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08-01-2022, 08:04 AM
Although it should never have been on it in the first place, same as here, it would be madness to waste money to do it at this stage.

Spikey M
08-01-2022, 08:19 AM
It's on there to make your own life easier because English is the most widespread language in the world. If you rock up at an airport/border and the security staff don't speak French (or Irish, which nobody does) then you're going to be fucking around while they find someone that does. However, 99% of people in those jobs already speak English, so they can just check your passport / licence and through you go.

It's got nothing to do with Britain.

08-01-2022, 09:58 AM
Have they dropped English as one of their official languages yet?

Jimmy Floyd
08-01-2022, 10:27 AM
The Academie Française lost their fight about 150 years ago (with the Franco-Prussian War, really) but gawd bless them for soldiering on.

At one point they were wanting to change 'Parking' to 'Aparcation' and so on in a refroggification drive.

08-01-2022, 11:24 AM


He said he’s been likened to Jack Grealish and I couldn’t quite hold in my laughter.

08-01-2022, 12:30 PM
Would you meet again?
Our paths could definitely cross, but just as friends.

Would you meet again?
I’d definitely like to.

Give it up, Tom. And stop pretending anybody thinks you look like Jack Grealish just because you've got some hair gel.

Spikey M
08-01-2022, 12:39 PM
Fond memories if Sandberg saying I look like Danny Dyer with too many chromosomes.

08-01-2022, 02:19 PM
Does he still look like Mike Ashley's regen?

08-01-2022, 02:53 PM
She made him go meat free and then ordered meat? He’s well shot of her.

08-01-2022, 04:48 PM
That's charity workers for you.

08-01-2022, 05:39 PM
Given it up, Tom. And stop pretending anybody thinks you look like Jack Grealish just because you've got some hair gel.

Yet she gave him an 8. My mate used to have something called “harsh scale” so we’d say like Serena Williams was harsh scale 7 and actually be realistic that if there is a ever an 8/9/god forbid a 10, they’d actually be pretty goddamn special. Giving a lad you never wanna see again an 8 is madness.

She’s a harsh scale 4, I’d say.

08-01-2022, 08:17 PM
Yet she gave him an 8. My mate used to have something called “harsh scale” so we’d say like Serena Williams was harsh scale 7 and actually be realistic that if there is a ever an 8/9/god forbid a 10, they’d actually be pretty goddamn special. Giving a lad you never wanna see again an 8 is madness.

She’s a harsh scale 4, I’d say.

It's like with movie and game ratings it sort of became accepted that 6/10 is pretty shit and 8/10 is just "good", which is a pretty terrible use of a scale.

Jimmy Floyd
08-01-2022, 11:48 PM
As for university assignments out of 100 in which it's basically impossible to score more than 80 or less than 50, and in which almost everything submitted seems to end up a couple of points either side of 65.

Spikey M
09-01-2022, 08:22 AM


09-01-2022, 09:18 AM
She can fuck off. Cry about it if you're 35, not 25, you mentalist.

09-01-2022, 03:01 PM
25 in Scotland is 35.

Spikey M
10-01-2022, 06:59 PM

There you are Taz. The victim card Jimmy promised you.

10-01-2022, 07:05 PM
He looks like Damien Duff.

11-01-2022, 09:58 AM

Oh shut the fuck up, you cunts, these scummy people need to be educated.

11-01-2022, 11:03 AM
Ovo still haven't paid me my final money back from closing the account.

11-01-2022, 02:37 PM


Spikey M
11-01-2022, 02:54 PM

I'll save myself for Macmillans Super Smoking September.

11-01-2022, 03:52 PM

I'll save myself for Macmillans Super Smoking September.

The ad it generated for me above the fold was to donate to help fix the famine in Yemen :D

11-01-2022, 08:50 PM

Ion Onut was looking at profiles on dating sites while driving his HGV

11-01-2022, 08:55 PM
More than likely out in five years for killing three people. Dangerous driving sentences are a joke.

11-01-2022, 09:20 PM
Aye, it's bleak. Reminds me of the Selby bloke who wound up out in 3 years.

11-01-2022, 09:41 PM
Surely if that's your parents and he gets out after such a paltry sentence you knock on his door and finish the job. That fella in Germany did it to that air traffic controller, only copped 2 years in total for it.

11-01-2022, 09:52 PM
Later, after his release from prison, Kaloyev was appointed deputy minister of construction of North Ossetia-Alania. In 2016, upon retirement from the local Ossetian government, Kaloyev was awarded the highest regional medal by that government, the medal "To the Glory of Ossetia". The medal is awarded for the highest achievements, improving the living conditions of the inhabitants of the region, for educating the younger generation and maintaining law and order.[1]

Who says revenge is futile?

13-01-2022, 01:04 PM

Get the temp gun out, Queenslander

Spikey M
13-01-2022, 01:15 PM
I encountered 40c on holiday once and I remain convinced that anything hotter than that would kill everyone and everything. 50c is insanity. You're half way to boiling point, and that's in the shade for fuck sake.

13-01-2022, 01:18 PM
I was in Melbourne for Christmas a few years ago and it was 40 degrees. It was unbearable being outside for more than a few minutes.

13-01-2022, 01:19 PM
Aren't you lot all dying every time it goes above 20 degrees?

Spikey M
13-01-2022, 01:23 PM
Aren't you lot all dying every time it goes above 20 degrees?

30's, yeah. But that's only really at night time because our houses are built to retain the heat and we don't have aircon to cool it down, so sleep is basically impossible. My daughters room has a thermometer in it and it hit 37c last year.

We're getting Aircon at somepoint this spring though.

13-01-2022, 01:25 PM
I remember reading how everyone in the London marathon was dying because it was 'hot,' when the temperature was not all that high, a few years ago. But anyway, 40+ is miserable no matter who you are.

13-01-2022, 02:04 PM
Was that after the vax?

Jimmy Floyd
13-01-2022, 02:05 PM
I once played golf in 44 degrees in central France. Made it to the 15th hole before staggering off the course to die.

13-01-2022, 02:47 PM
I did golf at 40-odd in the Middle East, there were little huts with fridges of bottled water in them every other hole or so and after a couple you think it's not so bad and by the end you're gulping it down by the litre.

Aren't you lot all dying every time it goes above 20 degrees?

Moaning about the weather in Britain is basically just habit at this point. Whatever the weather is there'll be a healthy proportion of people who then want it to be something else. Moan like fuck through the winter then on the first 20+ day "Fuck's sake it's too hot isn't it? It's too hot."

13-01-2022, 02:53 PM
The French seem to be obsessed with the weather too. Everything but a very narrow temperature range will be either too cold or too hot.

Spikey M
13-01-2022, 02:59 PM
That's when you turn to "I do wish Summer/Winter would hurry up and get here!".

13-01-2022, 03:01 PM
Or, if you are feeling edgy, you can go for "climate change can't come soon enough."

13-01-2022, 03:03 PM
Sunny weather for more than a day: "It's too hot."
Cold weather: "Sick of this bad weather!"
Humid: "Oooh, we need rain, don't we?"
No snow at Christmas: "It'd be nice to get a white Christmas, eh?"
Snow at Christmas: "I mean I wouldn't mind the snow if I didn't have to go anywhere!"

The French seem to be obsessed with the weather too. Everything but a very narrow temperature range will be either too cold or too hot.

I wonder if this is true of all countries where you don't tend to get extremes of weather then. Like, if you live somewhere that gets fucking tornados or floods because of monsoons or something you've got fairly cut and dried ideas of what constitutes bad weather. When the worst you've got to worry about is the road being a bit slippy or wondering if you'll get a table with some shade when having dinner outside it really lets you dig into what you really hate about mild weather conditions.

13-01-2022, 03:09 PM
Could be. Mexico City has the mildest of weathers though, and I don't recall people caring that much. But yeah, living here where -10 and below is common in the winter and then it is always 30+ in the summer, you just have to shrug it off and get on with life.

EDIT: Snow can fuck right off though.

13-01-2022, 05:40 PM
40 in the US didn’t feel as bad as high 20’s did here for me. Plus everywhere is set up properly for the heat there.

Spikey M
13-01-2022, 05:47 PM
Prince Nonce is going to prison? (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59987935)

13-01-2022, 06:02 PM
You’d imagine he’s fucked when they’ve disowned him that much.

13-01-2022, 06:13 PM

Another big win for society.

13-01-2022, 06:17 PM
"committed to being an inclusive retailer"

Probably everything that's wrong with this shit summed up in 6 words.

13-01-2022, 06:19 PM
Meanwhile, midget continues to have two definitions according to the OED. Who will stop such tyranny?

13-01-2022, 07:22 PM
I am sure that the lives of people with dwarfism will improve considerably. Thank you, Dr. Pritchard.

Spikey M
13-01-2022, 07:29 PM
Someone tell Cadburys to rebrand their Fingers because it's upsetting Mahow.

NB: I can't think of any head based confectionery, so I am unjustifiably confident of this joke not backfiring.

Jimmy Floyd
13-01-2022, 07:33 PM
I generally hesitate to deploy this anecdote, but anyway. My old man was a cop, and for a couple of years decades back (in the 90s) he was assigned to the royalty division, or whatever it is, where they organise the police protection for the Queen and all the rest of them. As a result of this he sometimes found himself having to have dealings with various royals - less so the big dogs like Queenie and Charlie, who are pretty adept operators, and more so the peripheral royals, who are mostly clueless gimps and make absurd short term demands (i.e. 'I'm going shopping, please send 4 cops now and close the shop', or whatever).

Among those who worked in the unit it was universally agreed that most of the royals were basically OK, with one exception: Andrew, who was the biggest cunt any of them had ever come across (and bear in mind these people are all policemen, so their job is basically to deal with cunts on a daily basis). He was arrogant, liked to ring them up to randomly boast about whatever he'd been up to, called them out to pointless jobs to make them work late for the sake of it, and so on - just a massive, arrogant prick with zero self-awareness. At one point Andrew called the office to have a massive sweary whinge about something trivial, and the officer who picked the phone up eventually grew tired of it and slammed the phone down on him, thus earning hero status for the rest of his police career.

Anyway, after a couple of years, my old man was transferred out of the royalty division into another one (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvG3R-xOMzE). Word reached Andrew that he was going, so Andrew called the office (which, from memory, was in a shoddy brick outhouse somewhere in Victoria, an annoying distance away from the palace - got to keep the plebs at arm's length). Andrew summoned him to wherever the fuck Andrew hangs out, for 'leaving formalities'. So my old man goes in, bows and whatever else you have to do to Prince Andrew, and goes through all the small talk - it's been a pleasure to serve, sad to be going, yadda yadda. As he's about to leave, Andrew says wait, I have a gift for you, and duly presents him with a framed, black and white signed photograph of himself. He delivers it with the killer line: "There you are. You can put it on your grand piano - if you have one."

It just so happened that, thanks to my mum's side of the family having an heirloom grand piano, my dad did have one, and there the signed photo of Prince Andrew has resided ever since. I'll miss it, when it's gone.

13-01-2022, 07:40 PM
Well, at least he didn't rape you. I err ... said that to my dad when he told me he once washed Jimmy Saville's car.

Spikey M
13-01-2022, 07:41 PM
:D my stepdad met him when he visited the hospital to talk to the paramedics. He reported similar. We had no photo or grand piano though.

He did bring a bottle of Parliament Whisky home after David Amess visited though.

13-01-2022, 07:43 PM
I work with people who came across various royals during their forces/whatever else careers and that is how they tell it. Charles is apparently a lot sounder than he was always made out to be, Princess Anne is good value, and Andrew is a cunt who used to fly helicopters home without telling anyone.

13-01-2022, 11:15 PM

Get the temp gun out, Queenslander

Bloody hell!

Ill pack my things they need an expert in the field.

13-01-2022, 11:41 PM
I see the police arrested the wrong person for the Irish school teacher that was murdered in a park yesterday afternoon. They apparently had two witnesses for the attack so fuck knows how they’ve cocked that one up. The poor Romanians have been getting a right bashing on Twitter after a reported leaked his nationality and said he was out on bail.

15-01-2022, 11:15 PM

Paging randomlegend.

15-01-2022, 11:54 PM

Another big win for society.

Someone tell Cadburys to rebrand their Fingers because it's upsetting Mahow.

NB: I can't think of any head based confectionery, so I am unjustifiably confident of this joke not backfiring.

Do you have a big head or a small head, cus if it's the former you could say you look like a powerpod.

16-01-2022, 12:14 AM
You can't be that ignorant of TTH lore.

Jimmy Floyd
17-01-2022, 11:40 PM
Just days after my poncy piano anecdote, here come the juicier 'ex royal cops' with the real dirt...


Spikey M
18-01-2022, 06:33 AM

Ms Davies later discovered her pass had been rejected because she had used an old card.

"I am human, people make mistakes," she says.

"But it doesn't mean that in a time when someone is close to tears and begging to get home, they should be sent away."


18-01-2022, 06:49 AM

Ms Davies later discovered her pass had been rejected because she had used an old card.

"I am human, people make mistakes," she says.

"But it doesn't mean that in a time when someone is close to tears and begging to get home, they should be sent away."


That ‘womens safety’ shit has gone off the charts here lately because some girl was murdered on a canal. Awful thing to happen and all but I’m not sure why we’re all murderers in waiting because of it or why only womens lives matter. There was a lad shot and killed in his own front garden around the same time last week and nobody gives a flying fuck yet she’s basically getting a state funeral.

Spikey M
18-01-2022, 07:29 AM
I saw someone make the point that men are victims of violence far more often on Twitter a couple of days ago, only to be bombarded with "YES BUT THEY ARE ASSAULTED BY OTHER MALES!".

Which is true but still mental. We need to step back from the brink before every cunt has their own security guard. Woman security guard.

18-01-2022, 07:45 AM
I wouldn't worry.

18-01-2022, 08:06 AM
We'd some cunt on national radio, some professor lad that does be on regularly I gather, that was telling us that we're at the stage where men should need some form of licencing to be allowed to socialise. I'm just glad I was on a job and have an alibi but I don't know how I'll be able to control myself from not killing the next woman I see. Twitter, naturally, has been an absolute cesspit too for the past week - "ALL MEN MUST......etc etc".

18-01-2022, 10:14 AM
So many things wrong with all this. For a start, are these the same people who're trying to tell us men and women don't exist in the traditional sense any more, or a different group of shouty people? Secondly, I and the vast majority of Men have about as much in common with the minority scumbag contingent as I do with a pregnant Woman, so what exactly are we supposed to do? The way it's reported you'd think every man is turning a blind eye to everything from wolf whistling to murder, on a daily basis, when in reality I haven't seen any examples of even the lower end of that scale for years.

Jimmy Floyd
18-01-2022, 10:29 AM
It's reminiscent of the Sarah Everard pearl-clutch we had last year. There's a refusal in certain quarters to accept that some people are just violent criminal bastards. They're not allowed to be that; their actions always have to be part of some wider, pan-societal problem, UNLESS they are, for example, Michael Adebowale, in which case they are mentally ill / acting alone.

18-01-2022, 10:37 AM

Ms Davies later discovered her pass had been rejected because she had used an old card.

"I am human, people make mistakes," she says.

"But it doesn't mean that in a time when someone is close to tears and begging to get home, they should be sent away."


"That overrode my safety," she says.

:facepalm: / :D

Not having a valid bus pass "overrode your safety". Just like if I presented an expired debit card at the till in Tesco that would "override" my need to buy shopping. Fucking hell.

So she effectively wants to the set the precedent of "free bus travel for women at night"? Fantastic.

Well, not even night. More like "whenever it's dark". Which sounds like I'm splitting hairs but it mentions at the end of the article that the driver did drop her in the town centre at 5pm. So we're talking about a person who was arguing with a bus driver about being scared to walk home at circa half past four in the afternoon here. This isn't the last bus home leaving her in the arse end of nowhere at midnight, which the majority of the wording would have you think.

Spikey M
18-01-2022, 10:49 AM
"I let my gym membership expire, so they wouldn't let me in. Now I could have a heart attack at any time."

18-01-2022, 11:39 AM
At least make it believable.

Spikey M
18-01-2022, 11:41 AM


18-01-2022, 11:41 AM
It's reminiscent of the Sarah Everard pearl-clutch we had last year. There's a refusal in certain quarters to accept that some people are just violent criminal bastards. They're not allowed to be that; their actions always have to be part of some wider, pan-societal problem, UNLESS they are, for example, Michael Adebowale, in which case they are mentally ill / acting alone.

They've been chomping at the bit for something similar since the Everard one, and the girl is being flogged to bits now the same as Everard was over there.

18-01-2022, 11:45 AM
Not a chance I'd be going into anybody's house, my friend or otherwise, if they were just letting a chimp mooch about. They're fucking mental and anybody owning one at all shouldn't be, especially not the way she apparently did where he was basically treated like a person.

Really, really wish I hadn't scrolled down far enough to see the result of the attack. Poor fucker.

18-01-2022, 11:47 AM
Watched a documentary on that years ago and the moment where you realise she'd lived was just, wow.

18-01-2022, 12:10 PM
That's some face.

18-01-2022, 12:48 PM
So many things wrong with all this. For a start, are these the same people who're trying to tell us men and women don't exist in the traditional sense any more, or a different group of shouty people?

Same crowd. They follow their BS theories of victimhood, where 'victims' (or 'survivors') are basically saints. According to them you should always believe victims, never question them in any way shape or form, and do everything in your power to make sure that they feel safe. Recall that, by default, women are victims (to men) and minorities are victims (to white people).

18-01-2022, 12:50 PM
Not a chance I'd be going into anybody's house, my friend or otherwise, if they were just letting a chimp mooch about. They're fucking mental and anybody owning one at all shouldn't be, especially not the way she apparently did where he was basically treated like a person.

What if he mowed your lawn? It would be rude not to show your face.

18-01-2022, 12:55 PM
He can do as he pleases, I'll be watching from an upstairs window until he fucks off.

Sir Andy Mahowry
18-01-2022, 12:57 PM
He can do as he pleases, I'll be watching from an upstairs window until he fucks off.

Disgusting lack of manners, what a prick.

18-01-2022, 12:58 PM
Better a disgusting lack of manners than a disgusting lack of face.

Spikey M
18-01-2022, 12:58 PM
And now you can see why minorities are victims at the hands of White people, Pepe.

18-01-2022, 01:17 PM

18-01-2022, 01:44 PM
A 200lb ape which was being given Xanax daily, yeah that sounds like a great idea. I'm with racist Webly, it can go on the Never Even Once list along with helicopters.

18-01-2022, 04:09 PM
They've been chomping at the bit for something similar since the Everard one, and the girl is being flogged to bits now the same as Everard was over there.

It will drop out of the news like a sack of shit if it turns out to have been anyone other than a white Irishman.

18-01-2022, 05:46 PM
I can only hope they were hawking Bull Boys Coins (https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/60044394)

Spikey M
18-01-2022, 05:48 PM
WaistCoatCoin to the moon.

18-01-2022, 06:11 PM
It will drop out of the news like a sack of shit if it turns out to have been anyone other than a white Irishman.

A Syrian refugee by all accounts. Like you say, I doubt it’ll every officially be reported and it’s gone all quiet on that front since they caught up to him.

18-01-2022, 07:36 PM
Killing women and then legging it does seem to be more of a foreigner thing to do, so I figured one of your Eastern Europeans. Syrian refugee. Jesus. They will probably start running stories about her deserving it.

18-01-2022, 07:46 PM
That's some face.

I fully expected the Shameful Lustage thread to have been bumped after reading this page.

18-01-2022, 11:23 PM
Brings a whole new meaning to 'Chimp Out'.

19-01-2022, 11:06 AM

The closer the Winter Olympics gets the more insane it seems that China is hosting it. Athletes are being told not to bring their own phones with them and being threatened if they say anything untoward. How did we become ok with including them in things like this?

Spikey M
19-01-2022, 11:07 AM

Luke Emia
19-01-2022, 01:23 PM

The closer the Winter Olympics gets the more insane it seems that China is hosting it. Athletes are being told not to bring their own phones with them and being threatened if they say anything untoward. How did we become ok with including them in things like this?

Didn't during the Summer Olympics basically anyone competing was pretty much allowed to act normally and that was negotiated by the IOC? Maybe this time they just couldn't be arsed to do that.

19-01-2022, 01:50 PM
Maybe things have changed in the 14 years since.

Jimmy Floyd
19-01-2022, 03:12 PM

My sides.

19-01-2022, 03:16 PM
The group claimed taxing the UK's wealthiest 119,000 people at such rates would raise Ł43.71bn a year.

They suggested such funds could be used to eliminate planned National Insurance tax rises to fund social care in England, pay for the salaries of 50,000 nurses and a permanent increase of Universal Credit.


It said globally, $2.52tn could lift 2.3 billion people out of poverty and make enough vaccines for the world.

Then donate the money.

Raoul Duke
19-01-2022, 05:01 PM
We could spend the money on guillotines

19-01-2022, 05:13 PM
These people. Write the government a cheque. You could even just give the difference to charity. Why do they need to be compelled to do it?

19-01-2022, 05:18 PM
It's a shit headline, because they're not really just asking to pay more taxes. They're advocating that everyone that makes as much money as they do pays more taxes.

100 people donating =/= 119,000 people being taxed.

19-01-2022, 05:24 PM
The world - every country in it - must demand the rich pay their fair share.

I mean, you will have a hard time finding someone who disagrees with the statement 'x group should pay their fair share.' The problem has always been in defining 'fair.' There is also the fact that you probably want to maximize revenue, not choose the 'fair' number.

19-01-2022, 07:07 PM
That's just rhetoric. In reality it's more about getting them to pay a lot more than they have been than somehow finding the perfect number.

19-01-2022, 07:20 PM
I wish them luck in their well intentioned and very well thought out endeavour.

19-01-2022, 09:03 PM
Killing women and then legging it does seem to be more of a foreigner thing to do, so I figured one of your Eastern Europeans. Syrian refugee. Jesus. They will probably start running stories about her deserving it.

Turned out to be a Slovakian after, though it’s the same head that was in the WhatsApp messages floating about. That still won’t be what they wanted though and I expect things to switch rapidly to his ‘mental health’.

19-01-2022, 09:15 PM
Never in doubt. I should be the in-house stereotyper for the police.

19-01-2022, 11:16 PM
Biden giving Putin the green light to invade Ukraine I see. WW3

20-01-2022, 07:19 AM
Never in doubt. I should be the in-house stereotyper for the police.

A roma gypsy who’s been on benefits since he touched down. That’s near top trumps.

20-01-2022, 07:25 AM
Biden giving Putin the green light to invade Ukraine I see. WW3

They should probably stop him talking if that's what he's going to be coming out with. He's an absolute mess.

20-01-2022, 07:34 AM
He's been saying idiotic things for ages. But then that's what happens if you insist on only electing dementia-fied old men.

20-01-2022, 07:59 AM
Yeah, I saw him rambling bizarrely the other day about something or other [the Texas hostage thing?] and thought Christ, maybe he actually is senile.

20-01-2022, 08:06 AM
Biden on hostage negotiations:
"One trick is to tell stories that don't go anywhere. Like the time I caught the ferry to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe. So I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time...."

21-01-2022, 03:03 PM

Robinho, who was playing for AC Milan at the time, was part of a group who gang-raped a 23-year-old Albanian woman at the Sio Cafe nightclub and was originally sentenced in 2017, having gone on to lose two appeals.


21-01-2022, 03:13 PM
I was reading that the other day and my main takeaway from it was that I didn't realise so many countries point blank refuse to extradite their citizens.

Jimmy Floyd
21-01-2022, 09:29 PM

I thought Giggles had been quiet for a while.

21-01-2022, 11:23 PM

That is fucking bonkers.

21-01-2022, 11:25 PM
Weekend at Padraig's.

21-01-2022, 11:42 PM
Weekend at Blarneys was the best I could do.

22-01-2022, 12:06 AM

22-01-2022, 05:44 AM
Must have been off their boxes to think it would work. Seen a photo of one of them (his son) and he looks like a proper little scrote.

Spikey M
22-01-2022, 12:04 PM

"lucky family circumstances" :D

Get some rich parents you renting scum bags, what is wrong with you?

22-01-2022, 12:14 PM
Guys please stop revealing the very obvious flaw in our grift.


22-01-2022, 12:14 PM
Aw man, so all I had to do was work hard, get saving and get given a load of fucking money by my parents?

Can't believe I didn't think of that.

22-01-2022, 12:15 PM
Guys please stop revealing the very obvious flaw in our grift.


Yeah I saw this yesterday.

They must be worried they're dangerously close to people realising they're paying a load of money to not own something.

22-01-2022, 12:24 PM
I still have no idea what NFT is but it seems to be everywhere. Like cryptocurrency I think I'm probably better off in blissful ignorance.

Jimmy Floyd
22-01-2022, 12:27 PM
I've tried my best to read up on them but I can't get beyond them being the Dutch tulip bubble, i.e. everyone goes in on something for fashion reasons and then, some time later, it crashes due to its lack of intrinsic value.

There are lot of people out there who don't want to do a day's work.

Spikey M
22-01-2022, 12:28 PM
I still have no idea what NFT is but it seems to be everywhere. Like cryptocurrency I think I'm probably better off in blissful ignorance.

The easiest way to understand it is that it's basically a digital copyright. It's meant to stop people from being able to take your stuff and use it however they want. Fine in theory, the Internet could do with intellectual property being protected, but... it's actually a load of bollocks and just ends up with Scousers buying Pixelated Rainbow Nonces for Ł200.

22-01-2022, 12:32 PM
NFTs could be useful for things like digital tickets but for art (stretching the definition when it's shit monkeys pictures) two copies are not just indistinguishable but they're functionally identical. That's sort of the point of digital information, it's the same, trying to introduce false scarcity is so incredibly stupid and obviously just a cash grab aimed at credulous twats.

22-01-2022, 12:32 PM
The easiest way to understand it is that it's basically a digital copyright. It's meant to stop people from being able to take your stuff and use it however they want. Fine in theory, the Internet could do with intellectual property being protected, but... it's actually a load of bollocks and just ends up with Scousers buying Pixelated Rainbow Nonces for Ł200.

Can I sell you this post for €400?

22-01-2022, 12:35 PM
You might have more luck with Magic.

Spikey M
22-01-2022, 12:37 PM
Can I sell you this post for €400?

In theory, yes. The bloke who made twitter sold his first tweet as an NFT. You just have to find someone rich and thick enough.

22-01-2022, 01:09 PM
I've tried my best to read up on them but I can't get beyond them being the Dutch tulip bubble, i.e. everyone goes in on something for fashion reasons and then, some time later, it crashes due to its lack of intrinsic value.

There are lot of people out there who don't want to do a day's work.

The difference is that the technology that underpins all this stuff is potentially game changing stuff. It's just very very young and the field is full of grifters.

On the latter point, no doubt. Can you blame them?

Jimmy Floyd
22-01-2022, 01:13 PM
Ok. So if I buy a monkey and then someone else sells my monkey without my permission, what happens next? Do I have to hire a monkey lawyer and sue them?

Sir Andy Mahowry
22-01-2022, 01:15 PM
Your case would also end up being featured on Monkey News.

Spikey M
22-01-2022, 01:29 PM
Ok. So if I buy a monkey and then someone else sells my monkey without my permission, what happens next? Do I have to hire a monkey lawyer and sue them?

You borrow Daves van.

There's probably nothing you could do. The whole space is unregulated and the Wild West at the moment. I could steal your entire net worth in Bitcoin and there's nothing you could do about it within the legal framework.

As James said, the basic truth of this stuff is that the underlying tech is great and has a lot of potential, but at the moment we don't really know what we're doing with it. I'd be surprised if anything in the Crypto space now (outside of Bitcoin and Etherium) was still around in 10 years and, whether they like it over not, the space needs regulation or its going nowhere.

22-01-2022, 01:40 PM
Ok. So if I buy a monkey and then someone else sells my monkey without my permission, what happens next? Do I have to hire a monkey lawyer and sue them?

They can sell the jpeg, but that's not what the NFT is.

Wouldn't it be better if your proof of ownership for, say, your house & you car were indisputably recorded on a ledger that everyone could (or could not) see, rather than on pieces of paper?

Wouldn't it be better to not have to give Ł2 each to Ticketmaster and Visa each time you wanted to pay to watch a performance?

I'm not a Crypto Guy fwiw and the current uses are aggressively shit, but I think there's a lot more to it than the currently dominating discourse of hurr hurr I right click saved your NFT now it's mine.

22-01-2022, 01:46 PM
The easiest way to understand it is that it's basically a digital copyright. It's meant to stop people from being able to take your stuff and use it however they want.

If NFTs were that, they would be useful. That is not what they are. The easiest way to understand it is that you are paying for a certificate that says you own something, but you don't actually own it.

22-01-2022, 01:48 PM
Seems like a bit of a pyramid scheme to me.

22-01-2022, 01:48 PM
Wouldn't it be better if your proof of ownership for, say, your house & you car were indisputably recorded on a ledger that everyone could (or could not) see, rather than on pieces of paper?

Wouldn't it be better to not have to give Ł2 each to Ticketmaster and Visa each time you wanted to pay to watch a performance?

This might be a stupid question but if there was a proper appetite for this among the people that actually matter why do we need whatever this new technology is to do that?

22-01-2022, 01:49 PM
If NFTs were that, they would be useful. That is not what they are. The easiest way to understand it is that you are paying for a certificate that says you own something, but you don't actually own it.

Sounds like I’m not missing out.

22-01-2022, 01:52 PM
Seems like a bit of a pyramid scheme to me.

Up to this point, cryptocurrency (and NFTs even more so) have been just that. Buy it and hope that you can offload it later to someone else for more money. The technology is great, their proponents claim, but it has yet to be used for anything useful, and it has been more than a decade now.

22-01-2022, 01:53 PM
Presumably an industry could decide to utilise, or not, the technology for documentation.

Houses as an example or so slow moving that would a ledger/blockchain be really beneficial above and beyond an electronic database they already have? If so, what tangible benefit would there be for anyone other than the custodian (ie land registry Scotland)?

I suppose in that scenario something like ethereum and solana would become the market as the owner of the chain that many industries use? But who pays the transaction fees to update the ledger? Would it be cheaper than updating the data bases they currently keep?

Jimmy Floyd
22-01-2022, 01:54 PM
They can sell the jpeg, but that's not what the NFT is.

Wouldn't it be better if your proof of ownership for, say, your house & you car were indisputably recorded on a ledger that everyone could (or could not) see, rather than on pieces of paper?

Wouldn't it be better to not have to give Ł2 each to Ticketmaster and Visa each time you wanted to pay to watch a performance?

I'm not a Crypto Guy fwiw and the current uses are aggressively shit, but I think there's a lot more to it than the currently dominating discourse of hurr hurr I right click saved your NFT now it's mine.

Maybe so, but that's going to come about via legislation in 30 years' time, not via some kids driving a market bubble now.

22-01-2022, 01:54 PM
Also we have a land and motor registry already, so those 'ledgers' already exist, and have done pretty much since forever, so I don't quite get what crypto is bringing to that particular party.

Are title deeds any more than ornamental for property any more? I guess the V5 or whatever it is called still has a role for cars [I have no idea].

22-01-2022, 01:54 PM
Presumably an industry could decide to utilise, or not, the technology for documentation.

Houses as an example or so slow moving that would a ledger/blockchain be really beneficial above and beyond an electronic database they already have? If so, what tangible benefit would there be for anyone other than the custodian (ie land registry Scotland)?

I suppose in that scenario something like ethereum and solana would become the market as the owner of the chain that many industries use? But who pays the transaction fees to update the ledger? Would it be cheaper than updating the data bases they currently keep?

More importantly, what is the problem with the current system that 'the blockchain' would allegedly fix?

22-01-2022, 01:55 PM

The Jake Paul wealth part in this has annoyed me immensely

22-01-2022, 01:58 PM
I think some sort of electronic, digital universal currency is a really powerful idea. Like the euro on a massive scale.

However, I don’t get NFTs at all.

I remember years ago some crypto emerged claiming it could keep pilot flight record/information on a ledger (https://www.newsbtc.com/sponsored/aeron-brings-blockchain-into-aviation/)

Useful technology perhaps. A commodity for investors? Nah.


Look at that fall.

22-01-2022, 02:00 PM
More importantly, what is the problem with the current system that 'the blockchain' would allegedly fix?

I ask that question at work often. “Digitalising” something is fashionable, but what value is actually being added?

22-01-2022, 02:01 PM
This might be a stupid question but if there was a proper appetite for this among the people that actually matter why do we need whatever this new technology is to do that?

Do you mean why not do it with other tech? Because we haven't come up with a better way of doing it. It all comes down to whether you think decentralised finance is a good idea, and I can't see much of an argument against it.

22-01-2022, 02:02 PM
Maybe so, but that's going to come about via legislation in 30 years' time, not via some kids driving a market bubble now.

It can be a bubble driven by kids and also representing something of value at the same time.

22-01-2022, 02:03 PM
I don't really see decentralised finance happening as we will always have most people wanting to have the trust of a third party to keep their money relatively safe.

Spikey M
22-01-2022, 02:06 PM
Asia uses Crypto as actual currency, particularly in areas where access to traditional banking is difficult. It's also useful when sending money across borders as it's much cheaper.

Outside of that, It's just an unregulated stockmarket full of pumps, dumps and people hoping to become millionaires. The tech may become something more, it may not. But - if Blockchains and NFT's are the future - existing, regulated corporations will make their own.

22-01-2022, 02:09 PM
Do you mean why not do it with other tech? Because we haven't come up with a better way of doing it. It all comes down to whether you think decentralised finance is a good idea, and I can't see much of an argument against it.


Spikey M
22-01-2022, 02:11 PM
Do you mean why not do it with other tech? Because we haven't come up with a better way of doing it. It all comes down to whether you think decentralised finance is a good idea, and I can't see much of an argument against it.


22-01-2022, 02:18 PM
Yes I didn't really think the end of that sentence through. I don't know, something in the middle then.

22-01-2022, 02:22 PM
You get all these opinions off of NFTmarkt you fucking WHAMMER?

Spikey M
22-01-2022, 04:32 PM

Conor Woulfe and Peter Rosza say they each paid $3.99 (Ł2.94) for the comedy Yesterday, only to discover the actress had been removed from the final cut.

They are seeking $5m in compensation on behalf of all affected viewers.


22-01-2022, 04:39 PM
Make it ten million.

Spikey M
22-01-2022, 04:45 PM
In fairness, I watched "The Happening" the other day and I felt like they owed me at least 20 million.

Jimmy Floyd
22-01-2022, 06:52 PM
Hopefully they win their case, the entire TV/film industry will have to shut down and the music hall will once again rule supreme (but no understudies, obvs).

23-01-2022, 02:37 AM
What solid business model.

But Thanush believes there’s another way to help fill empty supermarket shelves.

He thinks refugees and asylum seekers should be freed for detention and allowed to chip in to ease pressure on supply chains brought on by the Omicron wave.

“We would like to contribute to this country and pay taxes,” he told SBS News.

“Those of us who’ve been freed on bridging visas only have six-month visas. We need a permanent solution."

Thanush was detained on Manus Island for six years after fleeing Sri Lanka in 2013.

He was transferred to Melbourne’s Mantra Hotel in 2019 under the Medevac legislation before he was moved to Park Hotel in 2020 where he was later freed and granted a bridging visa.

Aside from operating a forklift, Thanush has also worked in a pizza shop, as a cleaner and currently interns at the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre.

He’s wasted no time in obtaining his forklift licence, first aid certificate, white card certification, learner driver licence and has become qualified to provide disability support as a carer.

“It is very difficult to rebuild our lives with a temporary visa,” he said.

“I have faced lots of problems in the community because we have been in detention for the last eight years.

“We can't get any loan or credit from the bank and it’s difficult to find somewhere to rent as we have no financial history.”


23-01-2022, 09:23 AM
Of course, capitalism needs slave labour to be profitable and function adequately.

24-01-2022, 12:13 PM

Thought the geezer had make up on in the photo at first

24-01-2022, 04:00 PM
I always thought these sort of things (https://omaze.co.uk/) were a right grift [best of the best and all that airport shite] but on it's face this one (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/01/23/tide-turns-25m-prize-draw-mansion-back-market-flooding-fears/) really takes the piss. Developer builds house in what appears to be an area prone to flooding [there's a stream higher than the house in the picture ffs] exploiting some sort of planning loophole to do so. Presumably can't sell it due to one of the above factors, so sells it to a 'charity auction organiser' who promptly flips it for monies via a charity auction, and some poor chump gets saddled with a potentially uninhabitable, unsalable 'asset' which probably costs a fortune to run/insure/pay council tax on. Gutting.

25-01-2022, 06:06 AM
My neighbourhood is gonna be a bit mental tomorrow being Australia day and all.

Someone even gave the road a fresh coat of paint overnight.

https://i.ibb.co/2sZftmC/271912198-4693975150678597-1562072579165652758-n.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

25-01-2022, 07:24 AM
Is that an aboriginie flag in protest or something?

25-01-2022, 10:12 AM
Invasion Day protest on Australia Day. It feels like after such a massive BLM turnout last time that this one will also be well attended with argy bargy with the Police included.

25-01-2022, 10:13 AM

John Lennon's eldest son Julian is selling several pieces of music history from his personal collection.

However, he will keep the physical items as each piece of memorabilia will be sold as a non-fungible token (NFT).

You fucking what? :D

25-01-2022, 10:19 AM
I'm going to sell my house next week, as an NFT.

25-01-2022, 10:43 AM
I'm going to sell Yev's house this week as an NFT.

Jimmy Floyd
25-01-2022, 10:48 AM
I'm going to buy Yev's house. I've always wanted a hot tub.

25-01-2022, 10:53 AM
*a picture of a hot tub

25-01-2022, 11:09 AM
The PICTURE of the hot tub is a separate NFT.

25-01-2022, 11:17 AM
I also have a nice picture of Ben Nevis, which too is for sale. Well, the NFT of it obvs.

25-01-2022, 11:28 AM
Have people legitimately made money (actual cash) out of this?

25-01-2022, 11:31 AM
Well the ones selling the NFT first time are definitely. Not sure how much longevity there is in the re-sale market, because there are a finite amount of idiots with disposable cash.

I feel like listing everything I have as an NFT. Surely some nutter will pay for something. Free money.

25-01-2022, 11:39 AM
Is the market regulated in any way shape or form? I'm assuming not because it's all so lol.

25-01-2022, 11:43 AM
Well the ones selling the NFT first time are definitely. Not sure how much longevity there is in the re-sale market, because there are a finite amount of idiots with disposable cash.

I feel like listing everything I have as an NFT. Surely some nutter will pay for something. Free money.
You have to pay to "mint" an NFT though so you'd probably end up down overall.

25-01-2022, 11:51 AM
I own an nft but unlike Baz, I didn't actually pay any money for it.


25-01-2022, 11:58 AM
Is the market regulated in any way shape or form? I'm assuming not because it's all so lol.

It is not, which the crypto lads will tell you is a great positive.

Spikey M
25-01-2022, 12:09 PM
I own an nft but unlike Baz, I didn't actually pay any money for it.


Does Treason still carry the death sentence? :mad:

Spikey M
25-01-2022, 12:10 PM
Is the market regulated in any way shape or form? I'm assuming not because it's all so lol.

Nope. I could steal every Crypto you own and there's nothing you could do about it (legally).

25-01-2022, 12:11 PM
Does Treason still carry the death sentence? :mad:

Worse, you have to babysit Prince Andrew for a month.

25-01-2022, 12:23 PM
You have to pay to "mint" an NFT though so you'd probably end up down overall.

Pay who?

25-01-2022, 01:08 PM
Pay who?
Some platform that enables you to mint an NFT. I don't know that much about it.

25-01-2022, 01:42 PM
Pay who?

Buy mine and pay me: https://www.voice.com/creation/100000001049391

25-01-2022, 03:14 PM
There's more dignity in selling ass/tootbrushes at a street corner.

25-01-2022, 03:51 PM
Which did you make the biggest loss on?

25-01-2022, 07:05 PM
I'm not a big enough saddo to follow cricket, but is this (https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket/60125897) really such a wacky explanation for recruitment trends? Even if he's wrong it's not like he blamed it on innate laziness or skull shape is it.

25-01-2022, 07:28 PM
Preferences do not exist. Any difference on anything is due to structural discrimination.

25-01-2022, 08:31 PM
Given there are, what, 12 countries in the World that give a shit about cricket, it seems like a reasonable point to make.

25-01-2022, 08:39 PM
South Asians famously aren't much interested what with just having 40% of the world's test nations.

Jimmy Floyd
25-01-2022, 08:41 PM
Take it from me, what he said is utter bollocks. The later clarification is more like it.

I'm not sure how under-represented black kids are in cricket (black people are only 3% of the population, and there are a solid handful of black pro cricketers though not as many as there used to be). South Asians are very under-represented in pro cricket compared to their pop numbers and numbers playing recreationally.

25-01-2022, 09:10 PM
So, he said that South Asians rather go to school than play cricket, right? And then that was seen as racist? So, to be less racist, they should push minorities into sports instead of school? That must be a first.

Jimmy Floyd
25-01-2022, 09:11 PM
It wasn't seen as racist, it was seen as bollocks.

25-01-2022, 09:12 PM
The idea that professional sports should match the 'diversity' of the population at large is madness to me. Someone should suggest that to the NFL/NBA.

25-01-2022, 09:13 PM
It wasn't seen as racist, it was seen as bollocks.

Maybe I misread this part:

Rafiq, who in November told the DCMS select committee that English cricket was "institutionally racist", said he accepted O'Farrell's apology "without a doubt", adding: "If someone apologises we have to forgive and we have to try and work together."

and this part:

A parliamentary report earlier this month recommended the government should limit public funding for cricket unless there was "continuous, demonstrable progress" on eradicating "deep-seated racism".

25-01-2022, 09:33 PM
Yeah, he might be barking up the wrong tree, but from the reaction you would think he was doing a bad racism. What are the reasons for crap rates of Asian professionalism that just happen to be replicated across every other sport, all of which are more than happy to give every other race under the sun a go?

25-01-2022, 09:37 PM
Lack of role models.

25-01-2022, 09:38 PM
They're all playing badminton and table tennis.

25-01-2022, 09:38 PM
And esports.

25-01-2022, 10:11 PM

Not surprised in the slightest but it's another case of, "Man, I wish these allegations were collated together whilst he was alive."

25-01-2022, 10:12 PM
What no way not the old weird porn man.

25-01-2022, 10:15 PM

How is this some sort of news? Every time they showed the mansion it was him surrounded by young naked women.

25-01-2022, 10:33 PM
If anybody cared then getting allegations against him would surely have been the work of about ten minutes.

25-01-2022, 10:38 PM
Is that poker-playing Hefner regen still going strong or has he been cancelled/committed suicide?


We still good


26-01-2022, 12:31 AM

Lot to unpack in there.

26-01-2022, 07:09 AM
Is that poker-playing Hefner regen still going strong or has he been cancelled/committed suicide?


We still good


I haven't seen that guy in ages. What a life he leads. Must be smashing all sorts of gear.

26-01-2022, 07:38 AM

Lot to unpack in there.

McDonald's once a week. The kid had no chance.

Spikey M
26-01-2022, 08:06 AM
We need some Louise Woodward courtroom action for the daughter.

26-01-2022, 10:56 PM

https://i.ibb.co/Bny72LH/RDT-20220126-2105033337159237338367405.png (https://ibb.co/g4SXZyb)

27-01-2022, 06:12 AM
Reminder that Hef printed nudes of Marilyn Monroe against her will and then bought the burial plot next to her, not really sure what these girls thought was happening at the mansion before they went.

27-01-2022, 07:46 AM

On the matter of a photograph of the prince with his arm around Ms Giuffre, with Maxwell in the background, his lawyers say they do not have enough information to admit or deny its existence.


I look forward to this following the Boris Johnson trajectory of denial and ending up at "Look, right, he definitely fucked her and knew she wasn't into it but nobody had told him that law applied to Princes as well."

Spikey M
27-01-2022, 08:38 AM
Apparently BoJo went to Uni with Ghislaine Maxwell, so I'm surprised (and disappointed) their trajectories haven't merged by now. He has to be a rapey nonce. Look at him ffs.

Jimmy Floyd
27-01-2022, 08:44 AM
The thing with Boris is that women actually do seem to crumble at his knees. Why, I have absolutely no fucking clue. Their minds must work in bizarre ways.

27-01-2022, 08:48 AM
They're all retards, though. You can't tell me Carrie Symonds is playing with a full deck. It's probably as simple as, "Oh, it's the funny man off the telly. I wonder if he's really like that ..."

Spikey M
27-01-2022, 08:59 AM
The thing with Boris is that women actually do seem to crumble at his knees. Why, I have absolutely no fucking clue. Their minds must work in bizarre ways.

I imagine the same would have been true for all the men involved ro be fair. Half the country want to fuck a Prince, even if it is a sweaty one. This Epstein business was never about pulling women though, it's full on predatory sex ring stuff. I'm amazed that this isn't Johnsons bag.

27-01-2022, 09:02 AM
I've only just found out Maxwell has been married to another bloke since 2016.

Spikey M
28-01-2022, 09:22 AM

28-01-2022, 09:28 AM
I hate that fucking family.

28-01-2022, 09:38 AM
Is he dashing? I realise I'm not his target audience but y'know, you usually have a sense of whether people are good looking or not and he looks like Bez in a wig.

Also even by the standards of the use of the word 'celebrity' these days that's fucking pushing it.

Spikey M
28-01-2022, 09:40 AM
Bez in a wig. :D

He does as well.

Jimmy Floyd
28-01-2022, 10:33 AM
He's an OK looking guy dressed up like what he imagines to be a very good looking guy.

28-01-2022, 10:42 AM
I can't get past the Bez thing.

If you use the right photo it's not even 'with a wig.' A beard-wig maybe.


Spikey M
28-01-2022, 10:47 AM

28-01-2022, 11:00 AM
I don't know who Bez is.

28-01-2022, 11:07 AM
What? Really? I'm surprised you're not all over the various versions of Masterchef and he was on the Celebrity version of that recently but he came to fame getting drugged up and arsing about with maracas on stage for the Happy Mondays.

Spikey M
28-01-2022, 11:10 AM
I don't know how it's even possible to not know who Bez is.

28-01-2022, 11:11 AM
I don't know who Bez is.

Neither does Bez.

28-01-2022, 11:13 AM
I don't know how it's even possible to not know who Bez is.

I came across someone who didn't know who Meat Loaf is/was. Thought he was a rapper.

28-01-2022, 11:15 AM
We've got some apprentices starting sort-of with our team and I'm trying to avoid making any pop culture references to them because they're children and will just not know what anything is and I'll feel a thousand years old.

28-01-2022, 11:18 AM
The worst part about the Meat Loaf thing is that the person is the same age as me, 31.

I mean, I wasn't a fan of Meat Loaf at all but at this age it's impossible to not come across him.

28-01-2022, 11:21 AM
Yeah something's gone wrong if you're in your 30s and haven't heard of him.

Spikey M
28-01-2022, 11:26 AM
I suppose it can only happen if the context of their fame is completely outside of your frame of reference. My wife is forever telling me about the hijinx of some Insta-tart or other and apparently it's mental that I've never heard of them.

You'd have to outright hate all music to not know Meat Loaf though.

Jimmy Floyd
28-01-2022, 11:26 AM
I thought Meat Loaf was British until the obituaries described him as American. Knew who he was / his most famous songs, though.

28-01-2022, 11:28 AM
How is Captain Tom's grandson a celebrity?

Spikey M
28-01-2022, 11:36 AM
How is Captain Tom's grandson a celebrity?

Rispect 4 are soljurs is now multi-generational as long as you do a few laps of the garden.

28-01-2022, 11:37 AM
I suppose it can only happen if the context of their fame is completely outside of your frame of reference. My wife is forever telling me about the hijinx of some Insta-tart or other and apparently it's mental that I've never heard of them.

You'd have to outright hate all music to not know Meat Loaf though.

Yeah I think the difference is that some Insta-tart is almost certainly only famous among her followers and their circle of social media, Meat Loaf is a big enough name that you'll have definitely, 100% heard his music a number of times during your life if you're 31 like Ben's mate is.

28-01-2022, 11:50 AM
If you ever heard the radio as a kid, I don't know how you couldn't know who Meat Loaf is.

28-01-2022, 02:45 PM
On Meat Loaf, I dunno. 31 probably puts you outside the Anything for Love No.1 significance window, and also probably makes you too young for things like Waynes World, maybe even Fight Club. Obviously there are other things he's probably been in, and it would be hard to have not heard Bat Out of Hell at some point, but I'd put it in the same bracket as not knowing who Chris Rea is [and apparently he's younger] or perhaps Neil Young. Obviously poor, but at the same time understandable.

Jimmy Floyd
28-01-2022, 02:51 PM
I (33) don't remember Meatloaf being big as a going concern. I had a mate who was bang into him, but because said mate was also into Terry Pratchett, Ken Dodd and Nintendo I've always filed those four things as being for losers.

28-01-2022, 02:56 PM
What? Really? I'm surprised you're not all over the various versions of Masterchef and he was on the Celebrity version of that recently but he came to fame getting drugged up and arsing about with maracas on stage for the Happy Mondays.

The Celebrity version is the one that's most likely to pass me by. I'll watch if I put the tele on and it's on but otherwise nah.

I almost accidentally posted that Malt Loaf had died in the death thread. I was only saved by the fact someone had already posted about it correctly. I do absolutely know who he was, just a brain malfunction.

28-01-2022, 03:01 PM
Are you sure your mate wasn't just a weirdo if he was into Ken Dodd?

I mean he was right to be into Pratchett but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Jimmy Floyd
28-01-2022, 03:20 PM
Are you sure your mate wasn't just a weirdo if he was into Ken Dodd?

I mean he was right to be into Pratchett but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Yeah, which is why all those things are filed under weird, fairly or unfairly. We had a weird friendship. He was always trying to set me up with his mate called Caitlin who was a champion swimmer. He clearly wanted to rod her himself but there was some boundaries reason why he couldn't, so he wanted me to as a proxy. At the time I was probably just too scared to approach her but in hindsight, yeah. His dad was from Yorkshire and claimed to have been born in the waste room of a Huddersfield offal factory. His mum was a massive pisshead and I once had to jump off their toilet while having a shit because she was being carried in there to vomit by her husband, at about 7pm. The Ken Dodd thing was passed down from father to son. I have a clear memory of sitting in their kitchen while his dad said: "Funniest man EVER BORN" with a deadly serious gurn on and jabbing his finger in someone's face to ram home the point.

Sorry, I'm just farting out random anecdotes from 20 years ago. Don't mind me.

28-01-2022, 03:25 PM
His dad was from Yorkshire and claimed to have been born in the waste room of a Huddersfield offal factory.

That's quite the superhero / villain origin story.

Spikey M
28-01-2022, 03:27 PM
Even I'd watch that.

28-01-2022, 03:28 PM

Jimmy Floyd
28-01-2022, 03:29 PM
The superhero version would probably have more truth to it than the shite he used to trot out. I'm sure the 'story' ended with his mother being back on the factory line before the end of the working day, as if in 1950s Yorkshire women just went around shitting out babies and carrying on with their day.

28-01-2022, 03:30 PM
Is that not lifted entirely from a Monty Python sketch?

28-01-2022, 03:32 PM
"Anyway, after they'd cut the cord she took one last puff of her pipe, had a quick whippet sandwich and got back to the factory floor to work the remaining 17 hours of her shift."

28-01-2022, 03:35 PM

Sir Andy Mahowry
28-01-2022, 03:51 PM
That's quite the superhero / villain origin story.

Are we talking a second film now or is it going to somehow be bundled into one film?