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Thread: Rate Your Year (2016)

  1. #1
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    Rate Your Year (2016)

    As per Foe tradition - it's time to reflect on the year you've had.

    2015 information can be found here: Here

    2015 +ves
    1. I got a promotion, and with it a pay increase which sees me really quite well paid for my age.
    2. I enjoy having my flat (not the mortgage) and knowing that I control the destiny of my living arrangements.
    3. I'm definitely a lot stronger than I was previously. I've been training with guys who take the gym pretty seriously and as such have pushed me to embrace new exercise and find my limits.
    4. I feel more competent at work. People seem to respect my input and don't see me as a shite engineer - which is definitely a positive.
    5. The new car I've picked up is actually very pleasant.
    6. I've really enjoyed watching a lot of american football, tv series and films. It's a fairly shite hobby, but it's what I enjoy doing and I do it often.
    7. I've got euro 2016 tickets to a couple of decent games which means I have the option of an enjoyable summer.

    1. My metabolism is terrible, and as such I'm now carrying more fat than I have in a long time.
    2. The hairline fell apart and I've had to embrace a shaved head look. It's not ideal.
    3. It's been a rough time family wise. One of my cats died quite suddenly and my nan has deteriorated rapidly with alzheimers. I'll hopefully get to see her over christmas but she's in a home now and definitely losing grip of reality so it might be the last time I see her when she knows who I am or indeed the last time I ever see her.
    4. 2015 has been a year of unease at work due to the low oil price. Redundancy was a concern earlier in the year and the lack of improvement has meant it's a known concern rolling into 2016. Given the way things are going there's a real risk there's some significant changes coming and with that it's feasible I won't have a job come June. Right now I'd probably rate my odds at 50/50. I'm in a better position than some for sure, but I do fear things could go drastically wrong. If nothing else it means the office will be a morbid environment in Q1/Q2.
    5. Still no girlfriend, and it's been a year of poor progression. On the plus side, I'm quite happy by myself but it's concerning that many of my friends are settling down whilst I'm stagnating.
    6. I live in a boring and cold place and do think that there's a much better standard of living to be had somewhere warmer. I've no interest upping sticks to the middle east, but I'd relish the opportunity to move to the states. If things go badly in the new year I'm not going to rule out a move across the pond.
    1. I still have a job and I'm pretty comfortable financially because of it.
    2. I'm still happy with my flat and car - I've managed to make significant inroads into my mortgage which should set me up better in the next 5 - 10 years.
    3. My mum retired and is much happier.
    4. I had a bloody good couple of holidays at the Euros and then back over in America. I live a very simple life, but it was nice to spend time on holiday doing something I'm interested in rather than just fannying about on some island for the sake of some sun.
    5. I feel respected and valuable at work, particularly to one asset who now repeatedly try to claw me back from my existing role. Also a negative...
    6. My sister got a kitten and I got to look after it for a while which was great fun.

    1. My nana is getting worse, she's just a complete shadow of a person now I think and it's really taking a toll on my mum and her relationship with her sister. I think we're heading down over xmas to see her but I'm scared what that will show - in some respects I really don't want to ruin the memory I have of her. But it's not for me, it's for her and my mum so I'll have to just get on with it.
    2. My gran's health is also deteriorating.
    3. Work has been horrific this year. The company went through a massive re-organisation and the industry is on it's arse in the region. I've noticed it much more in my job too.
    4. Health and fitness: I'm really not sure what the whole point of the day to day grind is. I don't really get what the end result is that we're all working towards. I kind of was stuck in a 'what's the fucking point' mode for about 6 months which means I neglected the gym and started eating terribly. Also seem to be getting more regular health 'kicks' so I really need to put my mind at ease and go see a GP in 2016.
    5. I'm still alone. Although I did very little in attempts to resolve that it's something I have little desire to attempt. Unfortunately, I'm beginning to think that settling down with someone I'll need to look to try and do.
    6. This year at work has been a bag of shite. I spent 2 months doing a monotonous, soul destroying task. I spent 3 months covering for an asset which came with significant stress and made me aware that I have no desire to progress down that career path. Since that point and the company re-organisation I seem to have become a middle man between a functional organisation and an asset. I've got no idea who I've been working for the last 3 months. Ultimately, I'm an engineer but I really don't have much of a desire to do it long term at all. At some point I think I'm going to need to make a clean break and just leave if the company can't give me an opportunity in an area I'm interested in.

    All in all a pretty fucking shit year.

    How about you gents?

  2. #2
    ram it up your shitpipe Giggles's Avatar
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    Work has been decent, got a payrise and a new car from it. All finalised and arranged for the wedding. App did well, web stuff progressing too.

    Health hasn't been wonderful. My Dad. My uncle. Didn't go back to college but had intended to.

    All in all, a 5/10.

  3. #3
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    I love these threads. It's fascinating looking back at what shit I wrote last year and the year before.

    Im on my phone but ill write something proper when I'm on my laptop.

  4. #4
    Bookie Sir Andy Mahowry's Avatar
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    I've gotten a lot more uni work done compared to last year (6 thus far vs 1). Wait, I'm talking about academic years. In terms of actual years it's 7 vs 0
    My depression seems to have been kick to fuck
    Inheritance stuff seems to have finally been sorted
    Had some therapy which has helped a bit
    I'm so much more open with family members

    Doing the uni work is seriously tough for me, I hate it so much
    My self confidence is through the floor, especially in social situations
    I still can't function properly in front of females
    The bitch of a step mother has seemingly said she doesn't want any of my Dad's children to be involved in her son's (our brother) life
    Therapy made me realise that I'm a lot more messed up than I thought and I found it hard, as such I'm hoping to find something else
    Still sleeping like shit

    I think that's it, there's probably more though. All in all I think it's been a pretty good year for me, best in a while.

  5. #5
    I used to be funny.
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    + Got made permanent in March
    + Review work is now edging closer and closer to a full-time thing.
    + Work is weirdly secure at the minute.
    + Going to be an Uncle in a matter of weeks.
    + Seeing more of my folks in their old age.
    + A new team in the new year means meeting new people.
    + Saw my cousin get married during the most boring weekend of my life.

    - Got hit by a car. Mostly unscathed but there's some nerve nonsense going on with my hip.
    - Still single.
    - My dad's awaiting treatment for the big C, Hopefully he gets it sorted out in the new year. Keeping myself on standby if he needs help looking after mam.
    - Speaking of her, she's had her health scares.
    - Only seeing my mam's side when there's funerals.
    - Whilst the review work is great, it impedes my ability to actually get on with my backlog.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer View Post
    These things are great just to read back through my own shit over the years, tbh. Feel like I should say that so people are at least aware that I'm writing this for my own reference as much as anything else.

    This year can be split into two halves. The first half can probably largely be defined by me coming to terms with the break up with the then 'Mrs Hammerstein' in January. I didn't just sit in my room and wallow but getting over it was mostly what was on my mind when I had a spare moment. I was feeling pretty low for quite a while, especially as I didn't know many people in Leeds when we broke up so it was quite lonely. Then I grew some balls and started doing things that I've always been curious about but which I'd never have done with her - namely the swingers and fetish clubs. Both were sheer curiosity to begin with - for the thrill of it - but more generally it was something I figured I should explore while I was single, and getting involved on the fetish scene in particular has been one of the best decisions I've ever made. The excitement of exploring all these things completely put the ex out of my mind, and knowing that I could only explore them so freely because I was single made me forget about the whole thing completely on a day to day level. Looking back, the stuff I've learned has made me view the break up as one of the best things that could have happened, as it enabled me to go exploring and learning.

    That was a huge turning point in the year. The swinging thing I didn't do much but it was still a liberating experience, while the fetish scene has been genuinely amazing, both on a personal level and socially. From dipping my toe in I've managed to explore almost everything I was curious about, and I've become part of a local community made up of some of the most interesting and genuine people I'm ever likely to meet. From being something buried in the back of my mind, it's been brought to the forefront and I've realised that, although I'd always be careful who I'd tell, being interested in that shit is nothing to be ashamed of. That's been quite a big deal. I'm not bothered about exploring anything so much anymore as my curiosity is satisfied but just going to those events and chatting to the people is something I'd like to carry on doing. It's somewhere people can go and express any weird fetish they like without fear of ridicule or judgement, which to me is just so wonderful and life-affirming that I think I'd miss it if I cut all ties entirely. Everybody there is making themselves a little bit vulnerable in some way so there's a level of candidness in people that I've found rare in general. I'm so much more comfortable in my own skin than I've ever been and I largely owe that to exploring all the stuff that I'd previously kept bottled up in my head. It's been very therapeutic, and that atmosphere of complete acceptance is so rare that I'd miss it a lot if I lost touch with it.

    Coincidentally it was around the half-way mark, the time I stopping wallowing and started exploring, that I also moved house. Despite the warning I got from the ex (and a few people on here), I moved into a 8 person house in January, which was a nightmare. I moved again in May into a flat with a couple of Christian lasses and it's been awesome. None of us knew each other when we moved in but one of them has become one of my closest friends. She's become someone I can talk to for hours with about anything - proper friendship and that - and is generally a bit of a legend; the other is a bit of a spoilt cow but she's alright to live with. Either way, a massive step up from before. The one I get on with takes the whole God thing massively seriously (the other one is a bit of a part-timer) and doesn't believe in sex before marriage or anything like that, but she's also completely non-judgemental and we've had some really fascinating conversations about the fetish stuff and everything else.


    Relationships - Broke up with Mrs Hammerstein 10 days into 2015, which at the time was a massive kick in the teeth but looking back it was definitely for the best. Feeling really good that I view it as on the whole a positive thing to have happened. I've been seeing a few lasses but never anything serious or anything I was bothered about, until this last month or so. Currently seeing someone I'm very keen on and who it feels really good with, and if I play my cards right I'm hoping she can be a bit more involved in next year's one of these

    Jobs - Got a job confirmed within a week of last year's entry. Passed probation, recommended to push for a promotion but can't because I'm in college a lot nowadays and the hours I need are unrealistically specific. Managed to get em for my current job so I'll probably hold tight until I finish the course. I enjoy the job though so I don't mind. Money could be better but I've got enough to live on.

    Friendships - This has been a big improvement. I'm very happy with my social life at the minute, whereas this time last year I hardly knew anyone in Leeds at all.

    I'm on a counselling level 4 course now, as I managed to skip a year. I'll be qualified after this has finished. Didn't think that was possible. All looking really promising.


    - Going back to The Philippines and seeing everyone I know there
    - Exploring the fetish scene and my own interests in that department, and generally just becoming a lot more comfortable in my own skin as a result of it.
    - Meeting someone I want something serious with. Early days yet, fingers crossed, but it's nice to have that feeling again.
    - Moving into a great flat with decent housemates.


    - Breaking up with the girlfriend. Thought we'd end up together, thought our issues were a temporary blip and that we'd work through them. She didn't think so and binned me off 10 days into the year. Probably for the best in retrospect but it was a pretty big one and had a big impact for quite a while.


    - There's nothing in particular that I think will happen that's going to be massive, but I don't mind. 2015 had enough excitement. I want to sit tight in my job, get through the first year of my course, and generally just carry on what I've been doing. I have no plans on moving house, although the flatmate I'm close with is moving out so making sure her replacement is decent is vital. Also hoping to have a chat with this lass I'm seeing about making it a proper relationship and not just as casual thing. That might (probably will) happen before 2016 but whatever, it's going in here as it's an aim. I also want to carry on with my writing and I've been invited to do a triathlon in July which would be pretty cool, although I don't know if I have the motivation to do the training for it.
    A lot of that just reads like a love letter to the fet scene. I guess it was a lot more prominent back then. I did go today actually, but it was the first time in about 8 months and was largely just to say hello.

    It's been a cracking year for me actually. I actually started counselling people and have chalked up about 120 hours or so now, counselling adults and kids. I'm fucking loving the lot of it and I'd do it for free indefinitely if it came to it. It's helped my own mental health too actually, strangely enough. Hopefully I will actually get paid to do it once I qualify. If I don't find anything straight away though then that's fine too, because I enjoy my paid job.

    I put a bid in on a house in August, although it didn't go through in the end as someone else bid higher, but it's nice to actually dip my toe into doing it. It's probably for the best that it didn't go through as I have no fucking time to be pissing about moving house.

    The year was topped off with a wicked visit to the Cayman Islands in October to see a mate and his missus out there. Didn't realise how much I needed a holiday until I was out there and it was just what the doctor ordered.

    Relationships - not much on the cards really. There's someone I'm in contact with quite casually who I'd like to spend more time with, but not sure what's happening. We'll see but I'm not getting my hopes up. The lass I was seeing in my last post ended up having a bit of a weird anxiety attack when we kissed and started spouting shit about her ex cheating on her and not being ready blah blah blah. Messed me up a bit as I really liked her, but there we are. I've been seeing a couple of people at different times this year but generally I don't have the time for chasing it. I'm happy enough being single to wait for someone to pop along though, if/whenever that happens.

    Jobs - I got a promotion at work which I wasn't expecting to happen, but there we go. I was never going to bother because the hours I need are so specific but they said they'd give me the same hours, so bosh. Settled into the new role and been at it for about 7 months now. It's a bit more complex than the old one but a lot more satisfying, and I also often have more time spare during the day for pissing about on the internet, which is always nice.

    Friendships - All good here, although my cool housemate from last year moved out in March which was a bit gutting, and the new guy is alright but pretty weird and socially awkward. So both my flatmates aren't really people I'd like to spend much time with, which is a shame. Lass who moved out is only up the road though, and I've gotten to know a few other people too so my social life is pretty decent.

    Highs - The Cayman Islands, new job, bidding on a house, starting counselling, new counselling placement doing play therapy.

    Lows - Lass from last year going weird. A bloke from work killed himself in March too, which was a bit heavy. I found that quite hard because I'd chatted to him a little bit and we'd played football and squash together a couple of times. It did occur to me that he didn't talk about himself much and I thought about getting in touch and asking him out for a drink, though it was just a passing thought really as I never got around to it. I had no idea anything was happening for him though. So yeah, that fucked me up a bit. Also my grandma looks like she's on her way out, although she's got Alzheimer's so it's been a very slow progression. Need to keep my eye on my mum though, as I worry about how she's doing with it all.

    Aims for 2017 - Qualify as a counsellor for adults and kids (they're two different courses - one finishes in June and the other next December). Buy a house and rent one of the rooms out. Figure out a plan of action with the counselling once I've qualified. That's about it really. Meeting someone would be nice too, but I'm not going to pressure it.

    All in all a decent year. It could have been better if I'd got with someone, but that's about all I have to complain about. I'm enjoying myself. 9/10.

  7. #7
    Won the Old Board Lewis's Avatar
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    + Brexit
    - Every aspect of my life

  8. #8
    Senior Member Jimmy Floyd's Avatar
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    + Cricket, as usual - this year my team (4th at the club, so like a youth development side) won promotion for the second year in a row, this time up to the top flight even though we were basically all teenagers and I was the oldest player. The latter weeks of the season took an unexpected turn as the club then approached me to become Director of Cricket for the whole club, which at my age/experience and the size of club we are is a pretty big job to be doing on a voluntary basis. I accepted though and if I do the job well it'll be even more rewarding than running the development side which I was before, and it'll prove to myself that I can mix it with the big boys, as it were.

    + I've started driving lessons again which has been needed for a while. Hopefully will pass in the early part of next year.

    + I've felt much better about myself for most of the year than previously, had a couple of good little weekend breaks and obviously cricket keeps me hugely busy and my brain active the rest of the time. For all the horrors of work, the actual commute is pretty OK and affords me a solid 'quality of life', whatever that means.

    - Work is utter shit. The pay is crap (I didn't mind it before but a 1% rise? Come on), the bosses are arseholes and the work itself is fucking boring and shit. I need to get out of there ASAP but I'm really bad at actually extracting myself from these situations. I'm not an impulsive mover who just does things on feeling and acts today, I'm a hang in there and see what happens sort of person. One needs a mix of those two things, of course.

    - During the year I had two fairly intense run-ins with mental health - not my own, thankfully, but other people's. One of them was a friend who suddenly told me he had severe depression, was in physical pain because of it and all sorts of other things which are too sensitive to mention. Even though we weren't top mates really, I was the first person he told after his mum as for some reason he felt like I'd 'understand' and whilst he was probably right, it was a real drain on me for about six weeks initially and still at times when he texts and that letting me know how he's getting on. Whilst I'm not a bad guy, I felt like I was treading on egg shells a bit and putting that amount of effort into saying the right things to him was a bit of a drain. The other case was with a youngster who plays cricket at my club, who I brought through a few years ago and is one of the nicest people I've ever met but has always been unnaturally quiet and he opened up to me about his anxiety issues (which unlike with the first guy were already being dealt with elsewhere). It broke my heart, not only because I'm so fond of him, but because in his case there was not a lot I could really do other than sympathise and keep asking him how he is, so here we are.

    - Still living at home, fat, single etc. But you know what? Life could be worse.

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    Becoming a dad is naturally the stand out. It's cheesy as anything, but on shit days, her face makes me feel a lot happier, screaming shitbag or no.
    Managed another year in teaching and thus have marginally increased my earnings.
    Rebuilt some of the walls in the house and decorated the nursery between myself, father in law and brother in law. I quite enjoy the challenge of DIY.
    Have lost a bit of weight recently. Up until 5/6 years ago I was a steady 11/12 st. I hit 16 recently and decided to make some changes, back nearer 15 now.

    Work is very up and down. I go through phases of looking for jobs outside teaching but having no idea what to do instead, and not wanting to give up on the profession just yet. Sometimes I feel like I'm just not very good.
    Money is tight. It's not the end of the world but it'd be nice to not have quite so much debt. Still, these are the choices we made.
    Swindon are back to being shit again. Still, that is the norm at least.

  10. #10
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    It's still great and I feel very fortunate to be able to do it for a living. Will be bordering on around 2500 bets placed this year and my return has been more or less what I aim for. September & October were my first loss-making months since I went "full time", they were pretty shit considering how much time I spend sitting at my desk. I've become much better at signing out and switching off from it though, which I'm pleased with.

    Closing in on five years with M and it's still all good, though there have been a few struggles. Medication is making her mental health issues manageable but I don't know what the long term game is. She's fairly directionless at the moment and I'm not really sure what the future holds for her employment wise, I'm pretty bad at hiding my frustration at times which makes me feel like a horrid guy mostly. She's great anyway and I can't see myself wanting to be with anyone else.

    I posted about my brother last weekend. He is utterly self destructive and I hate myself for having buried my head in the sand about it. I have no idea what to do and it has fucked me up. My great uncle (great guy) being diagnosed with Alzheimer's is another absolute shitter. My parents are plodding along mostly okay I think, them being in the middle of nowhere in Greece is definitely getting harder with time, generally only see them for 10-15 days a year.

    I've gotten back into staying out until 8am a bit too often which I'm really not a fan of, I'm quite aware of my body telling me to stop being a prat in the aftermath. My social circle is good but I wish it didn't still revolve around partying. My diet is good but I don't get enough excercise, and I have a collection of weird symptoms which I'm waiting to get figured out.

    Other bits:
    +Went on a great holiday to Greece and Spain with girlfriend and had a fun week in central Europe on my own
    +Happy to have got back into listening to loads of music. Been to some great gigs.
    +Enjoying cooking, have made some delicious things
    -Still in Glasgow
    -I'm still bad at maintaining relationships, which isnt very good given that people I like are only dispersing themselves further.

    A hard one to rate really. Doing well on a personal level but the people nearest to me have largely had a shitter. It would have been an 8/10 ten days ago.

  11. #11
    Senior Member Spikey M's Avatar
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    Well, the good definitely outweighs the bad.

    Had a baby daughter.
    Bought a bigger house.
    Got a better paying job on a permanent basis.

    My Dad got cancer
    I have no time for the gym so I got fat
    I see my friends less than I used to.

    On the whole, a very good year.

  12. #12
    Senior Member niko_cee's Avatar
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    +new baby (3rd)
    +new house

    - no male heir
    - last remaining grandparent probably going to expire over Christmas
    - bad back

  13. #13
    Administrator Kikó's Avatar
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    It's been a pretty good year
    + Married in July
    + Turned permanent in my job after contracting for a while
    + Travelled loads for work so saw India for the first time (the Taj is incredible), back to America with the missus visiting New York with me, Channel islands and meeting Cearles , and Berlin
    + Family and friends remain healthy (the father in law managed to shake off cancer)

    - I stuck to my Italian but it's pretty much got no further as I don't have anywhere to practice with. Hoping to get on a course this year
    - not made much progress yet on where to live and move next after London
    - lost a friend really before my wedding who has just been too cowardly to talk to me after he couldn't come to the wedding. He still hasn't said congratulations or a hello despite not turning up. Piss poor really.

  14. #14
    Senior Member Offshore Toon's Avatar
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    You went to Jersey?!

  15. #15
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    Technically I've completely turned my life around but I was in such a hole of debt and depravity before hand that I'm only just breaking even. 2017 to be the #yearofphonics

  16. #16
    Administrator Kikó's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Offshore Toon View Post
    You went to Jersey?!
    And Guernsey.

  17. #17
    Senior Member Manc's Avatar
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    - Experienced the break up of my life. Went into a bit of hole for a few months.
    - Three homes in a year. Major hassle.
    - Lost touch with old friends.
    - Struggling to make new connections.

    + Two promotions at work, I'm flying.
    + Still vegetarian, feel much healthier as a result.
    + Learning to live with myself.
    + Meditation is keeping me balanced.
    + Family bonds are stronger than ever.

    I suspect I'll look back at this year as a huge turning point, but for the most part it's been a shitter. 5.5/10

  18. #18
    Senior Member Manc's Avatar
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    - Pigeon killer. 5/10

  19. #19
    Senior Member Adamski's Avatar
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    + my daughter was born late 2015 so I'll count her as a massive positive for this year. Totally life changing but very rewarding and worth it.
    + managing to clear down a significant amount of debt, should be almost fully clear and very comfortable this time next year.
    + eventually escaped my hellish but well paid job in July. Loving the new place, good pay rise, much better work/life balance and more in line with product development which is where my passion lies
    + two awesome holidays, to Lanzarote and New York with a great little trip to Harrogate/York inbetween

    Not many negatives this year, would like to shift some weight early next year in time for summer holidays but not too concerned.

    Started smoking when I'm drinking again but it's relatively easy for me to knock on the head.

    I'll go for a 9/10

  20. #20
    Senior Member Offshore Toon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kikó View Post
    And Guernsey.
    I've never been to Guernsey. You spent much time in Jersey or just popped over for the day? Which finance sector are you in?

  21. #21
    Administrator Kikó's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Offshore Toon View Post
    I've never been to Guernsey. You spent much time in Jersey or just popped over for the day? Which finance sector are you in?
    2 days on both islands. Enjoyed both actually. I'm not in trusts.

  22. #22
    mischamischaracterisation Dquincy's Avatar
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    I'd give my year a 7 over 10.

  23. #23
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    + Traveled more than ever, to England, Scotland, Chicago, Vermont and Montreal with one grandma and Japan with the other. The last two were particularly good, my grandmas are dons.
    + Graduated from high school, got the IB diploma, and accepted to McGill where I'll go next year. My life is on track and I have yet to fuck it up.
    + Taking a year off from school has been a very good decision and I'm about to spend five months on my own in Europe.
    + Really figured out who my friends are (and aren't) and realized just how good friends they actually are. Graduating high school has whittled the number of friends down severely but the ones who have remained are that much closer and there are a few who I think will be friends for life. Very grateful for them.
    + I've matured personally in a few specific ways over the course of this year, the result being that I feel much more grown up and confident in myself than I did a year ago.

    - Grandpa died in June at age 90. He had deteriorated pretty badly but it's still a shit thing.
    - Felt depressed and sort of dead inside for about a month over the summer while we were traveling in the UK. Recovered eventually (by reading On the Road, cliched as fuck) and I haven't felt that way since but it wasn't a good time.
    - Fell in love with one of my best friends, who's also my friend's ex-girlfriend, leading to a big emotional shitshow in which nobody was really happy. Never felt that way about someone before and the circumstances were very difficult. It's come to a head the past couple of weeks and now I've just got to get over her, which will take some time, although going to Europe on my own like a moody fuck is probably the best thing I could do.
    - World politics has taken a toll on everyone's mental health, including mine.
    - Film photography has sort of stalled as it's just too expensive. I'm still shooting rolls of film, now they're just ending up undeveloped in my closet. Not sure what the endgame is, but I guess I could always die in a car crash and find posthumous fame if someone develops them and they're actually good.

    Complicated year. Important but not necessarily enjoyable. 6/10

  24. #24
    Senior Member Boydy's Avatar
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    Make your own dark room.

  25. #25
    Senior Member mugbull's Avatar
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    Spoony ur a good dude. Self aware and smart. I'd be your friend irl.

  26. #26
    Senior Member Adamski's Avatar
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    Because opposites attract?

  27. #27
    Senior Member Spoonsky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mokbull View Post
    Spoony ur a good dude. Self aware and smart. I'd be your friend irl.

    I'm actually in the Bay Area till the 5th if you want to hang out in San Francisco.

  28. #28
    Senior Member mugbull's Avatar
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    Yeah exactly

  29. #29
    Senior Member mugbull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spoonsky View Post

    I'm actually in the Bay Area till the 5th if you want to hang out in San Francisco.
    I get to the Bay Area the 6th. Extend your stay by 2 days

  30. #30
    ram it up your shitpipe Giggles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mokbull View Post
    Spoony ur a good dude. Self aware and smart. I'd be your friend irl.
    I always found him to be a massive twat and that post put a big rubber stamp on it.

  31. #31
    Senior Member Spoonsky's Avatar
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    Love you too Giggles. You can address me directly.

    It's actually been a much better year than 6/10, I've just gotten fucked up about this girl and lost all objectivity recently.

  32. #32
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    +Spent the year with my girlfriend (we met just before Christmas last year so obviously we didn't know what the situation would be at this point).

    +Moved in permanently with my girlfriend, who bought her first house earlier in the year.

    +Left my teaching job at a place I wasn't all that happy in, and got a job at a better school.

    +Holidays to Paris and Venice were great, especially as I spent them with someone else.

    +Generally become more independent and responsible I think. Obviously moving out from my parents place is the biggie, plus more responsibility at work (Year 4 teacher, PE leader, ICT leader, school council leader).

    +Joined a new football team after my old one folded. We're 3rd top of the Bradford premier league which is a decent standard and I'm playing every week.

    -Absolutely shattered, nigh on constantly. It's 90% due to work. It's just too much unfortunately, and the constant 60 hour 7 days a week are taking their toll.

    -My relationship has been affected slightly by the above, to the extent where I'm considering doing something else from September. Still in teaching and most likely supply, but we'll see.

    -Completely fallen out of touch with music, film, reading (for pleasure), going to the gym and other things I used to enjoy. And as much as I love my girlfriend, in many ways we're just not into the same things which can suck (we're into the same things in many other regards).

    -Recently I've had a few twinges that my anxiety (or something mental health related) might be returning.

    I'll have a read of the thread now.

  33. #33
    mischamischaracterisation Dquincy's Avatar
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    This thread is so candid. I feel uncomfortable.

    I'm also in bed.

  34. #34
    ram it up your shitpipe Giggles's Avatar
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    The special fried rice has me near gone also. As soon as I can drop a load I'll be in bed myself.

  35. #35
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    I've tl;dr'd the shit out of it tbh.

  36. #36
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    First family get-together next year's a bloody funeral.

  37. #37
    ram it up your shitpipe Giggles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spikey M View Post
    I've tl;dr'd the shit out of it tbh.
    Nobody ever reads all these. I barely know what was in my own.

  38. #38
    Won the Old Board Lewis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shindig View Post
    First family get-together next year's a bloody funeral.
    That should be a nice surprise for them.

  39. #39
    mischamischaracterisation Dquincy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giggles View Post
    Nobody ever reads all these. I barely know what was in my own.
    You came out as gay (as a positive) but you were bottom raped (as a negative).

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giggles View Post
    The special fried rice has me near gone also. As soon as I can drop a load I'll be in bed myself.
    Have you ever thought of writing poetry?

  41. #41
    ram it up your shitpipe Giggles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dquincy View Post
    You came out as gay (as a positive) but you were bottom raped (as a negative).
    A negative?

    Quote Originally Posted by Adamski View Post
    Have you ever thought of writing poetry?
    Been there, done that.

  42. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dquincy View Post
    You came out as gay (as a positive) but you were bottom raped (as a negative).
    3 full days till the big return eh buddy?

  43. #43
    mischamischaracterisation Dquincy's Avatar
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    Reading through some people's posts, you all have a lot of mental issues. That or you're overweight.

    Didn't appreciate this place was so full of narcissistic messed up people.

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    Shut up you fucking twat.

  45. #45
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    mischamischaracterisation Dquincy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mellberg View Post
    Shut up you fucking twat.
    Which one are you? Fat or mental? Maybe both.

  47. #47
    ram it up your shitpipe Giggles's Avatar
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    In fairness, it's been said before here so he's probably not far off the mark. None of us would be on here if we weren't a bit mental.

    Suppose it's that old TTH special of it's not what's said but who says it that matters.

  48. #48
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    Everyone is fucking weird. We're just not bothered about being mental together.

  49. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giggles View Post
    In fairness, it's been said before here so he's probably not far off the mark. None of us would be on here if we weren't a bit mental.

    Suppose it's that old TTH special of it's not what's said but who says it that matters.

  50. #50
    Senior Member Jimmy Floyd's Avatar
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    The defining characteristic that sets people on this board apart from the average person is we're good (with a few notable exceptions) at expressing ourselves on the page.

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