

23-04-2024, 05:05 AM
Corned beef is bloody expensive now though. Was a cheap lunch when I were a lad.

23-04-2024, 06:20 AM
Corned beef stuffed jacket potatoes are a marvellous thing.

23-04-2024, 06:38 AM
Do you mean real corned beef or the tinned spam stye stuff?

23-04-2024, 06:41 AM
Tinned obviously. Our cuisine isn't renowned for nothing you know.

23-04-2024, 08:11 AM
Brown sauce. :drool:

Has to be. Can't be having mustard on it.

23-04-2024, 08:15 AM
Red sauce.

23-04-2024, 02:40 PM
Ye it's quality. Mustard or no mustard for you?

Nothing else.

28-04-2024, 12:12 PM
Went to Gautier (https://www.gauthiersoho.co.uk/) last night for the grand diner which was interesting. French vegan sounds like an oxymoron. Quite impressive what they did, although I will admit that I could probably have polished off a kebab on the train home.

Will have to see how it stacks up against Plates as I'm off there in August.

Also went back to Heritage again the other day which seems to get better with each visit.

03-05-2024, 06:29 PM
I've recently become aware of menemen as a thing. Spicy menemen with sucuk is absolutely top tier shit.

Spikey M
03-05-2024, 06:37 PM
I've recently become aware of menemen as a thing. Spicy menemen with sucuk is absolutely top tier shit.

It is indeed. Although I prefer Shakshuka, which is similar but the eggs are poached in the sauce, rather than scrambled into it.



03-05-2024, 06:44 PM
My wife makes that all the time. Good shit.

03-05-2024, 07:11 PM
I've been a vocal critic of people taking photos of their food but this (https://uk.yahoo.com/news/beauty-queen-shot-dead-leading-161818817.html) seems a bit excessive.

Sir Andy Mahowry
03-05-2024, 07:18 PM
Big fan of octopus but not sure that's what I'd have picked as my last meal.

07-05-2024, 09:02 AM
I've become slightly obsessed with this man but I have to share it.


What a truly absurd amount of peas.

07-05-2024, 09:13 AM
The absolute state of that fish to be handing someone too.

07-05-2024, 09:17 AM
Healthier than 99% of dinners eaten on this island last night, good on him

07-05-2024, 10:20 AM
6000 calories in that mash alone.

07-05-2024, 10:58 AM
Very strange post to go viral, fish can do with a bit more grilling and heathens may point to an excessive pea portion if they fail to recognise the glory those green bastards hold but, as James says, that's a very good meal, especially in this day and age.

07-05-2024, 11:02 AM
It's more Pea than Fish!

07-05-2024, 11:18 AM
Outdated, arbitrary and straight-up wrong conventions like the a meal must include meat or that the meat should be the primary focus and portion are the reasons why we find ourselves where we do.

07-05-2024, 11:26 AM
If they were those dried marrowfats I'd eat double that amount and just leave the fish and spuds.

Sir Andy Mahowry
07-05-2024, 12:18 PM
Outdated, arbitrary and straight-up wrong conventions like the a meal must include meat or that the meat should be the primary focus and portion are the reasons why we find ourselves where we do.

Which is why you're built like an 8 year old girl.

Get some protein in yourself, lad.

07-05-2024, 12:46 PM
Peas are actually pretty good for protein.

Spikey M
07-05-2024, 12:50 PM
I could do without having to look it in the eye, but that looks good to me. Fish, mash and peas is good shit. :drool:

Spikey M
07-05-2024, 12:55 PM
Peas are actually pretty good for protein.

Not really. They're only about 5g per 100g. Better than a lettuce, but no grown man is getting their protein needs from veg alone.

Not without eating an unholy amount, anyway. And even then, it's not the same quality of protein you get from meat.

Jimmy Floyd
07-05-2024, 01:00 PM
Unusually I'm with Taz here, the masses of British twitter seem to favour only one kind of food which is just utter shite, they detest vegetables or salad, fried meat and chips only for them.

07-05-2024, 01:47 PM
Peas and mash is a sad side-pairing. Rice and beans obviously the best.