View Full Version : The Graphic Novel (Comic) Book Thread

Sir Andy Mahowry
03-10-2016, 04:54 PM
We had one on the old board but it was barely used.

I've only really read The Watchmen and a few of the early X-Men comics but I decided to buy some collections on Amazon this week:


Also have a Black Panther collection coming soon.

I've almost finished the Civil War one which is a bit meh partly because there's near enough every single Marvel hero ever conceived in the book floating about. I have absolutely no idea who most of them are unless another character speaks to them. A bit more intense in terms of the whole war aspect than the movie was too which is playing out well.

I'll probably move onto one of the Deadpool ones next to change it up.

03-10-2016, 05:19 PM
Reading Preacher and Persepolis at the mo. Just started the latter but it's great so far. Preacher is massively long and I'm having a break from it.

Tablets are a God-send for reading comics though. All of a sudden you can get all the big ones for free and read them easily!

03-10-2016, 05:45 PM
A few weeks ago I read Persepolis over the course of a day and loved it. Fun Home has also been recommended. Probably not quite what you're thinking of though Mahow.

03-10-2016, 05:56 PM
Get V for Vendetta, Mahow.

I've just finished the second book of Preacher. I could do without some of the level of OMG LOOK HOW EDGY THIS ALL IS but it's good and I really need to give the show a go.

03-10-2016, 05:57 PM
I read about half of Fun Home a few years ago and though it was moany, self-indulgent shite.

It's quite highly regarded though so maybe I was just in a bad mood. I'll probably have another look at some point.

Sir Andy Mahowry
03-10-2016, 05:58 PM
Get V for Vendetta, Mahow.

I've just finished the second book of Preacher. I could do without some of the level of OMG LOOK HOW EDGY THIS ALL IS but it's good and I really need to give the show a go.

Completely forgot about V for Vendetta. I'll be getting that.

03-10-2016, 06:10 PM
Also if you want more Batman recommendations go for Long Halloween and Dark Knight Returns.

Sir Andy Mahowry
03-10-2016, 06:14 PM
Also if you want more Batman recommendations go for Long Halloween and Dark Knight Returns.

Yeah I've got them saved in my basket for later.

I've ordered the recommendations in here as well as Maus as I've heard good things.

03-10-2016, 06:44 PM
The only series I've bought so far is The Boys.

What a fucking series though.

03-10-2016, 06:45 PM
Old Man Logan as well.

I need to read Y: The Last Man.

03-10-2016, 06:49 PM
I saw the story of Old Man Logan and was immediately interested, I need to get that.

Sir Andy Mahowry
03-10-2016, 06:58 PM
Old Man Logan as well.

I need to read Y: The Last Man.
Second on the top row.

I couldn't say no to that when Amazon recommend it.

03-10-2016, 07:23 PM
I was thinking about getting Marvel Unlimited again the other day, but I don't know if I can be arsed. On paper it seems amazing, but last time I had it I never used it anywhere near as much as I though I would. It's almost too much choice, maybe. Then I completely forgot I had it and continued to pay it for about eight months before remembering to cancel.

03-10-2016, 07:23 PM
I've ordered the recommendations in here as well as Maus as I've heard good things.Its alright that. Fairly straight forward in terms of story but I liked how it was told.

Avoid Blankets (shite) and Feynman (boring).

03-10-2016, 09:05 PM
Also if you want more Batman recommendations go for Long Halloween and Dark Knight Returns.
Also Batman: Secrets. Short and very good.

Raoul Duke
03-10-2016, 09:10 PM
See if you can track down the Robocop versus Terminator 4-parter. It was awesome. Spawn, Ninjak and (some of) the newer Transformers series are worth a go too.

04-10-2016, 08:00 AM
Yeah I read the Robocop vs Terminator thing a while back. If it's the same one it was fucking brilliant.

Sir Andy Mahowry
07-10-2016, 11:51 PM
Ordered it as it looks great.

I've also started a free month of Marvel Unlimited using code NY16. Decided to start on the whole Dr Strange story including the bits in various Stranger Things comics with the human torch.

I forgot how lol old comics were:


Imagine having a linoleum guy.

Sir Andy Mahowry
04-09-2019, 11:44 PM
This whole thing didn't last overly long but I'm back in the game. I bought a new tablet, re-subbed to Marvel Unlimited and started on this:


Nearing the end of the first portion of Black Panther and it's a bit weird.

The art is really good but it's a bit like Star Wars meets Black Panther. It's set over 2000 years in the future and instead of hiding their existence the Wakandans are a seriously oppressive empire. I don't really understand why it's a thing but it is quite compelling.

I like it, the art is really good but the setting (more than 2000 years in the future) and how the Wakandans are portrayed is strange.

05-09-2019, 08:06 AM
I'd quite like to read Doomsday Clock if they ever fucking finish it.

Nearly two years to get to 11/12 issues so far.

05-09-2019, 08:07 AM
When's that set, Mahow?

07-09-2019, 10:59 AM
Over 4000 years in the future I think.

Sir Andy Mahowry
07-09-2019, 11:03 AM
This whole thing didn't last overly long but I'm back in the game. I bought a new tablet, re-subbed to Marvel Unlimited and started on this:


Nearing the end of the first portion of Black Panther and it's a bit weird.

The art is really good but it's a bit like Star Wars meets Black Panther. It's set over 2000 years in the future and instead of hiding their existence the Wakandans are a seriously oppressive empire. I don't really understand why it's a thing but it is quite compelling.

I like it, the art is really good but the setting (more than 2000 years in the future) and how the Wakandans are portrayed is strange.

I have scrapped that reading order for now as a lot of it is unreleased. I found out when I read Black Panther #15 and then spotted that the next wont be released for a few weeks.

Decided to jump on this:


Starting with the Claremont era as I've tried the original X-Men and it's just far too cheesy.

Sir Andy Mahowry
01-10-2019, 12:08 PM
Been smashing the Claremont era and I'm now into the second part.

The Dark Phoenix storyline was seriously good and it's amazing how one man fucked up TWO films on it. Now moving onto the Days of Future Past story which has started really well and also happens to be the best film (after Logan) in the franchise.

01-10-2019, 12:20 PM
I think there's an argument for X-Men 2 but DOFP is pretty great.

Sir Andy Mahowry
09-10-2019, 10:05 PM
So I've just come across an absolutely mental storyline.

As part of the reading guide I had to read Avengers Annual #10 which saw Claremont give Ms Marvel (Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers) a last say in said storyline.

She lets the rest of the Avengers know what really happened between her and a character called Marcus.



So he basically kidnapped her, roofied her, raped her and made her have a baby within a couple of days.


Also, it's weird as fuck that 13 year old Kitty Pryde has a massive crush on 18/19 year old Colossus who clearly wouldn't mind a piece of her and apparently starts actively dating her shortly after her 14th birthday.

Calm down lads.

15-10-2019, 11:21 AM
Some of the insanity in mainstream comics is great.

I'm a big fan of Batman breaking his "one rule" and using the Batwing to lynch a mental patient, Superman levelling some slums to reduce crime and Spider-Man: Reign revealing MJ died because of his radioactive spider-jizz.

Also, one I learned about recently via Cracked:

18-10-2019, 12:53 AM
I read some comics as a kid, mainly X-men and Turtles. I mean, except for Tintin, Asterix and Donald Duck (especially the Don Rosa stuff) of course.

But I mean - hero comics. Anyway, what always seems to bother me with the prospect these days is that there's just too much "lore" to understand and too many realities and parellell stories nd reboots and special versions where deadpool eats thanos little toe or whatever. There doesn't seem to be any chronology to anything and that somehow bothers me.

18-10-2019, 06:58 AM
Asterix. :drool: Definitely a bit less racism reading those back than basically any Tintin book.

As for your second paragraph, Maz, I'd agree and it's why if I read anything it tends to be one-shots or stories I can read in isolation.

I quite fancy reading the original TMNT comics knowing that they're less "lol pizza ninjas mates!" and more "Splinter raised and trained them solely to do a revenge murder for him."

The Merse
18-10-2019, 11:57 AM
For me it was all Judge Dredd as a kid, led on to all the great graphic novels - all British new wave, Neil Gaimen, Grant Morrison, Alan Moore and Garth Ennis and the like. Never really ‘got’ Marvel or the majority of DC.

Sir Andy Mahowry
18-10-2019, 12:29 PM
I read some comics as a kid, mainly X-men and Turtles. I mean, except for Tintin, Asterix and Donald Duck (especially the Don Rosa stuff) of course.

But I mean - hero comics. Anyway, what always seems to bother me with the prospect these days is that there's just too much "lore" to understand and too many realities and parellell stories nd reboots and special versions where deadpool eats thanos little toe or whatever. There doesn't seem to be any chronology to anything and that somehow bothers me.

That's why I've picked a reading order within a set era.

They also did a FRESH START last year where everything was basically rebooted so you could get into that with no prior knowledge.

18-10-2019, 11:10 PM
Don't they do that pretty much every other year tho?

Sir Andy Mahowry
18-10-2019, 11:23 PM
I think that's only been the case for the last few years although before that they were going mental with the whole Multiverse.

19-10-2019, 07:33 AM
DC love a reset a bit more than Marvel do on the whole, I think? Might be wrong.

Sir Andy Mahowry
31-10-2019, 11:03 PM

Wasp, leader of the Avengers...

Transported to a patchwork world (made from about 100 different planets) by a omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient being along with almost every Marvel villain and hero yet they've made her concerned about a broken nail.

01-11-2019, 07:57 AM
She was only thinking about the nail to distract her from how far she was from the kitchen.