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Thread: Blood on the Clocktower 2: Electric Boogaloo

  1. #351
    Senior Member Gray Fox's Avatar
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    Jimmy on the block. I’ll let this run a little in case anyone else wants to use a dead vote.

  2. #352
    Isn't he banned? Baz's Avatar
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  3. #353
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    Why not, yes. I think he's more likely to be bad.

  4. #354
    Senior Member Gray Fox's Avatar
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    So that’s 4 on Jim.

    Is anyone else wanting to nominate?

  5. #355
    Senior Member Manc's Avatar
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    Can I request he's killed by DeChambeau's driver?

  6. #356
    Senior Member niko_cee's Avatar
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    Only if you vote.

  7. #357
    Senior Member Gray Fox's Avatar
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    I'll call the day on the hour if there's nothing more.

  8. #358
    Isn't he banned? Baz's Avatar
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    gg mates

    I appreciate the trust and I’m glad we managed to get there in the end.
    I'm a twit

  9. #359
    Senior Member Gray Fox's Avatar
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    On the hour it is.

    What's left of the town drags Jimmy to the town graveyard and throws him into a deep deep grave. Jimmy is buried alive and dies.

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  10. #360
    Bookie Sir Andy Mahowry's Avatar
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    We've been fucked by Baz.

  11. #361
    Bookie P_3's Avatar
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  12. #362
    Senior Member Gray Fox's Avatar
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    I jest of course! The game couldn't continue as only 3 going into the night would have assured the Imp the win.

    The game is over and the Good team has won!

  13. #363
    Isn't he banned? Baz's Avatar
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    I'm a twit

  14. #364
    Senior Member Gray Fox's Avatar
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    Well, well, well, where to start on this one? I suppose with:

    Pepe - Your town Librarian. When I did game set up and randomised the characters, I did wonder if to take that role out or not as Mahow correctly identified on the first day, there should have been no outsiders. However I thought it would be good to have him get a zero reading and remove doubt about a drunk in this game. Enter, The Poisoner, who selected Pepe on night 1. Due to this I had to give him a false reading and he got Thomma or P_3 as the Saint.

    Speaking of Thomma - Your humble Monk. He chose to protect Baz on Night 2 and then Mahow on Night 3, before his untimely death.

    Baz - The Imp did attack Baz on Night 2 as well so the protection was well placed. Or rather it would have been if Baz was not already The Soldier. Baz came out without even a scratch. That he came so publicly with his role, I expected there might have been a doubling up of poison and imp to get him out of the way, but he survived until the end.

    Niko - Was the towns Undertaker who early in the game was pushing for information that just would not come because the town refused to kill anyone until the 3rd day. Unfortunately for him on what would turn out to be the one and only night he would get his info, he was chosen by the posioner just before he did his nightly digging. In the end the only person he saw was Pleb.

    Mahow - Was the Virgin who would was unfortunately poisoned on the day he received his first nomination. It wouldn't have mattered who did it in the end. However it was Pleb that threw himself on that sword.

    Pleb - Ah poor old Pleb. The towns biggest mystery. Was turned on by the town and the Virgin nomination all but sealed his death that day. The entire town was convinced they'd got the evil bastard. Only... he just wanted to Keep his damn Ravens! He was telling the truth and was the Ravenkeeper but he bizarrely outed himself and from there, it was all downhill.
    The problem here is the night he died, the Undertaker was poisoned so I had to show Niko that Pleb was the Poisoner. The actual Poisoner was...

    P_3 - My MOTM. Whether it was accidental or not he hit about the best player he could, each night he poisoned. He caused false information for Pepe, Mahow and Niko. He then quite well drew the view of the town towards him when it looked like Jimmy was heading for death by execution.

    The problem here is that Manc, the Slayer had used his shot and killed Boydy the original Imp. His ability then passed over to Jimmy, the Scarlet Woman, who was almost immediately done in by the town.
    Evil did well to prolong the game here and I genuinely believe the good team thought the game was over with the death of P_3.

    In the end the final days Mahow v Jimmy battle was just too much for Jim to overcome. Having Manc a confirmed good guy still there along with the town correctly going with Baz being a soldier, left him in a hole. The only way out was to try and bury Mahow. The town didn't follow him down that path so he was lost. In the end on the final night he wanted to kill himself to go down with dignity, but when I asked if he was sure that's how he wanted it to end he decided to attack Baz.

    Good not executing early in the end probably won them the game. That extra day to figure it out gave enough time for seeds of doubt to sow around the evil team and they were slowly picked apart.
    The roles here were likely a bit more harsh on the evil team as the town had a lot of protection, but the poisoner did really well to even this out, to the point you were convinced Pleb was evil for the vast majority.

    Also not really helping here was that half of the players didn't come back and post after dying. I felt like it was building to a great final day but Jim just didn't get any help at all.

  15. #365
    Bookie Sir Andy Mahowry's Avatar
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    Pleb you actually were the ravenkeeper? How fucking useless.

  16. #366
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    Another game that looked, to me, to be over long before it was, which in this case was down to the evil team playing exceptionally well in the face of the good team figuring it all out pretty early doors. P_3's poisoning targets were excellent throughout and it's just a shame he came under fire when he did. One more night of dud info for Niko may have swung it.

    The only thing that stood out to me in terms of "mistakes" which everyone except Niko completely discounting the possibility of a Mayor bounce at every turn. Of course, there was no Mayor, so it wasn't relevant, but so many arguments that were put forward were along the lines of "why wouldn't Jim be dead?".... one does not simply Gimp the Mayor.

    Fascinating game though only let down slightly by the dead players seeming to vanish quicker than last time, leading to it dragging a bit at the end. Other than that, I'd say we worked through the balance issues we had in game one fairly well.

  17. #367
    Senior Member niko_cee's Avatar
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    If you'd given me Scarlett Woman for Pleb we'd have been dead [unless P_3 had said that publicly, I don't think he did].

  18. #368
    Bookie Sir Andy Mahowry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Browning View Post
    Another game that looked, to me, to be over long before it was, which in this case was down to the evil team playing exceptionally well in the face of the good team figuring it all out pretty early doors. P_3's poisoning targets were excellent throughout and it's just a shame he came under fire when he did. One more night of dud info for Niko may have swung it.

    The only thing that stood out to me in terms of "mistakes" which everyone except Niko completely discounting the possibility of a Mayor bounce at every turn. Of course, there was no Mayor, so it wasn't relevant, but so many arguments that were put forward were along the lines of "why wouldn't Jim be dead?".... one does not simply Gimp the Mayor.

    Fascinating game though only let down slightly by the dead players seeming to vanish quicker than last time, leading to it dragging a bit at the end. Other than that, I'd say we worked through the balance issues we had in game one fairly well.
    They could have poisoned the mayor then gimped him.

    Which is what they would have done with a real mayor if they did come out to an evil person early.

  19. #369
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    I would have posted more but I genuinely didn't have much info to offer. Being the Monk I'd kept pretty silent throughout in private chats as I wanted to remain under the radar, but unfortunately that meant I didn't get much info back in return. A lot of the info I got after my death was second-hand, and people knew it already.

    I just don't understand that Pleb play.... really no idea why you came out and said that. You'd have been better off just claiming Monk or something loudly and getting yourself offed by the Imp.

    At the end there, I was leaning towards mahow, but Jimmy did put up a good argument. I almost wavered when I remembered I had hinted to mahow who I was (and he had hinted he understood) the day before my death, but the information just stacked up against him in the end. The Mayor claim was ultimately your undoing in my eyes - as mahow said, why would the Imp keep you alive when you're a guaranteed win condition with only 3 people left? Good effort nonetheless.

  20. #370
    Senior Member niko_cee's Avatar
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    Also, it is really interesting seeing the outsider view. As the gameskeepers you obviously have a view as to how things are going, but with all the behind the scenes shit that is going down in many ways you are as much in the dark as the rest of us.

  21. #371
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    Possibly, but the Mayor is not the high priority target you seemed to make him out to be. Poisoning and/or killing an Empath/Undertaker/Fortune Teller would probably be higher priority. Then once the poisoner is dead that option is off the table. There was definitely a real possibility Jimmy could have been the Mayor and the kills could have bounced. In fact, a mayor bounce to a dead body was probably the most plausible explanation for the no kill last night.

  22. #372
    Senior Member Manc's Avatar
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    Good game, chaps.

  23. #373
    Senior Member niko_cee's Avatar
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    Also, whilst I don't have perfect vision on this due to being on different sides, I definitely felt like you could work out the first game whereas you couldn't work this one out. It was more logical for Mahow to have been the bad guy, rather than what I termed to him 'the super poisoner theory' but in the end I think the town's gut won out, and was right.

  24. #374
    Bookie Sir Andy Mahowry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thommo View Post
    I would have posted more but I genuinely didn't have much info to offer. Being the Monk I'd kept pretty silent throughout in private chats as I wanted to remain under the radar, but unfortunately that meant I didn't get much info back in return. A lot of the info I got after my death was second-hand, and people knew it already.

    I just don't understand that Pleb play.... really no idea why you came out and said that. You'd have been better off just claiming Monk or something loudly and getting yourself offed by the Imp.

    At the end there, I was leaning towards mahow, but Jimmy did put up a good argument. I almost wavered when I remembered I had hinted to mahow who I was (and he had hinted he understood) the day before my death, but the information just stacked up against him in the end. The Mayor claim was ultimately your undoing in my eyes - as mahow said, why would the Imp keep you alive when you're a guaranteed win condition with only 3 people left? Good effort nonetheless.
    I remembered this yesterday and thought I was done for if you had come in with it.

  25. #375
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    One thing I wonder is what would have happened if Boydy had bluffed as the Recluse rather than the Fortune Teller. Obviously it wasn't one of his bluffs, but knowing there was no Baron in play he could have known it wasn't in the game. It would have made Pepe's info look legit and given him something to fall back on once he was shot. I don't think it would have worked, but it would have been interesting to see anyway.

    I was surprised at how quickly the chips seemed to fall into place for the good team but I can only imagine there was some kind of giveaways in the private conversations. To me it looked like Boydy and P_3 were safe as houses and then all of a sudden they were dead.

  26. #376
    Bookie Sir Andy Mahowry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Browning View Post
    One thing I wonder is what would have happened if Boydy had bluffed as the Recluse rather than the Fortune Teller. Obviously it wasn't one of his bluffs, but knowing there was no Baron in play he could have known it wasn't in the game. It would have made Pepe's info look legit and given him something to fall back on once he was shot. I don't think it would have worked, but it would have been interesting to see anyway.

    I was surprised at how quickly the chips seemed to fall into place for the good team but I can only imagine there was some kind of giveaways in the private conversations. To me it looked like Boydy and P_3 were safe as houses and then all of a sudden they were dead.
    Me and Niko were fairly sure on Boydy and Jimmy quite early and we both told Manc that Boydy was more likely to be the imp. Although we both went off Jimmy when it looked like P_3 was likely and then Niko started to doubt me

    I didn't have P_3 as evil at all until we worked out night 1 info was wrong from more than one source.

  27. #377
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    Obviously we couldn't see the private conversations, which is a shame sometimes, but as Browning said, we were watching what seemed to be it going swimmingly for Evil, then suddenly they nearly lost both Imps in one day.

    It's a shame Jim was left in the lurch at the end as by the sounds of it some of the town was undecided until late.

    How tempted were you guys to Slayer shoot Jim instead? Because I feel like the Slayer shot was the big turning point.

  28. #378
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    Manc will have to tell you, but I was strong on Boydy, and he asked me why him and not Jimmy.

    I was literally in the process of composing a message to him to say maybe Jimmy wasn't such a bad idea when I saw he'd already done it.

    I came around in the end Mahow, but yeah, logic seemed to dictate you were bad. But logic never accounts for Pleb.

  29. #379
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    Pleb Plebrolled Pleb.

  30. #380
    Webly Ian's Avatar
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    Surely we are long since past the point of trying to understand the workings of Pleb's mind.

  31. #381
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gray Fox View Post

    Mahow - Was the Virgin

  32. #382
    Bookie Sir Andy Mahowry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian View Post
    Surely we are long since past the point of trying to understand the workings of Pleb's mind.
    It's weird as well because Pleb has probably racked up the most minutes watching games of BOTC.

    The man is an enigma.

  33. #383
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    He has also spent many, many hours playing video games. And yet....

  34. #384
    Senior Member Gray Fox's Avatar
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    Pleb exists to know one thing and one thing only.

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  35. #385
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    Pleb exists to roll. And roll he will. Over you, over me, over a cliff, he does not give a fuck.

  36. #386
    Webly Ian's Avatar
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    I love that the term 'plebroll' has escaped the confines of haxball.

    The man is a sensation.

    A burning sensation, mostly.

  37. #387
    Isn't he banned? Baz's Avatar
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    Thanks for not being a dirty rotten liar @niko_cee
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  38. #388
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    It's impossible to become as embroiled in this sort of stuff as a bad guy as Mahow and I did. Eventually I realised this. As a bad guy you are always too guarded to say too much. In the end you were wrong, neither of us was lying.

  39. #389
    Senior Member Pepe's Avatar
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    Good game. Thanks to our hosts.

  40. #390
    Senior Member Jimmy Floyd's Avatar
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    Well done town - I gave it my best at the end, just had too much to do.

    My argument made perfect sense but I think people just trusted each other more than they did me as I'd been less active in the back channels.

  41. #391
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    As a game mechanic query, how do you decide what happens with the 'might' scenarios - ie the mayor might not die if gimped, the recluse might register as X, Y or Z - and how do you work out the information when an information role has been poisoned - ie how did you decide to give me Poisoner for Pleb? Does the information have to be what I would call wrong wrong (ie wrong role and wrong side) or can it just be a bit wrong?

  42. #392
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    I would have thought narrator's prerogative - i.e. do whatever's best for the game.

  43. #393
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    From the No Roll's Barred videos I've seen Jimmy has it right. Whatever will make things most fun or interesting and trying to anticipate where it's going so you don't accidentally tip the scales too much.

    Also, since this thread was started I've found it impossible not to read it in my head to the tune of the chorus line of Electric Avenue, but irritatingly the number of syllables is not quite right.

  44. #394
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    The idea is we try to get the game along to get as close to a final 3 as it can get. The general rule for these things is to help evil a bit more in the early game as it tends to be that, once evil are fucked, there's very little chance of pulling it back for them later, even if we can do anything. You can always throw the good team a bone later on, but it's a slippery slope on the evil side.

    Also as we watch the story, we get a sense of what players are thinking in public. Unfortunately this way of playing doesn't let us see the PMs but to take Pleb as one example.
    We knew the town thought he was evil at that point. So we played up to that by not giving Niko the Undertaker a townsfolk role. An outsider role would also have been well shot down. That was a better move for the evil team and the good side would also have believed the poisoner was dead. We can give you something a bit wrong or completely wrong. It just depends on the role/game situation at the time.

    For another example had Jimmy actually been the Mayor and Mahow the Imp in this game, an attack on Jim that last night could have seen us bounce that Mayor kill onto Baz. Baz had zero suspicion on him whatsoever and the cat would have been thrown amongst the pigeons. How did you die at night if you were the soldier etc.

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    I'm not sure you actually can Mayor bounce onto a Soldier. It's still an Imp kill so the Soldier should be safe from it. That would have been an interesting scenario if it came up though.

    Showing Pleb as the poisoner was in my mind the best of both worlds. It's all but confirmed a poisoner was in play (which good suspected but didn't know for sure) whilst also rewarding P_3's excellent choice of Niko by making it look like his role was dead and thus strengthening any bluff he may have had. I wasn't quite sure why the town instantly dismissed the idea of Pleb being the poisoner.

  46. #396
    Bookie Sir Andy Mahowry's Avatar
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    P_3 bluffed as the Investigator and said Pleb or Manc as the scarlet woman.

    Coupled with Pepe's obviously wrong info. Things didn't add up.

  47. #397
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    The thing that confused me was when I saw theories going around that Pleb was evil, but was not the poisoner. Either you believe the Undertaker info or you don't, but if you don't then the logical conclusion would be Pleb being good. We'd be unlikely to show Pleb as the wrong minion (although it's not impossible, it would be pretty shit reward for a poisoner who has scored a bingo).

  48. #398
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    That was the hypothesis as we hadn't contemplated or expounded the Super Poisoner Theory at that point.

    If Pleb was good, how did he survive nominating Mahow? Our info suggested he was the Scarlett Woman so by telling us another role we were being misled without breaking other parts of the game. I think that was the rationale.

  49. #399
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    P_3's deceit then only became clear when Manc got the Imp but the game didn't end, as his investigator claim became clearly wrong at that point.

  50. #400
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    Quote Originally Posted by Browning View Post
    I'm not sure you actually can Mayor bounce onto a Soldier. It's still an Imp kill so the Soldier should be safe from it. That would have been an interesting scenario if it came up though.
    It's technically as a result of the Mayors power and not that of the Imp so it can be done. I've seen it happen in a game before.

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