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Raoul Duke
13-09-2023, 06:57 AM
Surely this is in the realm of "suing someone because you injured yourself burgling their house"?

Spikey M
13-09-2023, 07:24 AM
South London In Shithole Shitstorm Shocker.

Offshore Toon
13-09-2023, 07:33 AM
And to make things much worse, Jersey annihilated AFC Croydon last night in their own ends. South London is finished.

Spikey M
13-09-2023, 07:44 AM
Whilst there are some racial sensitivity issues going on here, this is something that is going on up and down the country. It has been caused - once again - by the police being an underfunded, under-resourced, over-paperworked Mental Health Support Service. They have no ability to tackle crime, so they've essentially started decriminalisation of... erm... crime. Shoplifting was a quick win.

Officer, she's stolen that!
Does it cost less than Ł200?
[/i]Erm, yes mate, but...[/i]
'ere you go luv, that's a Antisocial Behaviour Warning Notice that is. Now you be good'

So yeah, do what you want, you probably won't get caught and if you do, nevermind, we'll let you off with a warning this time. And the next time. And about 10 further times. Then you get a fine.

This same shit happened in America (doesn't it always?) and they now have whole communities without access to supermarkets because they've all just closed and left town.

It's a slow march to death for the west.

Spikey M
13-09-2023, 07:58 AM
Oh, and keep a little eye on Fentanyl and Xylazine deaths in the UK too. They're creeping up and that shit brings a whole host of fun social issues.

We're only ever a decade or so behind the Septics lads. Buckle up.

13-09-2023, 08:30 AM
Nitazines in everything atm. Don’t do drugs.

13-09-2023, 12:13 PM
:lol: UK has gone mad. Nothing to see here lads.

Spikey M
13-09-2023, 02:52 PM
Taz and Sincere need to stop being white supremacists.


13-09-2023, 03:35 PM
Funny how countries decide to import the worst parts of the US.

Spikey M
13-09-2023, 03:58 PM
We should get some good riot footage out of it tonight atleast.

13-09-2023, 08:11 PM
Whilst there are some racial sensitivity issues going on here, this is something that is going on up and down the country. It has been caused - once again - by the police being an underfunded, under-resourced, over-paperworked Mental Health Support Service. They have no ability to tackle crime, so they've essentially started decriminalisation of... erm... crime. Shoplifting was a quick win.

Officer, she's stolen that!
Does it cost less than Ł200?
[/i]Erm, yes mate, but...[/i]
'ere you go luv, that's a Antisocial Behaviour Warning Notice that is. Now you be good'

So yeah, do what you want, you probably won't get caught and if you do, nevermind, we'll let you off with a warning this time. And the next time. And about 10 further times. Then you get a fine.

This same shit happened in America (doesn't it always?) and they now have whole communities without access to supermarkets because they've all just closed and left town.

It's a slow march to death for the west.

This is a black thing insofar as they are the only 'community' that would racialise a shoplifter getting their collar felt and be sufficiently lacking in self-awareness to protest about it. If a white scrote got filled in by a black shopkeeper because they were on film thieving I doubt even hardcore white racists would jump to defending them solely on the basis of their skin colour.

Jimmy Floyd
13-09-2023, 09:31 PM
I don't think such protests are happening in Lagos or Kingston, either.

13-09-2023, 10:31 PM
I've dipped in and out of this thread on and off all day during a busy day at work and if asked I still couldn't articulate what the fuck is going on. Which isn't casting judgement, I genuinely don't understand.

TLDR anyone?

Jimmy Floyd
13-09-2023, 10:36 PM
A black woman was thieving from a shop, the Asian owner detained her with a bit of force and a brief headlock, she's now crying about it. The Guardian of course chose to write it up like this:

Police are investigating an incident at a hair products shop in south London where a video posted online apparently showed a black female customer being grabbed by the throat by a man attempting to restrain her.

The Metropolitan police said they were investigating the incident after being called out to the shop in Peckham on Monday, and appealed for calm after protesters gathered outside the store on Tuesday.

“We know people will be concerned about a video circulating online of an incident in a shop,” said Det Ch Supt Seb Adjei-Addoh, the local policing commander for Southwark.

The video apparently shows a man physically restraining a woman from behind. After she swings her basket towards him in an apparent attempt to free herself, he appears to grab her by the throat.

Spikey M
14-09-2023, 06:16 AM
Just be grateful it wasn't a white man.

14-09-2023, 06:46 AM
Just be grateful it wasn't a white man.

So given it wasn't, what's the underlying sentiment/race angle issue on this one? What exactly is "here" that Twitter man was so scared about arriving from the US?

Spikey M
14-09-2023, 06:53 AM
So given it wasn't, what's the underlying sentiment/race angle issue on this one? What exactly is "here" that Twitter man was so scared about arriving from the US?

I have no idea, but apparently the Asian community has bought up large parts of Peckham and lord it over the Black community. Atleast that's the story on Twitter.

The other side of the coin is a shopkeeper that's sick of shoplifters, but that's a countrywide issue as per my post above.

14-09-2023, 01:07 PM
Just be grateful it wasn't a white man.

When it comes to black people being sacred, it doesn't seem to make any difference.

14-09-2023, 01:40 PM
Asians running all of the businesses in 'their' areas is the nearest thing there is to a universal black experience, and yet it never seems to give the people of Peckham, Idi Amin, the Fijian military, etc. pause for thought.

Gray Fox
14-09-2023, 03:28 PM
I'm very surprised to see no coverage of the Mexican Alien in here.

14-09-2023, 03:30 PM

The BBC is too busy perusing Harry Maguire's mum's Instagram page, so we are blissfully unaware of Mexican aliens.

14-09-2023, 03:37 PM
I'm very surprised to see no coverage of the Mexican Alien in here.

Because it's blatantly obviously fake.

14-09-2023, 05:11 PM
Fucking hell :D


15-09-2023, 12:52 PM

That seems like a lot.

15-09-2023, 01:01 PM
Seems it's actually the prison is continually understaffed (a common theme everywhere) and on the day in question the shortfall was estimated to be 80. But don't let that get in the way of some lovely clicks eh, Sky.

15-09-2023, 01:05 PM
They may have been WFH. Classic MSM smear of civil servants.

John Arne
16-09-2023, 04:59 AM
56 people died in a mid-rise apartment fire here a few days ago. Very grim.


Spikey M
16-09-2023, 06:30 AM
First of all, Man like Spikey has his finger on the pulse. :cool:

A convenience store owner says he witnesses up to nine shoplifting incidents a day, with criminals who are "more brazen and aggressive".

Benedict Selvaratnam says it is because shoplifters know they are not a police priority.

His situation is being echoed in small shops across the UK, according to the Federation of Independent Retailers.

The group, which represents 10,000 shopkeepers, is calling for government help to tackle the problem.

It says the situation is worsening day by day.

Secondly, the new "Gone In 60 Seconds" sounds absolutely dog shit.

"We've seen a big increase in organised gangs stealing to order, whether it's coffee, honey or meats."


16-09-2023, 10:22 PM

"Are teens (and women for that matter) ever truly equipped with the full capabilities to consent when the structural conditions of our society place the satisfaction of men as paramount?”

Jesus wept.

Spikey M
17-09-2023, 07:01 AM
This is the problem with The Guardian, they take a point that most people would agree with and couch it in such verbose language that all meaning is lost.

What she is attempting to say is that young men watch too much porn and then go on to want sex like that, but most women don't want ass to mouth with nipple clamps and fish hooks up their nostrils, and it's hard to consent to sex when normal sex could start introducing porn norms that you don't want without warning.

It would actually be useful for this to be said in everyday language, but yeah, Guardian gonna Guardian.

I worry for both my son and daughter when they grow up. It's looking increasingly difficult for both of them. I don't know how society got so polarised. (Well, I do, it's pretty much all because of the Internet, isn't it? Especially Social Media driving people into echo chambers)

17-09-2023, 07:39 AM
It's absolutely the internet and I think we're only beginning to see the damage it'll ultimately do. Take the Brand situation - previously if a show like that had come out he'd have had no recourse. No one in the tv broadcast media would have given him any unchallenged airtime, but now he has a platform to millions upon millions of people where he can claim it's all some great conspiracy, views will go up, he'll even make more money out of it and we have millions of people who simply won't believe a conviction in a court of law. Now, he may choose not to do that for legal reasons and the wider court case that I assume is coming, but the point is that if he wants to, he can, Piers Morgan will no doubt be waiting in the wings too. And that's only the tip of the iceberg - even the things that purport to be there to do good (mental elf, anxiety support etc.) to me at least, seem to be actively fucking kids up.

I find it hilarious that there are all these warnings about AI, when what we have online already is an active and very real threat to Western civilization functioning. But of course, no one with any power wants to point that out as they're all trousering obscene amounts of money from its existence.

Jimmy Floyd
17-09-2023, 08:17 AM
We are lucky to be old enough to know that almost everything online is grifting bullshit. The kids probably think it's all real.

17-09-2023, 08:30 AM
Kids definitely, but you've also got this weird group of people who came to it late who're our age and older who seem to have no clue how to spot what's grifting bullshit. See Facebook comments for all the evidence you need of that.

18-09-2023, 10:14 PM

Lot of yank newbies vying to take the crown off our very own Nazanin for most worthless treacherous piece of shit but this is sensational:

Iranian officials have never acknowledged detaining Levinson, while US officials believe he was held and interrogated by the country’s intelligence agency as a possible bargaining chip.

A retired FBI officer, he was initially reported to have visited Kish – an island frequented by tourists and not requiring a visa for entry – on a freelance investigation of illicit cigarette smuggling in March 2007.

A fucking freelance investigation of illicit cigarette smuggling in Kish :lol: And people buy in to this level of fuckery.

Jimmy Floyd
19-09-2023, 09:03 PM
This business with the Indians offing the Sikh in Canada is interesting. Trudeau a legend of diplomacy as always, but Modi's mob are properly horrible cunts, as bad or worse than the Saudis but not as fashionable to hate.

19-09-2023, 09:28 PM
Isn't Modi renaming India?

20-09-2023, 06:12 AM
Probably. He's fucking nuts but that fits right in with the Indian approach to anything foreign, that any slightly negative or even quizzing comment about anything remotely Indian is instantly branded anti-Indian and they go into meltdown. If you ever fancy kicking off a shitstorm just head onto Twitter and post "Kohli is shite" or something similar; even if you only have three followers, it doesn't matter, they'll seek you out quick enough.

Can't wait for Pakistan to win the World Cup in their back yard.

Jimmy Floyd
20-09-2023, 07:32 AM
Talk is that if they give up the rights to the name 'India' then Pakistan will be able to claim it. Now that I'd like to see.

21-09-2023, 11:07 AM

I don't envy his lawyer trying to formulate a defence strategy for that one. :D

21-09-2023, 11:44 AM

Presumably he never left the prison or he thought they were trialling a novel way of releasing people from custody.

Spikey M
21-09-2023, 11:53 AM
He was kidnapped.

21-09-2023, 05:33 PM
"I was being transferred. By bike."

26-09-2023, 05:32 PM


26-09-2023, 05:47 PM
I took to Reddit to see what he actually did and that headline doesn't remotely do his crimes justice. This isn't an 'animals are as important as humans' take (so stand down Jim), but he should never be allowed to see the light of day again.

26-09-2023, 05:49 PM
Oh and as is always the case where the wife doesn't know about anything their husband is doing, how the fuck not? He had a shipping container fitted out as a torture room, on their property, for fuck's sake.

Spikey M
26-09-2023, 05:50 PM
My time at the Courts taught me that Bestiality is far more common than most people would believe and the punishments are far, far too lenient. Most of them don't go to prison. Just a fine and ban from keeping pets.

Sir Andy Mahowry
26-09-2023, 05:55 PM
My time at the Courts taught me that Bestiality is far more common than most people would believe and the punishments are far, far too lenient. Most of them don't go to prison. Just a fine and ban from keeping pets.

Been keeping notes?

26-09-2023, 05:56 PM

It's absolutely staggering to me that these things are allowed to be sold in flavours such as Strawberry Ice Cream. Tobacco and maybe menthol and that should be it.

Spikey M
26-09-2023, 06:00 PM
Been keeping notes?

No, just pictures.

26-09-2023, 06:19 PM

It's absolutely staggering to me that these things are allowed to be sold in flavours such as Strawberry Ice Cream. Tobacco and maybe menthol and that should be it.

How could they not see that coming?

26-09-2023, 06:37 PM

It's absolutely staggering to me that these things are allowed to be sold in flavours such as Strawberry Ice Cream. Tobacco and maybe menthol and that should be it.

The sooner “flavours” (and disposables) are banned, the better. It’s supposed to be a cessation tool but now every school kid seemingly has one.

26-09-2023, 06:41 PM
The other major problem with it is that as long as you're not in the eyeline of someone you shouldn't be doing it in front of you can genuinely do it anywhere and even the smell dissipates so quickly. It's probably much better for you than smoking but the levels of nicotine people are ingesting must have increased tenfold and I'm not sure we know what that does to people over the longer term.

Spikey M
26-09-2023, 06:48 PM
I quit smoking 10 years ago. It took will power for about 3 days and that's that. Anyone complicating it with patches, gum or vapes just needs to grow a pair. Just stop smoking, it's not that hard.

26-09-2023, 06:50 PM
I hate walking into clouds of blueberry bubblegum or whatever flavours they're vaping. Adults shouldn't be stooping to that level.

26-09-2023, 07:02 PM
Not so much vaping, but God I love the smell of someone smoking.

26-09-2023, 07:06 PM
I don't see how they're any different than all the odd flavours of beer or cocktails or any of the wanker variants of tea and coffee, I don't want any of them but I'm not about to advocate for getting rid of them. Insisting on only boring types of a thing seems like the action of some miserable puritan.

26-09-2023, 07:23 PM
My time at the Courts taught me that Bestiality is far more common than most people would believe and the punishments are far, far too lenient. Most of them don't go to prison. Just a fine and ban from keeping pets.

I imagine part of that is the law around animals being relatively lax, they're essentially property aren't they?

Unfortunately I don't believe in hell so I'll just have to hope some convict throws a sugar kettle over a different extremity of his every day for the rest of his miserable life.

26-09-2023, 07:27 PM
I took to Reddit to see what he actually did and that headline doesn't remotely do his crimes justice. This isn't an 'animals are as important as humans' take (so stand down Jim), but he should never be allowed to see the light of day again.

Post it up for the non-Reddit nerds.

26-09-2023, 07:47 PM
Honestly, it's soul destroying stuff, don't seek it out.

26-09-2023, 08:16 PM
Post it up for the non-Reddit nerds.

Deeply fucked up shit.


26-09-2023, 08:20 PM
I saw that, but I would sooner die than get a Reddit account, so I suppose I'll swerve it.

26-09-2023, 08:33 PM
I don't have a reddit account, are you saying you need one to read it?

26-09-2023, 08:40 PM
It gives me the option of claiming to be under eighteen or to log in.

26-09-2023, 08:41 PM
Ah, I get that on mobile but not on my laptop.

26-09-2023, 08:43 PM
I don't see how they're any different than all the odd flavours of beer or cocktails or any of the wanker variants of tea and coffee, I don't want any of them but I'm not about to advocate for getting rid of them. Insisting on only boring types of a thing seems like the action of some miserable puritan.

It's addicting children in droves. I wouldn't be surprised if schools in some areas were up at 50% of kids of a certain age vaping, which is far more than used to smoke cigarettes when I was at school. And as Yev noted, we don't have a clue what ingesting insane amounts of this stuff does to you. I know grown adults who can barely go two minutes without toking on their vape, because it's so convenient probably. Take away the flavour, take away the appeal. It was created to be a cessation tool but that jumped the shark long ago already.

27-09-2023, 12:47 AM
Kids definitely, but you've also got this weird group of people who came to it late who're our age and older who seem to have no clue how to spot what's grifting bullshit. See Facebook comments for all the evidence you need of that.

Yeah this is very true, my mum is pretty bright, but she has absolutely no critical thinking when it comes to judging the reliability of different sources of information online (a problem a lot of older people have, I think). I think it's partly that they were brought up in an era where...well, newspapers and telly have always put out biased rubbish, but there's at least some checks and balances with them. I think a lot of them can't process the fact that any idiot can go online and post any old shite (just see my posts on here!!), even on their own actual website.

Luckily she only reads about gardening and cookery appliances, so the only rabbit holes she's gone down are slightly bizarre flower cultivation techniques and using the air fryer for absolutely everything, rather than Jamie's 15 minute cities.

Jimmy Floyd
27-09-2023, 05:51 AM
Which is also why they all get done by online scams. There's a woman at work c.60yo who is genuinely clever but has been robbed about 5 times because she can't tell a scam email from a genuine one.

27-09-2023, 07:28 AM
It was not the greatest day when my 74 year old stepdad asked for my help because he realised he had been scammed trying to buy 'the old dick pills' online :moop:

Sir Andy Mahowry
27-09-2023, 07:31 AM

27-09-2023, 08:25 AM
Deeply fucked up shit.


Wish I hadn't read that 🤮

27-09-2023, 08:48 AM
Which is also why they all get done by online scams. There's a woman at work c.60yo who is genuinely clever but has been robbed about 5 times because she can't tell a scam email from a genuine one.

There was some stuff the other day about how Gen Z kids are even worse than them at falling for scams. I'm really curious what it is that has failed in their "all internet all the time" upbringing that could be the cause for that.

Sir Andy Mahowry
27-09-2023, 09:00 AM
TikTok makes them gullible as shit.

Get some loud obnoxious twat spouting crap and they'll believe it.

Just look at how many of the little shits think Andrew Tate is some sort of God.

27-09-2023, 09:03 AM
Aye, the influencer effect. They put way too much trust in single grifters instead of gathering a range of opinions.

27-09-2023, 09:51 AM
For all the shit millennials get, I do think we're by and large the generation best equipped to deal with modern society. There was a story in Sweden recently on how many teens can't even type well on keyboards anymore, and instead look more like some 65 year old doing it because they had touchscreens in their hands from age 4.

27-09-2023, 10:10 AM
I sent my six year old to Computing Club yesterday. Asked her what she got up - played on tablets. :facepalm:

Jimmy Floyd
27-09-2023, 10:10 AM
I think predating the earnest 'woke' era helps us a lot. Healthy cynicism.

27-09-2023, 10:22 AM
I sent my six year old to Computing Club yesterday. Asked her what she got up - played on tablets. :facepalm:

Makes some sort of sense. Touchscreens are real easy for kids to wrap their head around. I still can't remember what age I learned to touch type. I think it just came naturally after a year or so in the office.

27-09-2023, 10:44 AM
Makes some sort of sense. Touchscreens are real easy for kids to wrap their head around. I still can't remember what age I learned to touch type. I think it just came naturally after a year or so in the office.

Ridiculously so. My 1 year old gets a bit of "TV" time before the bath, a couple of episodes of whatever. We put it on the wife's iPad because we don't have a TV upstairs and even at 1 year old, she knows to touch the "Next Episode" button when the credits are rolling.

27-09-2023, 11:49 AM
Yeah, my nephew would casually decline any and all phone calls if he was watching something, at around the same age.

Sir Andy Mahowry
29-09-2023, 08:14 PM

Police think they've cracked who killed Tupac.

29-09-2023, 08:50 PM
lol at it just being some stupid black people shit, shooting somebody over a minor altercation, rather than some big conspiracy.

29-09-2023, 09:59 PM
Meanwhile Biggie's remains unsolved.

Bus crash driver. (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-66970993)

Why use that as the photo? He looks genuinely battered.

John Arne
03-10-2023, 09:51 AM
Shots heard and multiple fires reported in a shopping mall in Bangkok....

John Arne
04-10-2023, 02:48 AM
This could get tasty.

China is often bullying ships and crashing into them in this area of the sea, however, on this occasion the Filipino ship sank and 3 died.


Sir Andy Mahowry
05-10-2023, 12:27 PM


Spikey M
05-10-2023, 01:04 PM
2030 2035 is going to be fun.

05-10-2023, 01:54 PM


"Mr Morrison initially called his wife in a panic to ask her to warn vehicles ahead of him that he could not stop his car."

ffs :lol:

05-10-2023, 02:15 PM
Electric cars are basically computers on wheels - I'm surprised that sort of stuff doesn't happen more often.

05-10-2023, 04:15 PM
Most new regular cars don't have a physical throttle cable. They are operated electronically. Haven't heard of any issues.

Sir Andy Mahowry
05-10-2023, 04:40 PM
Electric cars are basically computers on wheels - I'm surprised that sort of stuff doesn't happen more often.

Plenty of Tesla fuckups on Twitter.

05-10-2023, 05:18 PM

The Old Bailey heard he was spurred on by his artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot "girlfriend" Sarai and inspired by storylines from Star Wars.

What an unstoppable retard.

Sir Andy Mahowry
05-10-2023, 05:27 PM
An AI Girlfriend? Hmmmm, interesting.

Even "she" would probably reject me though.

05-10-2023, 05:38 PM

5000 messages to Clippy.

05-10-2023, 06:30 PM
Controlled by a sex bot that couldn't even deliver the goods, tragic.

Sir Andy Mahowry
05-10-2023, 06:40 PM
Controlled by a sex bot that couldn't even deliver the goods, tragic.

I've heard worse aimed at me.

05-10-2023, 06:50 PM
Yer man could probably have done with a WhatsApp group of stalkers though.

06-10-2023, 03:13 PM
Wiilst I was to this point largely unaware of the bedbug epidemic (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-67027138) dans La France, apologies M. Beaune,

Transport Minister Clément Beaune said on Wednesday that of nearly 50 reported sightings of bedbugs on metro and SNCF trains, not one had been verified.

"I wouldn't like to see a kind of French-bashing take hold… as it does sometimes in Anglo-Saxon countries," he said.

"The problem needs to be taken very seriously. No denial. And no hysteria."

I'm glad it has been brought to my attention for this little factlet:

According to scientists, bedbugs are one of the few species to practice "traumatic insemination". With his barbed needle of a penis, the male bedbug can pierce the female at any point of her body.

His sperm then makes its way via the bloodstream to her reproductive organ. Over the millennia, females have actually developed a dent in their abdomen to encourage males to pierce them at that spot.

Male bedbugs also display homosexual behaviour, and even try to inseminate other species.

There must be some Joe Lycett/Suella Braverman crossover content there.

06-10-2023, 10:31 PM

Mr Plumb, who was wearing a green T-shirt with the slogan "Aged to Perfection", was remanded in custody to appear for a plea hearing at Chelmsford Crown Court on 3 November.


That's a rotten hairline for 27. Also, he's not kidnapping anyone. :D

06-10-2023, 10:57 PM
I thought he was 36?

Alan Shearer The 2nd
06-10-2023, 11:05 PM
Fuck me is that the fat cunt from Se7en?

Spikey M
07-10-2023, 06:12 AM
So Mahow was just pretending to turn his life around all along? :(

07-10-2023, 08:29 AM
I thought he was 36?

That picture is from 2014.

07-10-2023, 10:56 AM
Fantastic scenes to wake up to as Hamas kill and capture a small number of Israelis Israelis find themselves distanced from home and unable to locate a pulse.


Palestine possibly to get absolutely flattened in the coming days and kick up a tasty global drama but fucking inject some of the footage coming out rn :drool:

07-10-2023, 11:56 AM
If Israel ever needed an excuse to just push all of the Gaza Strip into the sea/Egypt they might have just got it. The muggery is off the scale.

Spikey M
07-10-2023, 12:08 PM
Yeah, that seems like poor judgement.

07-10-2023, 12:31 PM

Staff without medical training who fill gaps in the NHS workforce must tell patients they are “not a doctor” when introducing themselves, under new guidance.

The advice has been issued to “physician associates” (PAs), a type of clinical role that requires less training than doctors receive, amid a row over their use in the NHS.

PAs complete a two-year postgraduate qualification, but no medical degree, and can diagnose and treat patients. They can work in A&E or GP surgeries.

NHS England has set out plans to expand the number of PAs to deal with staff shortages, with a workforce of 10,000 PAs wanted over the next decade. The plan has been met with opposition from doctors’ leaders, who say the growing use of PAs instead of fully qualified doctors is leading to missed diagnoses and deaths.

Guidance published on Thursday by the Faculty of Physician Associates, a part of the Royal College of Physicians, said that PAs must not mislead patients into thinking they are doctors.

The instructions tell PAs to “correct patients and staff if they refer to them as a registered doctor, nurse or other professionally protected role”.

It recommends an introduction of: “Hello, my name is [Forename Surname] and I am one of the physician associates working in [specialty]. Physician associates are commonly referred to as PAs. I work alongside the doctors, but I am not a doctor.”

The guidance continues: “PAs must not use the prefix ‘Dr’ or title ‘doctor’ in any clinical environment or interaction with patients. This could be confusing or misleading for a patient. ‘Doctor of medicine’ is a legally protected title and the public would reasonably assume that anyone introducing themselves as ‘doctor’ in a healthcare setting meant a ‘doctor of medicine’.” The advice says those with a PhD should not use the title Dr in any medical setting.

Concerns over the use of PAs were heightened by the death of Emily Chesterton, a 30-year-old actress from Salford, who died of a blood clot after a PA working in her GP surgery misdiagnosed it as a sprain. Her family said she had no idea she had not seen a doctor.

This week hundreds of doctors signed an open letter to the leadership of the Royal College of Physicians, urging them to take a stand against the introduction of PAs.

The open letter, signed by 46 fellows of the college and 194 other doctors, said: “There have been several high-profile incidents in which serious illness was missed by [an associate] when undertaking a role that would normally be filled by a doctor. In some cases, avoidable deaths have resulted.

“Given that some of these conditions required more advanced training than the [associate] had received, the implication is that rare avoidable deaths are a price society must pay for the replacement of medical staff with non-medical staff. We believe this trade-off must be debated widely, not just by doctors but also by the lay public.”

The letter supports calls by the British Medical Association for the roles to be renamed “physician assistant” and “anaesthetic assistant” to better reflect their roles.

Anaesthetists have also forced an emergency meeting of their royal college this month in an attempt to halt the increased use of anaesthesia associates, a similar role also due for expansion.

Insane this guidance even needs to be put out. Thoroughly enjoying their seethe at not being allowed to mislead patients into thinking they are doctors any more. Tide is finally turning.

Jimmy Floyd
07-10-2023, 02:56 PM
I see Indian ethno-nationalist twitter is very much on the side of the Israelis, so you can tick that one off for the world war. Hamas don't have many friends, do they? Morons.

07-10-2023, 03:09 PM
I like the idea Mossad just let this happen.

07-10-2023, 06:21 PM
Motorised hand gliders dropping Hamas heroes, settlers scurrying in airports like the dirty rats they are, Zelenskyy's statement, Iran's celebrations, keep it coming :drool:

Alan Shearer The 2nd
07-10-2023, 06:21 PM
Some of the twitter takes I've seen have been horrific. The Novara media lot are outdoing even their own appallingly low standards.

Jimmy Floyd
07-10-2023, 10:12 PM
Sadly this marks the end of the road for that lot after a few unexpected years in the sun. Arab London is a tougher problem to solve.

07-10-2023, 11:04 PM
The various 'Londoners' celebrating tops Multiculturalism is a Roaring Success Week off nicely. Big Suella Braverman in the mud.

07-10-2023, 11:26 PM
Just to clarify, when man said 'in the sun' above, he means literally.

08-10-2023, 12:10 AM

Washed down with a refreshing Supermalt no doubt. :happycry:

Spikey M
08-10-2023, 07:00 AM
This is one of those lovely occasions where everyone involved is a cunt. Israel had it coming, but kidnapping women and children is the scummiest way possible to go about it. So, yeah. Fuck 'em all, really.

08-10-2023, 07:48 AM
Oh noes, the Palestinians are being scummy and letting go of the rules of class.

I do hope I meet Zinchenko one day. I reckon you could make the little cunt cry with words.

Spikey M
08-10-2023, 07:54 AM
I've never personally found myself siding with people that kidnap women and children, but if you do you should probably start having a little think about where you've gone wrong in life.

08-10-2023, 08:59 AM
The whataboutism on this is fun (on Twitter). As if the IDF murdering civilians makes Hamas doing it acceptable.

08-10-2023, 09:06 AM
What's the TLDR with this? I've somehow managed to make it this far through life without really understanding what caused it all and every time I've tried to ask someone in the real World it's clear as day I'm getting a one sided account of events. Which is weird in itself, as that doesn't seem to happen with other ongoing conflicts thousands of miles away.

Jimmy Floyd
08-10-2023, 09:26 AM
The Romans had a strop in 70 AD and sacked Jerusalem, sending the people of Judea into exile. About 600 years later the Prophet Mohammad, paedo harem in tow, kicked off Arab expanionism across the region. The Arabs spent the next 1,200 years raping women, discovering algebra and not eating pork, while the Jews in exile spent the same period being massacred, making money and also not eating pork. Fast forward to 1900 or so and the Zionist movement kicks off whereby Jews return to what they see as their Judean homeland. 40 years later the Nazis kill 6 million of them and international consensus decides that a Jewish state must be formed. This obviously winds up the incumbent Arab population no end. Immediately upon Israel's creation all the surrounding Arabs declare war to end the state, but Israel wins. Egypt, Syria and others keep declaring war for the next 30 or so years and lose every time. An impossible fudge of a situation forms with the West Bank and Gaza being notionally Palestinian (but with the Israelis sticking their boot in on the regular) and the rest of the country is Israel. Each side is run by extremist headbangers more or less in perpetuity and neither is remotely interested in reconciliation except for a few months in the 90s.

Spikey M
08-10-2023, 10:33 AM
There's no reconciliation possible when both sides believe their ownership of the land is God given. And as always, pretty much anything is permissable when you believe you are doing gods work. This only ends in genocide.

08-10-2023, 01:44 PM
The explanation of Iran encouraging it to drive a wedge between Israel and the Arab countries makes sense from their perspective, but why would these rubes go along with it when, at best, they're going to end up with a North Korea-style border around them? Maybe they're just mongs.

08-10-2023, 02:00 PM
The Romans had a strop in 70 AD and sacked Jerusalem, sending the people of Judea into exile. About 600 years later the Prophet Mohammad, paedo harem in tow, kicked off Arab expanionism across the region. The Arabs spent the next 1,200 years raping women, discovering algebra and not eating pork, while the Jews in exile spent the same period being massacred, making money and also not eating pork. Fast forward to 1900 or so and the Zionist movement kicks off whereby Jews return to what they see as their Judean homeland. 40 years later the Nazis kill 6 million of them and international consensus decides that a Jewish state must be formed. This obviously winds up the incumbent Arab population no end. Immediately upon Israel's creation all the surrounding Arabs declare war to end the state, but Israel wins. Egypt, Syria and others keep declaring war for the next 30 or so years and lose every time. An impossible fudge of a situation forms with the West Bank and Gaza being notionally Palestinian (but with the Israelis sticking their boot in on the regular) and the rest of the country is Israel. Each side is run by extremist headbangers more or less in perpetuity and neither is remotely interested in reconciliation except for a few months in the 90s.

Not an awful explanation but you're kind of leaving out the part where the Israelis took the land/homes from the Palestinians and kicked them out.

08-10-2023, 02:11 PM
It's a slight oversight, along with pouring cement into their water sources, cutting their electricity and energy, attacking their places of worship and generally treating their ever-decreasing areas of population like an open-air prison. Just an oversight.

Whilst you've all been shovelling Sheperd's Pie down you infront of Soccer Aid for Ukraine, these things have been going on at an alarming rate. The time for now criticising them for their retribution is long gone, my dears, they very much made their bed a d thought they'd get away with it. I appreciate your appetite for bloodshed and violence may be lacking or skewed by media but rest assured, objectively, these are fantastic scenes.

08-10-2023, 02:32 PM
Not an awful explanation but you're kind of leaving out the part where the Israelis took the land/homes from the Palestinians and kicked them out.

And at the same time cities like Tripoli, Aleppo, and Tehran went from being 20% Jewish to roughly 0. Baghdad being the most striking - in a matter of months a city whose population was 60% Jewish had entirely new inhabitants. I doubt populations that had been stable for centuries just decided to all move because a group of Europeans suddenly showed up.

Which is the point …. How do you build trust when everyone involved has been engaging in ethnic cleansing? The IDF is an atrocity machine, the settlers are monstrous, Hamas cares more Iranian foreign policy. It’s all shit.

08-10-2023, 02:39 PM
Youth clubs.

08-10-2023, 03:09 PM
Ethnic cleansing of Jews in Tehran? Brother run that uneducated American propaganda in another gaff, please.

Spikey M
08-10-2023, 06:14 PM
It's a slight oversight, along with pouring cement into their water sources, cutting their electricity and energy, attacking their places of worship and generally treating their ever-decreasing areas of population like an open-air prison. Just an oversight.

Whilst you've all been shovelling Sheperd's Pie down you infront of Soccer Aid for Ukraine, these things have been going on at an alarming rate. The time for now criticising them for their retribution is long gone, my dears, they very much made their bed a d thought they'd get away with it. I appreciate your appetite for bloodshed and violence may be lacking or skewed by media but rest assured, objectively, these are fantastic scenes.

I agree with 90% of what you're saying, but your conclusion that kidnapped children = fantastic scenes still marks you out as a top level cunt, I'm afraid.

Israel have done some terrible shit and you're right, it's pretty much entirely unreported in the west, but kids are not to blame for any of this. Including the Palestinian children that are going to die - in even higher numbers - in response to this.

08-10-2023, 06:24 PM
It's a slight oversight, along with pouring cement into their water sources, cutting their electricity and energy, attacking their places of worship and generally treating their ever-decreasing areas of population like an open-air prison. Just an oversight.

Whilst you've all been shovelling Sheperd's Pie down you infront of Soccer Aid for Ukraine, these things have been going on at an alarming rate. The time for now criticising them for their retribution is long gone, my dears, they very much made their bed a d thought they'd get away with it. I appreciate your appetite for bloodshed and violence may be lacking or skewed by media but rest assured, objectively, these are fantastic scenes.

If it was a lightning attack on IDF barracks maybe, machine gunning festival goers to death and raping the women not quite as heroic.

08-10-2023, 06:25 PM
Both sides have done an incredible job of dehumanising the other. Absolute barbarism.

08-10-2023, 07:05 PM
Taz being a despicable piece of barely human filth, what a surprise.

08-10-2023, 07:32 PM
I agree with 90% of what you're saying, but your conclusion that kidnapped children = fantastic scenes still marks you out as a top level cunt, I'm afraid.

Israel have done some terrible shit and you're right, it's pretty much entirely unreported in the west, but kids are not to blame for any of this. Including the Palestinian children that are going to die - in even higher numbers - in response to this.

When Palestinian Jeff was railing against Israelis/Jews, I used to get him revved right up by innocently asking him why we never hear about any of this stuff in the Western media. He used to look at me like I was some sort of yokel.

'Man... Man... *leans right in* Who do you think owns the newspaper?'
'Oh yeah course yeah.'

08-10-2023, 08:18 PM
I agree with 90% of what you're saying, but your conclusion that kidnapped children = fantastic scenes still marks you out as a top level cunt, I'm afraid.

Israel have done some terrible shit and you're right, it's pretty much entirely unreported in the west, but kids are not to blame for any of this. Including the Palestinian children that are going to die - in even higher numbers - in response to this.

No man, woman or child on an individual level is actually a cunt or to blame for the wrongdoings of war. Even Bibbi who is the closest thing to the devil in the modern world or some cunt called Ariel who shoots little Palestinian children from point blank for bants are merely
misguided human beings. Don't be so sensitive to my words, I don't give a fuck about some innocent Israelis/Arabs on an individual level just as you really don't. My sentiment is aimed at the political systems behind the actions and on that level, get the popcorn and fireworks out when you see bloodshed that the dirty fucks thought was impossible. Bloodshed that strikes a massive blow at the heart of the evil system itself.

08-10-2023, 08:50 PM
I learned today that 'showing support' for Hamas is apparently a crime, so, yeah, that's interesting.

08-10-2023, 09:53 PM
Youth clubs.

I was thinking bake-sales and car washes.

But instead, it is going to be Bibi for life. All those months of protests against his attempts to change the judiciary and constitution and trying to avoid spending the rest of his life in prison …. gone. He’ll get to ram it all through and probably get to leave it all to his moron kid.

08-10-2023, 09:53 PM
I see China are calling for a renewed focus on the two state solution.

At this point what is stopping Israel just calling time on that and punting the Palestinian peoples into the rest of the Arab world?

Quite embarrassing for the much vaunted IDF et al to have this ramshackle bunch of idiots do this to them, mind.

08-10-2023, 10:17 PM
I see China are calling for a renewed focus on the two state solution.

At this point what is stopping Israel just calling time on that and punting the Palestinian peoples into the rest of the Arab world?

Quite embarrassing for the much vaunted IDF et al to have this ramshackle bunch of idiots do this to them, mind.

Not an expert by any means but hasn’t the deal always been that Jordan and Egypt are perfectly happy with and also engage in the blockade and occupation enforcement to keep it all off their shore. They have borders which could nullify anything Israel tried to do unilaterally.

Israel provides cover and they provided the diplomatic conduit to Saudi and co that Israel has used over the past couple decades. Jordan doesn’t become 1980’s Lebanon redux …. Little less clear about what else Egypt wants.

09-10-2023, 04:10 PM

Absolute porn.

09-10-2023, 05:38 PM
The Russians are saying Ukraine armed Hamas. :D

10-10-2023, 11:20 PM
The disinformation, lies and manipulation in the media is incredible. Incredible.

Seemingly scenes are already the worst Palestine have seen and it's not even begun yet. Assume ground offensive starts in the coming days. Not sure what escalation might look like from Hamas/Hezbollah/etc but hopefully there's one more big break in this for them from somewhere before Israel complete their latest genocide attempt.

11-10-2023, 07:51 AM
Incredible fire at Luton Airport. Apparently started by a Tesla car going up. Those lithium batteries are really something, eh.

EDIT: Might be Twitter bullshit re: Tesla, as some are also saying Range Rover. Either way, RIP their insurance company.

Sir Andy Mahowry
11-10-2023, 08:07 AM
No sprinklers in the car park, smart decision.

11-10-2023, 08:11 AM
Car fuel can't melt steel!

11-10-2023, 08:16 AM
There was bound to be many electrical vehicles in the car park. I doubt any sprinkler system is sophisticated enough to deal with that much lithium going up. You can't just douse it in CO2 because at that heat, it just splits the atoms and you end up with more oxygen.

Fire brigade have done an amazing job to get it out by sun up, really.

Spikey M
11-10-2023, 08:30 AM
I fly from Stansted tomorrow. They had better not start sending a load of Luton flights that way. :uhoh:

Jimmy Floyd
11-10-2023, 09:20 AM

Couldn't help but guffaw.

11-10-2023, 09:31 AM

Sir Andy Mahowry
11-10-2023, 09:36 AM

11-10-2023, 09:42 AM
The news channels in this country are ridiculous. :lol:

11-10-2023, 10:02 AM
Not just the channels. That baby beheading story gaining that many front page headlines whilst being from a very questionable/zionist source.

John Arne
11-10-2023, 10:56 AM
In lighter news, Frank Lampard gives his views on homosexuality.


Spikey M
11-10-2023, 11:33 AM

11-10-2023, 12:38 PM
So Gaza's power plant has run out of fuel and there's now no mains electricity. Added to that Israel have cut off food, water and goods during the siege. ~2.5m people in Gaza. Collective punishment is a war crime, isn't it? Funny how there's no outrage in the media.

Offshore Toon
11-10-2023, 01:01 PM
Calling it "Israel's 9/11" is so telling, especially as 9/11 was in retaliation to the creation of Israel. They're going to use this to do some horrendous things.

Truth is we have no idea what happens on the ground but Israel are far from the good guys and it's hard to have any sympathy. If you live in or visit a country like that, you're showing support and take that risk.

Jimmy Floyd
11-10-2023, 01:03 PM
I have yet to see a single good guy in any part of this whole thing.

Offshore Toon
11-10-2023, 01:06 PM
George Galloway.

11-10-2023, 01:22 PM
So Gaza's power plant has run out of fuel and there's now no mains electricity. Added to that Israel have cut off food, water and goods during the siege. ~2.5m people in Gaza. Collective punishment is a war crime, isn't it? Funny how there's no outrage in the media.

Anti-semite phonics

11-10-2023, 01:38 PM
So Gaza's power plant has run out of fuel and there's now no mains electricity. Added to that Israel have cut off food, water and goods during the siege. ~2.5m people in Gaza. Collective punishment is a war crime, isn't it? Funny how there's no outrage in the media.

I think this is a great interview which sums it up well.


11-10-2023, 04:35 PM
You Dutch now too ffs?

11-10-2023, 06:40 PM
So Gaza's power plant has run out of fuel and there's now no mains electricity. Added to that Israel have cut off food, water and goods during the siege. ~2.5m people in Gaza. Collective punishment is a war crime, isn't it? Funny how there's no outrage in the media.

Tory Starmer was pretty much agreeing with Israel’s stance as well on the Radio earlier. Vile cunt

11-10-2023, 07:06 PM
Was just about to post the LBC tweet on that. Basically he’s covering his arse because anything else will see him labelled an anti-Semite by the right wing press. They won’t let facts like his Jewish wife get in the way, they did a good hit job on Bernie Sanders for the same thing (an actual Jew).

11-10-2023, 07:36 PM
Didn't get his knob chopped though did he the bigot.

11-10-2023, 07:47 PM
It's mad how the Israeli press seems to be more nuanced on this than the British press.

11-10-2023, 09:08 PM
The language talking of beasts, or people in inhuman terms, of wiping out Hamas, all has very strange echos from the past woven through it.

Jimmy Floyd
11-10-2023, 09:22 PM
Wouldn't have heard such from a previous generation. Bibi doesn't know he's born.

11-10-2023, 09:28 PM


11-10-2023, 10:09 PM

The Football Association is unlikely to light the Wembley arch in the colours of the Israel flag because of fears of a backlash from some communities... Some in attendance told FA senior executives that lighting the arch could be divisive. It is understood senior officials are wary of a perception that they might be taking sides in the Middle East conflict.

Quick reminder that in his embarrassing pre-Euro 2020 'Dear England' letter, Gareth Southgate said the following:

I have never believed that we should just stick to football.

I know my voice carries weight, not because of who I am but because of the position that I hold. At home, I’m below the kids and the dogs in the pecking order but publicly I am the England men’s football team manager. I have a responsibility to the wider community to use my voice, and so do the players.

It's their duty to continue to interact with the public on matters such as equality, inclusivity and racial injustice, while using the power of their voices to help put debates on the table, raise awareness and educate.

Social media has been a key resource in giving our players a platform and has been a positive tool in so many ways. In fact, I feel like this generation of England players is closer to the supporters than they have been for decades. Despite the polarisation we see in society, these lads are on the same wavelength as you on many issues.


11-10-2023, 10:58 PM
He's in good company.


12-10-2023, 08:55 AM

Who could have predicted that :D

Jimmy Floyd
12-10-2023, 09:18 AM
He managed to write three books in that time? George Martin should have hired him to finish off ASOIAF.

12-10-2023, 09:41 AM

Jimmy Floyd
12-10-2023, 09:46 AM
I think that's to identify the dead Brits etc.

12-10-2023, 10:49 AM
Keir Starmer and Emily Thornberry have truly outdone themselves in recent days with their comments.

12-10-2023, 12:07 PM
Thornberry really excelled on Newsnight last night when having given her "Israel has the right to defend itself" line for the umpteenth time in response to questioning as to whether clear breaches of the Geneva Convention relating to 'siege of Gaza' were war crimes she blurted out "well, it is an answer to the question" when pushed that it really wasn't. She might have well have said "73", or "a crocodile", after all, those are also answers, even if they make no sense in relation to the question.

Jimmy Floyd
12-10-2023, 01:12 PM
As much as Emily Thornberry is an awful hag, I don't know what she or any Labour spokesman is supposed to say. If one is trying to be a statesman, then slating the elected government of a fellow democracy is a lot harder than is slating a bunch of gunmen from Hamas. That's just the reality of it, whether one has a favourite side in the conflict (hers will be Palestine) or not.

It's much easier to run your mouth if you're not trying to be elected and govern an entire people, all of whom disagree on the matter.

12-10-2023, 01:14 PM
A minute's silence for "innocent victims of the events in Israel and Palestine" is about right but banning Palestinian flags from the England games can go down as yet another hilarious result of the West's actions.

Jimmy Floyd
12-10-2023, 01:17 PM
We can all ban flags we don't like to make ourselves feel better about things.

12-10-2023, 01:19 PM
As much as Emily Thornberry is an awful hag, I don't know what she or any Labour spokesman is supposed to say. If one is trying to be a statesman, then slating the elected government of a fellow democracy is a lot harder than is slating a bunch of gunmen from Hamas. That's just the reality of it, whether one has a favourite side in the conflict (hers will be Palestine) or not.

It's much easier to run your mouth if you're not trying to be elected and govern an entire people, all of whom disagree on the matter.

Yeah, it's a no win situation, but as a human rights lawyer she should probably be less equivocal on the standing and importance of international norms relating to her field.

Biden's comments about Israel and the US being unified by a respect of international laws et al the other day was also pretty funny. Erm, mate, not sure you're country actually accepts that it's bound by any international laws.

12-10-2023, 01:22 PM
I know it's bad, and you shouldn't laugh, but I always find stories like this quite amusing:


In the Hannibal Lector "God's terrific. He dropped a church roof on thirty-four of his worshippers last Wednesday night in Texas while they sang a hymn" canon of comedic divine intervention.

Save for the poor Sherpas who have to go down with these dicks, that's always a shame.

Sir Andy Mahowry
12-10-2023, 01:39 PM

All her exes dodged a bullet.

12-10-2023, 01:44 PM

If she finally meets someone who wants to marry her, does she have to divorce herself?

Jimmy Floyd
12-10-2023, 01:57 PM
I'm all for single power, but that whole story is just a parable about women's unhealthy relationship with weddings. They need to break out of this obsession if the patriarchy is finally to be defeated.

12-10-2023, 03:04 PM
Let's be honest in real terms not a single voter really gives a fuck about either party's view on the Gaza situation as long as they trot out the same safe soundbites, and any questioning on the matter is just journalists getting a semi at thought of tripping one up. North West Tonight had some minor councillor on TV answering questions about it infront of a rabbi last night, poor fucker.

12-10-2023, 03:08 PM

All her exes dodged a bullet.


Perhaps the most baffling thing about that story (which is saying something) is that, during the course of the day, 80 people apparently accepted her invitation to attend that nonsense.

12-10-2023, 03:17 PM
Let's be honest in real terms not a single voter really gives a fuck about either party's view on the Gaza situation as long as they trot out the same safe soundbites, and any questioning on the matter is just journalists getting a semi at thought of tripping one up. North West Tonight had some minor councillor on TV answering questions about it infront of a rabbi last night, poor fucker.

Exactly. All Labour are doing here is not giving the media a headline that could torpedo them (eg. Corbyn and Salisbury). Behind closed doors they probably think different but that's irrelevant here.

12-10-2023, 08:30 PM
This (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-67095846) is absolutely stupid. Pro-Israel Indian nationalists at it again.

Jimmy Floyd
12-10-2023, 08:38 PM
Why would you get involved? We have enough problems here with London's Muslims putting the fad into intifada.

12-10-2023, 08:47 PM
I might be assuming the worst. It could easily be to evacuate everyone in Gaza to Dover.

12-10-2023, 08:56 PM
Might get a couple of long-distance runners out of it. Both called Mo Farah.

12-10-2023, 09:05 PM

If this government manages to rapidly deport people for being anti-Israel after thirteen years of failure to deport foreign criminals I will readily believe every anti-Semitic conspiracy going.

12-10-2023, 09:13 PM

Hate to see a young bright BLM journalist ruin his own career before it's begun with this kind of disgraceful disregard for the narrative.

12-10-2023, 10:09 PM
Some of the interviews (from both sides) coming out of this are absoutley mind boggling.

12-10-2023, 10:25 PM
Israel MFA taking propaganda to new heights.


12-10-2023, 11:16 PM

12-10-2023, 11:20 PM
The most harrowing thing on that front page is the price.

13-10-2023, 07:09 AM
The enabling of Israeli war crimes is absolutely shameful.

13-10-2023, 07:33 AM
As someone with zero interest in politics/the news, when is this Israel stuff likely to stop being so prominent over here?

Sick of seeing ‘I stand with whoever’ on my instagram stories, from people who couldn’t even point at Israel on a map.

13-10-2023, 08:04 AM
No time soon if the navy are deploying.

13-10-2023, 08:29 AM
Baz, please, stick to Celebrity Cooking on Ice discussion outside of here.

13-10-2023, 08:45 AM
As someone with zero interest in politics/the news, when is this Israel stuff likely to stop being so prominent over here?

Sick of seeing ‘I stand with whoever’ on my instagram stories, from people who couldn’t even point at Israel on a map.

Oh poor you and your social media experience.

13-10-2023, 09:11 AM
Yeah Baz, surely you should know that Brits posting on social media helps to resolve a years old conflict thousands of miles away and prevent further atrocities.

13-10-2023, 09:25 AM
Even seeing thickos who use social media get involved in the discourse should hopefully increase the awareness and involvement of the younger generations whose brains haven't been destroyed completely yet. In time, the world wakes up to the error of its ways and leads to the failure of Israel and its aims.

13-10-2023, 09:33 AM
Sadly the younger generations have largely had their brains melted by 'socials'. You need to be in the sweet spot of Internet generation 1.0 to not be a dangerous retard in the online world.

Jimmy Floyd
13-10-2023, 10:08 AM
Even seeing thickos who use social media get involved in the discourse should hopefully increase the awareness and involvement of the younger generations whose brains haven't been destroyed completely yet. In time, the world wakes up to the error of its ways and leads to the failure of Israel and its aims.

Are you a two-state solution guy then?

13-10-2023, 10:25 AM
Brother, I was raised in New Labour England followed up with the Austerity Aeons, I have no interest in fairness and solutions. I'm here for the unjustified bloodshed, anarchy and eventual sharia law that will ban sheperd's pie.

13-10-2023, 11:32 AM

‘Killed’ v ‘died’

13-10-2023, 11:51 AM
Absolute vibes when we were lolling at Putin's boys and calling those brave white protesters in Moscow and St Petersburg heroes in 2022. Life comes at you fast.

13-10-2023, 04:54 PM
If nothing else the media is landing me on the other side in this one. Plus, Israelis are cunts.

13-10-2023, 07:20 PM
The BBC is absolutely chocker with anecdotes from "regular" Israelis about Hamas attacks. Meanwhile, there's a little piece in the corner from the SNP bloke saying "Israel going too far" as they literally line up their full army on the border in preparation to scythe down thousands of civilians tomorrow.

Offshore Toon
13-10-2023, 08:07 PM
It's so clear that the media don't represent the people with this. Jews are losing all remaining sympathy with their whinging and genociding.

Jimmy Floyd
13-10-2023, 08:25 PM
The UK population would be overwhelmingly pro-Israel if asked. Very online lefties are the exception.

Offshore Toon
13-10-2023, 08:27 PM

Spikey M
13-10-2023, 08:33 PM
The UK population would be overwhelmingly pro-Israel if asked. Very online lefties are the exception.

I think this is a "check your privilege" moment, Jim. You couldn't be more wrong.

Jimmy Floyd
13-10-2023, 08:37 PM
That's from before Hamas killed 1,300 civilians. Today's YouGov has 16% think UK should support Israel more, 22% less, and 24% just right (39 don't know). 66% in favour of Hamas being a terrorist organisation vs 6% not.

The Israeli leadership are a set of bastards but when you start going at 'Jews' you're getting it wrong big time.

13-10-2023, 08:39 PM
Don't care/don't know are obviously the most popular options, so it presumably depends on how you frame it. My position is that I don't care.

Jimmy Floyd
13-10-2023, 08:43 PM
I think this is a "check your privilege" moment, Jim. You couldn't be more wrong.

Do they speak of little else than Palestinian welfare on the streets of Benfleet?

13-10-2023, 08:50 PM
That's from before Hamas killed 1,300 civilians. Today's YouGov has 16% think UK should support Israel more, 22% less, and 24% just right (39 don't know). 66% in favour of Hamas being a terrorist organisation vs 6% not.

The Israeli leadership are a set of bastards but when you start going at 'Jews' you're getting it wrong big time.

A lot of that is down to the narrative built by the media though surely?

13-10-2023, 08:54 PM
Jimmy Shapiro is wildin this Friday.

Jimmy Floyd
13-10-2023, 08:55 PM
I mean, all our thoughts on the matter are filtered through the media, unless we visit. It just depends on what your preconceived opinion is. I have met three Israelis in my life and they were three of the rudest, most obnoxious people I have ever come across. I've met one Palestinian and he was also a prick. Everything else is news reports.

13-10-2023, 09:01 PM
I mean, all our thoughts on the matter are filtered through the media, unless we visit. It just depends on what your preconceived opinion is. I have met three Israelis in my life and they were three of the rudest, most obnoxious people I have ever come across. I've met one Palestinian and he was also a prick. Everything else is news reports.

Yeah undoubtedly, but in this occasion western media are only really presenting one side of the coin (Waffles' "killed v died" being a very common occurrence). It became quite evident (more so than normally I guess) for me, when yesterday one greek channel decided to interview a Palestinian immigrant, who went on to describe how daily life was/is in Gaza and public opinion (well, if we consider my social circle an indication) rapidly shifted towards Palestinians (in a country that's already more pro-Palestine than the rest of Europe if I had to guess).

Jimmy Floyd
13-10-2023, 09:19 PM
The western media are presenting the western side of the coin. It shouldn't be surprising. I suppose there are people who were indoctrinated in the Clinton/Blair type mindsets 25 years ago and believe that the West actually is the moral compass, rather than simply occupying a particular point on it.

13-10-2023, 09:37 PM
It's not surprising by any means. All I'm saying is that it inevitably shifts public opinion towards the Israeli side by using the "terrorist vs government" narrative and that's reflected in the yougov charts you are referencing.

14-10-2023, 02:04 AM
Why anyone that doesn't live in the area has an opinion on this matter escapes me.

Spikey M
14-10-2023, 06:20 AM
I don't think anyone is surprised, Jim. Disgusted, sure, but not surprised. Our Prime Minister is currently using our Navy to "support" war crimes and our state broadcaster is doing everything it can to twist that fact.

Offshore Toon
14-10-2023, 06:52 AM
Jim's determination to be more right than everyone else is very tiring. Very stereotypical Redditor behaviour.

14-10-2023, 08:55 AM
Careful Taz, the terror watchdog has said glorifying Hamas is terrorism now.

14-10-2023, 09:46 AM
Gutted to be missing the London protests today but they should be scenes.

14-10-2023, 11:29 AM
Here we go, the bombing of fleeing Palestinian women and children has begun.

14-10-2023, 12:12 PM
Is that Romano official?

14-10-2023, 02:13 PM

The irony of a Jewish ethnostate driving a population into a desert exodus is really something.

Jimmy Floyd
14-10-2023, 02:26 PM
Hard to strike at the Hamas leadership tbf as they're holed up in luxury pads in Doha.

Jimmy Floyd
14-10-2023, 02:43 PM
In other divide and rule news, this Australian referendum result has sent a few people scuttling.

14-10-2023, 03:07 PM

The Eternal Electoral Map. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie...

Spikey M
14-10-2023, 04:04 PM
Just looked at what the referendum was for. Top, top quality white guilt, that. :happycry:

Jimmy Floyd
14-10-2023, 04:09 PM
I won't pretend to know anything about the issue, but you have to question the political skill of those who put forward a referendum only to lose by that margin and then cry about the result.

Guess your 62.5% above explains that.

14-10-2023, 04:09 PM
From what I can gather the government made out that it was the most important thing in the world, the opponents got to work criticising it, and then they changed track and said it was purely symbolic and wouldn't have any influence anyway. There you go then.

15-10-2023, 09:01 PM
2,670 Palestinians killed, 700 of which children. They're literally going to stand by and watch it hit 5 figures :happycry:

16-10-2023, 01:19 PM
Hamza Choudhury (consistent leader on these matters) posted a few Palestinian flags. Not sure if his career will ever recover. Yet to hear of any other footballers breaking their silence. This had me lolling good:


This might also be the peak of the other side, pigface has used a confessional poem about letting a genocide happen to justify another genocide :D


Spikey M
16-10-2023, 02:38 PM
No surprise from that vapid cunt.

16-10-2023, 03:09 PM
If anyone deserves to be paraded on the back of a Toyota Land Cruiser...

16-10-2023, 04:00 PM
It's been good to see old Norman Finkelstein material on the timeline. Absolute peak autism that bloke, and all power to him.

16-10-2023, 06:15 PM

Great timing Donald, always good to inject a funny news item into a cycle of doom.

Offshore Toon
16-10-2023, 08:13 PM
Saw a promoted tweet from @Israel today about Palestinian attacks. Pre-genocidal PR is so 2023.

16-10-2023, 08:59 PM
Friend of mine who lives in the Netherlands got a youtube ad that said something to the tune of Hamas=Isis, created "by the State of Israel".

16-10-2023, 10:00 PM
That sounds way better than a Nick Knowles/Shreddies fever dream.

17-10-2023, 05:47 PM
El Ghazi been released by Mainz for posting "From the river to the sea". Hot debate in the West as to where that sits on the anti-semiticometer. They know how to p8ck their fights, they really do.

17-10-2023, 05:51 PM
Bombing hospitals now I see.

Really trying to see how far they can go before the US yank their leash huh.

17-10-2023, 09:13 PM
Hamas 1) accidentally bombing it themselves; or 2) using it as a weapons store is perfectly believable because Ukraine does it all the time, but all the pro-Israel people can't use Ukraine repeatedly doing it as proof. :harold:

17-10-2023, 10:12 PM
Well the Israelis uploaded a video showing a stray rocket of Hamas presumably going towards then hospital and blamed it on them, which was then proven to have been recorded 40 minutes after the actual bombing. They took down the video but left the accusation up.

17-10-2023, 10:13 PM
If the Israeli claims are proven to be wrong, this could be massive, surely even the West would struggle to contain it. Equally, it may hopefully be the catalyst for one of the axis of resistance to act.