View Full Version : Public Service Announcement

03-09-2017, 01:25 PM
For those of you who might be wanting kids soon, conceive next week and you'll get your paternity leave during the World Cup.



03-09-2017, 01:40 PM
Alright, 'Jeet.

03-09-2017, 01:52 PM
You'll also end up with a kid that's up to 9 months behind everyone else in their class in development time.

03-09-2017, 02:21 PM
Had my brother been born a day earlier he would have been in the year above. He used to get loads of regional and national rugby honours largely on the back of his size, so the first half of the year and BIG PITCHES brigade would have had a field day.

03-09-2017, 02:25 PM
You'll also end up with a kid that's up to 9 months behind everyone else in their class in development time.

I was born in June. I'm fine.

03-09-2017, 02:26 PM
I was born in July and I'd like to think I am too, but statistically...

03-09-2017, 02:28 PM
In NI, you'd have been in the year below you.

Isn't there an option now to hold off for the next year if you're within a few weeks of the cut-off date?

03-09-2017, 02:31 PM
You can choose, although it's mostly a myth that it makes much of a difference.

Spikey M
03-09-2017, 02:34 PM
You can choose, although it's mostly a myth that it makes much of a difference.

At secondary school, sure. There's a big difference between a 4 year old and a 5 year old though.

03-09-2017, 02:40 PM
It's all down to the child. You could get some proper thicko born in September and someone super bright born in August. It all sort of evens out really.
Thick parents rarely get clever kids though ;)

03-09-2017, 03:18 PM
If they're with older kids it'll make them learn faster, unless they're retarded and you'll know that soon enough

03-09-2017, 03:22 PM
At secondary school, sure. There's a big difference between a 4 year old and a 5 year old though.

Aye, but they do absolutely fuck all in 'reception' and even then, it's only in certain things where developmental differences are at all noticeable (fine motor skills sometimes) and those things tend to iron out fairly quickly.

03-09-2017, 03:29 PM
don't have kids and just quit your job instead losers

03-09-2017, 07:16 PM
It depends how bothered you are about your child more likely being at or above age expected at an early age (plus the physical differences). It does make a bit of a difference, but obviously that decreases as the child gets older. A mate had a baby a fortnight ago but wasn't due until the start of September, and she's now going to be in the year above what they were expecting.

I heard about this (World Cup thing) yesterday in the car when I was taking my girlfriend's mates into Leeds, and one of them announced their pregnancy.

04-09-2017, 07:22 AM
I did this last time around. My kid's born late June which was perfect.