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Spikey M
26-06-2022, 06:41 AM
Well it isn't and even if it was why would an overtly rich Arab or Prince Charles want to launder money?

It will be a bung for something, but yeah, no cunt is laundering money through Prince fucking Charles. Especially Quatari politicians. £3 million is about 20p to them.

26-06-2022, 07:26 AM
As someone who works in Anti money laundering, it's not literally money laundering. The Qatari Prince would be a high risk customer (because he's a politically exposed person) and a charity would likely be high risk (because they can take cash and can be linked to terrorist financing). What any bank taking that much cash should do is verify the source of the money before accepting it into the charity's bank account.

26-06-2022, 02:49 PM
I've woken up to see I made a criminally wrong post 7 cocktails deep.

26-06-2022, 06:59 PM

Jimmy Floyd
27-06-2022, 12:46 AM
If there's a class that the Liberal Democrats are betraying, it ain't the working class.

27-06-2022, 01:21 PM

Standard argument over banning obvs, but there was one nugget that caught my eye.

"I was furious," he told iNews. "Anyone that's told that they can't compete or can't do something they love just because of who they are, it's not on.

He understands how elite sport works, right?

27-06-2022, 01:35 PM
They can compete against you if they want, Tom.

Spikey M
27-06-2022, 01:36 PM
I am equally furious at Chelsea's refusal to give me a crack at the number 9 shirt on the basis of me being too old and too shit. Not very inclusive imo.

Yeah, this inclusivity stuff has jumped the shark somewhat. Is it going to take a freshly snipped Tyson Fury uppercutting Nicola Adams into Row Z before this shit stops?

27-06-2022, 01:55 PM
Already happened in UFC or something didn't it? I'm sure I remember a quote from a female fighter who fought a trans fighter and said they'd never been punched so hard in their life.

27-06-2022, 01:59 PM
"I’ve fought a lot of women and have never felt the strength that I felt in a fight as I did that night. I can’t answer whether it’s because she was born a man or not because I’m not a doctor. I can only say, I’ve never felt so overpowered ever in my life and I am an abnormally strong female in my own right. Her grip was different, I could usually move around in the clinch against other females but couldn’t move at all in Fox’s clinch,"

Tamika Brent after fighting Fallon Fox in 2014. Brent sustained a fractured orbital bone and a concussion during the fight and needed a wound in her head closed with staples.

27-06-2022, 02:03 PM
The problem was it wasn't UFC, so wasn't high profile enough to effect a change. It's like when UFC started in 1993 and there were literally no rules; it took three or four years of increasingly violent but increasingly popular events for anyone to take note and regulate it.

The moment a transwoman flogs someone in actual UFC or boxing then it'll be the end of it. It's a shame that weightlifter did fuck all at the Olympics because that might have been enough had they got a gold medal.

29-06-2022, 07:26 AM

I absolutely love the photo they've used at the top of this story and that there's no explanation.

Spikey M
29-06-2022, 07:37 AM

29-06-2022, 06:06 PM
I'm getting some Bjork stalker vibes from that. :D

01-07-2022, 03:09 PM
Never even heard of this chap, but fuck me is that video moving.


02-07-2022, 10:47 AM
10 year old in Idaho who was pregnant as a result of rape had to travel out of state to get an abortion.


02-07-2022, 11:17 AM
Should have just controlled the semen entering her body, lazy bitch.

02-07-2022, 11:41 AM
10 year old in Idaho who was pregnant as a result of rape had to travel out of state to get an abortion.


So she could get an abortion? I thought that the Supreme Court had BANNED ABORTION.

Spikey M
02-07-2022, 11:42 AM
So she could get an abortion? I thought that the Supreme Court had BANNED ABORTION.

Literally nobody said that.

02-07-2022, 12:38 PM
Pepe, this appears to have broken you a bit. Keep it together son.

02-07-2022, 12:47 PM
He appears to be the only calm voice I’ve read on it all since it happened.

02-07-2022, 01:24 PM
So she could get an abortion? I thought that the Supreme Court had BANNED ABORTION.

Imagine thinking this was the thing to post.

02-07-2022, 01:45 PM
I don't have the knowledge on American Constitutional Law (very few people do) to have an opinion on whether the Supreme Court's decision was right or wrong, so I don't. I would like the Federal Congress to come up with a sensible abortion law for the entire country, but since this is a place where some states think that abortion should not be allowed under any circumstance and others think that abortion should be allowed until moments before the birth, no questions asked, then that has proven to be complicated and I do not think that it will happen any time soon. The next best thing is to let each state choose what their abortion law should be, which is where we are now. If I lived in a state like Ohio, where abortion is completely banned, or Colorado, where it is allowed at any time, and I was allowed to vote, I would vote for people who propose more sensible laws (assuming the rest of their program is agreeable, of course.) Since I live in a state that does not have extreme laws like that, I simply do not worry about it. Apparently that makes me an insane person.

02-07-2022, 01:51 PM
There's a huge difference between not worrying and actively saying it's not a problem if raped children have to travel potentially hundreds of miles to receive necessary medical care.

Spikey M
02-07-2022, 01:52 PM
Stop being an uncalm voice in the room RL.

02-07-2022, 01:55 PM
I am not saying that it is not a problem. I am saying that access to abortion still exists in the US, even in the most extreme case that they could find. People need to be calm, wait for the dust to settle, and see how things pan out. Something tells me that it won't be the horror that everyone claims it will be. Or lets impeach/murder the Supreme Court justices instead, that sounds more reasonable.

Also, Americans drive hundreds of miles for a bag of crisps.

02-07-2022, 01:59 PM
"Women will be just fine".

02-07-2022, 02:01 PM
Why are you so invested in the laws in Ohio anyway? Planning to move there any time soon?

02-07-2022, 02:03 PM
Because I'm a human being who cares if shit things happen to other human beings.

02-07-2022, 02:06 PM
Nice of you to care so much about people, especially when it comes to the trendy topic of the day in the most popular country in the world. It is true that when it comes to horrors that occur in this planet, no one has it worse than American women. I am sure that your caring will make them feel much better.

02-07-2022, 02:07 PM
Crusade of the week.

02-07-2022, 02:09 PM
If it helps the cause RL, I don't actually care but still think the ruling was batshit bonkers.

02-07-2022, 02:10 PM
If it helps the cause RL, I don't actually care but still think the ruling was batshit bonkers.

By the ruling, do you mean the supreme court ruling? Care to explain what the case was about?

02-07-2022, 02:12 PM
By the ruling, do you mean the supreme court ruling? Care to explain what the case was about?

Not really, I don't care.

02-07-2022, 02:13 PM
There might be a bus ride in it, but the average American birthing person will more than likely still find it easier to get an abortion past twelve weeks than the average European, so the sight of European politicians lining up to beal about it was pretty lol. Emmanuel Macron showing his office right up was a particular highlight.

02-07-2022, 02:13 PM
Aren't some states planning to introduce laws to stop people travelling to other states for abortions?

And what if you can't afford to travel to another state for one anyway?

02-07-2022, 02:16 PM
The very same Supreme Court will stop states barring people from crossing state lines for them, and the abortion charities, all flush with seething extra cash, will just pay your travel expenses as well since they won't have to keep as many buildings heated now.

02-07-2022, 02:17 PM
You shouldn't have to travel to another state to get an abortion, it's madness.

I don't care about how the thing came about, but as far as I understand it a thing happened in the US that means states can now ban abortions when they couldn't before. If that's not factually correct I'll stand down, but if it is factually correct, it's a stupid thing to have happened.

EDIT: And do I care? Not particularly. Just calling out the stupidity of it while others seem hell bent on defending it. I don't know why.

02-07-2022, 02:19 PM
Nice of you to care so much about people, especially when it comes to the trendy topic of the day in the most popular country in the world.

This really is one of the weakest, stupidest lines people trot out.

02-07-2022, 02:20 PM
If it has such a minor effect on access to abortion why get rid of it in the first place? It seems rather disingenuous to say it never mattered when it's been the defining ruling on the subject for the last 50 years.

Spikey M
02-07-2022, 02:27 PM
My opinion on the matter is basically what Yev said. I'm not particularly arsed, it's just yet another thing that makes America backwards shithole.

02-07-2022, 02:28 PM
Do you all object to the very notion that elected politicians should be the ones to decide the rules around it, like in pretty much every other country in the world (including this one), or is the dispute about the time limits on being able to get one? If so, what should the restrictions be?

02-07-2022, 02:34 PM
Do you all object to the very notion that elected politicians should be the ones to decide the rules around it, like in pretty much every other country in the world (including this one), or is the dispute about the time limits on being able to get one? If so, what should the restrictions be?

Sigh. The objection is having to travel to another state to get an abortion. It's stupid and unnecessary at what could be a quite horrific time for the individual involved. I can't really make it any clearer than that. Again, if that's factually incorrect/100% won't happen I'll stand down.

02-07-2022, 02:35 PM
If it were here I would object to anything that resembled a removal of reasonable access. Doubly so if it was a bunch of Nationalist Christians trying to push it through which is what this looks like.

02-07-2022, 02:37 PM
Sigh. The objection is having to travel to another state to get an abortion. It's stupid and unnecessary at what could be a quite horrific time for the individual involved. I can't really make it any clearer than that. Again, if that's factually incorrect/100% won't happen I'll stand down.

I guess Pepe and Lewis's point is the supreme court haven't made that happen, rather the states themselves who are enacting their handmaid's law.

02-07-2022, 02:38 PM
The very same Supreme Court will stop states barring people from crossing state lines for them.

No they won't. Treating the Supreme Court like it's the only place in the entire world not affected by the political leanings of those making the decisions and actually just sancresantly reading the text are mouth breathing morons.

Spikey M
02-07-2022, 02:42 PM
I guess Pepe and Lewis's point is the supreme court haven't made that happen, rather the states themselves who are enacting their handmaid's law.

Semantic gymnastics, yes.

02-07-2022, 02:43 PM
I guess Pepe and Lewis's point is the supreme court haven't made that happen, rather the states themselves who are enacting their handmaid's law.

Which is a stupid one, as they knew full well what would happen if they did.

02-07-2022, 02:44 PM
Sigh. The objection is having to travel to another state to get an abortion. It's stupid and unnecessary at what could be a quite horrific time for the individual involved. I can't really make it any clearer than that. Again, if that's factually incorrect/100% won't happen I'll stand down.

How is that the main objection? If the abortion limit was one week, but you could get it done locally, is that better than having to travel but being able to do so up to twenty-odd weeks? Unusually for you, this sounds a lot like not actually wanting to have a position on something.

02-07-2022, 02:51 PM
Alright Worzel.

02-07-2022, 03:44 PM
How is that the main objection? If the abortion limit was one week, but you could get it done locally, is that better than having to travel but being able to do so up to twenty-odd weeks? Unusually for you, this sounds a lot like not actually wanting to have a position on something.

Presumably prior to the thing happening people were free to travel to another state to ‘take advantage’ of whatever the rules were there. Now they’ll potentially have no choice but to go to another state, so in short, I’m not really sure what your point is. Let me assure you though, no fence sitting here.

02-07-2022, 04:07 PM
The Supreme Court did what they did because banning abortion aligns with the personal beliefs of those who make it up. They wanted what has happened to happen.

Anyone claiming otherwise is either lying or supremely gullible.

02-07-2022, 05:11 PM
If all you're arguing is that abortion should be legal and accessible, then I agree with you, under the right terms. What those terms should be we could discuss, but I am sure that none of you can be arsed. I sure as hell can't.

The only question brought forth by the current ruling is who you think should decide under what terms (if any) should abortion be allowed:

1. The people of each state, via their state representatives.
2. The people of the entire country, via their federal representatives.
3. Unelected members of the judicial with lifetime appointments.

The current state of affairs allows for the first and the second option. The third option was the state of affairs before the latest ruling.

I guess there is a fourth option, which is 'I don't care as long as I get my way.' Judging by the answers to Lewis' question that seems to be the stance some of you have, which is fine, although it strikes me as a bit undemocratic.

02-07-2022, 06:03 PM
States Rights are dumb as fuck and a pre-text to permit malice against those the state doesn't like.

02-07-2022, 07:01 PM
Unlike every other form of government ever?

03-07-2022, 12:23 AM
If all you're arguing is that abortion should be legal and accessible, then I agree with you, under the right terms. What those terms should be we could discuss, but I am sure that none of you can be arsed. I sure as hell can't.

The only question brought forth by the current ruling is who you think should decide under what terms (if any) should abortion be allowed:

1. The people of each state, via their state representatives.
2. The people of the entire country, via their federal representatives.
3. Unelected members of the judicial with lifetime appointments.

The current state of affairs allows for the first and the second option. The third option was the state of affairs before the latest ruling.

I guess there is a fourth option, which is 'I don't care as long as I get my way.' Judging by the answers to Lewis' question that seems to be the stance some of you have, which is fine, although it strikes me as a bit undemocratic.

Isn't the fourth option ironically the most option with the most freedom? Don't have it federal, don't have it state. Leave it to the individuals.
Funny that.

03-07-2022, 09:04 AM
Unless you support abortion right up until the minute its head starts coming out, option four still requires somebody to decide at what point the individual is joined by a viable second individual, and that leaves you with the previous choices.

03-07-2022, 09:34 AM
The law we have is about as good as I think you can make it.

Essentially freely available until viability (currently defined as 24 weeks) and beyond that only where fairly stringent criteria are fulfilled. There's some wiggle room on where the viability line should be drawn given 23 weekers surviving is fairly common now (and there's even been the odd 22 weeker) but it's pretty solid in principle IMO.

04-07-2022, 06:33 PM

Jimmy Floyd
04-07-2022, 07:11 PM
I was just about to link the wider BBC article: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61988793

I think this is the first time I've ever had a proper genuine 'Youngsters these days, I don't understand them' moment.

04-07-2022, 07:18 PM
Welcome to the club Jim, it'll be your first of many.

04-07-2022, 07:30 PM
That's one cinema bombing I'd quite happily let MI6 drop the ball on.

04-07-2022, 07:48 PM
Anyone know who this premier league international rapist is then?

04-07-2022, 07:59 PM

I [and some others] once left little piles of stones and maybe stick figure type things around outside that cinema whilst the Blair Witch Project was showing.

Kids these days.

04-07-2022, 08:00 PM
Someone posted it earlier but I didn’t recognise the name. Probably in the soccer thread.


04-07-2022, 08:00 PM
I've heard it's Thomas Partey

04-07-2022, 08:01 PM
I've heard it's Thomas Partey

I’ve no idea who that is so it’s probably the same one that was posted alright.

04-07-2022, 08:18 PM
This 'who is this Neymar?' act really doesn't work alongside 'Blackpool have signed Waterford's physio', you fucking leprechaun.

04-07-2022, 08:49 PM
Anyone know who this premier league international rapist is then?

Another premier league “star” done for rape. Late 20s and supposedly meant to be going the World Cup. Late 20s, North London, Expected to go to Qatar. Partey, Son, Xhaka, Davies, Hojbjerg, Kane, Torreira :sherlock:

Twitter sez Partey.

Arsenal had a proper media day at their first training session and no sign of Partey being there.

04-07-2022, 08:53 PM
This 'who is this Neymar?' act really doesn't work alongside 'Blackpool have signed Waterford's physio', you fucking leprechaun.

Neymar? What ever are you on about raghead?

Spikey M
04-07-2022, 08:58 PM
Ain't no party like a rapey Partey

05-07-2022, 08:59 AM
Arsenal had a proper media day at their first training session and no sign of Partey being there.

There’s photos of him in training :cab:

Jimmy Floyd
05-07-2022, 09:06 AM
Has twitter not worked out who it is? Pathetic.

05-07-2022, 10:42 AM
Has twitter not worked out who it is? Pathetic.https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/premier-league/marktwertaenderungen/wettbewerb/GB1/pos//detailpos/0/verein_id/0/land_id/0/plus/1/sort/age.desc/page/6 try and work it out. Need to filter out all the 29 year olds and cross reference with teams going to the world cup and then the ones with caps that haven’t retired from international football, ie Ziyech is safe.

Or just pin it on Kieffer Moore.

05-07-2022, 11:36 AM
The internet working out who's responsible for something has never gone wrong before.

Spikey M
05-07-2022, 11:41 AM
It's probably all of them. Kyle Walker has been pimping his dog out.

Spikey M
06-07-2022, 06:57 AM

Shit like this always annoys me. If people want to lose weight and companies sell products designed to help them, what's the fucking problem?

If you want to stay bOdY pOsItIvE, then do so, but please be aware that you look like you fucking stink.


06-07-2022, 08:27 AM
The most bizarre thing about that is that the company making them have clearly deliberately chosen a curvier body and it's still not enough to stop the BACKLASH.

06-07-2022, 08:35 AM
She said: "I left the shop shaking.


06-07-2022, 08:37 AM
"I left the shop shaking. In 2022 a large chain is feeding into the narrative that women need to be smaller, to drop a dress size.

"Walking past this in one of your shops could trigger someone and set them off down a path of dieting or disordered eating. Not ok."

Someone just fucking nuke the planet.

06-07-2022, 08:38 AM
Haha that is ridiculous, and I say that as a fat man on a diet. The only thing triggering me is Mcdonalds new menu triggering my saliva glands.

06-07-2022, 08:45 AM
Perhaps she meant wobbling rather than shaking.

06-07-2022, 08:46 AM
Someone just fucking nuke the planet.

As a wise man called Declan once sang, stop the world and let me off.

06-07-2022, 08:48 AM
I think one of the most egregious things about all this stuff is big company are evil as they're in BUSINESS, while poor little brummy mummy is sympathised with as she's just a Mum trying to live her life without being fat shamed. Except she isn't, she runs a very successful business in her own right and any content she's putting out will be designed to generate interest, meaning who knows what the hell she actually thinks. She should have been called out on that, but instead the BBC choose to unconditionally support her.

06-07-2022, 09:25 AM
Emma needs to get a fucking life and BBC has to stop amplifying absolute lunatics.

06-07-2022, 09:47 AM
The BBC and media in general are terrible for platforming people without even the basic fact checking or challenging anything they say, that's how Captain Tom's daughter rinsed a fortune out of the public for charity.

06-07-2022, 10:08 AM
Plus fat people should be executed.

06-07-2022, 10:13 AM
That’s your lots answer to everything.

06-07-2022, 10:12 PM
Fat shaming is bad but this nonsense where people try to act like saying "being obese is unhealthy" is fat shaming is really annoying. I hope you all enjoy this incredibly obvious and boring take, okay cheers.

06-07-2022, 10:14 PM
It's about time somebody said it, Igor.

06-07-2022, 10:17 PM
Usually I'm dubious cus I think most of the time these kinda hysterical weirdos are unrepresentative and get airtime cus it's lazy journos deliberately winding people up to get engagement, but I think the body positivity movement is big enough (fucking massive actually lol!!) and consistent enough in its dangerous dogma that I think it's fair game to find it annoying.

Jimmy Floyd
06-07-2022, 10:20 PM
Some people are fat, others are thin, I don't know why there have to be so many furious opinions about it.

06-07-2022, 10:23 PM
Fuck off Mika

06-07-2022, 10:29 PM
Some girls are bigger than others.

06-07-2022, 10:36 PM
You're the one for me, fatty

Spikey M
06-07-2022, 10:38 PM
Some people are fat, others are thin, I don't know why there have to be so many furious opinions about it.

The fury seems to come in when someone from either camp wants to move from one to the other, which may nod in the general direction of your Lewis Hamilton Classism post the other day.

Fat people don't want other fat people becoming skinny. BODY POSITIVITY. Don't be weightist. And Post-fat people hate fat people more than people that have never been fat.

Same with smokers.

06-07-2022, 10:52 PM
Thankfully my emphysema positivity campaign only extends to rolling my eyes at the single issue party girls on tinder who have practically their whole bios dedicated to demanding smokers swipe left, rather than leaving supermarkets shaking with anger when I see nicotine gum and shit.

07-07-2022, 05:21 AM
People have got really snipey and jibey about it in recent times. It’s like covid has given a lot of adults a pass, in their own mind anyway, to revert back to thinking they’re in the playground.

07-07-2022, 08:31 AM
I think it might have something to do with the fat fucks causing even more visible damage to our lives than before. They're still being let off easy ofc.

07-07-2022, 08:32 AM
Thankfully a lot of them died during the pandemic.

07-07-2022, 09:06 AM
I think it might have something to do with the fat fucks causing even more visible damage to our lives than before. They're still being let off easy ofc.

I really doubt anyone is lessening your existence any more than you do yourself.

Spikey M
07-07-2022, 12:00 PM
Thankfully a lot of them died during the pandemic.


07-07-2022, 12:05 PM
As a fat person I think bullying fat people is a wholly admirable pursuit

Spikey M
07-07-2022, 12:17 PM
I need to lose about a Stone before I'll be willing to take my top off on holiday, so it's just self-hate.

10-07-2022, 07:05 PM

Some good news

11-07-2022, 04:02 PM

11-07-2022, 04:36 PM
Tremendous. :lol:

11-07-2022, 04:43 PM
In other sporting shenanigans, what is this all about?



Spikey M
11-07-2022, 04:53 PM
Match fixing, Shirley.

Jimmy Floyd
11-07-2022, 06:38 PM
I don't think you could match fix that. It's just a brainless piece of play.

Spikey M
11-07-2022, 06:53 PM
I meant more that the other team were ment to score first. Or his team were not meant to score. It smells very similar to the 'keeper that chucked the ball in his own net.

11-07-2022, 07:20 PM

Didn't take long for women to potentially be better off. It just shows you have to let these things pan out.

11-07-2022, 07:34 PM
There is a high occupancy lane between Maryland and DC. That motorway is absolutely rammed at rush hour and it’s so tempting to jump in that empty lane but the fines are massive. $500 or something if you’re caught. So inevitably people began putting blow up dolls and scarecrows in the passenger seats.

11-07-2022, 10:04 PM


Spikey M
11-07-2022, 10:09 PM
PM Priti Patel is going to personally mow him down in her Deportaion dinghy.

11-07-2022, 10:50 PM
"Mohammed transitioned and became one of Britain's most prominent politicians ..."

Spikey M
12-07-2022, 06:08 AM


12-07-2022, 11:29 AM
Plastics recycling being a sham is, I think, very well established by now. Paper/cardboard recycling works well.

12-07-2022, 11:48 AM
Still amazed by the amount of unnecessary packaging for a society that loves to make out it does all it can. Putting aside biscuits, crisps and all thatnother shite you disgusting fat fucks can't live without, why the fuck do 2 unripened avocadoes need a cardboard holder and plastic wrapping?

12-07-2022, 12:19 PM
You’re absolutely right but unless everything regarding packaging is regulated then they’ll just do what’s cheapest.

I got an iced coffee down the pier yesterday and it had a paper straw because of the no-plastic straw law. It was served in a plastic cup with a plastic lid, though.

12-07-2022, 03:35 PM
I suppose at least it didn't melt in your hand, as it would have done had it been made of the same stuff they make the straws from.

Spikey M
12-07-2022, 04:52 PM
McDonald's have been using paper cups for as long as I can remember. They're fine.

Raoul Duke
12-07-2022, 08:22 PM
I can't find the space/science thread, but the Webb Telescope has sent back it's first images: https://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/goddard/2022/nasa-s-webb-reveals-cosmic-cliffs-glittering-landscape-of-star-birth

EDIT: this is cool: https://www.reddit.com/r/woahdude/comments/vxeeqo/i_made_a_tool_to_compare_webbs_new_images_to/

12-07-2022, 08:53 PM
I get why they've picked it but halting the Tour de France in a climate protest is a bit ironic.

12-07-2022, 09:35 PM
I can't find the space/science thread, but the Webb Telescope has sent back it's first images: https://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/goddard/2022/nasa-s-webb-reveals-cosmic-cliffs-glittering-landscape-of-star-birth

EDIT: this is cool: https://www.reddit.com/r/woahdude/comments/vxeeqo/i_made_a_tool_to_compare_webbs_new_images_to/

:drool: Fascinating.


12-07-2022, 09:38 PM
BBC London have just shown footage of 4 lads jumping in the river off Tower Bridge in an attempt to condemn the behaviour. There's gonna be earlybird queues for it now with that sort of publicity. I suspect at least 1 death by close of play next Tuesday.

15-07-2022, 07:58 AM
Fools and their money, part 25 (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-62148525)

Jimmy Floyd
15-07-2022, 08:37 AM
I actually have sympathy with those people. It's the sort of thing your archetypal boomer will queue up to splutter at, but things are different in this day and age to the miserable brown-and-grey world of the 1970s when there was just so much less material comfort to be had full stop. That's why older generations don't understand this mindset and probably never will. There's a much bigger happiness deficit now if you aren't able to spend a bit on providing yourself/your kids with joy.

15-07-2022, 08:39 AM
Also these maniacs should probably be praised for keeping the economy rolling, being built as it is on consumption.

Spikey M
15-07-2022, 08:44 AM
The entire economy is a bubble now. It's quite worrying.

Everything relies on ever increasing levels of debt. It's going to be quite an explosive pop if they can't find a way to solve it.

Luke Emia
15-07-2022, 08:52 AM
The stuff I see day to day is incredible it genuinely blows my mind what people will do and how they manage their finances. I've got customers who have genuinely racked up 30/40k worth of debt in two years since I last re-mortgaged them and they don't have anything tangible to show for it.

15-07-2022, 11:50 AM
Of course she is in education.

Jimmy Floyd
15-07-2022, 11:52 AM
I was trying to work out how 'various jobs in the education sector' would add up to only £16,000. Part time dinner lady/cleaner at 3 different schools for 10 hours a week each? A really low amount of private tuition?

15-07-2022, 12:24 PM
I think she works with my wife's mum.

15-07-2022, 12:30 PM
I buy a lot of shite and waste a lot of money but, thankfully, have never bothered with a credit card.

15-07-2022, 02:10 PM
The stuff I see day to day is incredible it genuinely blows my mind what people will do and how they manage their finances. I've got customers who have genuinely racked up 30/40k worth of debt in two years since I last re-mortgaged them and they don't have anything tangible to show for it.

I managed to get into about £15 k of debt but that was with a drug problem over a few years, I'm quite impressed when people seem to manage it without that contributing factor.

Spikey M
15-07-2022, 02:25 PM
People will happily take out loans for holidays and all sorts of shit now. It's legitimate madness.

15-07-2022, 02:53 PM
We did put the last grand of the honeymoon payment on credit card. Aside from the mortgage that's the only debt I've ever had.

15-07-2022, 03:04 PM
I whacked a lot of the wedding on my credit card to pay off over 3 years. It's free money until you get sacked and have to sell your gold watches.

15-07-2022, 03:25 PM
I had about 5k of credit card/overdraft debt when I left uni. What a bunch of nerds you lot are. "Oh look at me, I'm so responsible *adjusts glasses*".

15-07-2022, 03:30 PM
The reason I've never had any kind of line of credit before is precisely because I know how not responsible I would be liable to be with it.

15-07-2022, 03:34 PM
Sometimes I genuinely think I’d enjoy the life of those down and outs who spend all day in the pub, like a disgusting little cosy community. No teeth, cheap pints, bad smell, make new one-hour friends everyday with outsiders visiting the pub for a drink (my usual role), you know the type. Home for 7 everyday, pissed, ready for a pot noodle and an early night before doing exactly the same tomorrow and everyday. Some of them even wear suits.

15-07-2022, 03:40 PM
I’ve never really bothered much with the credit card I have. I’ve somehow managed to end up with a couple of hundred quite credit on it so I should probably use it to buy something.

It’s quite eye opening how frivolous some people are. I suspect the likes of Deliveroo and just eat have only escalated that issue too.

15-07-2022, 03:41 PM
£191m euromillions tonight by the way, if that’s anyone else’s long term financial plan.

Shoot me £50k anyone who wins.

15-07-2022, 03:52 PM
'Transplant it from where exactly?'

15-07-2022, 04:08 PM
It is mad that Klarna and other 'pay in three' hawks have only just been made to report to credit agencies, I know of a few who have come a cropper of that stuff already. Doesn't help they are literally advertising it as 'take your mum for a posh tea' and pay it over three months. Supposedly you can do it on a fucking Dominoes order :nono:

Spikey M
15-07-2022, 04:28 PM
'Transplant it from where exactly?'


15-07-2022, 04:53 PM
My friend had it done. £8k later and he looks the same. No thanks.

15-07-2022, 04:53 PM

15-07-2022, 09:50 PM
https://news.yahoo.com/ricky-martin-could-face-50-163828038.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly90YXR0bGUubGlmZS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAHsv4hkUnC6OqE8AYAZgm0BzS23l jF4Ti2HjV7SKwX27ZcuUVTnb7P9MzkQoG1nkg6jrWIkxQSstqP fI5FHjIVURoRYvZQcjSkk3Xw08VuAfwZo_L-VzqLhIqcAIXEobq-OnWsvizsdmB9qfkI5_NU-OFztlxkRWLzW7bhgkyrVk

15-07-2022, 10:24 PM
Livin la vida loca indeed.

15-07-2022, 10:30 PM
Livin la vida locked up

Jimmy Floyd
18-07-2022, 01:58 PM

I like to think they just did this to make Waff seethe.

18-07-2022, 05:07 PM
I bet air traffic control hate those kind of flights.

18-07-2022, 07:25 PM
It's a decent effort too, to be fair.

20-07-2022, 06:52 AM

A surprisingly large amount to unpack in there, including:

The bill would also provide legal protections for interracial marriages.


Tuesday's roll call underscored how far the US has come on the once deeply polarising issue of gay marriage, just 14 years after Barack Obama, a Democrat, ran for the White House declaring marriage to be the union of a man and a woman.


Jimmy Floyd
20-07-2022, 07:33 AM
I did lol at that Obama line.

They are heading for all sorts of disasters over there if they're feeling the need to write in protections for interracial marriage.

20-07-2022, 08:07 AM
Isn't that because after they overturned Roe v Wade one of the judges started rattling off all the other things they were going to look at again like gay marriage etc? It was Thomas, although he didn't mention interracial marriage cause he's in one bit they've probably stuck it in this bill as once he's gone from the supreme court, they'd probably be up for overturning it too.

20-07-2022, 08:32 AM
"And while we're at it let's settle this issue of black people being allowed to vote once and for all"

20-07-2022, 11:30 AM
Isn't that because after they overturned Roe v Wade one of the judges started rattling off all the other things they were going to look at again like gay marriage etc? It was Thomas, although he didn't mention interracial marriage cause he's in one bit they've probably stuck it in this bill as once he's gone from the supreme court, they'd probably be up for overturning it too.

Again, they are not looking at 'gay marriage.' They will be looking at Obergefell vs Hodges. Passing a law allowing gay marriage, if you want it to be legal, is the right thing to do, whether that case gets overturned or not. Relying on precedent is not ideal.

"And while we're at it let's settle this issue of black people being allowed to vote once and for all"

You laugh, but 'voter suppression' is a massive issue over here. Apparently requiring people to present an ID to vote is the same as not allowing black people to vote.

20-07-2022, 11:33 AM
Again, they are not looking at 'gay marriage.' They will be looking at Obergefell vs Hodges.

As with Roe Vs Wade, the intent of the people doing this is what matters. They want to overturn it because they want gay marriage outlawed and if they do it, they know that is what will happen in many places.

The same as with abortion.

20-07-2022, 11:36 AM
Nah, they want the legislative to hold the power to make laws, not the judicial or the executive. See also: the EPA case.

Even if they are MONSTERS WHO HATE WOMEN AND GAYS, all it takes to undo their heinous scheming is to pass a law. See the article linked a few posts up.

Spikey M
20-07-2022, 11:38 AM
We had the same bullshit argument here over ID, Pepe. It's still mental to me that I can walk in and vote just by saying my name.

It's not as if it would be difficult to give free ID to people with low incomes either.

20-07-2022, 11:43 AM
Nah, they want the legislative to hold the power to make laws, not the judicial or the executive. See

You can't seriously believe this.

20-07-2022, 11:43 AM
They would make it difficult…

Spikey M
20-07-2022, 11:44 AM
They would make it difficult…

Disclaimer: In my example I am using a fictional future government made up of capable people.

20-07-2022, 11:48 AM
Disclaimer: In my example I am using a fictional future government made up of capable people.


20-07-2022, 11:56 AM
Disclaimer: In my example I am using a fictional future government made up of capable people.
It’s not about being capable. They don’t want them voting and would therefore make it difficult to get.

20-07-2022, 11:57 AM

You have nothing to lol at mr ‘the conservative Supreme Court project just wants legislators to legislate’

20-07-2022, 12:18 PM
I do find the idea of a competent government amusing, since I have yet to see one in my lifetime.

20-07-2022, 12:42 PM

I like to think they just did this to make Waff seethe.

Strava used to be about 40% people drawing dicks with their bikes.

21-07-2022, 05:45 AM
Should probably just abolished the United States altogether and go back to individual states who make their own laws. All the kerfuffle seems too hard. Just agree to disagree and all that.

Spikey M
21-07-2022, 07:15 PM


Anyone playing that "sport" is a turbocunt of the highest order.

21-07-2022, 07:17 PM
Quadball makes it sound more like a disability sport. I guess that's on brand.

21-07-2022, 07:21 PM
If they didn't still have the stick it could pass for sport, handball exists after all.

21-07-2022, 07:31 PM
This 'suicide pact gone wrong' story is the perfect crime. Between that and the septic tank bloke getting life at eighty-nine for a murder he did forty years ago the wife killing pensioners are donning it at the minute.

21-07-2022, 07:36 PM
Mr Justice Goose said it was an "unusual case" and sentenced him to two years in prison, suspended for two years.

Tee hee.


Spikey M
21-07-2022, 07:37 PM

Spikey M
24-07-2022, 01:59 PM

They saved him a bit too well tbh.

24-07-2022, 08:29 PM


24-07-2022, 08:39 PM
Skynet. :drool:

24-07-2022, 10:00 PM
We have to get that thing to arm wrestle Big Blue.

Spikey M
24-07-2022, 10:07 PM
I knew Russia are a bit behind the times, but I didn't think they were "chess-bot" behind the times.

Fuck me, they'll discover MSN Messenger next and to be frank I'm jealous.

27-07-2022, 10:37 AM
The man who trains my horse had 2 of his other horses race at Yarmouth yesterday, and they both won. He loves it.


Looking forward to watching our Ballykessangel provoke the same kind of reaction.

27-07-2022, 11:17 AM
That's a nice video.

27-07-2022, 04:39 PM

No shit.

Spikey M
27-07-2022, 05:14 PM
Truss had a fair go at pretending to be concerned for another persons welfare there. Perhaps a career in acting would have been better.

28-07-2022, 10:38 AM
The quotes from the Chief Exec of Centrica on their profits going 5x to £1.34bn and nuggets like...

Centrica insists it is “very aware” of the impact of soaring bills and wider inflationary pressures on customers, and is investing over £100m in customer service, support and pricing over 2022.

British Gas Energy is also hiring 500 more customer service staff to handle higher call volumes from customers struggling to pay their bills.

...are what we live for.

Spikey M
28-07-2022, 10:43 AM
They could atleast have the decency to use some creative accounting to hide their money grabbing.

28-07-2022, 10:56 AM
Nationalise the fuckers.

28-07-2022, 11:45 AM
I'm with Boydy.

But then we've got a Government about to sign off on a 100% increase in the energy cap for October. Capitalism. :drool:

Jimmy Floyd
28-07-2022, 11:59 AM
I reckon there's some more to eke out of 'heads have gone' yet. I received this from my GP surgery earlier (which I haven't visited for about 20 years):

Urgent: The Practice Is Under Immense Pressure
Dear Patients,

This is a very difficult notice to be posting, but as a practice we feel we have no choice.

Over the recent weeks and months there has been an increasing number of abusive behaviour which has become more aggressive in nature aimed at our front line staff and clinicians.

The Red Practice Team has always maintained a high level of tolerance and understanding and putting patients needs at the top of our priorities.

But in recent times we have had a number of our front line team members become visibly upset and brought to tears due to the upset from patients.

We understand these are difficult times. We understand that patient needs are important. We recognise our patients are struggling to get appointments. But there are reasons for this beyond our control.

We ask you to understand why this is the case. None of us want to be here, sitting doing nothing. We are facing the hardest times the practice has ever faced in the past 2-3 decades.

The challenges of recruiting Drs and Nurses are the worst today than ever before. Despite adverts out since early last year, we have only had a handful of interests and speaking to local / and national colleagues, our practice is not alone. There are simply not enough qualified clinicians and hence we are struggling to recruit, which in turn has a knock on affect with the number of appointments.

Demand is 40-50% higher than it was at pre-pandemic levels, and pre-pandemic it was already a struggle to maintain a balance.

Despite this, we open our doors daily, to provide the best care we can. Our present team are crumbling under the pressure and we ask you to be kind and understanding. Every single person is at burnout rate and we fear the worst at losing more colleagues if things continue at this level.

If we are unable to offer you an appointment, please use other resources available to like NHS 111, LIVI, Walk In Centres, Pharmacists, A & E where applicable. All of these providers are accessible to support your needs, but with the NHS under tremendous pressure, please show patience to all of these service providers too.

We are hugely concerned about the welfare of our present team members and are afraid we will lose good team members, if the levels of abuse and threats towards staff continue.

This week alone, we have had to call the police out and have a patient removed from the practice list due to threats of violence. Please help us as we cannot continue at such levels.

Who is threatening violence in a GP surgery and why? I don't get it.

28-07-2022, 12:17 PM
People who can't get appointments. Most of the people I work with have either been or know someone who has been physically assaulted by a parent at some point.

Spikey M
28-07-2022, 12:22 PM
GP receptionists are a special breed of cunt so it's probably them getting slapped about.

28-07-2022, 12:25 PM
GP receptionists are a special breed of cunt so it's probably them getting slapped about.

This I absolutely cannot deny.

28-07-2022, 12:51 PM
Yeah, it's not particularly surprising that people are getting angry at a system that's falling apart.

Also what Spikey said.

Jimmy Floyd
28-07-2022, 01:04 PM
You can't punch a system. So let's say their kid has a fever, they don't get seen by a GP because they're fully booked, and this causes threats of violence? I'm still not getting it.

28-07-2022, 01:09 PM
You could (obviously you shouldn't) punch a human representative of that system.

Spikey M
28-07-2022, 01:33 PM
You can't punch a system. So let's say their kid has a fever, they don't get seen by a GP because they're fully booked, and this causes threats of violence? I'm still not getting it.

There's not much to get. It's the same as the French bloke that had the ump with you because he left it to late to place an order before that long bank holiday.

People just lash out at front line staff when they are inconvenienced. You're just fortunate enough to be on the phone rather than face to face, so all Thierry can do is piss and moan. If he had been on hold for 3 hours and decided to march into your office to complain about his bunions appointment being too far away, you could easily end up with a baguette wrapped around head.

28-07-2022, 01:48 PM
Crying though?

28-07-2022, 01:52 PM
My daughter could only get her 1 year pediatrician visit once she was 14 months old. The visits are so useless that I didn't really care, but obviously some people are going to be mad.

Then there was the dentist, who only had appointments for 13 months from the day we called. :harold:

28-07-2022, 04:51 PM
You could (obviously you shouldn't) punch a human representative of that system.

Jeremy Hunt?

28-07-2022, 04:54 PM
Isn't there some weird pensions trap that has led to a load of already money-grabbing GPs semi-retiring/retiring earlier than they otherwise should be doing? It's something like once your Pension Pot reaches a certain amount it isn't worth working over a certain number of hours. If so it seems like a relatively easy thing to rectify, but some mongoloid in the Treasury is probably blocking it on 'cost' grounds.

28-07-2022, 04:55 PM
I did see something in the Telegraph how they’re only working like 20 hours a week now and for some reason that’s the public’s fault.

Spikey M
28-07-2022, 04:57 PM
Jeremy Hunt?

Turns out that "obviously you shouldn't" is less obvious than we thought.

28-07-2022, 05:10 PM
Yeah, a load of older GPs who would otherwise be retired working 20 hours a week is definitely the problem.

31-07-2022, 10:21 PM
I think I'm getting dangerously close to hating everything. Latest thing: A million people to cancel their direct debits on the same day. (https://dontpay.uk/)


Spikey M
01-08-2022, 06:36 AM

It's like 2008 never happened.

01-08-2022, 07:01 AM
We don't have a Labour Government now so it'll be fine. :thbup:

01-08-2022, 07:26 AM
Makes one wonder if it’s a sensible move to sell now and rent until this shitstorm is over. It’s going to be horrific.

Jimmy Floyd
01-08-2022, 07:32 AM
I got my mortgage fixed for 7 years last July (after consulting my economics nerd brother who said there would be inflation), best thing I've ever done probably.

01-08-2022, 07:34 AM
I would say so. I’ve two and a half years left on mine and I’m not convinced it’s gonna be long enough to ride this out.

Spikey M
01-08-2022, 08:07 AM
I'm not sure even Jim's 7 years is going to be long enough. There's an absolute shitstorm coming.

Jimmy Floyd
01-08-2022, 08:11 AM
Meanwhile every time I see my parents they ask me why I haven't put all my money into buying up extra chunks of my property (I own 60%). Isn't this just them being boomers not understanding things?

Luke Emia
01-08-2022, 08:16 AM
The bank thing won't make a jot of difference to be honest as they will still be governed by income multiples as to what they will lend.

The interest rate thing is just weird at the minute. Normally mortgage rates start around 0.75% above base for lower loan to value stuff. At the minute they are about 2% above base banks are saying that they can't get the money any cheaper but they can do tracker rates cheap so something doesn't add up. With the base rate I can't see the logic in what the Bank of England is doing increasing the rate is only achieving making borrowing more expensive but having absolutely no impact whatsoever on in inflation. So all they are going to achieve is squeezing people's budgets from another direction.

01-08-2022, 08:45 AM
My fixed is up next July. Excellent.

01-08-2022, 09:20 AM
My fixed is up next July. Excellent.

Mine's in August. I'm a bit worried.

01-08-2022, 09:36 AM
What does that mean? I’ve no clue about any of that stuff.

01-08-2022, 09:52 AM
Usually when you take out a mortgage you'll have it at a fixed rate for a certain number of years so fluctuations in the base interest rate set by the central bank won't impact it and your monthly payments remain the same. When that fixed period finishes, you either start paying the standard variable rate (SVR) which is usually the base rate plus a certain amount or switch to a new fixed rate, possibly with another provider.

With the base rate going up and likely to go up again at some point, it's going to be more expensive either on the SVR or a new fixed rate.

Luke Emia
01-08-2022, 09:52 AM
Mine's in August. I'm a bit worried.

0.25% extra should add around £15 extra per £100k borrowing per month.

01-08-2022, 09:53 AM
0.25% extra should add around £15 extra per £100k borrowing per month.

I guess that's not too bad.

What's your opinion on overpaying? Should I be doing it?

01-08-2022, 09:54 AM
Usually when you take out a mortgage you'll have it at a fixed rate for a certain number of years so fluctuations in the base interest rate set by the central bank won't impact it and your monthly payments remain the same. When that fixed period finishes, you either start paying the standard variable rate (SVR) which is usually the base rate plus a certain amount or switch to a new fixed rate, possibly with another provider.

With the base rate going up and likely to go up again at some point, it's going to be more expensive either on the SVR or a new fixed rate.

I must ask the Mrs what ours is. She dealt with all that at the time, but then again it's always a case of take what you can get when you can get one here.

Luke Emia
01-08-2022, 09:55 AM
I guess that's not too bad.

What's your opinion on overpaying? Should I be doing it?

While you have a cheap rate yes if you can afford to. As with everything don’t get too carried away by the doom and gloom.

01-08-2022, 09:59 AM
That's one thing I do remember her being told at the time. They said don't overpay anything for the first 2 (or maybe 3) years and just save it and pay it off in a lump after that time. Not sure what the mechanics of it all are or why that would be.

John Arne
02-08-2022, 04:37 AM
So, Beyonce used a "ableist slur" in a song and got in trouble. The Guardian managed to write a whole piece about it.

I have no idea what word they are talking about.

Beyoncé has confirmed that she will remove an offensive term for disabled people from the lyrics of her new album, Renaissance, after it was called “ableist” and “offensive” by disability charities and activists.


Edit: Apparently its the word 'spaz'. I had guessed 'retard', so wasn't too far off.

02-08-2022, 12:16 PM
You've got to be dumb as bricks to use "spaz" in a mainstream pop song and expect it to fly.

EDIT: The line in question was "Spazzin on that ass, spaz on that ass" :D

02-08-2022, 12:25 PM
She can spaz on Baz if she wants.

Spikey M
02-08-2022, 01:03 PM
You've got to be dumb as bricks to use "spaz" in a mainstream pop song and expect it to fly.

EDIT: The line in question was "Spazzin on that ass, spaz on that ass" :D

Do you realise how offensive the phrase "dumb" is to the deaf community? You ableist piece of shit.

02-08-2022, 01:04 PM
Do you realise how offensive the phrase "dumb" is to the deaf community? You ableist piece of shit.

Fuck off retard.

Jimmy Floyd
02-08-2022, 03:57 PM
This withdrawing life support for the 12 year old is another heads-have-gone piece. The family should be done for slander or something.

Spikey M
02-08-2022, 04:02 PM
Me and the Mrs were talking about this last night. I completely understand why the family don't want to let go. They are grieving parents in denial. The question is why they are being allowed to appeal this shit seemingly endlessly.

By all means, appeal once. A second opinion is a fair request. But how the fuck are we at the stage where the cunting UN are involved?

02-08-2022, 04:45 PM
It's a combination of his mother being a mentalist and the Christians sticking their oar in as it suits their anti abortion interests. They keep saying they think he was doing 'an online challenge' but there is suspicion it was actually a suicide attempt. If they had to pay for treatment it would have been over ages ago, she is posing with him and posting pics online, going on Jeremy fucking Kyle's show talking about it when there are potentially hours left with her son. It's crazy, the lad is dead, he has necrotic fluid in his lungs and there are bits of his brain in his spinal fluid where he is decomposing inside.

She is from Southend apparently Spikey, and an 'infamous' character. There were some facebook screenshots floating around from years back where she was laughing about being a prostitute and bantering her teenage son for having a small dick on a public post so yeah, there'll be no dignity for this poor kid.

02-08-2022, 05:07 PM
And the videos of Archie parading about in her stripper gear.

Spikey M
02-08-2022, 06:46 PM
And people say Southend is shithole.

02-08-2022, 08:16 PM
Me and the Mrs were talking about this last night. I completely understand why the family don't want to let go. They are grieving parents in denial. The question is why they are being allowed to appeal this shit seemingly endlessly.

By all means, appeal once. A second opinion is a fair request. But how the fuck are we at the stage where the cunting UN are involved?

I have very little experience of actually withdrawing care as I've not worked in a PICU or NICU, but we do semi-regularly have kids in who have life-limiting illnesses who have discussions going on about what level of heroics are appropriate if they start trying to die.

It's obviously completely normal to take some time to come to terms with that when its first brought up and many people will push back initially.

But the ones who absolutely insist you do absolutely every possible thing to try and save their kid who is inevitably going to die are almost always dickheads outside of and before those discussions arise.

Based on Lofty's post it seems that RL's theorem holds up here.

02-08-2022, 08:27 PM
Here's a little tidbit that's popped into my head on the basis of talking about heroic efforts to save kids.

The last bastion of heroic treatment you can give someone who is really trying to die is ECMO (that's a bit of an oversimplification obviously but the underlying point is sound).

There is one man in the whole of the UK who can provide an ECMO transport service for neonates. He is affectionately known as ECMO-man in NICUs across the country.

He is not a neonatologist, he is not even a paediatrician, he knows basically nothing about neonatal intensive care. He is an adult vascular surgeon who thought it would be cool to be ECMO-man. In essence, he is the country's most glorified plumber who can plumb a premature baby into an ECMO machine and transport them to a hospital which is neonatal ECMO centre. I think by helicopter but can't 100% remember on that.

So if your baby is in a NICU which is not an ECMO centre and they decide it is sick enough to need ECMO, you will likely meet ECMO man. If ECMO man is on holiday you are shit out of luck.

There are little oddities and lotteries like this all through the NHS which I imagine the public suspect or are aware of to some extent but don't know the specifics.

Anyway I thought that might be interesting.

02-08-2022, 08:39 PM
Is he the German guy? My wife works in vascular and I'm sure she's mentioned him before.

02-08-2022, 08:41 PM
The organisation employs, what, over three million people, if he's performing a valuable service, how on earth is there only one of him?

Spikey M
02-08-2022, 08:44 PM
Here's a little tidbit that's popped into my head on the basis of talking about heroic efforts to save kids.

The last bastion of heroic treatment you can give someone who is really trying to die is ECMO (that's a bit of an oversimplification obviously but the underlying point is sound).

There is one man in the whole of the UK who can provide an ECMO transport service for neonates. He is affectionately known as ECMO-man in NICUs across the country.

He is not a neonatologist, he is not even a paediatrician, he knows basically nothing about neonatal intensive care. He is an adult vascular surgeon who thought it would be cool to be ECMO-man. In essence, he is the country's most glorified plumber who can plumb a premature baby into an ECMO machine and transport them to a hospital which is neonatal ECMO centre. I think by helicopter but can't 100% remember on that.

So if your baby is in a NICU which is not an ECMO centre and they decide it is sick enough to need ECMO, you will likely meet ECMO man. If ECMO man is on holiday you are shit out of luck.

There are little oddities and lotteries like this all through the NHS which I imagine the public suspect or are aware of to some extent but don't know the specifics.

Anyway I thought that might be interesting.

My Step Dad was a Paramedic and he was forever saying that the whole thing is a lottery, and that if you don't have a heart attack while it's quiet / convenient, you're probably a goner.

He once had to file a report to a manager for shouting at a constipated woman that had lied to get an ambulance sent out, when earlier that night a man had already died simply because they took too long to get there.

02-08-2022, 08:44 PM
Is he the German guy? My wife works in vascular and I'm sure she's mentioned him before.

I don't know to be quite honest, I can't even remember his name. I've not worked in NICU so I've only heard the legends of ECMO-man, I've never met him.

The organisation employs, what, over three million people, if he's performing a valuable service, how on earth is there only one of him?

I don't know. It's incredibly, incredibly niche but why there's literally nobody else I couldn't tell you.

Perhaps nobody else wants to commit to it knowing they'll be one of only two people and will get dragged all over the country. Which is obviously a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

02-08-2022, 08:47 PM
My Step Dad was a Paramedic and he was forever saying that the whole thing is a lottery, and that if you don't have a heart attack while it's quiet / convenient, you're probably a goner.

He once had to file a report to a manager for shouting at a constipated woman that had lied to get an ambulance sent out, when earlier that night a man had already died simply because they took too long to get there.

The ambulance service has been in dire straights lately. Seems better in the last few weeks, but not long ago we were regularly hearing of parents calling 999 and not even being able to get their call answered, nonetheless get an ambulance.

One parent got quoted a 6 hour wait for their baby who - based on the symptoms - could very easily have been having a stroke. Scary shit.

02-08-2022, 08:55 PM
Is he the German guy? My wife works in vascular and I'm sure she's mentioned him before.


This is him I think.

02-08-2022, 08:58 PM
Once we're all pissed off enough with the NHS, it won't be too hard for them to privatise it.

02-08-2022, 09:27 PM
Do you have a rough timeframe in mind for that happening? Because I don't think it will.

Spikey M
02-08-2022, 09:43 PM
It might do, it might not. I doubt it will happen all at once even if it does. It's more likely that non-emergency departments will go the same way as Dentistry. Or, they'll just make the NHS so unrelentingly shit that private health insurance just becomes the goto option for anyone but the poorest.

02-08-2022, 09:51 PM
Aren't Virgin already running loads of GP surgeries?

02-08-2022, 10:12 PM
My old man got himself some private coverage recently and it's not even thirty quid a month. Alright, not everybody can afford that, but why doesn't literally anybody with any sort of disposable income have it? The minute I feel myself to be in any less tremendous condition I will be on it. I could see the future being something whereby private coverage is incentivised through the tax system (which it should be) and the NHS just ends up being the pleb option, sort of like what other developed countries with significantly better outcomes than us have, but outright PRIVATISATION is a conspiracy theory.

Spikey M
02-08-2022, 10:21 PM
I get some low lever health insurance through my work and as luck would have it I got a letter from HMRC today - to tell me my new Tax Code, cheers lads, I knew it in April, what a waste of paper - anyway, I paid £150 in Tax on my health insurance last year apparently. I haven't even used it ffs. Might tell my employer I don't want it. I think it only amounts to some bullshit phone line for mental health wibbles and 20% off my next Chiropractic Chakra alignment anyway.

03-08-2022, 05:17 AM
My old man got himself some private coverage recently and it's not even thirty quid a month. Alright, not everybody can afford that, but why doesn't literally anybody with any sort of disposable income have it? The minute I feel myself to be in any less tremendous condition I will be on it. I could see the future being something whereby private coverage is incentivised through the tax system (which it should be) and the NHS just ends up being the pleb option, sort of like what other developed countries with significantly better outcomes than us have, but outright PRIVATISATION is a conspiracy theory.

30 a month isn't too bad but what does it cover. They always push Health Shield at my spot, but I think full coverage is quite pricey.

03-08-2022, 06:05 AM
My old man got himself some private coverage recently and it's not even thirty quid a month. Alright, not everybody can afford that, but why doesn't literally anybody with any sort of disposable income have it? The minute I feel myself to be in any less tremendous condition I will be on it. I could see the future being something whereby private coverage is incentivised through the tax system (which it should be) and the NHS just ends up being the pleb option, sort of like what other developed countries with significantly better outcomes than us have, but outright PRIVATISATION is a conspiracy theory.

I've got Bupa through work and it's shit. I wouldn't pay for it if it was coming out of my pocket.

Plus I take the view that with every person that turns to private brings the end of the NHS one step closer (because they'll resent paying the tax to keep the NHS going when they don't use it).