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05-08-2023, 01:42 PM
I assume wherever it is on the card it'll be 10-12 at breakneck speed.

05-08-2023, 01:46 PM
I just hope we don’t see a Priest cash in. Let the Judgement Day takeover as the big dogs. Title might feel a bit more prestigious on them - it kind of feels like a mid card title with Reigns still carrying about 12 to the ring.

05-08-2023, 04:38 PM
I pretty much agree with Waff’s rundown apart from I think Ronda will lose because as noted by Ian, she’s meant to be leaving.

Dark Soldier
05-08-2023, 04:43 PM
Summerslam is tonight? Fucking get in.

Sir Andy Mahowry
05-08-2023, 04:46 PM
I pretty much agree with Waff’s rundown apart from I think Ronda will lose because as noted by Ian, she’s meant to be leaving.

The one thing that makes me think Ronda might win is because it's MMA RULES. Would she want to put someone else over in that situation? Even if they are a friend and really talented at MMA. Although not as talented as Ronda.

05-08-2023, 06:40 PM
Big rumours Ronda is off to UFC. If so, not a chance she loses tonight.

Sir Andy Mahowry
05-08-2023, 07:14 PM
No chance she'd go back to the UFC.

She's nowhere near good enough to challenge for the title. She'd get minced by anyone with semi-decent stand up.

She's lucky Nunes has retired though

Dark Soldier
06-08-2023, 12:14 AM
Logan is so good at this.

06-08-2023, 08:35 AM
Can’t believe they let Balor lose again.

And don’t get me started on Reigns winning again because someone else turns on Jey. The story is boring as fuck now.

Sir Andy Mahowry
06-08-2023, 08:56 AM
Watching it now.

Logan Paul/Ricochet was so good, perfect way to open it.

That springboard frog splash from Logan was nutty.

06-08-2023, 09:17 AM
I'm gonna put this in a spoiler because it turned out to be a wall.

Paul vs. Ricochet - About we expected. Good fun! I wish Logan Paul wasn't actually good.

Brock vs. Cody - Man this was pretty dull, wasn't it? Spent fucking ages just looping countouts and then the most unimaginative sort of cookie-cutter Lesnar suplex-fex you could want. And that post-match bit really felt odd, Lesnar doesn't do the whole "respect that you beat me", go-get-'em-champ type stuff and it was an odd look. Also how little cardio does Lesnar do these days? At the point when he'd done about 5 suplexes and stood waiting for failed countouts he was absolutely pissing sweat. Thank fuck this feud is over.

The Slim Jim Summer Sausagefest - Battle Royales are, almost without exception, shit. And was very obviously just a means of giving a bunch of dudes a payday (a good thing) and LA Knight a win (a bad thing if it's in lieu of an actual push.) Great pop for Knight winning though.

Rousey vs. Baszler - I didn't feel good about WWE doing an "MMA" match and these things never go well when you do a worked version. And even as somebody who doesn't much care for MMA it just felt incongruous when they would turn their backs on each other for wrestling-style theatrics. Correct result at least. Get a title on Baszler and let her be the NXT Baszler.

Gunther vs. McIntyre - Top stuff. Suffered just a touch because this close to the record I didn't really believe Gunther had much chance of losing but it was a really good match.

Rollins vs. Balor - Good match. I do like the story of Balor's obsession and him working the folder, doing the barricade bomb, etc. I liked that Priest came out but at this point is still overtly helping Balor but the latter is already irrational and paranoid and nearly cost himself because of it. This had just the right sort of overbooked numbers-game closing stretch I think, BUT even as a big fan of Rollins I don't like the result and unfortunately either we're not getting Balor as champ in Judgement Day or it's going to be as a result of another feud which goes on too long.

Asuka vs. Charlotte vs. Belair - Asuka and Belair having to literally stop while the ref did Charlotte's top back up killed the early momentum somewhat but this was a decent triple threat of the sort you've seen in WWE a lot of times. They're not often classics but they're also rarely bad. This is one of the ones where it had some nice spots but they never felt quite in sync with each other and it buggered the flow of it. Didn't help that the crowd didn't really give a shit about any of the near falls. I really bought that knee injury though so if it was purely a work then fair play. Sad for Asuka but Iyo is great too and the crowd always pop for a cash in so that's something at least.

Reigns vs. Jey - I groaned when I saw how long this was. Especially after we'd had so much standing about with Lesnar early, didn't need two matches with that. I skipped through some of the plodding. As for the ending, I didn't really ever think Reigns would lose it all to Jey. And regarding the ending I am genuinely prepared to wait and see what the explanation for Jimmy's heel turn is because I've thought they've fucked this story at least twice now and been wrong but I do not, on gut reaction, like it or splitting the Usos up.

Sir Andy Mahowry
06-08-2023, 10:13 AM
Holy fuck I had low expectations for the MMA RULES match but it was so much worse than I thought it could be.

Fucking horrendous.

lol at the medical team coming in, the punches with fuck all power, the ref telling Ronda to WAIT after she almost "knocked" Shayna out with a knee. So fucking bad.

Gray Fox
06-08-2023, 01:32 PM
Logan v Ricochet - Logan is far better at this than he has a right to be. Perfect heel victory too.

Cody v Brock - Either he's been paid enough not to care or Brock likes Cody. Most of this match was standard Brock fare. You have to work to his schedule these days and it was okay. A few too many times throwing him out of the ring for a rest though. Surprised Brock was up for the Kimura being used on him and the surprising after match hug suggests the feud is over. Given the result later in the night I'm not sure where both men go from here though.

Slim Jim Match - About the best they could do for a 'big' LA Knight win given everyone else was tied up. I'd have him in a programme with Gunther next. Get him to the record and take the title off him.

MMA Rules - Nobody looked good here. I hope that's Ronda done, if not for good at least a while. If you can't use her right, don't do it at all.

Gunther v Drew - Good stuff as expected. Gunther showing his 'prowess' by jumping on a mistake and hitting Drew with everything he had to finish it was good.

Rollins v Balor - Oh boy did they get this ending wrong. The psychology of it makes no sense. Okay sure the stomp onto the briefcase is a nice way to finish the match, but you have then a fresh Damien Priest stood just blank staring at a beaten up Rollins, with Rhea, Dom and Balor all still there and you allow Seth to just slide out of the ring and walk off?
I fear we're going to get Priest v Balor before anyone takes that title off Seth, which is all the wrong way to go about it.

Womens Triple Threat - I do not feel like Bianca is as good a worker as the other two and feel it showed. Decent spots here but no real chemistry. I feel like if you're going to make Asuka the background character to the other two squabbling, you should at least have her win as the other two implode. Though given what came after the match I don't think it matters too much who won.

TRIBAL COMBAT - Oh boy did they get this ending wrong. Way too long but it is what it is with BLOODLINE drama. Got the expected Solo hesitation and loyalty wavering I was expecting to see, but then what the fuck is that. I'm assuming Jimmy is pissed that Jey appears to be after the title, rather than caring about him. Though if he now slots back in beside Roman and Solo you've lost me.
There were rumours after Mania that Roman would hold all the way through to Mania '24 and it's starting to look likely.

Jey was never going to be the one, especially given Trips loves to have the brave hero lose in their first attempt(Cody, Drew, Sami etc) despite the time being right. I hope I'm wrong, but this does feel like when a soap has a who dunnit storyline, but keeps missing good people to pin it on because they want to drag it out, only for them to have it be Bobby Beale.

Sir Andy Mahowry
06-08-2023, 01:36 PM
Really didn't get the ending for the main event.


06-08-2023, 03:39 PM
I’ve not watched the Tribal Combat yet because it’ll be about 50 minutes and I’m burnt out on wrestling today.

My thoughts for Summerslam up to that point:
- LA Knight :cool:
- Riddle looks fucking ridiculous
- Rollins looks fucking ridiculous
- Balor should have won
- Both womens matches were a car crash

Also, Collision was really good again. Proper TV.

06-08-2023, 03:52 PM
I was hoping we’d see Orton one last time. I reckon that might be him fucked now. Been over a year already

Gray Fox
06-08-2023, 04:46 PM
If you believe the Twitter rumours, both he and Big E have been told not to get back in the ring again.

Sir Andy Mahowry
06-08-2023, 05:05 PM
Big E in commentary it seems, which would be the next best thing.

06-08-2023, 06:09 PM
Anyone watched the Cody Rhodes documentary on Peacock, American Nightmare?

I might watch it later. It’s in 4K too, which is hopefully a sign of things to come. :drool:

Sir Andy Mahowry
06-08-2023, 08:04 PM
You're just watching it to see Brandi, aren't you?

06-08-2023, 08:43 PM
Of course. I’m 30 mins in and it’s interesting, but I’m a sucker for any wrestling documentary tbh

07-08-2023, 07:13 PM
Just wasted an hour of my life watching Tribal Combat. Why do they feel the need to make everything in this storyline an epically long match? If they cut out the unnecessary stalling (much of it from the fucking babyface) it would have been about 15 minutes. The best things were the video package and Roman's ability to work a crowd but there was no actual match here. Saw the turn coming a mile off as well when he was obviously dining out in catering while Solo destroyed Jey for 10 minutes. I almost give up before the start as it took nearly 20 minutes to get from Jey's entrance music starting to the fucking bell ringing.

07-08-2023, 07:51 PM
Yeah, every Reigns match ever lasts an hour from the video packages to the ending and 40% of that is just ring entrances and staring.

Reigns will barely even be there the rest of the year. He’s got the easiest job in the world

07-08-2023, 08:55 PM
Anyone watched the Cody Rhodes documentary on Peacock, American Nightmare?

I might watch it later. It’s in 4K too, which is hopefully a sign of things to come. :drool:

Finished this. It was excellent up until he went back to WWE and then it did that thing where they pretend wrestling is real.

What’s the deal with Cody then? This made it seem like he only joined WWE cos he’s been promised “the only belt his dad never won” but now it seems he’s fighting Brock Lesnar for no reason. Will he beat Roman Reigns at WMXL or is he not top boy anymore?

I never really knew him as Stardust and had no affiliation to him prior to AEW, but he seems alright. His AEW career seems pretty funny in hindsight. Hope he comes back one day.

08-08-2023, 07:02 AM
He'll beat Reigns at Mania.


08-08-2023, 07:12 AM
He certainly caught fire on his return like I don't think anybody expected. He was always a solid midcarder in his first run but nothing more, then Vince being Vince turned him into Stardust which would piss off anyone who was in the business for anything other than money. So he left and toured the indies, getting himself a moniker as the "3 star general" because Dave Meltzer would rarely give his matches anything more than that and Cody had attached himself to The Elite who on the other hand Dave would throw 5 stars at for just walking to the ring. No doubt this reputation was what caused him to not catch on in AEW, because all the fans pre-Punk loved the flippy shit and anything else, especially WWE style, sucked in their eyes. He was also allowed to write his own creative by Tony Khan which as we saw, was polarising at best.

Sir Andy Mahowry
08-08-2023, 09:02 AM


Those boots are so fucking stupid but doing a big boot with a BIG BOOT is incredible.

08-08-2023, 09:32 AM
He's meant to be a fucking World Champion. :nono:

That shit belongs in the midcard. Which is where is stupid gimmick belongs tbf.

Sir Andy Mahowry
08-08-2023, 09:38 AM
His shit Joker act is pretty mid-cardy anyway.

08-08-2023, 09:53 AM
Agreed, which is why they should have put the belt on Balor. So much more longevity in the Balor-Priest tension angle if they had a belt involved. Feels like they've skipped a few months by going straight to the "Priest costs Balor the title" thing.

Sir Andy Mahowry
08-08-2023, 11:22 AM
The Miz/LA Knight segment was great.

08-08-2023, 11:43 AM
Also, Collision was really good again. Proper TV.

AEW don’t seem to understand to concept of Special Guest Referee.

08-08-2023, 11:56 AM
He was an enforcer, which is a role as old as time in wrestling so fuck knows why they didn't reference it as such. I agree, I was expecting him to be the referee. But it was fine for the story they wanted to tell with Starks, even though it was a little bit messy. If I'd just shelled out £25 for that on PPV though, I'd expect it to be communicated/executed better.

08-08-2023, 06:39 PM
Miz feud for LA Knight. :drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:

Here comes the big push, lads.

Sir Andy Mahowry
08-08-2023, 06:45 PM
I'm hoping it's just a one and done match which would be good.

A proper feud with Miz and you know where WWE really stand with him.

08-08-2023, 06:48 PM
Ah, but the segments and promos will be good.

08-08-2023, 06:49 PM
Miz feud is a rite of passage at this point. If you're not getting one, they don't trust you

12-08-2023, 07:49 AM
I wonder how long Jey's worked absence lasts. Does Trips just move him to Raw like they did with Rey or will he actually be away for a bit and reappear in the story later? I wouldn't be splitting the Usos long term as I don't think either of them have a lot of mileage as a singles guy outside of the Bloodline stuff.

Sir Andy Mahowry
12-08-2023, 10:37 AM
Bit of a meh Smackdown all told.

I quite enjoyed the Bloodline segment but maybe that's because I haven't watched SD in ages.

12-08-2023, 12:01 PM
Sami Zayn and Jey Uso carried the Bloodline stuff and now Jey is doing it on his own.

12-08-2023, 12:02 PM
Jeff Jarrett vs Jeff Hardy in a Texas Chainsaw Massacre deathmatch. What. :D

Gray Fox
12-08-2023, 05:24 PM
I wonder how long Jey's worked absence lasts. Does Trips just move him to Raw like they did with Rey or will he actually be away for a bit and reappear in the story later? I wouldn't be splitting the Usos long term as I don't think either of them have a lot of mileage as a singles guy outside of the Bloodline stuff.

Rikishi accidently posted on his social last night about being a special enforcer/ref at PAYBACK in September. This does make some sense, but it's become clear they want to drag this bloodline thing out until next Mania now, which sadly is just too long. You're about the right time here to start breaking it all up. However WWE seem to have this modern notion that big things can only happen on the biggest show(s).

But if you do get Roman to Mania, suddenly the Hulksters record is right there and I don't think you're getting another person close to it for a couple decades. They'd surely be tempted.

Sir Andy Mahowry
12-08-2023, 05:33 PM
Also watched NXT today (trying to get back into all the weekly shows) and it felt really rushed with not a huge amount sticking out.

Far too many matches squeezed into the show.

12-08-2023, 05:35 PM
To be fair even in NXT's peak years the week to week television was often so-so. It was the Takeovers that did all the heavy lifting with the occasional actual banger on TV.

12-08-2023, 07:13 PM
I tried NXT for a couple of weeks a little while ago but I couldn’t gut it out. Back in the heyday it was full of genuinely top indie guys who just hadn’t had their break yet but now it’s just WWE Jr.

12-08-2023, 07:23 PM
Dusty’s Kids.

14-08-2023, 08:56 PM

When Punk first returned earlier this summer after his hiatus dating back to the prior year’s All Out media Q&A, Khan stood up backstage in the gorilla position with his headset on and started pumping his fist and chanting “C.M. Punk!” enthusiastically as Punk walked by. The feeling backstage among wrestlers not in a position of power with a big contract is to lay low when it comes to Punk because you don’t want to be on what is essentially his enemies list.

Oh my. :D

15-08-2023, 08:33 AM
This Becky Lynch feud still being dragged on :lol:

15-08-2023, 09:03 AM
Tony Khan seems like a great boss because you can get away with anything you want and he'll just hope that you're still pals.

15-08-2023, 09:19 AM
All you need to do is tolerate his hugs and you're set for life.

15-08-2023, 09:53 AM
Tony Khan seems like a great boss because you can get away with anything you want and he'll just hope that you're still pals.

As long as you were popular when he was booking his efed on a dirtsheet forum. Otherwise you will spend the rest of your career receiving the worlds shittiest booking.

Sir Andy Mahowry
15-08-2023, 10:25 AM
This Becky Lynch feud still being dragged on :lol:

It was such a bad match too.

I guess they don't know what to do with Becky (or Trish) so are just letting this shit fester.

18-08-2023, 12:27 PM
What’s everyone’s thoughts on the ALL IN card?


Gray Fox
18-08-2023, 12:30 PM
Double duty for MJF and Cole?

Also why is he teaming with Cole but also facing him for the title? Are they not doing the best friends thing any more?

18-08-2023, 12:34 PM
Yes they’re still bezzies. MJF opened the original All In, so there’s that angle. Adam Cole suggested it though. Surprised me cos MJF has always shat on ROH.

As well as having the DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE, they’ve now added the KANGAROO KICK to their repertoire.

18-08-2023, 12:36 PM
Does Cole still just have the physique of A Bloke?

Not that I really got the hype about his matches even when he looked like he'd seen the inside of a gym either.

18-08-2023, 12:43 PM
It's a bit 'this'll do' but that's the problem with them having another show a week later. It won't matter though as they'll never get a better and more receptive crowd so as long as they're keeping the really embarrassing stuff away like the Hardys and limiting things like Orange Cassidy it should be good.

I remember one of the outdoor Wrestlemanias having one of the worst buildups I can remember seeing but the actual show itself was ace, this'll be like that at the very least

18-08-2023, 12:57 PM
What’s everyone’s thoughts on the ALL IN card?


Why is there only two singles matches? :sick:

18-08-2023, 01:00 PM
Mania style making sure everyone (but the women) gets paid. And Samoa Joe v Punk is gonna get added.

18-08-2023, 01:06 PM
Why is there only two singles matches? :sick:

Yeah this is a massive turn off for me.

It'll be interesting to see which way they go with Adam Cole and MJF in the tag match, but with it being on the pre-show they can't do too big of an angle because no cunt will see it and replays don't have the same effect. I'll be watching this event for the spectacle rather than in-ring quality.

Ibushi and Omega vs. White and Robinson would have been a great match but they have got to get fucking Hangman in there of course; Takeshita is pretty great but trios matches in general are wank so I'm not arsed.

Less is more, Tony.

18-08-2023, 01:19 PM
Are they doing Punk vs Samoa Joe as well or is that on the PPV the next week?

18-08-2023, 01:21 PM
They're doing an angle where Punk is 'running away' from Joe so it'll probably get announced on Collision the week before Wembley.

18-08-2023, 01:30 PM
What is it with Punk angles and pulling the trigger far too soon? Obviously back in 2011 WWE brought him back months too early, and similarly with this one, Punk has stuff going on with others already so they should definitely slow burn this one until Full Gear where it could be a genuine PPV buy booster. People are going to buy All In anyway.

18-08-2023, 01:31 PM
as long as they're keeping the really embarrassing stuff away like the Hardys and limiting things like Orange Cassidy it should be good.
Nah, I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s sad they can’t go crazy at Jeff Hardy’s music.

18-08-2023, 01:36 PM
Would you accept him on the card if it meant he had to have another stupid match with Jarrett? I'm not watching Dynamite anymore to save my misery but even the AEW obsessive fans were calling that thing the shits.

18-08-2023, 01:37 PM
Mania style making sure everyone (but the women) gets paid. And Samoa Joe v Punk is gonna get added.

I assumed as much but could they not have just had at least 3/4 singles and then top up the rest?

I’m sure it’ll be good, a hot crowd makes everything better and I’m sure they’ll all be wanting to impress as much as they can. Less fuckery the better.

18-08-2023, 02:04 PM
It was so bad Tony donated the sponsorship money they got for it to charity out of shame.

18-08-2023, 03:09 PM
FTR really are committed to old school wrestling, Cash is a real shooter.

18-08-2023, 04:50 PM
Cash Wheeler has been arrested.

Can’t go to ALL IN.

Sir Andy Mahowry
18-08-2023, 05:16 PM
Wheeler is alleged to have flashed a handgun at another person during a road rage incident on July 27.


What a fucking plum.

18-08-2023, 05:44 PM
Thank goodness, it must have been days at least since a wrestler I like was outed as a cunt.

18-08-2023, 06:01 PM
I bet Tony is sweating.

Shame Christian Cage is such a heel otherwise Edge and Christian could have stepped in.

I think you know me https://www.rllmukforum.com/uploads/emoticons/default_OMG.gif

18-08-2023, 06:06 PM
Tony always sweats due to the sheer amount of cocaine he's on.

18-08-2023, 06:12 PM
I'd be absolutely delighted if Edge goes to AEW.

18-08-2023, 06:16 PM
I'd be absolutely delighted if Edge goes to AEW.

Is he that bad? :D

18-08-2023, 06:22 PM
The All In card, and Collision, is pretty fucked without FTR.

Gray Fox
18-08-2023, 06:26 PM
I'd be absolutely delighted if Edge goes to AEW.

Tonights Smackdown is his last contracted date/match.

If you assume Vince didn't get a no compete clause in there when he returned, he could in theory hop over to the AEW show for a last hurrah with Christian.

18-08-2023, 06:27 PM
He couldn’t be called Edge though, could he?

Gray Fox
18-08-2023, 06:28 PM
He couldn’t be called Edge though, could he?

Bring back Sexton Hardcastle.

18-08-2023, 06:28 PM
They'll just use his real name. Adam's Elite Wrestling.

18-08-2023, 06:32 PM
Hang on, back to Cash.

This happened back in July and Cash entered his plea a couple of weeks ago. Surely Tony knew about it before booking FTR for Wembley then?

Although cocaine. In that case we are all set for a tournament for interim champions. :cool:

18-08-2023, 06:39 PM
Has Jeff Hardy got any outstanding convictions? :uhoh:

Sir Andy Mahowry
18-08-2023, 06:50 PM
Is he that bad? :D


His feud with Randy Orton shortly after his return was shocking.

18-08-2023, 07:04 PM
Is he that bad? :D

So I am in a slightly weird spot in that all my Edge nostalgia is for Edge & Christian. I had gone off wrestling during his peak singles years* and while I enjoyed a number of matches of his when I went through the PPVs I'd missed on the Network when I came back to it it's not enough that I've enjoyed his boring ring work or promos since coming back. Or his "I JUST WANT TO TELL GREAT STORIES" bullshit, where it happens to coincide with his idea of a great story being him beating people he could be giving the rub, unnecessary Rumble wins, etc. I'm probably the biggest Rollins fan / apologist in this thread and even I couldn't get on board with the Rollins / Edge matches.

* I caught the very start of the Smackdown Six era, in which he more than ably played his part.

18-08-2023, 07:09 PM
Christian has much more longevity. Edge’s appeal went with his athleticism and hair.

18-08-2023, 07:10 PM
I can't think of a worse spear.

18-08-2023, 07:11 PM
If Edge turns up in Wembley in an evil turtle neck it'll rival his Royal Rumble comeback.

19-08-2023, 06:22 AM
FTR have just been announced for tonight’s Collision so Big T obviously thinks there’s no issue.

19-08-2023, 08:21 AM
Edge, Christian and Luchasaurus to side with the Blackpool Combat Club, it is.

19-08-2023, 09:55 AM
Thank God Edge got to go out with a win, poor sod hasn't had nearly enough of those after his return.

19-08-2023, 11:01 AM
Lol what. Why wouldn’t he win in front of his home crowd against Sheamus of all people

19-08-2023, 05:22 PM
Doesn't do Sheamus any harm, he's fairly set there at this point for the level he's at, but if Edge is on the way out they could've had him give the rub to somebody who might benefit from it.

Sir Andy Mahowry
19-08-2023, 05:31 PM
Like Angle helping out Baron Corbin.

19-08-2023, 05:34 PM
Exactly, that's what made Corbin the huge, massively over star he is today.

Sir Andy Mahowry
19-08-2023, 05:35 PM

Burn. The. Ships.

19-08-2023, 05:38 PM
What the fuck is "Burn the ships"? :D

Sir Andy Mahowry
19-08-2023, 05:40 PM
He symbolically burned his old gimmicks and decided to be himself or something then came out with that.

I guess it's all to do with the phrase Burn the Ships meaning there's no turning back or something.

19-08-2023, 05:47 PM
It just makes me think he's a pirate.

19-08-2023, 05:50 PM
A pirate gimmick genuinely wouldn't be worse than being called Constable Corbin.

Sir Andy Mahowry
19-08-2023, 05:51 PM

Looks like he went to a crematorium to burn his shit.

20-08-2023, 08:17 AM
So Ben, thoughts on Collision with Kevin Kelly back in place of Ian Riccaboni? It feels like it’s gone back to unwatchable for me.

Shoutout to Taz and Excalibur for having the best sports commentary chemistry since Mike Goldberg and Joe Rogan.

20-08-2023, 08:23 AM
Is Kevin Kelly not good? I haven't watched much wrestling with him commentating but I thought everybody loved him.

20-08-2023, 08:42 AM
Like JR, his legacy seems to do him a lot of favours. He’s boring and zaps all excitement out of the action.

Collision has certainly picked up since the first episode - mostly thanks to Bullet Club Gold - but I think a lot of that is due to the Riccabone Zone and Nigel having great chemistry, while the former filled in for Kevin Kelly who was in Japan for the G1.

20-08-2023, 09:01 AM
I’ve not watched yet but I like Kevin Kelly. On the other hand, I find Excalibur excruciating so I expect our opinion to differ on Kevin as well. Although I think Riccaboni is excellent but apparently he didn’t want to do it full time.

20-08-2023, 09:50 AM
Is Nigel McGuinness still ace?

20-08-2023, 09:57 AM
I like him. Overdoes the “heel sympathiser” bit slightly, whereas Taz nails it.

20-08-2023, 10:08 AM
I think in this day and age the heel sympathiser trope feels very outdated generally. I've not heard Taz's but really I think it'd be better if commentators just adopted a stance that contrasts with their regular announce partner but doesn't leave them having to justify objectively horrible cunts unquestioningly regardless of what they're doing. (Or vice versa for faces.)

20-08-2023, 10:26 AM
Taz is good. Agree with Baz on Nigel, generally tremendous but leans into the heel stuff too much at times.

21-08-2023, 01:59 AM
The guy from Wrestletalk has been suspended for noncing again. Time for another very believable apology video.

Gray Fox
21-08-2023, 09:36 AM
Assuming you mean Adam it's a bit of a weird situation.

I don't watch Wrestletalk but he has another channel under the same umbrella(partsfunknown in there too) that does board game stuff. The only reason anyone knows anything now is one of the girls who guests on it now wont work with them and replied to a youtube comment explaining why. She states he's currently suspended, which does seem to match up as he has just vanished completely from all 3 channels.

Makes me wonder what's gone on as she states they're taking steps to protect female cast members now. In truth, he should get the boot again. Cultaholic were lucky in a way that they cut him before the channel really started. They've been able to move on quite well. Might be a bit trickier here though. His face is plastered over every bit of content of the two non-Wrestletalk channels. He also likely has some kind of stake in them as well.

21-08-2023, 05:38 PM
I saw this. Was he ever actually noncing / is that what it is now? Or is it the "I'm internet famous-ish, show us yer tits, love" which is what I thought he'd actually done the first time?

21-08-2023, 05:43 PM
But yes they should be binning him. He doesn't do that much WT stuff these days anyway, Tempest seems to be doing just fine on PFK and NRB might lose some viewers but will be fine.

Sir Andy Mahowry
21-08-2023, 05:46 PM
"Show us yer tits, love".

Before he was using his fame to pressure women into sending nudes and shit.

Seems this time he was a little too forward with Carley (she is stunning tbf but come on lad) and possibly in a creepy way as she's refusing to play board games on the channel with them now.

Everyone thought he was on holiday but she claimed it was bollocks in one of her latest videos in the comments.

Gray Fox
21-08-2023, 05:46 PM
"I'm internet famous-ish, show us yer tits, love"

This bit.

They never actually stated how far it went, but he was pushing this on women while insisting his girlfriend of the time was fine with it. It sounds like there's been another incident of him either trying it with, or trying to force himself on one of the female cast members.

I don't think there are many, if any female members on Wrestletalk and Partsfunknown. So it's probably the No Rolls Barred channel. Given 3 of the female cast suddenly vanished a while back, I'd hazard a guess it was one of them. One has since returned, one has gone back to the USA and the other is the woman who posted the youtube comment.

21-08-2023, 05:48 PM
I had noticed Carley hadn't been on but had no idea where she lives and if that was related but I did think when I saw her post yesterday on top of his current absence that that all tallies.

Sir Andy Mahowry
21-08-2023, 05:50 PM
This bit.

They never actually stated how far it went, but he was pushing this on women while insisting his girlfriend of the time was fine with it. It sounds like there's been another incident of him either trying it with, or trying to force himself on one of the female cast members.

I don't think there are many, if any female members on Wrestletalk and Partsfunknown. So it's probably the No Rolls Barred channel. Given 3 of the female cast suddenly vanished a while back, I'd hazard a guess it was one of them. One has since returned, one has gone back to the USA and the other is the woman who posted the youtube comment.

4 main ones.

Carley, Blair, Brooke and Holly who has been active on NRB for a while.

Gray Fox
21-08-2023, 05:54 PM
I'm assuming they record these weeks in advance and as such Holly has been about regularly on the channel so I don't think it is her.

Carley only ever came on flying visits to record and seems unafraid to speak up or speak her mind(I did notice a fair few times Adam was trying to be the game guide while she was on and she'd come in offering other players advice and he didn't seem to like it), so I don't think it would have been kept hush if it were her.

Blair vanished around the same time, if not just before Brooke left. And she suddenly left Sully and went to America.

Sir Andy Mahowry
21-08-2023, 06:06 PM
Blair was on 2 of the last 3 Adam videos on the channel though.

Sir Andy Mahowry
21-08-2023, 06:10 PM
Could be one of the "guests" who haven't been on for a while.

Someone like Isa or Izzy.

Sir Andy Mahowry
21-08-2023, 08:22 PM
NRB have finally said something:

Thank you to those of you who have contacted us in recent days. We are fully aware of the concerns that are being shared on social media.

We take all such matters incredibly seriously. We can confirm that when this was first brought to our attention we immediately began an investigative process. We have been diligently working with a number of leading companies including, but not limited to, those that specialise in human resources and internet law. The fact finding part of that investigative process is still ongoing.

Until the process is concluded, we are very limited in what we can share publicly at this time, due to our commitments with regard to both UK employment and data protection laws. We’ll provide further information if and when we can, while at all times respecting our legal and other responsibilities, and our commitment to the well-being of our cast, crew and community.

This is an incredibly difficult period for all involved and unfortunately several of our team have been subjected to harassment on social media, despite having nothing whatsoever to do with the matter in question. We are of course doing all we can to support our team, including offering 24/7 access to therapy sessions should they want it. While we believe that such communications come from a well-intentioned place, we deeply urge everyone to fully consider the impact on unrelated cast and crew’s welfare.

It is due to these concerns that we decided not to post this statement on social media, and instead host the statement here. It is publicly available, so anyone can read it.

We very much appreciate the continued support that you are showing us as we endeavour to handle this matter in the right way for all concerned.

21-08-2023, 09:25 PM
Why is a place with 10k followers releasing a statement like theyre a Fortune 500k Human Resources department if theyre not trying to protect a sex pest?

22-08-2023, 08:27 AM
Wait are they actually taking Gable seriously and building him up to be the one who takes the IC title off Gunther? :drool:

22-08-2023, 11:35 AM
This makes me laugh every time it pops up on the TL


22-08-2023, 12:39 PM
Sean Oliver's productions were always incredible viewing in one way or another, whether it be Jim Cornette recalling WCW booking meetings verbatim, RVD doing Shawn Michaels' lazy eye or New Jack verbally destroying Jasmin St. Clair.

Al Snow was actually great on it too. Very articulate and knowledgeable, but yes that question was hilarious. :D

22-08-2023, 05:58 PM
Wait are they actually taking Gable seriously and building him up to be the one who takes the IC title off Gunther? :drool:

He’s genuinely insane. I hope they get a proper 20 mins or so at the PPV.

Need him to lose but then win it off Gunther after the streak is over so the latter can take the belt off Rollins

22-08-2023, 06:47 PM
I was talking to somebody recently about who should beat Gunther that would actually benefit from it and we settled on "Gable but like fuck will they do it."

So DQ win for Gable at Payback as a "next step" after the countout then beat him whenever after that? I'd be into that.

22-08-2023, 07:24 PM
Something like Kaiser accidentally fucking Gunther over by flirting with Maxine would do. Keeps Gunther strong even when he drops the belt so he can go onto being the top guy on Raw.

I’ll always like Rollins but he needs a break. Go away for a few months and come back as a psycho heel for mania

22-08-2023, 08:13 PM
Shorty G nearly finished him off, but they can get proper Chad Gable with less of the shoosh and more mad slow motion suplexes on people twice his size.

23-08-2023, 08:11 PM
RIP Terry Funk by the sounds of it

23-08-2023, 08:30 PM
Apparently his wife dying a few years ago was the beginning of the end for him. What a legend.

23-08-2023, 10:16 PM
Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie getting pushed off the stage in that wheelie bin seemed like the maddest thing ever at the time.

23-08-2023, 10:24 PM
Friend of mine who is going to AEW on the Hard Cam has dedicated a sign to me but am desperately trying to get him to change the sentence calling me a Mark to Smark to retain my ironclad internet reputation.

I tried to get him to take this but he refuses:


23-08-2023, 10:26 PM
Just tell him to put a controversial gaming opinion on it for the Botchamania moment.

24-08-2023, 06:02 AM
Someone needs to take a "PORK" sign like back in the day.

24-08-2023, 11:35 AM

24-08-2023, 12:05 PM
Punk’s “We lost Terry but at least I can still text Bret Hart every day” speech is just fucking weird.

24-08-2023, 12:10 PM
I don't know if it's one sided or it'll come to fruition eventually but it sounds like he's working an angle with The Elite (he's been referencing them in most promos on Collision). Bret Hart said in an interview last month that he offered to be an agent for AEW when they started up but got a "nah we don't need you" response from The Elite. So Punk is leaning into that I guess, because him and FTR are noted big fans. :sorry:

24-08-2023, 12:28 PM
So Ben, thoughts on Collision with Kevin Kelly back in place of Ian Riccaboni? It feels like it’s gone back to unwatchable for me.

Just watched this episode. I thought it was brilliant. Kevin was decent but I'm used to his schtick from New Japan. Even though most of the matches were pretty average, absolutely everything on the show progressed interesting storylines and that's exactly what you need from your TV when you have two PPVs back-to-back.

24-08-2023, 12:28 PM
Big marks more like.

24-08-2023, 12:32 PM
Everyone in AEW is a mark unfortunately, which is its biggest problem.

Tony is a mark for 90s wrestling, hence the constant ECW and WCW vibes. The Bucks are marks for Excalibur, hence the prick is on commentary every week. Kenny is a mark for Japan, hence his anime voice and ridiculous booking of the womens division. Moxley is a mark for Nick Gage, hence his constant blading. Hangman is just a mark for himself, hence he's shit.

24-08-2023, 04:00 PM
Every time I see a clip of Christian on Twitter he’s speaking about people’s Fathers and whether or not they were famous/dead lol

Gray Fox
24-08-2023, 10:49 PM
Bray Wyatt has died.

24-08-2023, 11:30 PM
We've still got Bret Hart though, right?

25-08-2023, 06:11 AM
What the fuck.

Sir Andy Mahowry
25-08-2023, 07:27 AM
Fucking hell.

25-08-2023, 07:40 AM
I'm not going to pretend I liked Bray Wyatt as a wrestler but this is a cracker:


25-08-2023, 07:46 AM
I saw that he was out with a condition that was potentially life-threatening but then the news was he was near a return so this is a shock. He was involved in some nonsense in his time but he was always worth a watch

25-08-2023, 08:20 AM
I'm not going to pretend I liked Bray Wyatt as a wrestler but this is a cracker:


Yeah he only occasionally got it right with matches because he wasn't much of a worker but he clearly had a lot of ideas that I always felt if they paired him with somebody to effectively act as an editor (for both the stories and increasingly rambling promos) but there was some great character and promo stuff scattered throughout it.

And I maintain that the Firefly Funhouse with Cena is the only good cinematic match.

25-08-2023, 08:27 AM
Can't remember the tags for YouTube and I'm on my phone but always enjoyed little things like this finger gun-spear as well. https://youtu.be/jHwgcWNhb6o?si=P51sPD_fUDH875Ns

(Stupid WWE video title aside.)

Sir Andy Mahowry
25-08-2023, 08:28 AM

25-08-2023, 09:09 AM
Mountain Dew Pitch Black funeral? :henn0rz:

25-08-2023, 09:12 AM
Get Cena to officiate so he can bury him one last time.

25-08-2023, 10:39 AM
It'll be nice to see Eric Rowan again at least.

25-08-2023, 07:38 PM

Some of those are proper bizarre.

26-08-2023, 12:35 PM
Doesn’t even mention him claiming to have a 10 inch penis and then having to admit it was a lie in court.

Sir Andy Mahowry
26-08-2023, 12:48 PM
In Hogan's 2nd biography, "My Life Outside the Ring" he claims to have wrestled 400 days out of the year. He claims it was from flying back and forth to Japan to wrestle which "added days" to his year.

Might be my favourite.

26-08-2023, 01:35 PM
Doesn’t even mention him claiming to have a 10 inch penis and then having to admit it was a lie in court.

Did he not say "Ah Hulk Hogan has a 10 inch penis, Terry Bollea does not" or something mad like that?

Sir Andy Mahowry
26-08-2023, 01:36 PM
He did indeed.

26-08-2023, 03:02 PM
Brilliant stuff from LA Knight. Proved he can actually cut a full on promo. Huge fan how he kept ‘kayfabe’ whilst paying tribute to Wyatt

26-08-2023, 03:05 PM
Yeah Knight's promo was good and I liked that as he said himself he didn't want to pretend they were best mates or whatever. And the "Run" to cap off the promo was a very nice touch too.

27-08-2023, 04:25 PM
I’m probably buying the aew ppv if people want a stream of it I can set it up. Just send me a pm for the link.

Dark Soldier
27-08-2023, 06:08 PM
I'm watching this it just seems like a shit WWE why is it loved so much

27-08-2023, 06:21 PM
I only ever watch MJF stuff so this is the first show I’ll have watched throughout (well in background). Young Bucks matches always a spam fest of finishers?

Shawn Michaels must be sick at every fucker and their mother using a super kick

27-08-2023, 06:22 PM
JR is also absolutely tragic. Is he drunk?

27-08-2023, 06:25 PM
JR's stint is legacy destroying. He's unmotivated. Even if he was, any excitement would probably kill him.

27-08-2023, 06:26 PM
I can see why Ben hates Orange Cassidy. He just looks annoying.

He’ll probably get battered all match and come out with the winning pin.

Dark Soldier
27-08-2023, 06:36 PM
Wow this match is a fucking mess

27-08-2023, 06:36 PM
I’m sure Moxley started bleeding due to the strong gust of wind that must have passed through the stadium. Geezer just blades on command hahahaha

27-08-2023, 06:39 PM
Wow this match is a fucking mess

Although it is indeed a bit of a mess I do wish WWE went away from PG at times. Any matches in WWE with a stipulation are pretty pointless as 9/10 times it’s standard match with maybe a chair to the back and a shitty table spot

Dark Soldier
27-08-2023, 06:40 PM
Yeah I agree there but then this just feels like the worst of that WWE era. Absolute nonsense, half the spots missed. It's a throwback for sure.

27-08-2023, 06:53 PM
I’m not watching until tomorrow but it sounds like Punk and Jungle Boy have had a dust up. :D

And by all accounts it sounds like Jungle Boy was the cunt this time. He’s got such an ego on him for someone so talentless.

27-08-2023, 07:01 PM
Jungle Boy going with chat shit get banged as his own tribute to the hosts

27-08-2023, 07:14 PM
So far it’s been quite mid but my friend made the hard cam and I saw his signs so I’m good.

Dark Soldier
27-08-2023, 07:15 PM
Fuck me Sting and Christian still going?

27-08-2023, 07:26 PM
Jon Moxley with a load of skewers stuck in his head is the most small-time rubbish in the biggest show ever put on.

Dark Soldier
27-08-2023, 07:33 PM
Cunt thinking he's Freddie Mercury

27-08-2023, 07:35 PM
Judas really does hit different

27-08-2023, 07:45 PM
Chris Jericho in bars for the rest of his life: Yeah, my band sold out Wembley Stadium.

27-08-2023, 07:53 PM
Ospreay is too good to be facing Jericho at this sort of event

27-08-2023, 08:42 PM
Not a chance there is 80k fans in there.

27-08-2023, 08:58 PM
Would have preferred MJF going back to heel. Hopefully that’s the long game, he’s great at the comedy but nothing beats him being a scumbag

27-08-2023, 09:56 PM
Hotel booked for 25th august 2024

28-08-2023, 11:34 AM
Stadium Stampede is up there with Jenna Morasca vs. Sharmell as one of the worst "matches" I've ever seen.

28-08-2023, 06:51 PM
Don Cena back on Smackdown for 7 consecutive weeks. A 2 month build up of him v Grayson pls :drool:

Gray Fox
28-08-2023, 07:05 PM
Sounds like CM Prick and Boy Jungle are suspended.

28-08-2023, 07:21 PM
That would mean Punk misses All Out which is in Chicago. Not good news on that front.

Although him having to vacate his own fake World title would be hilarious.

But reports basically saying Jungle Boy is going to get the brunt of it. Punk didn’t really do anything this time.

29-08-2023, 07:43 AM
They're showing the whole thing on ITV4 on Thursday night. Hopefully they keep in Max Caster's Prince Andrew joke, feel free to leave out Moxley's kebab head.

29-08-2023, 08:35 AM
Renee seems like such a normal person. How can she live with that nutcase?

29-08-2023, 10:08 AM
Apparently the new CM Punk nonsense is that whoever books AEW travel hates him so he had to make his own way from the airport and got lost on the tube. Great if true, they're Play Now and he's George Costanza

29-08-2023, 10:26 AM
Funny but amateur as fuck. Tony Khan needs to get them all in check. Apparently Punk is essential to WBD and we know what happens when television companies start influencing things.

29-08-2023, 11:11 AM
Surely there is a happy medium to be found between wrestlers court / being run by a megalomaniac and the Primary school class Khan appears to be overseeing.

29-08-2023, 11:13 AM
Can't wait for the PPV where CM Punk runs a gauntlet of matches vs The Invisible Man so they can be sure he won't start a fight with anyone.

29-08-2023, 11:15 AM
All Out, All In and now the CM Punk PPV special, All Alone.

Gray Fox
29-08-2023, 11:34 AM
Whether not his fault this time or whatever, these problems always seem to happen wherever he goes. Almost like there's a lesson to be learned or something.

29-08-2023, 11:35 AM
That's wrestling though. Vince kept bringing back Warrior despite the red flags.

Nice guys backstage doesn't equal money. Jungle Boy is apparently neither so he's not even worth the hassle.

29-08-2023, 11:54 AM
The Miz was quite decent last night.

Really don’t get why IC match is on Raw and not on Saturday at the PPV.

And they better not turn Priest face. Give them the tag titles

29-08-2023, 11:56 AM
They definitely need to switch the tag titles. Owens and Zayn are dead in the water right now and probably need to go away for a bit.

Gray Fox
29-08-2023, 12:07 PM
The Miz was quite decent last night.

Really don’t get why IC match is on Raw and not on Saturday at the PPV.

And they better not turn Priest face. Give them the tag titles

Does he not break the Honky Tonk Mans' record inbetween the two?

29-08-2023, 12:13 PM
A week on Thursday I think. So it’s not like moving it 2 days later makes a difference to the record.

29-08-2023, 01:12 PM
Depends what's happening with it I guess. If it's one more fluff ending ahead of Gable finally beating him then I don't think keeping it off the PPV is a bad idea. If it's a clean win either way (surely not for Gable ahead of the record) then it'd be weird not to have it on TV. If it's Gunther getting lucky / Imperium costing Gable then I don't personally mind* keeping it to the matches it already has.

* On the flipside if I was going to a WWE show right now and didn't get some Gunther I'd be disappointed.

29-08-2023, 01:19 PM
Sometimes the card is too full. It's a massive problem in wrestling currently (see: SummerSlam, All In) but WWE's B-level PPVs are generally the best because they let the card breathe a bit. Six matches announced for Payback is enough and maybe they're giving Gable another month of build before doing the switch (probably not).

29-08-2023, 01:25 PM
Yeah I like that currently WWE keep their secondary PPVs pretty short (relatively) and sharp. Ideally if Gable's taking the belt it's one more set of nonsense on Smackdown before they give the match a stip (though preferably just no Imperium, I'm sure Gunther could do a gimmick match but I love his singles stuff.)

Gray Fox
29-08-2023, 01:31 PM
Gunther should really be chopping the shit out of Rollins by now.

30-08-2023, 08:49 PM
Finally watching All In. Man, stadium PPVs look phenomenal on TV.

30-08-2023, 08:59 PM
Let us know your thoughts on all the matches. Both in-person experience and then watching them back on TV.

30-08-2023, 09:37 PM
Let us know your thoughts on all the matches. Both in-person experience and then watching them back on TV.Tag title match was unreal in both. :nod: The Wheelers got a gun chant didn’t seem to pick up so well on TV, considering how loud and how long it seemed to go on for.

Hook vs Jack Perry was better on TV.

First trios match (golden elite vs bullet club gold) perhaps less of a shock on TV (and I don’t mean cos I’ve already seen it) cos it felt like the whole stadium went quiet in a turbo :wtf: moment.

Stadium Stampede’s about to start… Missed the start in rl cos I was weeing and buying more drinks.

30-08-2023, 10:45 PM
I remember commenting to Mike that Santana look fairly jacked in real life but bah gawd he looks huge on TV. Was also nice to get some context around the whole Penta thing. I actually didn’t mind the stampede on TV. :sorry: Lots of decent hardcore spots, and I was just glad Yuta didn’t get the winning pin, never mind even win.

Glad that the crowd seemed way into the women’s match on TV. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of people used it as a toilet break, but it was still really well received, especially Britt’s kerb stomp. Funny that last time I saw Toni Storm live she was on the same card as Jimmy Corkhill in ICW. :D (might have been a different time really, but it was at the tiny O2 Academy in Liverpool. Either way, looking forward to Jamie Hayter winning it next time and it actually being well received by everyone, although the ending was pretty great. Shida’s attire was better on TV!

31-08-2023, 06:14 AM
First trios match (golden elite vs bullet club gold) perhaps less of a shock on TV (and I don’t mean cos I’ve already seen it) cos it felt like the whole stadium went quiet in a turbo :wtf: moment.

Definitely noticeable on TV. Everything just went silent after the three count.

31-08-2023, 07:03 AM
If I was a Chicagoan (Chicagoite?) I'd be absolutely raging with the card for All Out. They'll have a full United Center who want to see Punk and instead get absolutely nothing, no doubt they'll shit all over this.

ROH World Television Title Match
Samoa Joe (c) vs. Shane Taylor
Who the fuck is Shane Taylor? Nobody who isn't a ROH nut gives a fuck about this guy so this needs to be on a ROH show.

ROH World Tag Team Title Match
Better Than You Bay Bay (Adam Cole & MJF) (c) vs. The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds & John Silver)
This belongs on TV. In no universe should Dark Order lackeys get a title match on PPV.

Tag Team Match
Eddie Kingston & Katsuyori Shibata vs. Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta)
Could be good I guess? Bit random though, Kingston vs. Claudio would have made more sense. Hopefully Yuta eats the pin.

Eight Man Tag Team Match
FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) & The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) vs. Bullet Club Gold (Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn, Jay White & Juice Robinson)
Again this is a TV match. FTR vs. Young Bucks vs. Jay & Juice would make way more sense and I say that as someone who hates three way matches.

Singles Match
Kenny Omega vs. Konosuke Takeshita (w/Don Callis)
Finally a match with something to care about. Depends on Kenny's health as to how good it can be.

AEW International Title Match
Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Jon Moxley
I couldn't give less of a shit about this. Orange's gimmick is long worn out and even though they're trying to tweak it to freshen him up, he's not actually that good a wrestler outside of the Canadian Destroyer bullshit, and fucking lol if Kebab Head tries to do that. I expect it will somehow get turned into a no-DQ so Moxley can bleed and they can incorporate glass because Orange is now that kind of tough guy. Logic suggests Moxley should win but ORANGEWINSLOL.

AEW TBS Title Match
Kris Statlander (c) vs. Ruby Soho
Absolute garbage. They've actually been building the women's division on Collision quite nicely and Statlander has been going up against Mercedes Martinez and Diamante so a match against either of those would have been fine but instead we get this random thing built from one 20 second promo where Ruby said she's going to steal the title. OK mate.

Singles Match
Miro vs. Powerhouse Hobbs
I do love a hoss fight. Hobbs should win, but probably won't.

AEW TNT Title Match
Luchasaurus (w/Christian Cage) (c) vs. Darby Allin
Christian and Darby have been so much fun on Collision building this. Hopefully Luchasaurus doesn't get in the way too much.

So what is the main event here? It's going to be that International Title match isn't it? You know, the one that opens the show on Dynamite every week. Tony clearly left his booking sheet in London. This is a complete afterthought with little-to-no build for anything and he's still managed to overfill the card.

31-08-2023, 07:04 AM
Takeshita’s terrible music probably also contributing to that.

31-08-2023, 09:02 AM
On the flip side Chicago crowds are self important cunts as a collective so fuck 'em.

31-08-2023, 09:09 AM
Well yeah that's true, but Tony is shooting himself in the foot because he books Chicago seemingly every other month and is one of their few guaranteed sellouts (unless there's a special event) so if he pisses them he's only got himself to blame.

Gray Fox
31-08-2023, 09:12 AM
They must have worn out the CM Punk returns at Chicago show trope by now.

Going to be interesting to see how Tonys pandering now turns on him as the crowd shits on his show.

31-08-2023, 09:23 AM
He's fucked himself, really. When AEW kicked off it was all jobs for the boys and putting a show on for himself and Dave Meltzer and that was it. Then he started bringing in ex-WWE guys (which culminated with Punk) and most of those don't do the PWG flippy shit so the show started to pivot. AEW originals, wrestlers and fans, were a bit deluded into thinking they didn't need these "name guys" to succeed (just look at recent ratings, the Bucks drive viewers away) so naturally they were going to butt heads with guys who actually gave a shit about the product and weren't just there to get a payday off Tony. Punk isn't the only one to clash with the OGs, it's just by far the most reported. But now what does Tony do? He can't fire Punk because WBD won't let him (he's integral to the Collision deal and the future streaming deal) and he's just gave the guys Punk hates the most massive new contracts. Much like Triple H with the Curtain Call, the odd man out ripe for punishment is Jungle Boy. But he sounds like a right cunt and is shite anyway so this is Tony's chance to finally show some authority I guess.

31-08-2023, 10:19 AM
Hopefully the two involved can resolve it amicably (unlike The Young Bucks) and Tony can fork out for Cry Me A River for Jack Perry’s entrance music when he inevitably returns.

31-08-2023, 02:35 PM
Cody Rhodes was the only adult holding the place together, all this nonsense that happened after he left.

31-08-2023, 04:38 PM
As I said before, with zero leadership it's like children screaming at each other without an adult to get them in line.

Gray Fox
01-09-2023, 03:41 PM

01-09-2023, 06:02 PM
Just needs Justice Cocaine Tony to bang his gavel and say, "Boys will be boys. Dismissed."

02-09-2023, 09:40 AM
Dennis Rodman is on Collision tonight lmao.

02-09-2023, 09:42 AM
Is Tony just watching The Monday Night Wars for ideas?

02-09-2023, 09:45 AM
That Jimmy Uso stuff doesn't half have the stench of wheel-spinning.

Is Tony just watching The Monday Night Wars for ideas?

I think we know the answer to that.

02-09-2023, 09:48 AM
Is Tony just watching The Monday Night Wars for ideas?

It’s no secret he loves WCW. The Collision logo is just a copy of the Nitro one. To be honest I don’t know how WWE haven’t come after him for copyright.

Gray Fox
02-09-2023, 06:40 PM
Chris Jericho in bars for the rest of his life: Yeah, my band sold out Wembley Stadium.


He's already started on socials how fozzy has played to bigger crowds than your big rock/metal acts.

02-09-2023, 08:41 PM
Cm punk, fired.

02-09-2023, 08:47 PM
Wow. Never thought he’d do anything, much less this.

Collision, we hardly knew ye. All Out will be interesting now.

Sir Andy Mahowry
02-09-2023, 08:52 PM


02-09-2023, 08:55 PM
Tournament for the Real World Championship incoming.

02-09-2023, 08:58 PM
That’s a work.

02-09-2023, 09:12 PM
"I saw TNA do this with AJ Styles so nobody's done it before or since." - Tony Khan

02-09-2023, 09:14 PM
He can turn up at Payback with his belt digitally blurred now.

With Wembley covered by CCTV I guess it didn't need much investigation

Gray Fox
02-09-2023, 09:39 PM
I hope it's not a work. Even in a business of a lot of self centred bell ends, he was a massive one.

Gray Fox
02-09-2023, 09:43 PM
I need the Shawn Michaels/Ric Flair gif with Tony and Punk imposed on it ASAP.

02-09-2023, 10:00 PM

02-09-2023, 10:05 PM
I hope nobody was looking forward to All Out because that crowd might just take it up on themselves to ruin it. Because they're cunts.

(I genuinely hope they don't because I hate that shit.)

Gray Fox
02-09-2023, 10:12 PM
They are 100% shitting on the show. And AEW in the same way WWE was for ages.

02-09-2023, 10:33 PM
Looking forward to Jon Moxley reusing his


promo, as he once again steps up to save Tony's arse.

02-09-2023, 10:46 PM
While the talk of Ronda Rousey or Brock Lesnar turning up at UFC 300 were nice ideas, this opens up a return for the real ultimate fighting machine.

03-09-2023, 06:52 AM
No crowd could ruin a PPV with a card that shit.

03-09-2023, 06:57 AM
No crowd could ruin a PPV with a card that shit.

Exactly. Trying to get hundreds of thousands of people to drop $50 for a PPV just one week after dropping $50 for a PPV with an Orange Cassidy vs. Jon Moxley main event is asking for trouble.

Personally I’m just gutted about Collision. Punk was clearly involved in the booking and that 10-11 week run was the best TV in a long time. I hope it doesn’t just pivot to Dynamite II now.

03-09-2023, 07:37 AM
Same, I can’t fit it in.

03-09-2023, 09:29 AM
Judgement Day :cool:

03-09-2023, 09:35 AM
Trish vs. Becky - Really enjoyed this. They kept the pace up, the crowd were super into it, good spots, made Becky look great in the finish. Liked that a lot more than I thought I would. Crowd seemed a bit confused as to who (if anybody) was turning in the Trish / Stark stuff which is a shame as they had booed Stark when she appeared so that bit didn't land, but a small blemish.

Knight vs. Miz - As espected this was Fine. For a match mostly there to put Knight over he spent far too much time taking Miz's offence which took the crowd out of it.

CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCH US title match - Theory is an athletic dude and him being so a) boring and b) not over isn't helped when they put him in a match with a guy like Rey and have him work the worst sort of WWE "methodical heel" style. You could do the guy a favour by having him work a fast match, have him keep up with Rey. Yawn.

Tag titles - Make new tag belts ffs if you're not splitting them. Having a dude holding two belts loses any lustre when both sets are identically shit. There is also zero excuse for having a tornado tag match get so slow and walk-and-brawl as quickly as this did. WWE are so paranoid about showing stuff in these nowadays they just have people lying around because otherwise Kevin Dunn might piss himself trying to manage it. And the idea of a costume change into hockey gear halfway through what's meant to be a heated match is fucking stupid. It was much better from when Owens nearly broke his arse off the Swanton (that looked like it suuucked) and it got back into/around the ring for the finish and actual wrestling broke out. It's a pity Zayn and KO's reign amounted to so little but that was probably the right result especially if it means Judgement Day not getting broken up prematurely as I thought they were about to be.

Ripley vs. Rodriguez - Decent, a few sloppy spots aside, but not the pace I was hoping for. I loved their last woman standing NXT match and was hoping for that sort of pace and hard-hitting...ness. I think it got better toward the end when Rodriguez finally got to get some offence in and I liked the story they were doing that they were about even in the power game but to get out from under Rhea she had to get nastier with it. I'd have shaved a few minutes off this but it wasn't bad.

Rollins vs. Nakamura - I'd initially thought the tag title match result had confirmed the result of an already-predictable result here, but then couldn't decide if all the chat about Rollins' back was foreshadowing or trying to create jeopardy where there wasn't any. Didn't care a great deal for the pace of this one either. Rollins' back being a focal point is fine but Nakamura's moveset doesn't really lend itself to making that a super interesting body part to be working when he's dominant for stretches. That's not to blame Nakamura, just wasn't huge on how they laid it out, it didn't even have a proper five-minute sprint at the end. Also Nakamura looked a fucking idiot when he Kinshasa'd Rollins to the back of his head and didn't cover.

03-09-2023, 09:45 AM
How good is Grayson Waller? He’s who they thought Theory would be

03-09-2023, 10:09 AM
I love Tony Khan's mad video about how CM Punk made him fear for his life so much he's apparently forgotten how to blink.

Gray Fox
03-09-2023, 10:29 AM
Did the nasty people from Chicago chant all night for Pepsi Phil?

03-09-2023, 12:42 PM
I love Tony Khan's mad video about how CM Punk made him fear for his life so much he's apparently forgotten how to blink.

It’s surely a work after all that speech. Properly weird if not

03-09-2023, 12:47 PM
Yeah I’m leaning more that way now. Although looking at his eyes he might have just polished off an 8-ball and gotten far too carried away.

03-09-2023, 12:49 PM
If I worked with him, I'd be sneaking around hitting 'Cult of Personality' when he least suspects it. :D

Gray Fox
03-09-2023, 12:59 PM
"Look in my eyes what do you see? A coke head booking shit TV"