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Sir Andy Mahowry
14-01-2022, 10:45 PM

I wonder if we'll get Wrestlemania Rumble soon.

14-01-2022, 10:47 PM
Wrestlemania Series

14-01-2022, 10:50 PM
Wrestlemania in the Bank.

Sir Andy Mahowry
14-01-2022, 10:52 PM
Wrestlemania Crown Jewel
Wrestlemania in a Cell.

14-01-2022, 10:56 PM
That last one is too good to pass up.

Sir Andy Mahowry
14-01-2022, 11:00 PM
Get Vince back on TV to say it in his "Hell in a Cell" voice too.

15-01-2022, 01:02 AM
Well Backlash is now WrestleMania Backlash. So sure, make your big marquee thing less special by appending its name to everything. It's the WWE way.

15-01-2022, 09:19 AM
Ah, so they can string the Wrestlemania feuds out another month. Nothing ever ends.

15-01-2022, 11:47 AM
All these names suck. Bring back Wrestlemania Balls of Fire.

15-01-2022, 11:52 AM
The Road To Wrestlemania Rumble: This Time The Sign Is Being Pointed At.

Fridge Raiders vs. Usos at the Rumbles could be fun (after the shit build it'll get) if they just give them 15 minutes to go for it.

15-01-2022, 12:19 PM
I'm rewatching the '01 Rumble because 'tis the season and I love this bit of commentary when Carey is in the ring and Kane is circling before entering:

JR: "Kane is a carnivore and Drew Carey is a big ol' pork chop."
King: "Whaddya think his blood type is, ragu?"

Actual personality from the announcers. Imagine.

And King hasn't even said anything racist or sexist yet!

Sir Andy Mahowry
16-01-2022, 05:44 PM

Surprised he hasn't requested his release sooner tbh.

16-01-2022, 06:46 PM
Another who'll go elsewhere and put on killer matches.

Remember he was meant to be getting a title shot at Mania?

18-01-2022, 10:15 AM

I'm actually surprised Vince approved this idea in the first place but not that he then went back on it and tried to give Ali some other shit.

Whenever he's done these home-made promos to try and get some new creative going for him they're always good and he even did his level best to make something of Retribution.

Ali is great and I hope wherever he ends up has the decency to treat him as a top guy.

19-01-2022, 07:47 AM


19-01-2022, 08:32 AM
Yeah he's fucked.

Sir Andy Mahowry
19-01-2022, 12:37 PM
I was going to give NXT another chance with him going there full time, what pricks.

20-01-2022, 02:13 AM
Named after a Nazi. :D


20-01-2022, 07:35 AM
Probably unintentionally. Not because I think WWE are above it but because I doubt that much thought went into it.

20-01-2022, 08:05 AM
Scotty talking about being an NXT coach after Vince and Pritchard started changing it all:

Next week it was, ‘Vince wants the coaches looking younger. So we need you guys to start dying your beards and cutting your hair.’

Fuck me.

20-01-2022, 08:13 AM
If they were intending to do a Nazi character then they wouldn't be this subtle, he would have a Hitler tache and be called Otto Von Stormtrooper.

20-01-2022, 08:18 AM
Given their frame of reference is the likes of Airbud it's far more likely they're planning to literally turn him into Gunther from Friends.

20-01-2022, 03:28 PM

"Vince McMahon's promotion have abandoned its trademark application for a Nazi U-boat commander."


Going In Raw made the point as a counter to the idea that WWE probably didn't put much thought into it that they'll have had a legal bod submit the trademark and presumably have to have a) searched for examples of Gunther Starks and then b) say to WWE "er, FYI lads..."

What a company.

20-01-2022, 03:46 PM
I don't understand how it isn't the first thing you do but then this is the company who had no idea that Adam Coles contract would run out before days before a big show.

20-01-2022, 03:54 PM
To be fair if I worked in the HR department for WWE I'd probably do my best to not speak to the psychotic half of the company as well if at all possible.

Sir Andy Mahowry
20-01-2022, 04:10 PM
What a horrific job that must be btw.

20-01-2022, 04:12 PM
"We need you to fire these 30 people."
"Hahaha you've misread that and it's 3 right?"
"Sorry, you're right, I misread it, it's 40."

20-01-2022, 06:17 PM
"Fine, I'll fire up the Word template."
"We're trying to save money here. Do it over twitter."

21-01-2022, 03:17 PM

What, over-promoting a load of green lads with shit gimmicks and crap names and having them beat crowd favourites hasn't set the fans alight with excitement? Weird that.

21-01-2022, 03:42 PM
lol at Cody’s promo on Dynamite. Pathetic.

21-01-2022, 08:23 PM
This Bully Ray / Moxley stuff really is one of the worst takes. What the fuck is Bubba talking about?

22-01-2022, 03:20 PM
From the little things i've seen it appears Smackdown was written by the same Manatees who write Family Guy last week.

"Did we ever tell you about the time RICK BOOGS was BACKSTAGE with JEFF JARRETT!"

27-01-2022, 07:56 AM
AAA has announced its 30th-anniversary lineup for 2022, which will include three shows promoting the TripleMania brand. The first, TripleMania Regia will take place on April 30, while TripleMania Tijuana is set for June 18, and the premiere event, TripleMania XXX, will be on October 15 in Mexico City.

The company also revealed that it will hold an eight-man “ruleta de la muerte” tournament, where the losers of each match will advance to a Mask vs. Mask Match at TripleMania XXX. Each round of the tournament will be held at the three announced events.

A tournament where it's the losers who advance because they're all trying to avoid an undesirable stipulation match at the end is a really fun idea.

27-01-2022, 08:11 AM
That's a common concept in Mexico. In fact, one promotion used to run an annual event focused on such a tournament. Titles mean fuck all there, it's all about the "apuesta" (wager; eg. mask, hair).

Glad to see some non-WWE talk here.

27-01-2022, 08:19 AM
I've only watched one AAA show, the one with Omega vs. Andrade and couldn't get along with some of the stuff around But yeah I wasn't aware of that being a regular thing but I like it. I only really hear about lucha stuff if Going in Raw dip into it.

We have a few AEW regulars in here (not me, to clarify) and Queenslander and Disco love a bit of NJPW.

It's fair to say I listen to/watch more shows about wrestling at the moment than I do wrestling itself, though I want to watch Styles / Theory from Raw and.............. there was an NXT match I liked the sound of this week too that my elderly brain has already forgotten what it was.

Also just saw this, and it's beautiful:

27-01-2022, 08:29 AM
I don't care much for lucha libre really.

I'll probably not dip in much, I can't get away with WWE at all since about 2014 and although I tried AEW for a few months when it kicked off, again it's not for me, although there has been some good matches. I've always been into New Japan but I haven't watched much since COVID kicked them in the nuts (although they haven't helped themselves with all the Dick Togo and EVIL shit). I do like bits and pieces from most of the other Japanese promotions too. Yeah, so unless there's talk about Japanese wrestling or older stuff (80's, 90's, 00's) you probably won't see me a lot in here.

27-01-2022, 08:37 AM
I love that idea where you have to win to get out of a tournament for something, haven't seen that before.

27-01-2022, 09:09 AM
I don't care much for lucha libre really.

I'll probably not dip in much, I can't get away with WWE at all since about 2014 and although I tried AEW for a few months when it kicked off, again it's not for me, although there has been some good matches. I've always been into New Japan but I haven't watched much since COVID kicked them in the nuts (although they haven't helped themselves with all the Dick Togo and EVIL shit). I do like bits and pieces from most of the other Japanese promotions too. Yeah, so unless there's talk about Japanese wrestling or older stuff (80's, 90's, 00's) you probably won't see me a lot in here.

I haven't given AEW a proper try and keep toying with the idea of giving it a full watch for a month, say, and see how I get on (hush, Baz) but at the moment it's very much a case where I'll dip into shows for odd matches when I hear they're good / interesting. I watched that Omega / Andrade one because Going In Raw were banging on about Triplemania, I think the last four matches I've bothered my arse to watch have been from across WWE, AEW and Impact.

I'll be watching the Regal Ruckus at the weekend of course. And it's on Saturday too! A Sunday is a much better day to watch a couple of Rumbles.

27-01-2022, 09:18 AM
My problem with AEW is the goofy midcard. I like Danielson, Omega (in the ring), Moxley, PAC, Page, Christian, [edit: and FTR] but I can't watch a full Dynamite unless it's something unique like the 60 minute match.

29-01-2022, 10:54 AM
I want to watch Styles / Theory from Raw

This was really good. Theory should be a top guy for them at some point so I look forward to seeing how they fuck it up.

Sir Andy Mahowry
29-01-2022, 02:49 PM

I knew Brock would love the Jackass lot.

Sir Andy Mahowry
29-01-2022, 11:55 PM


Sir Andy Mahowry
30-01-2022, 01:11 AM
Seth using the SHIELD entrance is brilliant.

Sir Andy Mahowry
30-01-2022, 01:30 AM
Bullshit finish to a really good match. Fun.

30-01-2022, 01:32 AM
As per always. That was such a shit ending.... and then they even acknowledged the fact the referee screwed him on commentary.

Sir Andy Mahowry
30-01-2022, 03:07 AM

Pyro set the sign on fire so they had to evacuate the section, lower the sign and put the fire out.

30-01-2022, 08:56 AM
Glad I didn't stay up for the men's rumble, that was shit (even though I love Lesnar, and he was absolutely the right winner).

A whole lot of nobodies in it, even more so than usual.

30-01-2022, 11:17 AM
They’ve moved PPVs to a Saturday?!

Gray Fox
30-01-2022, 11:23 AM
*Premium Live Events.

30-01-2022, 12:37 PM
I don't think I've ever predicted both winners and how they would come about before.

And having Lesnar win a Rumble when it's proven in story he can just turn up and demand a title match whenever he fancies is both a waste and the most boring possible option but y'know, WWE gonna WWE. I've only watched the Rumbles so far but the womens match was very dull but had a solid finish with some good sequences of eliminations, etc. The men's Rumble was a bit better early with some properly planned out segments and then a damp squib of a finish.

No idea who on Raw's going to be facing Bobbo.

They’ve moved PPVs to a Saturday?!

To dodge the NFL playoffs I assume.

30-01-2022, 12:44 PM
It looks like all PPVs are on Saturdays going forward.

30-01-2022, 12:44 PM
Same could be said for Rousey but having her in the Rumble does mean they don't have to dig up Trish Stratus or whoever to fill another spot in the match.

Sir Andy Mahowry
30-01-2022, 12:50 PM
The men's had a few things going against it that meant it was always going to struggle.

1. Everyone knew the winner after the Brock/Bobby fight
2. Lack of any legends (there were only 3 non-active wrestlers. Knoxville who announced a month ago, Bad Bunny and fucking Shane McMahon)
3. I think the show was overrunning so they had to speed the Rumble up and as such it felt very rushed in places.

Probably a few more but I'm tired.

Pretty event all round really. Two of the matches felt like filler, went on far too long and felt like standard crap RAW matches (hi Becky vs /Doudrop and Miz/Maryse vs Edge/Beth) and some shit finishes.

I did like a lot of Roman/Rollins and Brock/Bobby but ultimately they didn't work overall.

30-01-2022, 01:47 PM
Same could be said for Rousey but having her in the Rumble does mean they don't have to dig up Trish Stratus or whoever to fill another spot in the match.

Given it's to set up for Charlotte I'd have rathered they do that another way to be honest but yeah, you don't bring Rousey back and have her not win the Rumble so that was also inevitable. I'd have rather Belair repeated though.

30-01-2022, 03:46 PM
Watched the rest (not the mixed tag, obviously.)

Reings / Rollins - Love Rollins coming with the full Shield entrance / gear to wind up Roman after the Smackdown promo. And while I wouldn't normally approve of a table powerbomb five minutes in compared to the temoplate they now have for heel Reigns I like that the whole point is Rollins was coming flying out of the gate, hit Roman with everything he has and try to counter his key moves. Not sure how I feel about the Curb Stomp being kicked out of but I guess Reigns is Brock-esque for kickouts and it was early in the match so not like they totally shat on it. Not sure how I feel about the finish because it does at least play into how much Rollins had got under Reigns' skin. I'll be interested to see what that means for Rollins now.
They could possibly turn him face for Bobbles if they wanted after that. Not like there's much competition on Raw right now. I've got a horrible feeling it'll be Edge though. Do not want.

Womans title - Not great. For a match Lynch was very obviously winning they could at least have had her taking the heat for longer chunks of the match. Lynch is starting to get into Charlotte-esque territory where people haven't seemeed to benefit much from feuding her since her return. Hopefully if it ends up Belair / Lynch at 'Mania Belair beats her clean.

Bobbo / Bork - I could probably have had a better time if I'd just watched a Youtube compilation of German suplexes.

31-01-2022, 09:54 AM
I can't remember enjoying a Rumble less than these two. I think that might be the final nail in the coffin for the last slither of interest I retained in wrestling.

31-01-2022, 10:11 AM
No, I did think during the Rumbles that them having the exact same tired tropes really reeks of them not having the ideas to get 60 people through two matches every year. But then they have repetitive tropes they make no effort to subvert all the time on Raw / Smackdown every single week as well so it's also possible they're just too shit / don't care / both.

Also doesn't help when a handful of semi-interesting things do happen and Kevin fucking Dunn is too busy using the wrong camera.

In the mens Rumble in particular nobody felt like they were being built up to tease them as a potential winner. Big E, if they cared about him, would have been an obvious one to have throw out a bunch of guys as a bit of polish on him following losing the title but nope, he has less eliminations than fucking Shane and gets hurled out of the Rumble (and WWE relevance, probably) in some random spot. They had the little sections of the Rumble (the Omos bit, the Jezza and Madcap working together chunk, another one I now can't remember) which felt like some actual thought had gone into them but otherwise it just felt like 29 lads killing time until Bork came out.

And the womens was even less imaginative until the decent finish and isn't helped by having the same 'legends' come out every year. Nobody gives a single fuck about Kelly Kelly or Ms. Spooky Mark, lads.

Possibly my highlight of the first four fifths of the womens Rumble was Ivory coming out in the RTC gimmick and continuing her promo even while Rhea picked her up, titled her upside down and chucked her out. What a pro.

31-01-2022, 10:18 AM
I guess, as soon as you attach a story to someone, the crowd will just see the result as a foregone conclusion. "He's retiring after this match? Guess he's winning, then. She's been left without a title shot? Put her down in the final two against another top talent."

The Rumble should be a chance to shake things up. Have a sneaky push in there with someone going far (but not far enough), throw in a surprise winner. They don't even need to go over at Wrestlemania. Just give it the right build. It's like Formula 1. The threat of the overtake is good enough.

31-01-2022, 10:46 AM
Rumbles are an easy home run if you book them correctly. Vince's strangehold on booking is well documented but the agents who laid out the match have a lot to answer for. Even matches like 1997 with about three decent workers on the roster were great solely because of decent booking. Brock winning wasn't the dealbreaker, as even Triple H winning 2016 was well booked around.

31-01-2022, 10:52 AM
I've looked through the winners and the only two surprises I can think of are Edge (last year) and Shinsuke. Rock/Austin and Hogan/Warrior worked as a really good way to build up their inevitable clashes.

31-01-2022, 11:04 AM
I can't remember enjoying a Rumble less than these two. I think that might be the final nail in the coffin for the last slither of interest I retained in wrestling.

Ay Ee Dub Ay Ee Dub

31-01-2022, 11:31 AM
The Rumble should be a chance to shake things up. Have a sneaky push in there with someone going far (but not far enough), throw in a surprise winner. They don't even need to go over at Wrestlemania. Just give it the right build. It's like Formula 1. The threat of the overtake is good enough.

Yeah, I'd love them to have a proper surprise one year. As you said in your next post they don't actually do surprise winners (or winners who aren't established stars) very often. But given how much they bang on about how in the Rumble anything can happen it'd be nice to see it. Problem being, as it always is (and why we're apparently getting Shane matches at EC and Mania :moop:), is that WWE don't build anybody so you think they're a potential future top guy. Like, Big E's title win wasn't off the back of some sustained midcard build. He had an unmemorable midcard title reign, was lost in the mix a bit and then they put MITB on him. If you look at the roster there's not a younger, midcard guy they've done enough with that them winning a Rumble wouldn't be totally jarring. Theory, maybe, but having a heel win and not annoy the fans is tricky. Though I suppose if they weren't having Bork win you could've not had the mens go last then you build up Theory as a talented dickhead with ideas above his station before eventually a babyface champion shuts him up at Mania.

Same problem they're going to have making anybody care about whoever's facing Lashley at Mania. Assuming they don't go heel vs. heel who're the faces on Raw? They could be turning Rollins after the ending of the Reigns match but that'd seem a shame given his heel stuff is good right now. Unless they've decided the Miz hasn't lost enough yet I've got a horrible feeling he's gonna lose it to fucking Edge, which just takes us back to the 'they refuse to build young stars' thing again.

31-01-2022, 11:48 AM
They've just got no confidence in their roster. Probably explains why they bring so many people in as well.

31-01-2022, 11:49 AM
The surprise win often makes the star. They're such a corporate machine now that they'll make money regardless, so it's a bit confusing why they don't take the plunge more often. If it fails, so fuck, because the dollars keep rolling in.

Doesn't help they keep burying/releasing the good workers.

31-01-2022, 11:57 AM
I've looked through the winners and the only two surprises I can think of are Edge (last year) and Shinsuke. Rock/Austin and Hogan/Warrior worked as a really good way to build up their inevitable clashes.

There's definitely been other surprise winners, they just don't look like surprises out of context. Cena in 08 for example, nobody would have predicted that because he was meant to be injured for 12 months and returned in 4.

But I've always said they need to have a proper jobber win it, even if he doesn't make it to mania. If the rumble was "real" it would happen fairly often just because of the amount of luck/lack of any real ability needed to win it. The final 4 becoming a staple is such a bad move as it seems to make the bookers think the most obvious 4 winners need to be there for it.

I didn't mind the Women's Rumble (I've been calling for RTC Ivory since the first one) and Ronda was a somewhat surprise, albeit the dirt sheets had nailed it before hand unfortunately (I tried to avoid any rumble spoilers, but that one was everywhere). I think everyone saw Lesnar coming for months, and the booking of the WWE Title match made it 100% nailed on, meaning I couldn't watch the match without skipping through it. I don't need to watch the Street Profits being thrown around by Ridge Holland (whatever one of those is) and Corbin's lackey for 10 minutes when I know Brock is killing whoever is left.

But all in all I just think the Rumble isn't special anymore and hasn't been for a number of years. I can't remember what year it was but there was 1 I stayed up for that had 0 surprise entrants and I thought that was as low as the Rumble could get, but it hasn't really got any better since, 2020 men's aside.

31-01-2022, 12:13 PM
I remember the one you mean, Browning, where there were no surprises. Just a sea of jobbers. 2017 or '18, maybe?

The Rumble is definitely tired though, as much as I (in theory) love a Rumble. Same goes for their other standard PPVs really. There's probably an argument for having the Rumble, Chamber*, MITB and KOTR (in this alternate reality where WWE aren't idiots I'd be treating KOTR seriously again) on some sort of rotation. The Rumble would feel more like a novelty again rather than an hour of the same tropes if it was only every two or three years and you could book a chunk of the year around whatever one it is, whether you have King of the Ring take place over weeks/months so each round can involve some feuds or give them time to think of something interesting to do with MITB, whatever it might be.

But this year's both had it extra tough because for both I was just waiting for the obvious winner to appear.

* At least with this year's being in Saudi it'll mean it's ages since I last saw a Chamber whenever I next watch one.

Sir Andy Mahowry
31-01-2022, 03:10 PM

Best in the World.

31-01-2022, 03:11 PM
Just occurred to me we didn't even get any NXT in the Rumbles.

But then it would've just ended with Gunther the Submarine Fancier being eliminated by an already-gassed Shane so that's probably for the best.

31-01-2022, 03:12 PM

Best in the World.

This certainly explains why Drew fucking McIntyre was made to sell the beetroot-coloured twat's 'offence.'

31-01-2022, 03:18 PM

Sir Andy Mahowry
31-01-2022, 03:29 PM
Just occurred to me we didn't even get any NXT in the Rumbles.

But then it would've just ended with Gunther the Submarine Fancier being eliminated by an already-gassed Shane so that's probably for the best.

I'm surprised they haven't decided to have someone from NXT win it yet and then using that to move them to the main roster.

Don't think that's ever happening now though.

31-01-2022, 03:34 PM
Von Wagner vs. Roman Reigns is the Mania main event we needed.

Sir Andy Mahowry
31-01-2022, 03:36 PM
He could have done THE POINT with his forehead.

31-01-2022, 03:38 PM
I maintain Keith Lee should have been the surprise entrant and winner.

31-01-2022, 03:44 PM
They'd have only ruined it by having him lose to Lesnar with a single F5 at 'Mania or something.

Or lose the title shot somehow to somebody shit or old.

He could have done THE POINT with his forehead.

Or just put the sign on there.

31-01-2022, 04:29 PM
Some Youtubers I'm now catching up on seem to have loved the womens Rumble. I do not understand why. I hope they're just remembering a strong home straight and not pretending the rest of it was actually good.

31-01-2022, 04:37 PM
I enjoyed it a lot more than the men's, but I wouldn't say it was good.

If you take into account the relevant situations they did a lot better than the blokes though. They struggle to cobble together 30 women (especially after all the releases) so they shouldn't even be comparable, and yet they are.

Some of the eliminations still look like shit though. This is why Women's Battle Royals before they got a rumble allowed for elimination through the ropes.

31-01-2022, 05:01 PM
I totally forgot it but I also enjoyed the Nikki / Molly bit, that was fun.

Sir Andy Mahowry
31-01-2022, 06:20 PM
Ivory and the whole Right to Censor thing was by far the best thing of the whole PPV.

31-01-2022, 08:44 PM
Ivory and the whole Right to Censor thing was by far the best thing of the whole PPV.

It was fucking cringe. They're a PG show, which has been a huge reason on why it's dogshit these days, what the fuck is there to censor?

Reigns v Rollins was the best thing they had, proper storytelling.

31-01-2022, 09:01 PM
It was good up until the absolute dog shit ending where Little Naitch literally put Seth on the ropes. That ruined it completely.

31-01-2022, 09:50 PM
It was fucking cringe. They're a PG show, which has been a huge reason on why it's dogshit these days, what the fuck is there to censor?

You are a proper bore, sometimes.

31-01-2022, 09:54 PM
Also I'm not sure them being PG would even make the top 10 of reasons why the product is where it is.

01-02-2022, 01:12 AM
Just seen that Riddle was supposedly scheduled to win the rumble until they went with Brock. What the fuck....

01-02-2022, 01:27 AM
Brock now in the CHAMBER

Sir Andy Mahowry
01-02-2022, 01:30 AM
Bork must win EVERYTHING.

01-02-2022, 09:50 AM
Him just getting a shot for the other title than the one he's already declared for just adds to the argument that him winning the Rumble was fucking stupid (and boring.)

01-02-2022, 11:02 AM
Brocky 2 Belts :drool:

Honestly, I maintain that people seething whenever Lesnar wins is more entertaining than the show will ever be. Keep on trolling Vince.

In reality, him being in the chamber is shite booking. This leaves them with 3 options:

1) Unify the titles
2) Have Brock job clean right before Mania.
3) Have Roman screw Brock for 2 straight PPVs....

All of those options are shit. Stop booking yourself into corners for fuck sake.

01-02-2022, 11:12 AM
Unifying the titles would be a good idea given they're incapable of building up challengers for one belt let alone two, therefore we can rule that one out. Unless they do the Keith Lee thing of giving somebody two belts then immediately losing one.

That saaaaaid it'd take both world titles off TV for a bit which is shit, and therefore makes it a little more likely. Hm.

I don't feel like they'll go title vs. title but Lesnar is clearly going to be the last out of his chamber and I don't see how or why they would have him be screwed from that position, or what Reigns would gain out of taking away his own chance of potentially unifying the belts.

Who knows man, they don't think about anything beyond "What would get the most reaction?" or "What does the Crown Prince want?"

01-02-2022, 11:19 AM
It wouldn't necessarily take both belts off TV assuming Roman won at Mania, which it almost feels like he'd have to.

01-02-2022, 11:29 AM
I've just seen the 2 longest lasting women were Bianca (47:30) and Liv Morgan (37:20). That's a hell of a long time for 2 women who, between them, did fuck all in the entire match. I honestly would have predicted Liv was no more than 10-15 minutes.

01-02-2022, 11:38 AM
Did Morgan even eliminate anybody? Because yeah, I was aware during the match Belair had been in for ages (and was doing very little) but I didn't even notice Morgan had stuck about that long.

It wouldn't necessarily take both belts off TV assuming Roman won at Mania, which it almost feels like he'd have to.

I'm working on the assumption that Brock beats Roman but... yeah I dunno if that's how it'll go regardless of what belts are on the line. On the one hand I reckon they'd rather not have Brock lose to him twice on the spin, but then I wouldn't be having Brock as the guy to end this title reign either.

Who even knows. I suspect Lesnar doesn't take the title in the Chamber because as you say having him then lose it again before Wrestlemania would be some dumb shit. But how they go about having him not win the Chamber I don't know because he sure as shit ain't being pinned without there being some shenanigans.

01-02-2022, 11:54 AM
Liv didn't eliminate anyone, and Bianca only got Nattie. I did also notice as it was going on that Tamina didn't get any notable eliminations (she may have got 1 or 2 I didn't notice, but easily could be 0) but she definitely saved about 12 people from being eliminated by attacking the person who was about to throw them out for no reason.

Still, at least the Bella Twins got over.

Edit- just checked, 0 for Tamina as well.

01-02-2022, 12:14 PM
I didn't spot the Tamina thing but I've heard a few pods talking about it. :D

01-02-2022, 03:57 PM
Danhausen vs The Ass Boys (Gunn Club) needs to be prime time AEW. So funny.

Sir Andy Mahowry
01-02-2022, 04:07 PM
I don't get Danhausen at all.

01-02-2022, 06:19 PM
So apparently Shane was pitching that he and Seth start some shit in the Rumble, Shane would then be in the chamber so he could continue the Seth feud (I assume Shane was going to be eliminating him from both)and then pay off in a Seth vs. Shane Mania match, where Shane would presumably outwrestle him for 15 minutes.

Just give up, you dork.

EDIT: Oh and he wanted the WWE title to be involved. You can fucking guarantee Shane was pitching for him to be WWE champion.

I bet Pritchard was well up for it too (until Vince said he wasn't and Pritchard 180'd), the shit cunt.

Gray Fox
01-02-2022, 06:35 PM
There’s no shame in being out wrestled at WRESTLEMANIA by The Best in the World.

Sir Andy Mahowry
01-02-2022, 06:46 PM
I was stunned when I saw that Shane wasn't in the Elimination Chamber match.

01-02-2022, 10:04 PM
I'm not going to be happy now if Wrestlemania night 2 doesn't end with the glorious image of new world champ Shane being hoisted aloft by Pete Gas and Rodney.

01-02-2022, 10:08 PM
To be fair I'd forgive a lot if he brought back the Mean Street Posse, but sadly that would need Shane to have a sense of humour about himself and I genuinely think he thinks he's a great wrestler.

Also what have you got against Joey Abs?

01-02-2022, 10:17 PM
It's only the original authentic posse for me. Shane, Rodney, Pete, the others who appeared that first time and never again. Joey Abs was like Virgil joining the NWO, the workrate goes through the roof but the magic has gone

01-02-2022, 10:28 PM
I think as the group's workhorse you're doing Abs an enormous disservice, and downplaying the huge part he will have played in turn Shane into the world's greatest pro wrestler.

01-02-2022, 10:37 PM
I'll concede that as an actual wrestler Abs can take credit for Shane becoming the best pure striker in the business, but as he was drafted in he can't share in the pure emotion. Pete and Rodney however, they were there through the highs and slightly less highs of Shane's life. (Also Willie Green who apparently only appeared in silhouette with his voice distorted which I don't remember at all)

01-02-2022, 10:42 PM
Okay, how about we compromise: Abs as his cornerman for the match, Gas and Rodney can come out of the crowd to hold him aloft?

Gray Fox
02-02-2022, 03:45 PM
WWE have released my favourite wrestler :(

Sir Andy Mahowry
02-02-2022, 03:48 PM

There goes the money.

02-02-2022, 03:51 PM
Wrestlemania ruined.

Wouldn't be surprised if Rollins doesn't just retire now that his shot at the dream match is gone.

He really was a prime example of everything wrong with WWE. His return during that Vince/Stephanie segment got a big nostalgia pop, that story went toilet-wards very quickly but WWE's attitude was "Hey remember that pop? AND he's old! We can remind people of the Attitude era and bury our current roster all at the same time!"

Gray Fox
02-02-2022, 03:52 PM
It's not even worth watching now.

02-02-2022, 04:05 PM
That anybody who doesn't do it for a living chooses to sit through a full WWE broadcast blew my mind anyway.

Even more so now half the show is drivel and people are apparently watching the shit bits and not just skipping through for anything halfway interesting. 5 hours of programming a week and you might get 90 minutes tops that's actually any good, and even then only if they've got a match or two where they just let people go at it for 15 minutes.

02-02-2022, 04:14 PM

02-02-2022, 04:22 PM

02-02-2022, 06:20 PM
Next scene: Shane knocks them out with worked punches. Best in the world.

02-02-2022, 06:21 PM
Now thats an AEW signing I can get behind.

02-02-2022, 06:28 PM
Get a five star match out of that, Kenny.

Gray Fox
02-02-2022, 07:01 PM
The best strikes in the world, would carry anyone to a 5 star rating from Dave.

02-02-2022, 07:06 PM
"Do you have anything high I can fall off?" <jumps off Tony Khan's shoulders>

02-02-2022, 07:11 PM
"Right I've got this epic storyline idea that WWE never really followed through on.

So, there's this lockbox, right..."

02-02-2022, 09:46 PM
Seen a few people saying by letting Shane go they've missed out on having Theory vs. Shane and marketing it as "Austin vs. McMahon." :D

03-02-2022, 12:58 AM
Kendrick pulled from AEW for shit like this:


What the actual fuck....

Sir Andy Mahowry
03-02-2022, 01:12 AM

Here's some more stuff.

Going to David Icke conventions :drool:

03-02-2022, 07:09 AM
Why's this resurfacing? It wasn't exactly buried at the time, it's already done the rounds.

03-02-2022, 09:30 AM
Presumably because AEW tried to hire a scumbag, whereas scumbags being employed by WWE is seen as the norm.

Sir Andy Mahowry
03-02-2022, 01:18 PM

He NEVER believed in any of it. I believe him.

03-02-2022, 02:51 PM
'I crossed the line' is clearly a come get me plea to Impact.

04-02-2022, 09:58 AM

I assume it was Shane McMahon who said this, with the same frame of mind I might be in if I were to warn beautiful women not to turn up at my door demanding sex from me.

04-02-2022, 10:15 AM
Im all for Shane working the death match circuit going forward.

Sir Andy Mahowry
05-02-2022, 02:29 PM
Oldberg v Roman Reigns.

The Saudi princes will be wanking themselves silly.

08-02-2022, 06:11 PM
I didn't enjoy MJF vs. Punk from last week as much as the reviews I've read/heard did but I am by default annoyed when matches go to commercials, picture-in-picture or otherwise. Not sure it needed 40 minutes either but it's a very decent match and MJF really is an expert piece of shit.

09-02-2022, 08:54 AM
Gosh, Ziggler on NXT! That'll do a lot for the ratings, I'm sure.

10-02-2022, 07:48 AM
Big Fat Keith Lee. :cool:

Might need to watch him splat whoever that dude is he debuted against.

EDIT: Although BFKL debuting did, as I suspected, confirm Tony Khan's "FORBIDDEN DOOR SIGNING!!!!!!!!!!1" stuff to be an absolute lie. Free agents can't come through the so-called 'Forbidden Door', Tony, you cretin.

Sir Andy Mahowry
10-02-2022, 01:12 PM
I think he was referring to Jay White, although NJPW/Impact is hardly a forbidden door for AEW.

10-02-2022, 02:28 PM
He's come out and said he signed Jay White specifically because he fucked up and said Forbidden Door for Keith.

Sir Andy Mahowry
10-02-2022, 02:43 PM
Oh so he's an idiot then.

10-02-2022, 02:44 PM
He’s no Vince, eh.

10-02-2022, 03:02 PM
Him just ballsing up the wording makes sense, the only person I thought it could have been going on that would be Jeff Hardy and get Khan Sr to cover the lawsuit.

10-02-2022, 03:11 PM
He's come out and said he signed Jay White specifically because he fucked up and said Forbidden Door for Keith.

So he wouldn't have otherwise?

Call me old fashioned but White is miles better than anyone else who's available. The guy knows how to wrestle main event matches. NJPW need him back.

10-02-2022, 10:36 PM
I think his missus having a kid has kept in America much longer than anticipated with the added bonus that he already lives in Florida fulltime if he isnt on a NJPW tour. The bloke already has story with Hangman, Kenny/Bucks, Chaos/Best Friends, Adam Cole off the top of my head.

I hope they book the Bullet Club side of things with extreme caution.

10-02-2022, 10:48 PM
Keith Lee's debut was obviously wonderful, I also enjoyed Punk / Mox vs FTR until all the wank started happening.

Picked up a couple of Raw matches too but the highlight was after WWE did the thing where they had Riddle / Rollins go to DQ, had Orton come out and attack Owens and turn it into a tag match when Rollins hit Owens in the arm and told him to get back in the apron sonhe can be tagged Owens shouts "Ow! I just got RKOd, why are you hitting me???" Owens is so good. Did a proper lol at Rollins' face when. KO hugged him at the end too.

10-02-2022, 11:29 PM
So he wouldn't have otherwise?

Call me old fashioned but White is miles better than anyone else who's available. The guy knows how to wrestle main event matches. NJPW need him back.

Wouldn't have yet is the way I read it, he's been on Impact and every NJ Strong show he can get on talking about AEW or people who work there so I think this was coming. Cocaine Tony would probably be better off curating his tweets but it's hard to fault him for seemingly trying to not disappoint people once he'd said it.

11-02-2022, 10:17 PM
I’m not familiar with Keith Lee (or Jay White) but Keith Lee seems like lots of fun.

I love that Sammy Guevara wore both belts.

11-02-2022, 10:54 PM
I forgot Jay has also pinned Moxley.



I remember watching this live and for the life of me I couldn't tell if it was a worked shoot or not.


11-02-2022, 11:46 PM
I’m not familiar with Keith Lee (or Jay White) but Keith Lee seems like lots of fun.

Lee is properly great. And basically has a bit of everything.

12-02-2022, 08:41 AM
I’ve not watched AEW so I’m not sure how his match style will go down with the fan base as he’s very much been brought up in the NJPW main event structure but I imagine his mic work will be fire.

12-02-2022, 08:56 AM
To be fair he has wrestled a lot more matches in America than most NJPW dojo products..

12-02-2022, 10:29 PM
Lee is properly great. And basically has a bit of everything.

Hopefully they let him squash Hook.

(Although I did enjoy, and I’m sure you did too, Jericho’s repeated use of Hookamania.)

Sir Andy Mahowry
13-02-2022, 03:08 AM


13-02-2022, 09:10 AM

13-02-2022, 09:12 AM
Can't believe Charlotte would make her opponent look like a twat.

15-02-2022, 11:29 AM
WWE reportedly bringing some bloke called Steve back to wrestle at mania. This won’t make up for no Shane.

15-02-2022, 12:03 PM

15-02-2022, 02:06 PM
Steve Blackman’s back? Excellent.

Sir Andy Mahowry
15-02-2022, 03:16 PM



Cody (and Brandi) aren't really going to WWE are they? It's got to be a work.

15-02-2022, 03:20 PM
Farewell Brandi :cry:

Sir Andy Mahowry
15-02-2022, 03:21 PM
Wont that increase the price of your Brandi doll collection?

15-02-2022, 03:22 PM
Uncle Dave reckons it's not out of the question but you'd think he's staying with AEW.

Also love to see this from Lesnar:

"Now I'm the old bastard walking the hall. I look at these young kids and, I don't know. Someone needs to step up. Get over. Figure out how to put asses in seats and not worry about your next high spot. Figure out, 'how the hell can I be different. How the hell can I make money?' That's the business. The young generation thinks that if they go out and do a certain move and they do it over and over, that's not the business. There is a good guy and bad guy like Holyfield and Tyson, mega heavyweight, pitting people against each other, storylines. That's what was fun about me coming back this time, the storyline with Roman Reigns and being with Paul Heyman for 15 years. "

If I thought he had enough of a sense of humour about himself I'd say Brock talking about people going out and doing a certain move over and over had to be a rib.

15-02-2022, 04:31 PM
That Cody thing has got to be a work, right?

15-02-2022, 04:41 PM
There's surely no way unless WWE are prepared to offer some combination of money and creative control that he's simply not going to get. And after the initial spike would he even be that much of a draw for them to be worth what it'd cost them?

I think he'd be mad to leave AEW.

Sir Andy Mahowry
15-02-2022, 04:45 PM
I could see Vince throwing money (and some creative control) at him. Not because he'd be a massive draw but I think Vince would fucking love the idea of getting an AEW founding father to be the first to cross the line back to WWE.

15-02-2022, 04:51 PM
I would be absolutely astonished if WWE gave anybody any sort of meaningful creative control.

15-02-2022, 05:05 PM
Vince will have thrown a ridiculous amount of money at him just because he can. He'll do a few years, get released, then head back to AEW.

15-02-2022, 06:15 PM
"You'll wear these polka dots just like your dad did."

15-02-2022, 06:18 PM
I think it's more likely that this is a bit for his TV show, but if he can swing a short term WWE deal to do Wrestlemania or something then why not. He's been a sideshow for a while anyway so it's no loss to AEW.

15-02-2022, 06:46 PM
HHH can bury him at mania to kill off any relevance he has built up.

15-02-2022, 06:51 PM
I think it's more likely that this is a bit for his TV show, but if he can swing a short term WWE deal to do Wrestlemania or something then why not. He's been a sideshow for a while anyway so it's no loss to AEW.I think it’s actually quite bad for AEW, from a behind-the-scenes perspective.

15-02-2022, 09:05 PM
While Triple H isn't able to appear why not sign the pound shop version?

15-02-2022, 09:17 PM
No chance he goes back to WWE.

Gray Fox
15-02-2022, 09:51 PM
He's just left a locker room full of guys who wanted to go to AEW and sign for him because they weren't BIG SWEATY MEN and were rejected by Vince. He's suffered the same thing himself. If he just wants some more money for his family fair enough, but I reckon Tony Khan would have sent some his way if he'd asked.

15-02-2022, 11:28 PM
My take earlier:

i think he's done and going to raise his kids outside of the business cause dusty and him had a real weird relationship
and hes got the TV work. he probably owns shares of AEW still. He already did that boot gimmick with malakai black and then it disappeared
so maybe he got cold feet then?

16-02-2022, 08:08 AM
Whatever he does, the flaming table spot was mega.

16-02-2022, 08:30 AM
What Uncle Dave is posting (how long they were in talks, lawyer involvement, etc.) suggests that this isn't a work at all. Unless it's a very elaborate one.

16-02-2022, 12:29 PM
Owens losing to Austin at Mania getting closer and closer to reality by the sounds of it. Ugggghhhhhhhh.

16-02-2022, 03:23 PM
Sting has been protected really well by AEW largely by keeping him to tag matches, so I think the best way to go is clearly Owens and Zayn vs Austin and Knoxville, if that hasn't got Wrestlemania Night 2 of 5 semi-headline spot written all over it nothing has.

16-02-2022, 03:25 PM
What sort of dweeb doesn't want to watch Stone Cold wrestle again?

16-02-2022, 03:27 PM
And once Knoxville has finished his Jackass promotion work get Dude Love back to tag with Austin.

16-02-2022, 03:29 PM
What sort of dweeb doesn't want to watch Stone Cold wrestle again?

The sort of person who's had more than their fill of shit like this:

And is bored of actual talent being sacrificed at the altar of any old twat who fancies a payday.

Just watch his old stuff.

16-02-2022, 03:55 PM
Current wrestling is shit anyway, there's no decent characters and loads of manlet acrobats.

16-02-2022, 04:03 PM
That being true or not (it's not, but anyway) doesn't alter the fact that any match* featuring Austin now is highly likely to be absolutely shit.

* Or anything else, really. How many of these old fucks coming back after years / decades actually have anything to do or say that's actually entertaining? Oldberg did for about half an hour and still stunk of all the shit things WWE do. The Rock has the delivery but garbage promos whenever he pops up. Angle didn't even have that. Also Undertaker (I'm not having that that tag match he was carried through with Reigns was any sort of example of him being a half-decent worker any more.)

Sir Andy Mahowry
16-02-2022, 05:28 PM
That being true or not (it's not, but anyway) doesn't alter the fact that any match* featuring Austin now is highly likely to be absolutely shit.

* Or anything else, really. How many of these old fucks coming back after years / decades actually have anything to do or say that's actually entertaining? Oldberg did for about half an hour and still stunk of all the shit things WWE do. The Rock has the delivery but garbage promos whenever he pops up. Angle didn't even have that. Also Undertaker (I'm not having that that tag match he was carried through with Reigns was any sort of example of him being a half-decent worker any more.)


16-02-2022, 06:07 PM
Put it this way: Nobody guarantees a pop like Austin. Still.

Sir Andy Mahowry
16-02-2022, 07:09 PM
I will never not get goosebumps when I hear his theme song.

The glass breaking :drool:

16-02-2022, 07:11 PM
All he needs is a run-in, really. Same with Kane.

16-02-2022, 09:12 PM
Mayor Jacobs needs to steer clear as well.

It might hurt my heart every time I rewatch the '01 Rumble and he still doesn't win but I still groan when I see him and his paunch come out in his home-made-looking gear.

16-02-2022, 09:20 PM
Yeah, he just looks far too Citizen Kane these days. You heard me.

16-02-2022, 09:20 PM
The Mania weekend NXT show is gonna start at 11am. :cab:

Sir Andy Mahowry
16-02-2022, 09:33 PM

Sports Illustrated's Justin Barrasso reported the news Wednesday, saying that "sources close to the situation have confirmed that his next destination will be back where his career started in WWE."

There was no timeframe given, but the report speculated Rhodes could begin filming vignettes at the Performance Center as soon as this weekend.

"While Rhodes was never intended to overstay his welcome in the world title picture, one key factor that led to this exit was losing all responsibilities involving booking. That is a role where (Tony) Khan, who is the head of creative, has taken full rein. Originally, Rhodes was part of that process. As great as Dusty Rhodes was as a performer, his contributions as a booker are an integral part of his legacy. For Rhodes, AEW represented another chance to pay homage to his father as a booker while also further cementing his own legacy. Losing that opportunity in AEW hurt Rhodes more than any loss he suffered in the ring," he wrote.

Why is he going to WWE if he's annoyed that he's lost creative control in AEW?

16-02-2022, 09:36 PM
Didn't he just tweet today saying that he wasn't leaving AEW?

Sir Andy Mahowry
16-02-2022, 09:40 PM

16-02-2022, 09:41 PM
Damn, I must've been bamboozled. It had a blue check and everything.

16-02-2022, 10:00 PM
Can't wait until Cody signs his contract and Vince opens a cupboard in his office where the Stardust costume is hanging up.

17-02-2022, 12:28 AM
Is Wade Keller ok in the head? Some of the stuff he is saying about Brandi Rhodes back stage is clearly made up nonsense.

He is puts the dirt in dirt sheets.

17-02-2022, 01:15 AM
Austin Vs Goldberg rumours starting up :drool:

17-02-2022, 01:38 AM
A 5 min Iron man match sounds like a good idea.

Can Austin's neck take Goldberg's jackhammer?

17-02-2022, 07:06 AM
Is Wade Keller ok in the head? Some of the stuff he is saying about Brandi Rhodes back stage is clearly made up nonsense.

He is puts the dirt in dirt sheets.

He's always been a complete arsehole. I don't know why people are treating his opinions on this with any kind of respect.

17-02-2022, 07:35 AM
Austin Vs Goldberg rumours starting up :drool:

Okay that I am 100% up for as then I can just skip it altogether.

Would be brave of Austin to take a modern Goldberg Jackhammer / brainbuster with his history. Maybe if he accepts that match we should consider it a cry for help?

EDIT: I see QL beat me to the punch there, replied before reading everything else. :D

17-02-2022, 07:39 AM
He's always been a complete arsehole. I don't know why people are treating his opinions on this with any kind of respect.

Social media is a toilet at the best of times but the hate aimed at Brandi Rhodes is really sad.

17-02-2022, 09:09 AM
Anybody watched any of the NXT show I've already forgotten the name of? By which I guess I mean Mahow as I think me and him are the only ones who go anywhere near it now.

Reviews I've seen are suggesting it was actually a pretty good show.

Sir Andy Mahowry
17-02-2022, 11:44 AM
Anybody watched any of the NXT show I've already forgotten the name of? By which I guess I mean Mahow as I think me and him are the only ones who go anywhere near it now.

Reviews I've seen are suggesting it was actually a pretty good show.

I haven't watched NXT since the second episode of 2.0, I was going to go back when WALTER came and then they did the unthinkable.

It's called Level Up though and the replacement for 205 Live.

17-02-2022, 12:04 PM
No I meant the actual NXT episode the other day. "Vengeance Day", apparently.

They should merge more 90s/2000s PPV names. Bring on Fully Unforgiven.

17-02-2022, 02:08 PM
Masha Allah greate

17-02-2022, 02:09 PM

Gray Fox
17-02-2022, 02:14 PM
Someone’s excited for Crown Jewell.

18-02-2022, 10:23 PM
Gargano and LeRae appear to have called their kid Quill. Lol at that.

19-02-2022, 08:08 AM
NXT random name generator won’t be able to top that. Big brain move for that kid’s wrestling career.

19-02-2022, 09:14 AM
Sounds like a Final Fantasy protagonist.

Sir Andy Mahowry
19-02-2022, 05:06 PM

Oldberg/Reigns to start.

Sir Andy Mahowry
19-02-2022, 06:43 PM

Fucking hell.

Sir Andy Mahowry
19-02-2022, 06:47 PM

They're not really bringing back Cody to tag/associate with Miz are they?

19-02-2022, 06:54 PM
Ow at that Moss bump.

Sir Andy Mahowry
19-02-2022, 07:41 PM
Brock :D

19-02-2022, 07:43 PM
Bobby Fucked?

Sir Andy Mahowry
19-02-2022, 07:47 PM
That chamber was funny but it's made Bobby look weak as fuck (assuming he isn't actually injured).

Sir Andy Mahowry
19-02-2022, 08:12 PM

They're not really bringing back Cody to tag/associate with Miz are they?

It's even worse.

Reports are that he was talking about Logan Paul and they will team up to face the Mysterios at Mania.

19-02-2022, 08:24 PM
Someone better protect Dominic then. Bad Bunny must've been unavailable.

Sir Andy Mahowry
20-02-2022, 02:12 AM
Turns out that Lashley fucked his shoulder during the Rumble match with Brock. He needs surgery and will be out for 4 months.

20-02-2022, 10:32 AM
To be fair Bobbo is at a level now where he doesn't have a title match and there is literally zero chance of them giving him anything worthwhile to do for Mania otherwise so other than missing out on the PREMIUM LIVE EVENT payday he may as well sit it out until the summer when they'll consider putting the title on somebody who isn't Brock Lesnar.

That said.... is Reigns actually winning that match do we think? My current gut feel is that he probably does but I can't imagine they're merging the world titles so if so Roman having all the gold kinda suggests this whole current story is kinda nearing its end and fuck knows who they'd plan to take the belts off him. They probably don't have a plan yet of course.

20-02-2022, 11:17 AM
Logan Paul vs Hardcore Holly I'd watch. Anything else he can fuck off

20-02-2022, 11:42 AM
Who is that guy who landed on his head? :D

20-02-2022, 01:21 PM
That is Jezza Corbin's latest mook, "Madcap" Moss.

Logan Paul vs Hardcore Holly I'd watch. Anything else he can fuck off


Gray Fox
20-02-2022, 03:02 PM
I suspect Reigns wins, but they've created their own problem here.

The top two guys are promoted and booked as absolute monsters. No one else at all is anywhere near. They did really well to build Drew up and have him look on that level, but they then just allowed him to wander back down to the mid-card.

20-02-2022, 08:24 PM
I think you could probably have McIntyre beat Reigns if that was the plan without it being weird. His feuds have been a bit midcard but he does win them.

It'd be nice if he got a big moment now fans are back after his decent babyface title reign in an empty room.

Sir Andy Mahowry
21-02-2022, 06:55 PM


21-02-2022, 07:18 PM
Yeah I saw that was coming up from one of their shows over the weekend.

23-02-2022, 08:46 AM
So Bron Breakker is getting his "made to feel unimportant by feuding Dolph Ziggler" feud before he's even called up to main roster?

Building stars. :drool:

23-02-2022, 02:33 PM
It’s daft how rubbish Rampage is compared to Dynamite.

24-02-2022, 03:21 AM
Buddy Matthews appears to have been taking those Japanese supplements.

24-02-2022, 07:32 AM
Is he notably bigger? He's always been pretty ripped.

24-02-2022, 07:49 AM
I thought so but I may have forgotten how ripped he actually is.

24-02-2022, 07:56 AM

24-02-2022, 08:04 AM
That is one beefcake.

24-02-2022, 08:12 AM
You can see why important WWE TV character Aliyah Mysterio was into him.

24-02-2022, 08:17 AM

24-02-2022, 08:37 AM
So Matthews debuted, Swerve seemingly on the way and Jeff Hardy's said he's signing too.

The roster bloat is real.

24-02-2022, 08:38 AM
Jeff Hardy :facepalm:

24-02-2022, 08:41 AM
I remember he slimmed down to fit in on the 205 show where he instantly looked like Hercules in comparison to most of the roster, and when he won the title in the big stadium show in Australia that was a really good match. Speaking of which there's talk of a stadium show here later in the year, so I'm booking a binance box.

24-02-2022, 08:44 AM
I genuinely don't think he had a bad match in WWE that I saw.

What's the stadium show there is talk of? AEW?

Jeff Hardy :facepalm:

Yeah. He might pop a rating on debut but he ain't doing shit after that given he hasn't actually been any good for years now.

24-02-2022, 08:47 AM
The big E - https://www.pwinsider.com/article/156034/wwe-talents-heading-home-reaction-internally-to-womens-bouts-on-chamber-ppv-two-more-international-stadium-shows-this-year-more.html?p=1

There is also has been described as a "Stadium Show" being planned for Great Britain over what would be Labor Day weekend here in the United States.

Have to imagine AEW will be over for a tour now we've vanquished covid entirely too

24-02-2022, 08:49 AM
Yeah. He might pop a rating on debut but he ain't doing shit after that given he hasn't actually been any good for years now.

I was thinking more because he fell off the wagon again and a pro wrestling environment is the last place he needs to be.

24-02-2022, 08:53 AM
Addiction problems aside, is he still a death defying high flyer or is he just old and rubbish now?

24-02-2022, 08:59 AM
I'm trying to think if he's jumped off anything significant since the Wrestlemania ladder match when they returned. There was some spot in Hell in a Cell against Orton if I remember rightly where he fell off something but inside the cell.

I'm gonna say no, he's just old and rubbish, though AEW have form for letting people do stupid spots don't they? Or have I made that up?

Though given his policy just seems to be I FUCKING LOVED WWE AS A KID I could see Khan egging on Jeff to jump off something stupid.

I was thinking more because he fell off the wagon again and a pro wrestling environment is the last place he needs to be.

Oh, well there's that yeah.

24-02-2022, 09:12 AM
Jeff Hardy shouldn’t have worked again after Victory Road 2011. I have no idea why anyone took another risk on him after that.

24-02-2022, 09:19 AM
Jeff Hardy will be jumping off the highest ladder they have onto one of the young bucks.

24-02-2022, 10:21 AM
Get Sammy Guevara involved (he has history with Matt) and we’re laughing.

24-02-2022, 10:37 AM
I was thinking more because he fell off the wagon again and a pro wrestling environment is the last place he needs to be.

Apparently his drug test came back negative and WWE asked him to come back, offered to induct him in the HoF and he turned them down.

Sir Andy Mahowry
24-02-2022, 12:30 PM
Yeah he was apparently concussed.

Sir Andy Mahowry
24-02-2022, 08:48 PM

He deserves better.

24-02-2022, 08:51 PM
I know there's not a lot of fans in here but Cesaro in the G1. :drool:

Sir Andy Mahowry
24-02-2022, 09:01 PM
His contract expired so he can sign with who he wants as soon as he wants.

24-02-2022, 09:11 PM
I know there's not a lot of fans in here but Cesaro in the G1. :drool:

Perfect fit, great wrestler. I don't think it's been mentioned yet but the NJ Cup brackets came out the other day and it's a big one this year.

24-02-2022, 10:27 PM
Cesaro is definitely on the list of people I'll keep an eye out for matches of theirs I fancy elsewhere. He's so good.

I might see if I can find his US Open Challenge match against Cena.