Is he up?
I’m a yes
I'm a twit
Baz is awfully jovial that Niko is up for nomination, considering they are on the same team.
Well, my defence is that you are wrong in whatever hypothesis has led you to this point. I am a humble slayer townsperson.
Let @niko_cee defend himself first.
Or if an hour passes, then you can vote.
Posted at the same time.
Voting open on Niko
I feel that has happened too many times in this thread.
Yes for Niko. If he's a humble Slayer he should have died when he nominated me.
He can't be Drunk because then Thommo's information would be correct and SvN would be a minion not a Saint. But as we have a Baron, SvN must be the Saint.
Yes from the monk (me)
I'm a twit
We already have the numbers for a death right? In which case I'll keep my hand down as you never know.
I think this fits the most here. It's a yes from me.
It's a bad choice boys but don't worry, I've cracked it.
Nice of Mahow to wait until the decisive vote had been made.
Watch him lads.
4 is going to be incredibly hard to tie/beat even if SvN votes no. If he votes yes and makes it 5 then it's probably a done deal.
I'll give half an hour or so for people to tell me if they intend to nominate again after this vote. If not, we'll call it there.
Yes. Let's get on with it.
I'll give the 10 minutes I promised, but I don't think you're going to beat 5.
Niko is on the block with 5 votes.
Niko_Cee is executed and dies and the game.....
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Can we get an updated graphic plz? I've skimmed the last page or two.
SvN died in the night
It's the final day. You must execute the Imp today or evil will win.
I'm happy to accept nominations whenever if we want to finish this tonight, but equally i'm happy to allow conversation and finish it tomorrow. We kind of need everyone here (that can still vote) for the final day so that may be more advisable.
With the info my powers have given me, coupled with what GF has I think P_3 is the (g)imp.
That makes the most sense to me. Me as the librarian, P_3 as the baddie and Thommo as the drunk.
This isn't a nomination as we need to hear more from the town, dead and alive.
Unfortunately that doesn't calculate. If Thommo is Drunk, he wouldn't get a 1 sitting next to me (the supposed imp). He would get a 0 or 2.
Happy for dead players to PM me who they want to vote for if they don't think they'll be around much tomorrow. Obviously living players will need to be here to nominate. Dead votes could be huge and this is the final day so make sure you use them.
Talk it over, figure it out and we'll open the nominations tomorrow evening. I'll say 5pm unofficially but if the 3 living players want to agree to do it earlier i'm happy to do it any time tomorrow really. We just need to keep in mind the dead players need time to get their votes in too.
Whichever way it goes, it's going to be fascinating to watch.
There is another possibility we have not thought about.
We know that one minion is the baron but we've not even discussed what the second minion could be.
What if they're a poisoner and they went after me on the first night? I could have been given two fake potential drunks. This would mean that Thommo is the actual empath and his reading of 1 has been correct the whole game.
I mean, is there even a baron at this point?
Everyone seems to think it’s me, which it is not.
I'm a twit
First things first. Thomma should have new info to share.
And then kill P_3?
I'm a twit
I got told that 2 of my neighbours were evil last night. So either I'm with two evil players (possible but unlikely) or I've been drunk the whole time.
The 1 you’ve been getting all game makes no sense if P_3 is the big bad.
If we've let mahow live this whole time and he's been evil...
He COULD have been the Baron and it could have been passed to him by the Demon. Being the Baron he might have gambled on a Drunk being in the game, once only Spikey had come forward with an outsider claim. I just don't know any more.
Of course it's Mahow you fucking morons. How you didn't get that from the start I have no idea.
The players killed in the night:
Spikey - Must be Recluse
Gray Fox
SvN - Must be Saint
I guess Boydy or Gray Fox could have been the first Imp before killing themselves to pass it on to Mahow. But Boydy's death was early and Mahow was still happy to die the following day. As for Gray Fox, he would be neighbours with Niko (definitely evil) and Mahow, making it a run of 2 pairings of evil players for Offshore, not 1.
It's always Mahow. Even when it isn't.
Bluffing as an extremely expendable character that is spent after night 1 doesn't make sense as a Demon.
Maybe he realised we were all dumb
I'm a twit
Not when he must have surely known that "kill Mahow lols" was bound to happen.
I've only tried to kill Mahow once before and he was a wolf. While you losers run up your post count, some of us actually know what we're doing.
Well we have 3 alive players. It's 2v1 one way or the other. I'd like to hear each players take on where the game is and who they intend to nominate.
I think it's P_3.
I believe I was poisoned on the first night and saw two fake potential drunks (rather than 1 fake and the actual drunk) which led to me thinking that Thommo was the drunk.
So you're not concerned that Thommo is now saying his information is pointing to you as evil?
What you doing then?
I'm a twit
I've got my heart saying one thing and my head another, so I'll let you guys duff it out between yourselves before flipping the coin.
Once more from the back:
If no one nominates anyone, assuming we have 2 good players left to 1 evil, would we get another day tomorrow?