Pabmania D_D
02-11-2018, 12:13 PM
Hi everyone,
Although I'm a bit shy, thought I'd come and say hello.
I use to be a big deal and I'm sure this :rotate: was named after me. But those days have long gone.
I now enjoy works in the park, feeding the ducks and stalking young unattached polar bears. The sexy little beasts... :drool:
Say hello, especially if you're a polar bear. If you are, how old are you? And err... are you attached? Because if you are don't worry, but if not, hit me up. Be good to get to know you.
Yours excitedly,
Although I'm a bit shy, thought I'd come and say hello.
I use to be a big deal and I'm sure this :rotate: was named after me. But those days have long gone.
I now enjoy works in the park, feeding the ducks and stalking young unattached polar bears. The sexy little beasts... :drool:
Say hello, especially if you're a polar bear. If you are, how old are you? And err... are you attached? Because if you are don't worry, but if not, hit me up. Be good to get to know you.
Yours excitedly,