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03-09-2023, 01:10 PM
Why, who books Dynamite?

03-09-2023, 05:31 PM

03-09-2023, 05:37 PM
Does a grand job there.

03-09-2023, 06:44 PM
No he doesn’t. :D

Absolutely zero storylines ever make sense. Stumbling into occasional good matches and promos isn’t because of his brilliant creative mind. Collision instantly made more sense because he deferred a lot of wrestling booking logic to people with experience in the wrestling industry. Tony’s Dynamite booking is basically spam wins with his favourite wrestler (Orange) interspersed with random matches to strive for “bangers” to impress Dave and get all the stars.

04-09-2023, 08:49 AM
Multiple sources have confirmed to me details about an incident that took place between CM Punk and William Regal, which took place when Regal made his AEW debut. In the altercation between the two men, Punk refused to shake Regal’s hand, and would then get in the legends face, telling him that he did not like him, he did not trust him and that Regal was a “stooge for Triple H.”

Who picks on William Regal? You've gone too far this time

04-09-2023, 09:29 AM
Why would multiple dirtsheet guys now come out and say they knew about it at the time but never reported on it? Seems the type of thing to get clicks.

I'm not doubting Punk was an arse backstage but I reckon we're going to hear a lot of convenient stuff now because Punk is so far gone that they can report anything they want and the only person that is going to refute it is Punk himself and nobody will believe him.

04-09-2023, 09:36 AM
I wonder why no-one will believe the whining, moany prick with anger management issues.

04-09-2023, 10:22 AM
Why would multiple dirtsheet guys now come out and say they knew about it at the time but never reported on it? Seems the type of thing to get clicks.

I'm not doubting Punk was an arse backstage but I reckon we're going to hear a lot of convenient stuff now because Punk is so far gone that they can report anything they want and the only person that is going to refute it is Punk himself and nobody will believe him.

So just listen to any with a record you trust.

The likes of Meltzer and SRS would get clicks at this point if the headline was CM PUNK REPORTEDLY OKAY DUDE, ACTUALLY.

04-09-2023, 11:05 AM
I like Punk on TV so would be intrigued to see him in WWE again, plus you've got the will he won't he aspect of him being murdered by one of the proper fighters there.

04-09-2023, 02:14 PM
So just listen to any with a record you trust.

The likes of Meltzer and SRS would get clicks at this point if the headline was CM PUNK REPORTEDLY OKAY DUDE, ACTUALLY.

Meltzer is just a shill at this point. The older Observers are absolutely tremendous, particularly the obituaries, but Twitter was the beginning of the end for him (not just because it gave birth to many more info sources, but the fact he acts like a child on it) and since AEW started up he just reports whatever Jericho or The Bucks want him to, so his track record means fuck all now.

04-09-2023, 06:21 PM
Fair enough. And all round a weird dude so if he's not even credible then lol at that.

04-09-2023, 06:27 PM
I heard in the latest Observer he gives Tony's video *******1/2 which beats Donald Trump Jr's previous record for wide eyed lack of sleep.

04-09-2023, 06:33 PM
Guaranteed he will hand out at least two 5 stars for matches at All Out. Bear in mind 5 stars means the “perfect match”.

Kurt Angle never had a 5 star match.

Jericho has two 5 star matches. But none of those were before he turned 50.

The Bucks have 11.

04-09-2023, 06:45 PM
At the end of the day, Ben would be happier if all wrestling was just reruns of 1992 Nitros. Some people like Dynamite. Several hundred thousand people per week for multiple years. I dont understand this need to shit on it like people who liked AEW before Punk showed up DONT UNDERSTAND THE BUSINESS.

04-09-2023, 07:46 PM
1993 > 1992.

04-09-2023, 09:13 PM
Can't hold a candle to some X-Division flippy shit. TNA! TNA!

05-09-2023, 12:58 AM
Can't hold a candle to some X-Division flippy shit. TNA! TNA!

OSW is fun and I like the lads, but I think they genuinely believe that. Terrible taste, and not just in wrestling. I know stuff you liked when you were 15 or whatever is objectively the best stuff ever, but thinking Creed are the greatest band of all time and that random X division matches from the early 2010s are the pinnacle of sports entertainment is stuff that really needed to have been bullied out of them at some point. Grey waistcoat with colourful t shirts and baggy jeans is even worse.

Sorry, bit of a change of subject, but I needed to vent somewhere.

05-09-2023, 07:13 AM
OSW is fun and I like the lads, but I think they genuinely believe that. Terrible taste, and not just in wrestling. I know stuff you liked when you were 15 or whatever is objectively the best stuff ever, but thinking Creed are the greatest band of all time and that random X division matches from the early 2010s are the pinnacle of sports entertainment is stuff that really needed to have been bullied out of them at some point. Grey waistcoat with colourful t shirts and baggy jeans is even worse.

Sorry, bit of a change of subject, but I needed to vent somewhere.

The AEW hardcore are in the same vein as this. There's loads of nonsensical shit week in, week out. If you genuinely like that then fair enough but you can guarantee if it was WWE churning out some of this head scratching crap then they'd be stepping over themselves on their way to Twitter to deride it, but because it's from the brain of Tony Khan (who they think is their mate because he hangs around Reddit and e-Fed forums too) then it's passed off as "fun" and "quirky" and anyone who dares to say otherwise is a toxic Punk sympathiser.

Anyway, on the topic of the X-Division, the best thing about that was Kevin Nash.

05-09-2023, 07:14 AM
Last two/three mins of Gunther/Gable were great. Huge fan of Gunther just hitting three mega moves instead of a standard finisher move

05-09-2023, 07:18 AM
Last two/three mins of Gunther/Gable were great. Huge fan of Gunther just hitting three mega moves instead of a standard finisher move

He's fucking great. Psychology is a dying art but in the current environment he's a master. Uses a second finisher to see off a jobber but makes Gable look a star in defeat because he had to wheel out all the big guns. There's a lot more legs in this little series between them.

05-09-2023, 07:55 AM
Yeah the match overall was scuppered by multiple ad breaks but the closing stretch was tremendous.

And as you guys have said I love that he doesn't have one finisher. Powerbomb, lariat, sleeper, splash, big boot are all ways I've seen him win. That time he just beat Ciampa with an enormous chop too. He's fucking great. Does he even have a move that he does which is specifically named for him? Not sure whether such an emphatic victory sees the end of Gable's chances for now but I'd still like to see them get their big PPV match.

One other note from Raw is that while the promo was so-so the crowd were super into Jey at the start and fucking loved his hug with Sami.

05-09-2023, 07:59 AM
All Out was good.

05-09-2023, 08:04 AM
Yeah the match overall was scuppered by multiple ad breaks but the closing stretch was tremendous.

And as you guys have said I love that he doesn't have one finisher. Powerbomb, lariat, sleeper, splash, big boot are all ways I've seen him win. That time he just beat Ciampa with an enormous chop too. He's fucking great. Does he even have a move that he does which is specifically named for him? Not sure whether such an emphatic victory sees the end of Gable's chances for now but I'd still like to see them get their big PPV match.

One other note from Raw is that while the promo was so-so the crowd were super into Jey at the start and fucking loved his hug with Sami.

Think Gable will beat Gunther at next PPV. No point in Gunther keeping ahold of it now. Imagine Gunther tries to move on from Gable but the latter keeps bugging him to the point he accepts another match.

05-09-2023, 08:10 AM
That'd be ideal. I think the fans would definitely go another.

Also in checking to see what the next show is (It's Fastlane in a month) I see No Mercy is now an NXT PPV and features the "NXT Global Heritage Invitational", which from the look of it is a sort of knockoff G1? I think? Might have to actually tune into whichever episode of NXT is getting a Butch (ugh) / Bate match out of it.

05-09-2023, 08:18 AM
All Out was good.

How long does it run? I saw every match apart from Joe got 20 minutes so I don't know how I'm going to fit it in.

05-09-2023, 09:36 AM
How long does it run? I saw every match apart from Joe got 20 minutes so I don't know how I'm going to fit it in.

3 hour 40 I think.

05-09-2023, 09:38 AM
Hmmm, might have to cherry pick a few then. Excited for the strap match at least.

05-09-2023, 10:41 AM
Steamboat on comms. :drool:

06-09-2023, 08:46 AM
Think that’s Bron Breakker off TV for a while. Sad.

Unless ive missed something and it’s a work lol

06-09-2023, 09:00 AM
Unless I'm missing something also, why wouldn't it be a work?

06-09-2023, 09:49 AM
Just based on the photos from the crowd. Looked like legit blood on the steel steps.

I don’t get why they would not show it either unless it went wrong

06-09-2023, 10:02 AM
I guess the cut to black at the perfect time makes it look serious but also shows how planned it was, if it was an accident they would either have caught it live or edited it out of a pre-tape

06-09-2023, 10:04 AM
NXT is on USA Network so it's PG-rated. They can't show stuff like that. Every now and again they'll run an angle like this to allow for some ambiguity in interpretation and generate some buzz. It works great (like this) if done sparingly because the audience is used to half-arsed hardcore shit that looks hokey.

I'd say it's a work and used as a tool for one or both of them to be written off before debuting on the main roster.

06-09-2023, 10:48 AM
Yeah, that’s fair. I just woke up and scrolled through Twitter and seen folk losing their minds and then seen the photos of blood on the steps and then stretcher and assumed something went wrong.

I guess the blackout is a little too suspect. Just presumed there was a slight delay which allowed them to have time to realise it went wrong

06-09-2023, 02:07 PM
Well WWE now have a video up entitled BRON BREAKKER FORCES NXT TO CUT TO BLACK so that's that, but yeah done sparingly that sort of thing can work.

Von fucking Wagner still knocking about.

06-09-2023, 02:19 PM
Didn't realise Robbie E was his manager. Loads of that post-Hogan TNA crew still kicking about.

06-09-2023, 06:27 PM
Not to go all Cornette but Becky going for the NXT title feels like relegating yourself because you fancy a run at the Papa John's Trophy.

06-09-2023, 07:00 PM
If it's to put over this new girl then it's a no-lose situation. New Girl is apparently brilliant considering she started about three weeks ago.

Sir Andy Mahowry
06-09-2023, 07:03 PM
If it's to put over this new girl then it's a no-lose situation. New Girl is apparently brilliant considering she started about three weeks ago.

A year ago and she's held the title for 3 months now.

Edit: Actually she had her debut almost 2 years ago now.

Sir Andy Mahowry
06-09-2023, 07:06 PM
She's got a cracking moonsault:


Sir Andy Mahowry
06-09-2023, 07:40 PM
Finally got round to watching Payback.

Lynch/Stratus: I have not been interested in their feud at all but this was really good. The super super-plex looked great.

LA Knight/Miz with Ref John: Alright but nothing special. It was what it needed to be though with LA Knight getting a win and looking good. I was hoping he'd move on to Intercontinental/US title but it looks like he'll be feuding with Cena, ugh.

Rey/Austin Theory sponsored by CINAMMON TOAST CRUNCH: Decent enough match but it felt more like a Smackdown match, bar the sponsorship.

Judgement Day/Sami & KO: Finn disrespecting the Steelers shitty towel :drool: Easily the highlight of the match for me. Rhea putting KO through the barricade :cool: What a fucking woman, she can be my Mami. Really, really fun match and I'm glad they put the tag titles on Judgement Day, heel faction using EVERYONE at their disposal to grab the win is correct.

Grayson Waller Effect: Great to see Main Event Jey back and I love that both he and Jimmy now have their own new themes.

Mami/Raquel: Pretty meh and too long. Really wanted a fast paced HOSS fight which these two can do. This was really lacking, especially for a match that is meant to have a lot of emotion in it.

Rollins/Nakamura: I wasn't a fan. Was far too long and with all Nakamura's BIG fights you know there's no chance he's winning.

06-09-2023, 08:13 PM
She's cracked the moonsault in no time while Lita's been doing them for 25 years and still looks like she might cave someone's face in with her knees every time.

07-09-2023, 06:01 AM
A year ago and she's held the title for 3 months now.

Edit: Actually she had her debut almost 2 years ago now.

Just looked her up and she wrestles about twice per month. 54 matches since November 2021. So that's about two months worth of experience for someone like Shawn Michaels breaking in.

Sir Andy Mahowry
07-09-2023, 08:16 AM
Just starting on RAW and Jey is super fucking over.

Sir Andy Mahowry
07-09-2023, 11:33 AM
WALTER/Gable :drool:

Stunning match, just a shame it was on RAW so we had loads of ad breaks.

The sleeper suplex was fucking nasty.

09-09-2023, 08:29 AM
This current Bloodline stuff is the most transparently they've played for time with it so far, and that's not without competition. Yet to be won over by whatever the Jimmy stuff is meant to achieve.

Similarly, poor old LA Knight. Miz and Theory are a couple of proper lame ducks for him to be involved with and I'm yet to be convinced by Waller either. Similar to theory I think he's a talented dude being hurt by some incredibly generic booking, though Waller is at least attempting some proper character work. Even if that character is Every Snarky Chickenshit WWE Heel.

On the flipside, the crowd were great for that JD promo when they kept trying to drown Dom out. :D

Sir Andy Mahowry
09-09-2023, 11:50 AM
The crowd drowning out Dom with boos :D


09-09-2023, 11:59 AM
If he ever got good at wrestling, he'd be ruined. :D

Sir Andy Mahowry
11-09-2023, 09:08 PM

Riddle wont be at RAW tonight due to this.

11-09-2023, 09:27 PM
Pot man got a pat down at an airport? What a seemingly regular occurrence.

12-09-2023, 08:33 AM
Nia Jax :sick:

12-09-2023, 09:56 AM
Christ. All the actual talent they've got and they bring Jax back.

If you specific want a big woman you've got a Piper Niven right there (once she's back from injury?)

If you just want a challenger for Ripley use literally any of your other women.

12-09-2023, 10:33 AM
I don't get it at all.

12-09-2023, 12:24 PM
We will be shocked to hear that Vince is back from medical leave and made several changes to Raw last night.

On that similar topic, say what you want about CM Punk, but the booking of Collision suspiciously went to shit last week in his absence.

12-09-2023, 01:26 PM
WWE officially no longer his after last night? Hopefully a last hoorah. Get him gone.

12-09-2023, 03:52 PM
The Endeavour guy who's now in charge of everything insisted that Vince was part of it, so unless he gets done for something more serious than whatever caused his two week retirement that's him set there for life now

Gray Fox
12-09-2023, 03:59 PM
Trips has been ousted though. He has his position in creative but he's not COO or whatever he was before, now.

12-09-2023, 05:28 PM
One title defence in 6 months for Reigns. The biggest joker on the roster. Properly lazy bastard.

12-09-2023, 05:45 PM
They had to give him the part time role otherwise he would have jacked completely but there can still be a lot of second guessing the record title reign. I think Reigns equals Sammartino’s second reign (in terms of days) by the end of the year, yet only has 30 defences versus 203.

I get it’s a different era and all and a month or so after WrestleMania it felt like they’d possibly made the right decision to carry on with the reign even though we all wanted Cody, but now five months on the Bloodline storyline is spinning its wheels after fumbling the Summerslam match and it seems like Cody will never get close to where he was. So maybe it was worth the chance of doing the title change after all.

Gray Fox
12-09-2023, 05:54 PM
Triple H has this thing where he likes the hero of the story to fail first time and then battle back up.

Everything just felt right to make the change to Rhodes. Sami and Drew before him would have worked, but not to the same degree. Problem now is Cody has lost his perfect storm running up to it and WWE seem to think losing the belt can only happen at Mania now.

So we're in this weird situation where the Bloodline story is ready to wrap up now as it has worn out its welcome somewhat, yet we're nowhere near Mania season, so we can't. Instead we must split off and do other things for a while. I wouldn't put it past them to have Cody win the rumble a second time and do pretty much the exact same build up.

But then, Hogans record wont be far off...

Sir Andy Mahowry
12-09-2023, 05:55 PM
Remember pre-Tribal Chief when he would talk about how shit Brock was for being a part-timer?

He's so much worse than Brock ever was.

12-09-2023, 06:29 PM
Is he?

They're even on the "having the exact same match whenever they do bother to wrestle" thing (aside from the occasional 3 or 4 man match, but given Brock would spend most of those lying down during his worst part-timing run I'm not sure they're much of a boon).
The Bloodline stuff is actually very good (or has been, with some spots of wheel spinning) where Brock would turn up, Heyman would do his one Brock promo because there was usually no story (or it was just more fucking Reigns matches).
Reigns has helped get some people more over even if he/WWE haven't put them over. No bugger got over out of Brock no-selling their character/story and then beating them in 10. Exception being Rollins I guess but then he also actually lost to Rollins and had matches outwith his usual smaller dude template.
In Brock's favour is that when he was about he was at least defending his title whereas while some of the Reigns non-title matches have been great it sucked having no world title matches on so many PPVs.
Also in Brock's favour is that other than that one year where WWE was having him bury all their guys with potential to be contenders so that they could pretend it was exciting when Roman kicked out of 371 F5s he never had the belt for this mad a stretch of time.

Depending how highly you value the Bloodline stuff and his part in that I think they're at worst about the same, and even then it's WWE who're the actual problem. They can't control how often these guys work if they have the sway to get big money AND a part-time thing but WWE can not keep the belts on them.

12-09-2023, 06:31 PM
Although to that last point: Cena and the like have got flack before for not putting over people he could have and it looks worse because with e.g. the Nexus he's actively "That doesn't work for me, brother"-ed it but that doesn't stop either Bork or Reigns going "Erm actually is this a bit much now?"

12-09-2023, 06:34 PM
I think Reigns is great, it's just a shame their top title is stuck on him. I think the later Bloodline stuff would have succeeded without a belt, and really we're only here now moaning about it because the storyline has gone sideways in recent months and Cody hasn't come out of the Brock stuff with any more momentum.

Clearly the Bloodline end game was planned well in advance and Cody tearing his pec presented them with an unknown. Sometimes you've got to forgo your stubbornness and roll with it. There seemed to be so many possibilities for the Bloodline had Reigns lost the title, and ultimately we wouldn't be bemoaning Reigns' part time status were he not holding the top title to ransom.

12-09-2023, 07:34 PM
Part time Brock was the best thing ever. People were seething all over the place and it was more entertaining than the product’s been in decades.

12-09-2023, 07:45 PM
If you think the IWC being cross is entertaining you're gonna shit your pants when you try TV or a video game.

Gray Fox
12-09-2023, 07:59 PM
Yeah, I hear that new Starfield game is a load of shit.

12-09-2023, 08:08 PM
To be fair a Bethesda game might be worse than the IWC moaning.

13-09-2023, 09:05 AM
Becky Lynch defo heard about Nia Jax coming back and fucked off to NXT.

13-09-2023, 09:10 AM
Surprised she won the title so at least it will be an extended run for her in NXT. Is it worth watching again? AEW has been pants since All In and I've been busy since anyway so I might willingly extend my forced hiatus, WWE's good bits (LA Knight) can just be caught on YouTube and I've completely lost interest in New Japan.

I haven't bothered with it week-to-week since Joe had the title I don't think, but the internet geeks are all over it again recently.

Sir Andy Mahowry
13-09-2023, 10:20 AM
I've recently gotten back into it (after the last PPV) and it's good but not a patch on the black and gold era.

Miles better than early 2.0 though.

They've got some great talent and they're utilizing them well.

Booker T on commentary is a real shitter though.

13-09-2023, 09:55 PM
As expected, there wasn’t 82k at the Wembley show. Around 10k less than that who went through the turnstiles

14-09-2023, 06:38 AM
Can't wait to see how Meltzer explains this one away for his friends, considering he breaks his back to use turnstile counts to correct WWE's bullshitting.

14-09-2023, 08:41 AM
Think of Will Ospreay who got a tattoo of the attendance.

14-09-2023, 09:25 AM
Looks like Jade Cargill is going to WWE. Pretty useless in the ring but my God she looks amazing, she could get over big if they hide her limitations well.

14-09-2023, 09:31 AM

14-09-2023, 06:02 PM
Let's see how long it takes for Nia Jax to break her.

Gray Fox
14-09-2023, 06:34 PM
At this point Nia Jax has to either be cosied up to someone in the right place or she's some 55th cousin of the Rock or Roman Reigns.

She offers nothing. She's too big to work a match with where she isn't(literally) squashing. She's a shit promo as well if memory serves.

It's annoying as Rhea deserves better, but I expect the crowd will turn nasty over this one.

Sir Andy Mahowry
14-09-2023, 06:54 PM
She's actually the second cousin of The Rock.

Gray Fox
14-09-2023, 06:55 PM
She's actually the second cousin of The Rock.

Fuck off is she. :D

Sir Andy Mahowry
14-09-2023, 07:02 PM

"Being part of the legendary Anoa’i wrestling family, whose tree includes her cousins Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and the late "High Chief" Peter Maivia, to name a few,"

14-09-2023, 07:14 PM
Is Tamina still getting a paycheck?

14-09-2023, 09:12 PM
Fuck off is she. :D

Did you know the Hardy Boyz are apparently related?

14-09-2023, 09:32 PM
Looks like Jade Cargill is going to WWE. Pretty useless in the ring but my God she looks amazing, she could get over big if they hide her limitations well.
Where’s this come from? She came back on Collision.

15-09-2023, 06:05 AM
PWInsider and Sean Ross Sapp. Apparently her contract is up at the end of the month and she has no intention of re-signing.

The return could just be to do a clean job on the way out.

Gray Fox
15-09-2023, 06:24 AM
Did you know the Hardy Boyz are apparently related?

I dont know how but the Nia one slipped by me. The WWE can be too predictable at times.

15-09-2023, 08:48 AM
Yeah, me either. Honestly thought she was a random fatty from Australia.

15-09-2023, 09:00 AM
Yeah she's in for family reasons. Tamina, she's the one who knows where the bodies are buried. Possibly literally.

Sir Andy Mahowry
15-09-2023, 03:33 PM
Roman not wrestling until November in Saudi apparently...

16-09-2023, 12:24 AM
Didn’t expect to see The Rock randomly appear on Smackdown whilst scrolling through Twitter :lol:

16-09-2023, 12:31 AM
I have no idea if he just showed up for tonight since him and Pat MacAfee were in the same area or if he’s really going to be fighting Reigns.

Poor Cody if so.

16-09-2023, 12:36 AM
I just clocked we have Balor/Styles and Knight/Miz tonight as well as Asuka/Bayley. Add John Cena being on the card as well as The Rock appearing, the new folk in charge obviously want to start with a bang

16-09-2023, 12:56 AM
Bless you putting Knight / Miz in there.

Also.i.wonder if since his last attempt the Rock has come up.with a good promo. Given his more recent films suggest he's lost any sense of humour about himself I'm gonna say no.

Still, the pop will be great. Not as good as I'd they hadn't FUCKING ANNOUNCED IT but what do I know.

16-09-2023, 01:32 AM
Tbf I don’t think they did announce it. Just that SRS bloke put out a tweet but WWE didn’t put anything out as far as I can see.

Miz/Knight was decent but I think all the matches are being rushed due to the opening segment going on forever. Honestly thought Smackdown was 3 hours long. Teasing Knight/Solo is interesting

16-09-2023, 09:04 AM
Tbf I don’t think they did announce it. Just that SRS bloke put out a tweet but WWE didn’t put anything out as far as I can see.

Ah, fair enough.

Well as expected the Rock offered nothing beyond the initial pop and a few cheap ones after. And as you say that opening thing took so fucking long and frankly it's just bizarre to have the Rock around and not even a proper tease of some Bloodline crossover.

I hope that's Knight done with the Miz but I've no idea what I'd do with him next. I'm not sure the match he'd have with Solo would be much cop and also don't really want either of them losing that. I guess it'd give him something fairly meaty to get his teeth into though.

Still not really feeling the Jimmy stuff.

16-09-2023, 09:19 AM
Yeah, Jimmy is a weirdo and a bit shit. Jey is fine on his own but Jimmy is utterly dreadful. I really hope they don’t have a match as it’ll be dreadful. They both have the same moveset which consists of super kicks, horrible punches, Samoan drop and a splash.

16-09-2023, 09:24 AM
Yeah and especially given they'd probably try and give it the HHH EPIC treatment and twice the time it needs. I mean if they really want to give Jey a shot at a solo run a match with Jimmy would be the time for him to actually expand his moveset because we really don't need Taker vs Taker but for little Polynesians.

18-09-2023, 12:54 PM


18-09-2023, 12:58 PM
He’s fat as fuck.

18-09-2023, 01:14 PM
He had the ace debut when he threw the guy half a mile in the air, that seems to be where he peaked and it's all gone straight off a cliff since.

18-09-2023, 01:38 PM
COVID fucked him and he's like working with a mattress these days.

Sir Andy Mahowry
18-09-2023, 02:53 PM
Getting called up to RAW (and then cut) seems to have ruined him.

18-09-2023, 03:37 PM
Getting called up to Raw and then being called fucking Bearcat and stuck in a leotard because Vince is a demented old halfwit is what ruined him in WWE.

Sir Andy Mahowry
18-09-2023, 03:40 PM
He never recovered from it though.

19-09-2023, 07:17 AM
Chad Gable losing clean to Bronson Reed. Shambles.

Sir Andy Mahowry
19-09-2023, 07:41 PM
Rumours are that WWE have made an offer to Ronaldo to appear/fight at the next Saudi show :lol:

19-09-2023, 08:21 PM
Can’t wait to hear Cole fumble his way through a scripted hype of world renowned soccer superstar.

Sir Andy Mahowry
19-09-2023, 08:22 PM
He'll also have to claim Al-Nassr are one of the best "soccer" clubs in the world.

19-09-2023, 08:39 PM
Less of the Cole slander. He’s been great ever since Vince fucked off.

20-09-2023, 12:34 PM
Noam Dar turned into Damian Priest/Razor Ramon last night :D



20-09-2023, 12:40 PM
A Cuban Neo. What a bizarre gimmick.

20-09-2023, 12:50 PM
He's just havana laugh.

The network app is updated on PS5 and my word it's an absolute shitshow. It was ropey before but at least you could do basic things like find what you want without having to search by name/title and hope it's one of the first search results out of 100s, now if it's not on the main splash page you're not seeing it. I'll just pirate the midsouth stuff instead now

Sir Andy Mahowry
20-09-2023, 02:01 PM
Noam Dar turned into Damian Priest/Razor Ramon last night :D




20-09-2023, 07:47 PM
For a belting wrestler HBK is a weird booker sometimes.

20-09-2023, 07:52 PM
Noah Dar is a proper belter to put it lightly so I’m assuming he’s the one behind it (if you’re referring to him, if not carry on)

21-09-2023, 12:03 PM
Some properly stupid shit from AEW last night.

Moxley gets concussed. Match carries on. Fenix hits a piledriver on Moxley. Moxley is supposed to kick out but doesn't because he's away with the fairies. Idiot bald ref Knox stops the count anyway. So Fenix picks Moxley back up and gives him ANOTHER PILEDRIVER. Knox counts three this time, killing the moment.

- Ref breaks kayfabe.
- Potential big pop for title change deflated.
- Moxley takes two piledrivers post concussion.
- Meltzer reports the concussion as "light" despite Moxley being less aware of where he was than Brock at WM19.

Referee needs firing. Negligent at best.

21-09-2023, 12:33 PM


21-09-2023, 12:45 PM
Fenix needs fucking reprimanding for going along with it and hitting a fucking second Emerald Flowsion piledriver on a concussed guy. Insane.

21-09-2023, 01:05 PM
Yeah that beggars belief that they did a second one.

21-09-2023, 03:31 PM
Mustafa Ali been released. He’ll be on AEW throwing digs at WWE every other week no doubt

21-09-2023, 03:32 PM
Elias is walking too

21-09-2023, 04:17 PM
And Ziggler. Offfft. Now he will definitely be crying about WWE if he signs for AEW

21-09-2023, 04:21 PM
Mustafa Ali is super talented and shouldn't go near AEW at this stage because he'll just get lost in the mix.

Ziggler should have left of his own accord years ago.

Sir Andy Mahowry
21-09-2023, 05:29 PM
The release I'm most surprised about is Riddick Moss. I feel they could have made him really big.

Ali too obviously but it was clear he wasn't happy and wanted to leave for a while. Super talented though.

Thank fuck Hit Row is dead now though, it was great with Swerve but it was horrendous without him.

21-09-2023, 05:54 PM
Are the other Hit Row people being kept or is he just part of the first wave of releases? Shelton Benjamin's great but I had no idea he was nearly 50, could see him training people up

Sir Andy Mahowry
21-09-2023, 06:19 PM

I think Ashante Adonis could be special but B-Fab offers nothing really. I suppose they could make her his manager.

Sir Andy Mahowry
21-09-2023, 09:29 PM
Mace and Mansoor cut now and some random woman from NXT.

Surprised they cut Mansoor as a Saudi show is around the corner.

Edit: Dana Brooke finally gone too!

Edit: Babatunde too :( My Polish giant thrown away.

21-09-2023, 09:39 PM
I have no idea who the majority of these people getting released are. Based on that, the correct decisions are being made. Had a lol at Emma tweeting about WWE being announced for Australia being a dream come true for her to be released 10 mins later lol

Gray Fox
23-09-2023, 06:39 AM
Stoner Bro and his lack of shoes also sent packing.

23-09-2023, 06:41 AM
UFC and Riddle never got on. Guess we know who the real boss is now.

No loss in my opinion. Guy looks ridiculous with his Y-fronts and no pads/shoes.

23-09-2023, 08:28 AM
In NXT he was bad gimmick (or just him being a dumbass) but great when he was just in the ring for 15 minutes with somebody else who could go. WWE main roster writers just buried him ("What's this guys gimmick?" "Well I've heard he smokes and wears flip flops" "Done! Lunch?") and barely let him do proper matches so no huge surprise. Obviously while nothing was proved yet (did he pay the woman/women off in the end? Or did the story just conveniently go away?) he was a bit iffy on that front too.

What a shame that probably his best WWE match was against Velveteen Dream.

24-09-2023, 11:02 AM
I understand the Seth Rollins gimmick is 'wear clothes that are embarrassing even for a wrestler' but those orthopaedic spats he had on Raw were something else.

26-09-2023, 07:16 AM
They better not be breaking up Imperium.

26-09-2023, 07:49 AM
They seem to have been teasing that on and off for ages so I'm a little worried they'll do it sooner or later.

26-09-2023, 07:50 AM
Raw looked pretty good last night. Aside from maybe the same start and ending every week lol. Just turn Owens heel already.

26-09-2023, 08:16 AM
They better not be breaking up Imperium.

I wouldn't be too heartbroken. Yes they're good but Vinci and Kaiser are just jobbers in their current role. It would be nice to see them get some wins and a little push and in WWE world that means not being seconds for a top star.

Sir Andy Mahowry
26-09-2023, 08:47 AM
Yeah right now they're just there to take pins that WALTER can't take.

26-09-2023, 08:50 AM
Could see them getting behind Kaiser as he's got a proper snooty foreigner thing going one, Vinci's just the Gymini's little cousin who stands about with an impeccable beard and not much else.

26-09-2023, 03:58 PM
Raw looked pretty good last night. Aside from maybe the same start and ending every week lol. Just turn Owens heel already.

Dunno if you've watched much/any of it yet but it was a fun show.

Almost everything on it served a purpose which always helps but a bunch of solid matches and after it felt like the last PPV barely had any build they are at least moving stuff along here. Main event was predictable but entertaining, I really liked Drew/Kofi too and that was also the first I've seen of Dragon Lee but he's a smooth fucking smooth worker isn't he? Unless last night was an outlier but him and Dom had a good match and Lee looks great.

26-09-2023, 03:59 PM
Just caught up on the GRAND SLAMS. lol at Mox.

Was he meant to retain?

Sir Andy Mahowry
26-09-2023, 04:17 PM
Dunno if you've watched much/any of it yet but it was a fun show.

Almost everything on it served a purpose which always helps but a bunch of solid matches and after it felt like the last PPV barely had any build they are at least moving stuff along here. Main event was predictable but entertaining, I really liked Drew/Kofi too and that was also the first I've seen of Dragon Lee but he's a smooth fucking smooth worker isn't he? Unless last night was an outlier but him and Dom had a good match and Lee looks great.

Dragon Lee has great. One of the real bright spots of current NXT.

26-09-2023, 04:42 PM
Just caught up on the GRAND SLAMS. lol at Mox.

Was he meant to retain?

You’d have to think so. Bloke needs to take the opportunity to have six months off.

26-09-2023, 04:56 PM
Last time he tried that he had to cover for CM Punk and cut his ITS STILL REAL TO ME DAMMIT promo :yawn:

26-09-2023, 05:10 PM
Jade Cargill has signed for WWE.

Keep her away from Nia.

27-09-2023, 09:51 PM
Starks vs Danielson was good, although I see the latter has been taking tips from Moxley about blading in plain sight IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING.

The crowd spot was fun.

I’ve zero hype for Wrestle dream, but it’s an AEW PPV so I know it’ll be an absolute banger. :cool:

28-09-2023, 06:07 AM
I love Starks and Danielson but I thought it was pretty lame. Modern hardcore matches are crap and as you mention, the obvious blade was bad. I feel like my return to Collision will be a short lived one. So far for this week they're advertising Andrade vs. Juice, which would be good usually, but a week after Andrade vs. White (the stable leader), it's obvious they're building feuds back to front again and the blowoff will be some shit multi-man match so why should I care? The other advertised match is Best Friends and fuck that.

The card for Dynamite last night looks horrendous. Two multi-man matches that are so random you'd think Tony booked it on Total Extreme Wrestling just to get a high score. And Jarrett doesn't need to be in singles title matches in 2023.

28-09-2023, 06:16 AM
On the plus side, they're pushing Julia Hart.

28-09-2023, 09:02 AM
Starks will join WWE soon enough.

28-09-2023, 09:18 AM
Starks is fucking money. I was a bit wary when they switched him heel because he was a really good underdog babyface but man he's really hit it out of the park since the turn, even if his booking is sketchy. No wonder he was grateful to Punk because that eight weeks or so on Collision was his most consistent booking ever.

Sir Andy Mahowry
29-09-2023, 10:23 AM

I did think it was strange that Ali was named number 1 contender for the NXT NA title and then was fired.

30-09-2023, 09:23 AM
That pop for Knight on Smackdown. :cool:

The crowd were right into that whole last bit. Not a bad episode. I thought Mysterio / Escobar took some time to get going and was leading to a turn from Escobar. Good match in the end though.

Gray Fox
30-09-2023, 09:56 AM
I like to see a wrestler still being over despite creative/booking fumbling the bag with them. Crowbarring him into the bloodline business also speaks to being seen at a good level backstage as well.

30-09-2023, 08:01 PM
The worry is they see his overness as a means to help the Bloodline stuff spin its wheels until Reigns bothers his arse to turn up and his popularity is a means to an end.

I've still no idea what the endgame.of the Jimmy stuff is but I like the idea that in Romans absence he's swaying Solo to go along with him.

Gray Fox
30-09-2023, 08:03 PM
I'm sure it'll be Jey secretly sent Jimmy back to get Solo on side ALL ALONG.

Essentially the wheels need to keep spinning until Mania season, so I expect you're right on Los Angeles Knight.

01-10-2023, 09:44 AM
Tiffany Stratton my goat

01-10-2023, 09:58 AM
Good match? Dunno if I'll bother with much else on the show but I'm gonna watch that and the Hayes/Dragunov match based on the reviews.

01-10-2023, 10:08 AM
I'm guessing the gangbanger tag team walking out on their low riders is meant to convey some kind of image but with the other fella behind them it looked like a stepdad teaching kids how to ride a bike.

01-10-2023, 10:14 AM
Also I know if Jezza is in NXT he has to get some wins but baby face Corbin beating Breakkkker is weird.

01-10-2023, 11:08 AM
Wasn’t a clean win to be fair.

Stratton match was v good. She just gets it. Also, BLOOD.

01-10-2023, 04:02 PM
Rhea Ripley vs. Tiffany Stratton :drool:

01-10-2023, 05:09 PM
Stratton / Lynch and Hayes / Dragunov were both pretty good. I also watched the Heritage Cup match and while I'm not a massive fan of that format it's not a bad way to mix up a show a little and I think they did use the rounds quite well in this case.

01-10-2023, 05:25 PM
You'll be shocked to learn that I like the rounds format. "Butch" is great despite the awful booking so I thought it was good.

Nice to see Dragunov get finally get the big win. Proper wrestler.

Have they completely soured on Breakker? Booking has been odd since dropping the title.

Are they moving up Dragon Lee now? That would be good, he's far better at the flippy shit than any of the AEW goons.

Gray Fox
02-10-2023, 06:27 AM
Not bringing Adam out as Sexton Hardcastle. Tut tut. Massive opportunity missed.

02-10-2023, 07:29 AM
Cliff would be a good name.

02-10-2023, 08:03 AM
Adam Cage. Then he can pretend to be Christian's dad.

02-10-2023, 08:28 AM
Edge going to AEW at this point is just a bit weird. Hang it up, mate.


02-10-2023, 08:31 AM
I don't want to see him against Christian, make them a polo neck evil tag team mocking everyone's dead parents and fuck the dinosaur off.

02-10-2023, 08:33 AM
You probably have to go back 15 years for the last time they tagged.

Gray Fox
02-10-2023, 11:00 AM
By the sounds of it, he had a couple more things he wanted to do before he left WWE but they didn't see eye to eye on it. I suppose this is essentially his farewell tour, which I'm sure he'll go through a full programme with Christian on.

02-10-2023, 11:17 AM
Christian is the best heel in the business from the stuff I’ve seen. I hole Edge doesn’t bring him down to his level

02-10-2023, 11:36 AM
I've never been a huge Edge fan but Christian is awesome so I'm rather looking forward to Edge vs. Christian at Full Gear (presumably), especially as it'll take some of the attention off the Bucks winning the tag titles in a match nobody wants to see again.

They need to strap a rocket to Takeshita as well and stop putting him in shit six-man tags.

02-10-2023, 02:04 PM
u ok Ben? Or did you not see Nick Jackson’s botch at the end of the awesome 8 man tag match? Not like you to pass the opportunity to shit on the Young Bucks. :flirt:

02-10-2023, 02:52 PM
They do it all the time. It's not news anymore.

Unless they're coming out with Omega, the crowd just doesn't give a shit about them these days.

02-10-2023, 03:24 PM
Darby Allin’s back has to be an absolute mess. Wheelchair by 40.

02-10-2023, 10:30 PM
Apparently a title match that was supposed to be at the PPV has been changed to tonight’s main event. If it’s JD v KO/Zayn on RAW again :D

03-10-2023, 06:08 AM
It was Gunther vs. Ciampa and they went for 23 minutes. Normally I'd seek it out but apparently the commercial breaks were especially bad in this one, Gargano returned, and astonishingly the crowd didn't care for any of it.

03-10-2023, 07:46 AM
I'll still watch it but the way they do that with ad breaks in big TV matches can be very galling.

03-10-2023, 08:05 AM
Especially when you hear the wrestlers/ref acknowledge it like I’ve heard on AEW a few times. Along the lines of ‘stay out, it’s still break.

03-10-2023, 08:57 AM
Aubrey Edwards is horrendous for that.

Baz, what did you, noted Bryan Danielson enthusiast, think of his match with ZSJ?

03-10-2023, 09:04 AM
Baz, what did you, noted Bryan Danielson enthusiast, think of his match with ZSJ?

Excellent. Minimal flexing/posing, technical masterclass. Even Mox on comms was alright, except for the swearing.

03-10-2023, 09:14 AM
Especially when you hear the wrestlers/ref acknowledge it like I’ve heard on AEW a few times. Along the lines of ‘stay out, it’s still break.

Seeing Raw live, which I'd never do again, made this especially painful when you're sitting there and realise you're waiting for ads to finish on the TV broadcast and that's why some lads been in a headlock taking a breather for 5 minutes.

03-10-2023, 09:20 AM
Sorry to pivot back to Punk again but he comes to mind immediately on this, but watching Collision via the FITE feed (ie. no ad breaks and commentary continuing) made me appreciate Punk a lot in his ability to keep the crowd engaged through an ad break. He'd give that portion of the match its own little story and by the time Riccaboni/Kelly said "and we're back on Collision" to the live TV viewer, he'd have the match back to where it needed to be and the live TV viewer would have had no clue what just went on but the live crowd were kept hot. It just shows the laziness of the system (WWE) or the inexperience/lack of creativity of the wrestlers (AEW) when ad breaks are filled with prolonged boring heel heat segments.

03-10-2023, 09:24 AM
The WWE thing where the ad break serves to completely reverse the momentum is infuriating as well.

03-10-2023, 09:29 AM
When I went to Raw in 2015 they didn't have any ad breaks that went across matches - or at least I didn't notice any.

03-10-2023, 09:33 AM
That mentality just shows the actual wrestling match is usually the least important thing on the show to them. Everyone pops for a promo or a fucking entrance and then the match starts and it's two minutes to the break and you never actually get to see the start of a comeback (unless it's the final one) because they do it during an ad break. So whatever enthusiasm you had to see a fucking wrestling match on a wrestling show is immediately sapped because it's never allowed to build any heat. And then you have the WWE style of match that is engrained into everyone so when the time calls for two guys to have a long uninterrupted match on PPV, the match is usually flat because they simply don't know how to get heat.

Vince Russo was right (broken clock and all that) about all TV matches needing to be less than five minutes. In this era of the ad breaks all being during the matches, they might as well get in and out of there before they go to commercials.

03-10-2023, 09:38 AM
It was Gunther vs. Ciampa and they went for 23 minutes. Normally I'd seek it out but apparently the commercial breaks were especially bad in this one, Gargano returned, and astonishingly the crowd didn't care for any of it.

They were chanting ‘DIY’ to be fair. Which is surprising as it’s not like they’ve been introduced together on the main roster

03-10-2023, 09:41 AM
I meant more for the actual match. Was just a shit crowd I think, compared to the hot ones we've been accustomed to for the last six months.

03-10-2023, 09:41 AM
When I went to Raw in 2015 they didn't have any ad breaks that went across matches - or at least I didn't notice any.

Mine ended with a 5 man match with the Raw Survivor Series team fighting each other. It didn't stop for ads but it did feature people very obviously getting into place for the next spot while they were "off camera." The highlight being Rollins punching Strowman once while he was stood by a table then running off to attack somebody else and Strowman very gingerly climbing onto the table to lie down.

03-10-2023, 09:42 AM
Mine ended with a 5 man match with the Raw Survivor Series team fighting each other. It didn't stop for ads but it did feature people very obviously getting into place for the next spot while they were "off camera." The highlight being Rollins punching Strowman once while he was stood by a table then running off to attack somebody else and Strowman very gingerly climbing onto the table to lie down.

Boy, you'd love AEW Dynamite.

03-10-2023, 11:47 AM
That’s the second CM Punk reference recently involving Rollins. He mentioned he’s the ‘best in the world’ the other week and now Cole made references to an ROH ‘pipe bomb’ back in the day.

Maybe wishful thinking.

03-10-2023, 11:57 AM
I think it's happening. Rollins made the comment about Punk being toxic that had to be a work. Then Punk made a comment on his CFC commentary the other week that he's got "a couple of months free" as his 90 day non-compete is basically up just before Survivor Series.

There's too much money at stake not to make it happen and now UFC own the thing, personal feelings can get to fuck.

03-10-2023, 12:01 PM
I don’t really want to see him wrestle but I’d look forward to the reactions and what he has to say. Doubt he’ll be filtered all that much otherwise why would he come back.

And ‘Mon the chaos

Sir Andy Mahowry
03-10-2023, 12:07 PM
I think it's happening. Rollins made the comment about Punk being toxic that had to be a work. Then Punk made a comment on his CFC commentary the other week that he's got "a couple of months free" as his 90 day non-compete is basically up just before Survivor Series.

There's too much money at stake not to make it happen and now UFC own the thing, personal feelings can get to fuck.

Is his relationship with UFC alright? He was shit when he fought for them.

The only other fighter who was worse than him was James Toney.

03-10-2023, 12:27 PM
That’s the second CM Punk reference recently involving Rollins. He mentioned he’s the ‘best in the world’ the other week and now Cole made references to an ROH ‘pipe bomb’ back in the day.

Maybe wishful thinking.

Wishful thinking? He's shit.

03-10-2023, 12:41 PM
I’d take a CM Punk swap for fucking Edge any day of the week.

03-10-2023, 12:43 PM
Is his relationship with UFC alright? He was shit when he fought for them.

The only other fighter who was worse than him was James Toney.I’d say Punk was worse. Toney fought Randy Couture ffs he had no chance, whereas Phil Brooks fought bums in comparison.

Sir Andy Mahowry
03-10-2023, 02:26 PM
I’d say Punk was worse. Toney fought Randy Couture ffs he had no chance, whereas Phil Brooks fought bums in comparison.

That is true. Toney was completely set up with that, Couture was never going to give him a chance.

03-10-2023, 02:40 PM
Despite the ad interrupts in the first half of it Gunther / Ciampa was lots of fun and they did at least leave most of the second half of it ad-free. And while the Gargano return clearly didn't get the pop they were hoping for (unsurprisingly) they did at least get some cheers and DIY chants (after Raw had gone off the air) so it wasn't too awkward.

Enjoyed Rhea being more overtly leader of JD and I'm enjoying McIntyre's fairly reasonable heel turn. Or shift into a tweener role, whatever they're doing. I like when wrestlers actually remember stuff before the previous fortnight in their promos and McIntyre pointing out nobody "did the right thing" when he was getting ganged up on by the Bloodline was good and made sense. There's clearly also a Cody match coming for him somewhere.

03-10-2023, 02:46 PM
Toney wasn't that bad. Fella was a good boxer in his day and was absolutely crucified by UFC.

There was also that guy who got signed because he beat Kimbo Slice in a street fight and then he got embarrassed pretty sharp.

Yoji Anjo is a famous bust in that he managed to get booked into quite a few fights by UFC despite not having much ability and got soundly schooled every time. And before all that he was a wrestler for Takada's UWFi (worked shoot style matches, which was HUGE at the time) and tried to do an angle off his own back by rocking up to Rickson Gracie's gym with a camera crew, expecting Gracie to back out of an impromptu fight, then he could take the footage back to Japan and become a megastar. Unfortunately for poor Anjo, Gracie accepted the challenge and beat the shit out of him which completely torpedoed the UWFi promotion because they'd lost their shoot fight credibility. In hindsight, the guy must have had massive balls to go into shoots for real after that.

Tony Halme (Ludvig Borga) got messed up a few times before descending into far-right lunacy and shooting himself in the head.

In fact, early UFC tournaments were full of lunatics who had no clue and are absolutely essential viewing just for the intrigue. There was a dude who tried fighting with one boxing glove.

Sir Andy Mahowry
03-10-2023, 02:56 PM
Toney wasn't that bad. Fella was a good boxer in his day and was absolutely crucified by UFC.

There was also that guy who got signed because he beat Kimbo Slice in a street fight and then he got embarrassed pretty sharp.

Yoji Anjo is a famous bust in that he managed to get booked into quite a few fights by UFC despite not having much ability and got soundly schooled every time. And before all that he was a wrestler for Takada's UWFi (worked shoot style matches, which was HUGE at the time) and tried to do an angle off his own back by rocking up to Rickson Gracie's gym with a camera crew, expecting Gracie to back out of an impromptu fight, then he could take the footage back to Japan and become a megastar. Unfortunately for poor Anjo, Gracie accepted the challenge and beat the shit out of him which completely torpedoed the UWFi promotion because they'd lost their shoot fight credibility. In hindsight, the guy must have had massive balls to go into shoots for real after that.

Tony Halme (Ludvig Borga) got messed up a few times before descending into far-right lunacy and shooting himself in the head.

In fact, early UFC tournaments were full of lunatics who had no clue and are absolutely essential viewing just for the intrigue. There was a dude who tried fighting with one boxing glove.

Early UFC tournaments were wild.

A 600 pound sumo v a 200 pound kickboxer.

Repeated punches to the dick in one fight.

I also think one of the early fighters went to prison for rape and/or murder.

Edit: For gang rape and then he murdered his cellmate. He was also the one that took all the cock punches.

03-10-2023, 03:42 PM
Joe Son. He was the parody Oddjob in Austin Powers. :D

Sir Andy Mahowry
03-10-2023, 04:06 PM
I didn't know that, incredible.

Gray Fox
03-10-2023, 04:14 PM
Phil Brooks got beat so bad that Dana cut the guy who beat him for not finishing the fight and toying with him.

As is with his WWE/AEW work, his promos and such are top notch, but inside the ring, something to be desired.

03-10-2023, 06:18 PM
Just watched the last bit of WrestleDream and thought to myself, if Nick Wayne doesn't make it, at least he can say he was there in the ring when Edge came to confront Christian after all those years. But then I realised the guy was five years old when Edge initially retired, so he was probably stood there like "who the fuck is this?"

04-10-2023, 06:32 AM
Huh, they've put the NA title straight back on Dominik. Obviously going to be a transition to Dragon Lee then. I hoped they'd just continue the feud on the main roster to be honest, they don't need a title.

Also, Dynamite is on Tuesday next week for some reason, head-to-head against NXT. So WWE are putting Cena, Rhodes and Heyman on the show lol.

04-10-2023, 12:52 PM
Just watched the end of Wrestledream. Would have been better if it wasn’t so dragged out after the final bell, but always entertaining to see a wrestler I know join the gang. Better than another Japanese jobber, for sure.

05-10-2023, 02:26 PM
Fastlane looks stacked! 5 matches if I’m not wrong. 3 tag matches, Rollins v Nakumura and a triple threat for woman’s title.

05-10-2023, 02:35 PM
They're so hot that they think they can put any old shit out. Jade Cargill is slated to be on the show however, so I'm in.

05-10-2023, 03:12 PM
I don’t mind less matches as means they have a chance to put on a decent show rather than being rushed but they could do with another one. Give me PPV Gunther.

Reckon Carlito debuts and joins LWO

05-10-2023, 03:14 PM
John Cena and LA Knight is like the superteam of superteams. Hogan and Savage of this generation. :cool:

I think that match will be cool and I expect the tag title match to be excellent if they can tone Jey down on the superkicks (but what else has he got?).

05-10-2023, 03:43 PM
Agreed. I said it before but the inevitable Jay/Jimmy match will be tragic

05-10-2023, 04:28 PM


05-10-2023, 04:39 PM
Best heel in the biz.

08-10-2023, 12:43 AM
Surely Priest is cashing in tonight otherwise I don’t get the point in dropping the titles.

Suppose they need an excuse for Rhodes going on Smackdown

08-10-2023, 07:11 AM
Top Guys out. :uhoh:

08-10-2023, 09:59 AM
Fastlane was pretty poo. The site I use buggered the link for the video with the main event but I hadn't seen it was last man standing so knowing it went 30 minutes I think I've dodged a bullet.

Jey/Cody vs. JD was fine if pretty plodding at the start. The Pizza Hut match I'm not sure why you'd have your budding heel faction lose to a nostalgia pop, womens triple threat was clunky and mostly served to let Charlotte dominate single-handedly and Iyo once again doesn't just get a proper win, Cena/Knight vs Bloodline had its moments but as we've discussed in here at some length the whole thing is spinning its wheels until Reigns bothers his arse to show up on TV.

I know his knee is kayfabe gubbed earlier in the night but that really ought to have been the point they had Priest cash in. I've no idea who they have taking the belt off Rollins but it could do with happening sharpish.

08-10-2023, 10:22 PM

Why they don’t wrestle in smaller venues I do not know. Wembley gotta be the only time they’ve managed to sell more than a couple hundred tickets in the hard camera side in the past few months.

09-10-2023, 05:58 AM
Tony Khan is rubbish at this sort of thing. They've never ran Salt Lake City before and apparently there was little-to-no local advertising (which was also the case in Seattle for WrestleDream). Now, either Tony thinks everyone is an internet fan like him so they'll know the show is on, or they absolutely don't want the casual fan in attendance and would rather have 2,000 marks there than a full house who would demand something more than flips. The chickens have come home to roost on his touring schedule; he got away with running the same five cities constantly through their hot period and now he's tired them out he's going off to these other cities that they've never ran before and refuse to promote in advance. It's no surprise there's no cunt there. And also booking 12,000-20,000 arenas when your draw is clearly in the single figures thousands range is just naïve and looks horrendous on TV.

Sir Andy Mahowry
09-10-2023, 06:53 PM
Dragon Lee has officially been added to the Smackdown roster.

Should be a really good addition.

Hopefully they don't add him to the LWO though.

Gray Fox
09-10-2023, 07:01 PM
Sounds like the CM Punk to WWE return is pretty much done and the earliest event he could appear at is Survivor Series and of course, it's pretty much in Chicago.

10-10-2023, 09:44 AM
Haven’t seen it yet but apparently Raw was shit hot last night.

Lol at AEW and WWE pulling out all the stops to smash each other in the ratings tonight. I assume NXT will win over though

10-10-2023, 03:10 PM
Walter vs. Reed should be fun.

Show sounds like it had a few decent matches.

10-10-2023, 03:22 PM
Hopefully the match is on PPV rather than TV. I just can't cope with all the ad breaks. A wrestling match needs to get you invested to achieve its point and constant breaks just kill it.

There must have been five or six minutes tops of that Reed match actually on air. But it was a triple threat, so maybe that wasn't a bad thing.

Sir Andy Mahowry
11-10-2023, 09:01 AM
American Badass Taker showing up on NXT? Holy shit.

11-10-2023, 09:12 AM
Seems like NXT won the night.

I've only seen brief highlights of both so far. Dynamite actually looked decent with Jay White beating Page, Hobbs squashing Jericho and Toni Storm continuing to be incredible. But then they went and put the International title straight back on Orange Cassidy because God forbid we go more than two weeks without that guy winning a match on TV, and they wasted Edge's first match on fucking Luchasaurus.

NXT came across as outstanding with all the cameos having a bit of meaning. LA Knight as special guest ref as Dragunov dragged Dominik to a legitimately good match. Breakker went up like fucking Lesnar for that Taker chokeslam and it was awesome.

11-10-2023, 09:17 AM
There's a lot of AEW that I can't stand but Timeless Toni Storm and Christian talking about everybody's family are absolutely massive highlights every week.

11-10-2023, 09:19 AM
What’s this WWE thing at Wembley?

Sir Andy Mahowry
11-10-2023, 09:21 AM
"Sunday Stunner" which is at Wembley Arena.

I think it's one of those BIG house shows which aren't quite PLE's.

11-10-2023, 09:23 AM
Seems like NXT won the night.

I've only seen brief highlights of both so far. Dynamite actually looked decent with Jay White beating Page, Hobbs squashing Jericho and Toni Storm continuing to be incredible. But then they went and put the International title straight back on Orange Cassidy because God forbid we go more than two weeks without that guy winning a match on TV, and they wasted Edge's first match on fucking Luchasaurus.

NXT came across as outstanding with all the cameos having a bit of meaning. LA Knight as special guest ref as Dragunov dragged Dominik to a legitimately good match. Breakker went up like fucking Lesnar for that Taker chokeslam and it was awesome.

960,000 for NXT and 640,000 for AEW is my prediction.

11-10-2023, 09:32 AM
Not watched it yet but it seems AEW have doubled down on the “throw coins at the little Jew boy” gimmick. Interesting timing!

11-10-2023, 09:41 AM
Three months ago MJF was the must-see guy in AEW. Since All In they've leaned far too much into the comedy bollocks with him and I've stopped caring to the point they should just leave the belt on Jay White.

11-10-2023, 08:47 PM
960,000 for NXT and 640,000 for AEW is my prediction.

It was 920,500 for NXT and 608,000 for AEW.

Unlucky, Tony.

Sir Andy Mahowry
11-10-2023, 08:49 PM

This aged well then.

11-10-2023, 09:05 PM
He's such a child. Which is a fairly typical trait for a North American wrasslin promoter I guess.

12-10-2023, 06:06 AM
That's not even the worst bit. Apparently he went off at some kid in his comments (who didn't even @ him) about Cagematch ratings and then chewed out Shawn Michaels for letting Vince and Trips put main roster guys on his show, thereby throwing away any chance he had of winning the Observer Booker of the Year Award. :D

Edit. Here they are:


A fucking billionaire screeching about things so niche that even most wrestling fans don't have a clue about them. Cocaine is a hell of a drug.

12-10-2023, 08:57 AM
This year has had a lot happen but if Dog the bounty hunter wins best booker that'll top it off.

12-10-2023, 03:14 PM
Lol at Vince selling up to Endeavor to get control back for them to give HHH all the creative control and for them to publicly blame Vince for stocks dropping. :D

12-10-2023, 04:04 PM

Oh my :D

12-10-2023, 04:07 PM
See, you could take that as a decent joke at face value if he hadn't been so clearly seething about Tuesday.

Sir Andy Mahowry
12-10-2023, 04:11 PM
I still lol that he actually replied to someone who posted a picture of a flag that said "Tony Khan wanks dogs".

Sir Andy Mahowry
12-10-2023, 04:33 PM
Wargames again for Survivor Series apparently.

No rumours on who will be in the women's one (or if they'll have one) but the rumours are that the men's one will feature Judgement Day.

Gray Fox
12-10-2023, 04:38 PM
No Pepsi Phil either :p

12-10-2023, 04:47 PM
Meltzer has reported that they pulled out of the CM Punk deal so it’s probably 100% nailed on he does actually sign. Guy is a great historian but is wrong so many times “plans change” :D

12-10-2023, 06:09 PM
Wargames again for Survivor Series apparently.

No rumours on who will be in the women's one (or if they'll have one) but the rumours are that the men's one will feature Judgement Day.

Judgement Day vs a collective of babyfaces one assumes. KO, Sami, Cody, Jey? Something like that?

What a shame WarGames is shiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

Sir Andy Mahowry
12-10-2023, 06:14 PM
They should have Mami fight in it too :drool:

12-10-2023, 06:17 PM
If JD are in WarGames she's 100% ending up in the cage at some point even if she's not officially part of their team.

I assume McDonagh either is properly in the group by then or that's being treated as his final audition sort of thing, like Sami and Bloodline last year.

Sir Andy Mahowry
12-10-2023, 06:19 PM
Finally got round to watching No Mercy.

Firstly, that intro video was class.

I felt most matches were a bit of a let-down but Ilja/Carmelo and Stratton/Lynch were brilliant.

Properly lolled too when Bex accidentally launched the barbed wire bat. Also, Stratton has IT.

13-10-2023, 04:38 PM
Smackdown v Collision in November on the lead up to Survivor Series. Twitter is going to be a warzone :drool:

HHH gonna have Reigns v Cody II to bury Tony Khan further

13-10-2023, 09:03 PM
If the story about the Punk to WWE deal being off is true, they 100% have to make it happen now just to see how much more Tony can self-destruct on Twitter. He’s still going now. :lol:

13-10-2023, 09:19 PM
It's embarrassing really, even if 'posting' is pretty tame behaviour for a wrestling promoter this is all a bit Fall of WCW. If only they could find a happy balance between cool guy Tony letting the boys run the show and a promotion where the wrestlers can be creative and have input into the direction it takes.